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The Bookstore, Ch. 9

Marie spends another night with him, then is taken home...for now.

Marie was still straddling him, eyes closed and trying to catch her breath, her body still shuddering with the pleasure of her final orgasm, when he pushed her off his lap and onto the floor. With her arms still cinched behind her she had no way to stop her fall or brace herself for the impact, and she cried out as she fell. She landed flat on her back, wrenching her shoulders painfully in the process, and cried out a sec...

The Bookstore, Ch. 8

Marie is allowed to come...but then is not allowed to stop.

Marie felt wretched. While he was gone, it had been easy to nurture her feelings of resentment towards him for leaving her alone all day, tied up and bored, and suffering acutely from her unsatisfied lust. As the long day had worn on, her jaw aching more by the hour, her stomach growling, her body cold and bruised and her head more often than not in one of his toilets, Marie's frustration had grown and grown. She'd even s...

The Bookstore, Ch. 7

Marie is left alone to clean his house - in shackles and ballgag

One hour later, Marie was feeling decidedly cranky. Her wrists were cuffed securely to her collar, held there by short lengths of chain, so that her hands dangled impotently at the level of her shoulders. Her ankles were hobbled by an 18-inch length of chain, enough slack that she could walk around, but only by taking ridiculous, mincingly short steps. And there was an uncomfortably large ball gag in her mouth, pulled cru...

The Bookstore, Ch. 6

The following morning Marie receives further training.

Marie awoke with a start. This was a shock in itself, as usually for her the transition from sleep to waking was a slow, drifting affair filled with vague half-dreams which vanished as soon as she opened her eyes. This time she went from sweet non-existence to wide-eyed alertness with a gasp and inadvertently tried to sit up......Only to have every joint and muscle in her body shriek with pain and stiffness, and she groan...

The Bookstore, Ch. 5

Marie is brought to his home and used mercilessly.

All night? His words reverberated in Marie's mind. Did he mean he was going to let her spend the night with him? She fervently wished he would. She so badly wanted him to hold her...and maybe he'd fuck her again, for longer this time—for real, if she could manage not to come the second his cock entered her.She was so out of control with him, so dizzyingly emotional, reduced to a sobbing wreck one minute, on top of the wor...

The Bookstore, Ch. 4

Marie is collared, strapped down and paddled in the 'toy' store.

He made her put the collar on herself. He showed her how to open the clasp with the Allen key and watched her fix the steel band around her neck. It fit perfectly—snug against her skin but not tight enough to constrict her breathing in any way. He pocketed the key and just watched her as she knelt at his feet, feeling the collar with her hands and getting used to its weight. After a quiet, tense minute, during which he wa...

The Bookstore, Ch. 3

Marie is taken to a 'toy' store and is given a collar.

Every streetlight made Marie cringe. It took all her willpower not to scrunch down in the seat, but she held her position, sitting up straight with her hands behind her head. She was trembling. She looked at him beseechingly, pleading with her eyes, but he kept his eyes on the road.They stopped at a red light. He turned to her and said, "Spread your legs."The words sent a pulsing, hot rush of lust straight to Marie's puss...

The Bookstore, Ch. 2

Marie returns to the bookstore as she was ordered.

The day was endless and agonizing for Marie. She'd been tempted to stay in bed. Surely, if she went to class and work and followed her normal routine, everyone who crossed her path would somehow be able to tell that she'd been a very, very naughty girl the night before. Recalling her behavior made Marie groan and bury her head under the covers.There was no way she could blame anyone but herself—he'd made sure of that. No,...

The Bookstore, Ch. 1

Marie is caught reading erotica in a bookstore by the owner.

She thought, for perhaps the tenth time since getting into the car, Just play it cool, but the more she admonished herself to act natural, the more self-conscious she got. When she parked her car at the bookstore and got out, she looked like any other undergrad with her backpack, jeans, and flip flops, bent on a night of study at the Barnes & Noble. No one had any reason to look at her—but she couldn't help feeling that e...

Slave Night

Anita's workplace-stress can only be relieved by an evening of complete submission to her husband.

Sometimes Anita’s job made her absolutely crazy. It was mostly the boss’s fault.  The boss was the kind of person who had to micromanage everything and everyone, who couldn’t trust anyone to get a single detail correct and so was constantly looking over the shoulders of every employee, sometimes literally breathing down their necks. But there was little that Anita could do about it.  This was because she was, in fact, the...

Geek Girl Cleans Up

A bookstore shoplifter pays for her crime...and really enjoys it.

She'd been coming into the bookstore I managed for a long time, always heading directly to the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section. She looked like a typical fantasy-freak—someone who spoke fluent Elvish and could quote chapter and verse from every Star Trek/Star Wars script and Harry Potter book ever written. She wore glasses, brown hair in braids on either side of her head; a black tank-top, baggy jeans and Doc Martens. If you looke...

Bird and the Blonde

A strangely preoccupied young woman makes Bird’s boring day at work a lot more interesting.

Bird was hungry and his feet hurt.  His feet always hurt on Saturdays and Sundays, when he worked the register at Walmart.  He hated the job, hated that he never had time to just hang out all weekend like his friends at college, hated that he needed even the pitiful income that he made there just to stay in school.  But he especially hated standing all day on his size-thirteen feet (which, along with his pathetically skin...

The Spanking Stories - #4: Red, or The Temp Tempted

Lin tries to sexually tease her co-worker, with unexpected results.

The last thing Jack had said to her before he left was, “Red is a good a color for you.” Lin had puzzled over this remark, and the ironic smile that had accompanied it, for the entire subway ride home. Because she hadn’t been wearing anything red at the time. Or so she’d thought. It wasn’t until much later, when she was undressing for bed, that she realized what he’d meant: Her panties. Oh God. Lin Kanazawa didn’t think o...

The Spanking Stories #3: Shhh!

A shy librarian has her life shaken up.

Theresa was born to be a librarian, and she knew it. Even as a child she’d been obsessive about orderliness and organization. Every toy had its place, and her books were always alphabetized and upright on their shelves. If she was reading in bed at night, before she turned out the lights she placed a bookmark between the pages, got up and put the book back in its place on the shelf. Otherwise she couldn’t sleep. Her mothe...

The Spanking Stories - #2: Memento Morey

Major Susan B. Anthony discovers the joys of submission.

Too many ironies, thought Susan, drunkenly. Too damn many ironies for one day.She reached for the bottle on her desk, but her hand went where the bottle wasn’t and only succeeded in knocking it into the wastebasket.Hell with it.She folded her arms on the desk and let her head fall heavily onto them as she began to weep again. Too damn many ironies for one life…First of all, the name: Susan B. Anthony. Major Susan B. Antho...