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CALLING ALL LUSH MEMBERS - I need a hangover cure.

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Scarlet Seductress
I'm not a regular drinker but after a couple of weeks of college stress I medically needed a night out.
Clubs, hip-hop music, Jack Daniel's - it's all a painful blur...
If anyone has any decent hangover cures I would be very grateful.
I woke up this morning and almost collapsed in shock when I looked in the mirror. A TATTOO!?!? What the fu...
It turned out to be the name 'Clare' and a mobile number scrawled onto my left boob with a marker pen - no idea who she is, what she looks like or how it got there.
Should probably ring her later and find out lol.
Anyway, hangover cures or humorous drunk musings - fire away!

The last track I remember the DJ playing:
Active Ink Slinger
Coconut water works ever time....island trick for hangovers
my newest :)
Gingerbread Lover

I don't have any funny stories, sorry. One bottle of Bud and I can't stop giggling. Two, and I can't walk straight.
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Head Nurse
Call her!

I always eat some left over pizza, drink a beer, and head back to sleep!
Water or juice, greasy fried food, and sleep. SLEEP above all.

But now I'm curious about this girl! Call her!!
Active Ink Slinger
Lizz; when I drank, I smashed up aspirin, Thinking it would be absorbed into the blood stream quicker.. now I can't remember if it really worked or not.. but it will not hurt..

I had a lot of "BLACK OUTS"Some scary...Don't remember leaving a party in Seattle, woke up not knowing where I was, But the room looked familiar ..
What a shock; Mom came in & asked what I was doing home. Drove 264 miles 7 not aware of any thing... Sadly was involved in a head on collision while drag racing, 1969 st0pped drinking..
Artistic Tart
A prescription pain pill (hydrocodone, oxycontin) will knock it out singlehandedly. Short of that, I take four ibuprofens, drink a bunch of water, and nap if possible.
Quote by LadyX
A prescription pain pill (hydrocodone, oxycontin) will knock it out singlehandedly. Short of that, I take four ibuprofens, drink a bunch of water, and nap if possible.

Add one or two vitamin B12's and you're golden!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Clever Gem
Hair of the dog....have another drink.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lizzy94
I'm not a regular drinker but after a couple of weeks of college stress I medically needed a night out.
Clubs, hip-hop music, Jack Daniel's - it's all a painful blur...
If anyone has any decent hangover cures I would be very grateful.
I woke up this morning and almost collapsed in shock when I looked in the mirror. A TATTOO!?!? What the fu...
It turned out to be the name 'Clare' and a mobile number scrawled onto my left boob with a marker pen - no idea who she is, what she looks like or how it got there.
Should probably ring her later and find out lol.
Anyway, hangover cures or humorous drunk musings - fire away!

I bet its the Hip-Hop music making you feel sick, not the Jack Daniels, LOL!

I have something that usually works for me but the key is that you have to do it before you go to sleep!!

If I wake up with a hangover, I usually go for a run and it seems to help me. If that doesnt work, start drinking again! HAHA

Please let us know if you call Clare!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LadyX
A prescription pain pill (hydrocodone, oxycontin) will knock it out singlehandedly. Short of that, I take four ibuprofens, drink a bunch of water, and nap if possible.

This is what I do before I go to bed. Works 9 out of 10 times for me!!

if that doesn't work

Scarlet Seductress
Lush mega-combo!!!
Went for an amalgamation, so thank you very much: Delphi (for the juice), Loves4Play (for the Aspirin) and Dudealicious (for the B12)
Lizzy is back on form!

As you are all so curious, I have just got off the phone with Clare.
Approximate Phone Transcript (from memory):

Clare: "Hello?"

Liz: "Oh hi, is that Clare?"

Clare: "Yes. Who's that?"

Liz: "My name is Liz. I think we met in a club last night..."

Clare: "Oh hi! How are you?"

Liz: "I'm good thanks. Little hungover, but good."

Clare: "I was wondering if you would call. It was a good night last night, you found my number then." Giggles

Liz: "Erm, yeah." Laughing "Thanks for that."

Clare: "It was my pleasure." Sultry, sexy voice. "Listen, I'm sorry I can't chat right now but I have to shoot off. Can I call you tonight? I'd love to see you again."

