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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 61
0 miles · England


Active Ink Slinger
The fact that he hasn't deleted you from his FB account could indicate that he has still feelings for you. He knows deleting you would be the final act .He may need more thinking time . This is just guesswork on my part on how I would react in a similar situation so please don't build your hopes up.

I hope you can get some answers soon as you need perhaps closure so that you can move on.
Good luck.
Active Ink Slinger
The cat decided to jump on us in the heat of the moment .
Active Ink Slinger
I have been approached at bars by Bisexual or gay guys enquiring if I was. However, I am straight as I cant find anything sexually attractive about my own body let alone another guys although I keep myself fit and toned . A guys body to me including my own is more functional . A woman's body however is a thing of beauty with all of those gentle curves and I can understand why some women are bisexual and/or lesbians .
Active Ink Slinger
I am ExLovehoney but use a different username .Can't say I have seen you before but welcome and hope you stick around,
Active Ink Slinger
I am not sure that I would be able to identify some of my Exces. I have been with my current partner now for 30 years so doing the maths ,my most recent Ex would have been of 30 plus years ago. Women often look different to how they did 30 years ago.
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with Verbal.Once he has come around to his senses ,I would try to arrange a dinner out and then perhaps you can sort out differences in a relaxed atmosphere. Unless you know what the problem is it is going to be difficult to sort .

Good luck
Active Ink Slinger
I think its fair to say that the ladies tend to be better at using it and reading it than some of us guys. I was caught on a hook on Saturday night whilst in a Cabaret Nightclub . This very attractive lady with exceptional laser blue eyes held me in her gaze for about 5 seconds and then did 2 slow winks and held me there for another 3 seconds before I broke free and returned a smile . I visited the Gents to search my memory banks as I did know this person. When I returned she was busy chatting away to my wife. She works part time at the post office where I post my invoices . She looked totally different in the night club environment. She was with her own partner as well so I hadn't had chance on finding out what her intentions were that night.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes when I was in my final year at school . We had a very attractive Geography teacher who used to wear very tight trousers. It was her who got me into appreciating VPL and female rears if being honest . I don't think I was alone , I think many of the other guys fantasised about this teacher as well. This was probably my only teacher crush.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by amy221
Gee, I think both sexes do that, I sure check out men and women. black1 you should be pleased if your wife sees other women checking you out, might make her appreciate what she has, and they only wish for. My X loved for other men to check me out, of course as it turned out, and why he's X, is that I was a great beard for an aspiring politician.

I agree entirely with you on that one. However my wife is the sort who feels a little threatened if she sees another woman taking an interest in me. Despite my attempts at trying to allay her fears she has always had the thought that I am in a higher league than her. And for the record it was her who originally did all the running to get me via a mutual friend . This is of course all nonsense but its difficult in trying to convince her. I do welcome the attention if being honest as I do take pride in my appearance .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by kinky_girl
For me it comes down to choice and being in control.

I'm a naturist, I'm a lifelong member of a naturist club and I am very comfortable being naked in front of other people in this setting, at other clubs, beaches...

If however someone walked in on me changing/ naked/ my skirt blew up etc. then I wouldn't be as happy.

If I choose to be naked then that's fine, I've opted that anyone can look. Whereas someone catching a glimpse feels like I'm not in control of the situation, like I've been taken advantage of or stripped of my freedom.

I sort of understand that point of view now . Its a case of exposing flesh on your terms in the right company and not as a result of an accident .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by theotherwayisup
I don't even really hide that I do it. Why not, men do it to me all the time. Seems fair.

As a guy I agree. I do get a lot of attention from ladies and I don't mind at all if they are looking at me. The only thing I wish for is if they would be a little more respectful if I am accompanied by my Mrs. Most generally are but a few are not .
Active Ink Slinger
Open Relationships are fine and isn't cheating . This is something that is normally discussed and stated at the outset of the core relationship forming. Therefore both partners should be in agreement.

If someone is cheating then a way to deal with it is to find out why this happened. It could be that one party of the relationship has been neglected for example sex or taken for granted. Therefore discussion and counselling could be the way forward if the core relationship is worth saving . This is sometimes the case especially if kids are involved.
Active Ink Slinger
Obviously I would just say a polite "Hello" but in the main they are Exces for a reason .

There is only one that I could reignite feelings for and that was for my first ever girlfriend. We never really "finished" as such but her fathers job took her to the opposite side of the country. Back then you didn't have the technology of today whereby long distance relationships can flourish. Out of around 20 previous partners she is the only exception .
Active Ink Slinger
A very good question.

Not really and neither would I ask for one. IMO and I dare say others will have differing views but my view is, its just a licence to "cheat ". The problem could arise if it goes beyond the "night of passion" as emotions could be at play. This could place pressure on the core relationship .

