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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 70
United States


Quote by trinket
anything that even closely resembles Rap.

That pretty much covers it for me.
A tip of the hat to you Tranquil for taking good care of your friends. You were a true friend to them indeed.
Quote by lustone
Love is giving someone the power to completely destroy you, but trusting them not to.[/ quote]

That definition sure explains why divorces can get real nasty and messy.
I was on a Carnival cruise aboard the Carnaval Paradise about a week before their problem with the fire onboard one of their ships. It was my first cruise and I would like to do another one someday. The food as good, not great, and the crew was friendly and helpful. As a kid I used to get car-sick easily, so I was concerned about getting sea-sick. I wore one of those patches that my Dr. prescribed. After 3 days of not feeling ill at all I didn't put the next one on and I was fine. I didn't realize that most of the motion you feel is the side to side motion, not the front to back motion. One of the other passengers told me he just thought of it as the ship rocking him to sleep at night. I started to think of it that way when I went to bed and I rather enjoyed the sensation.
I hate hangovers. I learned this a long time ago when I was young. My solution was to drink only distilled products and limit my quantity. So, I found that drinking two or three Manhattans (whisky, vermouth, 2 shots of bitters, and a touch of cherry juice or grenadine) I got a nice buzz with no hangover in the morning. I have since become a fan of most any kind of whisky.

I don't drink beer or wine at all. In my opinion fermented alcohols produce nasty hangovers.

That said, I think I'll go pour myself a nice single malt scotch on the rocks.
Glad you're here Magnuson! Lots of great stories and wonderful people sharing here in the forums. I visit everyday to see what's on lushies minds. Not sure what time zone you're in up there in the Great White North, but based on the time listed when I posted something, I also assume this site is based in the UK.
I'd go with Jean Harlow. A platinum blonde beauty with a sassy attitude. I thought she was hot from the first time I saw her in "Dinner at Eight" when I was a kid.
Wait until you're my age and have to take meds to bring down your blood pressure. Takes a bit longer to cum.
I would agree that you are lucky that she was the one to bring up the subject. She obviously cares about your relationship. Light some candles, pour a glass of wine, tell her how much she means to you and then ask her what you can do to please her.
Could be a number of causes. Stress, a physical problem, etc. I would suggest seeing a doctor for a complete physical.
Thankfully I never picked up the habit myself. My daughter did smoke for quite a few years and then stopped when she became pregnant. She said it was one of the hardest things she has ever done. I am proud of her for quitting. And a tip of the hat to all of you that have quit or are trying to quit. Don't give up, you can do it. Good Luck!
By all means, ask him out. I think most men like a woman that knows what she wants and is confident enough to go after it.
No, not so much. I'd rather devote all my attention on the reality that is in front of me, or under me, or on top of me.
I agree, they were better tasting years ago. The sponge cake tasted more like pound cake back then.

If you are craving a Twinkie or Ho Ho, don't despair. There is a bid for that portion of their business in bankruptcy court. Hostess has already sold their Wonder Bread, Beefstake Rye, etc. bread business.

Twinkies will rise again!
Ouch, the Hawks drop one to Anaheim. Oh well, you can't win them all.
I don't like to say "Good-bye". Instead I use Steve McQueen's exit line from one of my favorite movies, Bullit, "Take it slow"

So "Take it slow" eveyone, I'm off to bed.
Ass crack on a woman - definitely OK with me. On a man - not so much.
Fortunately I never had to. With the terrible economic situation here in the US I can understand how many people in their 20's have to live at home. They can't find work and have large student loans to pay. Both my kids were able to find full time employment upon graduation in fields they studied in college.
Hawks beat the Ducks (what a terrible name for a hockey team) 5 to 2 for their 3rd victory in a row. Another winning streak starts? I sure hope so.
Welcome aboard! You'll like it here. Lots of nice people, many of whom have a great sense of humor. I've only been here a few months and it has been fun.
Looks like the Hawks are back on track. 2 wins after the 2 losses. Latest win was a 8 to 1 beat down of Dallas. Keep the wins coming.
Here in Chicago we dye the river green and add green food coloring to our beer for a day or two. So, here's to ya on St. Patricks Day!