Liz: "Sure. Please do."

Clare: "Bye for now beautiful."

So, looks like I have myself a date.
Active Ink Slinger
Lizzy; Good For you, & thank you for sharing.. HAVE FUN..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Liz

So, looks like I have myself a date.

Congratulations! I was expecting you to coma back saying that the name was supposed to have been "Clarence", but he passed out before he finished.
Active Ink Slinger
I know im a little bit late for my recipe, but for me the perfect hangover cure is:

1. As soon as you wake up, a very cold Gatorade
2. Call for some chinesse food
3. While eating the chinesse food, watch a Disney movie

Its a 100% effective for me!

Good luck with Clare hopefully she is as sexy as her voice LOL
Active Ink Slinger
The best thing I can say to beat a hangover is to drink as much water as booze. That helps to keep you hydrated and take down the worst of the hangover.

Congrats on the date, by the way. How did it go?
the best cure is prevention lol
Active Ink Slinger
MsTara mmmmmmmmmm
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Liz
Lush mega-combo!!!
Went for an amalgamation, so thank you very much: Delphi (for the juice), Loves4Play (for the Aspirin) and Dudealicious (for the B12)
Lizzy is back on form!

As you are all so curious, I have just got off the phone with Clare.
Approximate Phone Transcript (from memory):

Clare: "Hello?"

Liz: "Oh hi, is that Clare?"

Clare: "Yes. Who's that?"

Liz: "My name is Liz. I think we met in a club last night..."

Clare: "Oh hi! How are you?"

Liz: "I'm good thanks. Little hungover, but good."

Clare: "I was wondering if you would call. It was a good night last night, you found my number then." Giggles

Liz: "Erm, yeah." Laughing "Thanks for that."

Clare: "It was my pleasure." Sultry, sexy voice. "Listen, I'm sorry I can't chat right now but I have to shoot off. Can I call you tonight? I'd love to see you again."

Liz: "Sure. Please do."

Clare: "Bye for now beautiful."

So, looks like I have myself a date.

Sounds great! Thanks for sharing and hope the hangover wasnt too bad. For future reference a few ibuprofens and a big glass of water before bed does wonders!
Active Ink Slinger
The best hangover cure is medical oxygen.

Hangover headache is caused by dehydration of the brain, drinking 3 or 4 glasses of water right before bedtime will prevent or lessen hangover.
I am Magnus a single man, straight, 55.
Active Ink Slinger
I only drink when Im alone or with somebody.
I am Magnus a single man, straight, 55.
Active Ink Slinger
I hate hangovers. I learned this a long time ago when I was young. My solution was to drink only distilled products and limit my quantity. So, I found that drinking two or three Manhattans (whisky, vermouth, 2 shots of bitters, and a touch of cherry juice or grenadine) I got a nice buzz with no hangover in the morning. I have since become a fan of most any kind of whisky.

I don't drink beer or wine at all. In my opinion fermented alcohols produce nasty hangovers.

That said, I think I'll go pour myself a nice single malt scotch on the rocks.
Active Ink Slinger
I only drink enuff beers to get a good buzz then I stop.
And I only do that about once a month at the most.
But I can drink beers with whiskey till Im falling down drunk and I dont get a hangover.

But I dont get too drunk on wine thats a good way to get a hangover.
I am Magnus a single man, straight, 55.
Active Ink Slinger
KFC's potatoes and Gravy. Works every time.

Learnt early on in life to drink two glasses of water to every alcohol drink. Friends would laugh at me. but 1. I drank slower, 2 less hangovers and 3 never made a mess of myself like others.
Oh all right I was the Prissy one whom ensured her friends got home safe.
Active Ink Slinger
A tip of the hat to you Tranquil for taking good care of your friends. You were a true friend to them indeed.
Best thing to do is either stop before you get too messed up, which sometimes is impossible and I may not be the best person to give hangover cures because I don't get hangovers, even after a really heavy session of grotesque drinkage, but there's always the option to just keep drinking the next day, get a bit tipsy and allow it to wear off. That'll take the edge off, or so I hear.
A "Hair of the Dog"...(bloody Mary) YUM!!
Active Ink Slinger
Try Fernebranca or fernette in U.S.A. Works everytime 4me.