I luv all kinds of sex&am happy 2 try anything once.luv 3 or4somesspanking,prostate massage,giving the lady the best Gspot cum&keep her going while i control&keep her squrting till she is fucked.mmm.please,dont,send me 1 liner messages@all.i try not 2&usually dont,so find them a waste of time&rather pointless.thats what kidps do texting.
Interests Travel.authers,poems,sex.
Favorite Books 1flew over the cukoos nest the Serpintine&the Lives&crimes of Charles Sohbrage.
Favorite Authors Kipling,johsive Conrad&the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok where all fame authors stayed on THE RIVER OF KINGS as Kipling quoted.
Favorite Movies Same&many more. e
Favorite Music Pink floyd,manfred man,quicksilver messenger service, etc