I just think there are perhaps, "safer" alternatives to managing different sex drives such as the use of toys .

I think giving a hall pass is risky .
Active Ink Slinger
Well I was handcuffed to a table during a role play when my Mrs played the part of the cop if that counts. She is normally the submissive so it was a pleasant change .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by LYFBUZ
Agree with above, I think a too rapid weight loss tends to lead to slackened skin tone, especially if its a lot of weight. On the other hand regular exercise is going to improve skin tone and chances are the person would be eating better as well which also improves skin tone.

That sounds to me that I did my weight loss in a correct manner . 6.5 stone over 4 years. If being honest some of that was time lost due to mistakes as there is a lot of conflicting advice out there . I also agree about the skin tone as I have really good skin for my age and no wrinkles.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by RikkiSue
Let's face it, teasing can be lots of fun and the strategic use of breasts is part of the game. I am a very touchy kind of girl so it can be lots of fun to allow my modestly sized boobs to participate in this sport

You ladies also make it look unintentional as well and good at making it look that way. Literally in my case I was pinned to the bar as it was 6 people deep and she made it look as though it was the people behind her that forced her into this position.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lauradj
Someone I used to work with lost a whole heap of weight one summer. She was never what I would have considered 'fat' or 'overweight' or whatever else you wish to call it, she was a healthy weight, but I digress. She lost a shit-tonne of weight and now, if anything, she looks so much older, especially in the face. She's very gaunt in the face. She's almost skeletal now, too skinny and not healthy looking if anything. I don't know her life, I'm not judging her, but in some cases there is such a thing as too much weight lost.

Nature can be cruel . Unfortunately we can't dictate on specific areas as to were the weight needs to be lost from. I had a lot of weight in my face but not quite enough for a double chin . Luckily for me this is an area were I lost weight , which brought my face in so to speak. This is what made me look younger but I also started taking more pride in the way I look as well which also helped. I lost 6 and a half stone over a period of 4 years and now at the upper end of my ideal weight at 12st 3 pounds. Being at the upper end prevented me looking too thin and that skeletal look .
Active Ink Slinger
You have to be careful on the choker situation. I raised this point in the "En Vogue" section . As its now quite a fashionable accessory at the moment with ladies the choker isn't going to be a good indicator .Normally its just getting talking to people that you find out.
Active Ink Slinger
Most cases yes. But if she has spent all afternoon drinking coffee , it can taste a little bitter down there. I have heard pineapple juice sweetens things up but believe large quantities would need to be consumed to have the desired effect .
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by RikkiSue
One of the advantages of not wearing panties is no lines

Well that does spoil guessing the undies game
Active Ink Slinger
Thanks for responding .Cant honestly say I have seen the latter . Most people I have seen do look younger after losing weight . But its like anything else , it is possible to go too far and lose too much weight. The part I found most difficult was when I reached my target and trying to just maintain my new existing weight as my diet at that time was geared up for losing weight.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by RikkiSue
Body odor and dirty clothes

I agree 100% . I think though its more of a problem with some of us guys especially the former . The body odour is more noticeable in summer when it gets quite hot and there is very little or no air circulation .
Active Ink Slinger
Its not really a sex/relationship question but its a "Ask the Girls" type question. My OH couldn't give me a definitive answer to this and its something I have wanted to know for some time now .

If a lady gets caught being seen in her underwear, her normal reaction is to quickly cover up . However some ladies are quite comfortable walking about say on a beach in public view ,wearing just a skimpy bikini or swim suit with more flesh exposed . So what is the difference here ?

Also as regards guys , some of you ladies would normally prefer a guy ( even with a decent body) to wear a pair of shorts around a pool or again beach setting instead of a pair of skimpy trunks ( budgie smugglers) . So why is that or is it a case of more is less ?

Active Ink Slinger
I have been on the receiving end in a busy local bar .
Active Ink Slinger
Not if there is a risk of being seen by children . Also if in a foreign country you need to be aware of the laws in that country .
Active Ink Slinger
If it is a fantasy as AliceDee suggested above ,then if your boundaries with your partner allow it you could act this out in a role play setting. We do a lot of role playing and it does add another dimension in our relationship.
Active Ink Slinger
Well no, your not alone. One of the reason I responded is that I am on the receiving end.

There are 2 ladies that go to the same nightclub( over 30s) as me and my Mrs every Saturday. Both have got a school girl type crush on me and my Mrs is watching them like a hawk and ready to pounce should they try and take things further . The difference between these ladies and yourself is that they as far as I know both are single and your not .At end of the day they are both wasting their time even though one would be my type. This has been going on now for 6 months and the other 3 months . Sometimes it can be a little unnerving knowing someone is watching every move you make . Not quite as bad as stalking though.