Have you ever tried, or would you enjoy trying, a concealed wireless remote vibrator in public (club, bar, party) with your lover controlling the remote?
At the suggestion of another Lush member (Thanks Carmi!) I got one of these wireless remote insertible vibrators for my wife and we have done it a few times in public. Wow was that fun!!!! We will be doing it again too!
I would love, love, love to try it with the right person in charge of the remote!!! Definitely on my TO DO list! ;)
Hahaha! Great clip LM!
Yes, I've had some fun with this before. Now, I am sincerely hoping I was more subtle than the girl in that clip!
I had recently read of a couple having an enjoyable night out in a club with the husband giving her an occasional "tickle". She came out of the bathroom, obviously in need of help. As her husband came to her aid, she was slowly sinking to the floor saying "Turn it off, turn the damn thing OFF!".
Looking at his remote, the light was off. Suddenly another lady realized what was happening and told her hubby to check his remote. It had inadvertently been turned on. They had been playing earlier and after she removed it, he had accidentally hit the "on" button.
But it did work out as an interesting way to meet people with something in common.
We have one... my wife enjoys teasing me in public with it. Also, my Mistress has incorporated it into our online play... mmmm...
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
That could be fun, but I prefer if my lover actually rubs me or fingers me while at a club. Love the thrill of maybe being seen
Yeah it's fun. Although not as fun as that video.. haha.
Omg these are soooooo much fun!!! Especially when your lover has control of the remote....damn!!!
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer. ~Swami X
I'm in the market for one right now. Are there any that are more comfortable than others?... More quiet? Any difference between types and brands?
Would love to try. I can't think of anything that would be as exciting as having my lover tease me in such a way without my having any clue as to when it might happen. The suspense would be half the pleasure
I have a pair of remote panties with the egg. I've worn them with my hubby and I 've been out with my girlffriends. Two of my g/f's have remotes and we re constantly teasing each other.
I most highly recommend this. It makes for a great night out!
I plan on getting a remote vibrator for my lover. I will let everyone know how it works out. Sounds like fun. Also, that video of the cashier was hilarious.
This thread has really got my interest. This could be fun.
We have a couple and I love them but hate them!
I don't wear panties or thongs unless I have to.
At Christmas time, Hubby makes me wear my favorite pearl strand thong but has me insert a couple of bullets or eggs that are remote controled.
I get so crazy knowing we can't play but he has the control and drives me crazy with all our families around and it just makes me hornier!
They are great but often need batteries replaced.
sorry! I can't tell you what brand as we've had ours awhile.
But you do need to spend a little more money for ones that work well and last a long time!
We've had ours for years and the remote range is only from across a room. Maybe 25 feet?
Internal vibration doesn't do much for me, so I doubt it would be worthwhile in my case. I agree with Nikki being touched in public is a huge thrill on it's own, so the descretion is actually a draw back for me.
Regardless of what hubby said IC an swear it can be heard loud and clear....
Love playing with the controls and watching her reaction
I would like to get one to try out with my boyfriend. It could be fun!
We got one of the egg types and don't waste your money it stinks can't hardly feel it and the 8 setting wireless controller is useless. Maybe the butterfly type is better?

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! Would love to try it for sure! ;)