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Over 90 days ago
Heteroflexible Male, 76
0 miles · California


Active Ink Slinger
Quote by CheifPussyPop
Damn you guys put a lot of thought in to all this. And now I feel kind of dumb because I just came here to find a nice girl to lick my balls and throat my dick.

PM Jack. He has connections.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by patokl
You have a point. But then, it's their decisions that cause the feeling of injustice triggering all these threads. And to those that claim, only a few care about it, I'd say look at the poll. It barely exists two days, and already over 45 people have voted thus far. Compared to the number of members, that may be very few, but if you look at the number of active posters in the Think Tank, which is what this is all about, it probably is a pretty fair representation. Of those voters, 54%, an absolute majority, agree that trolling should not be allowed.

Ironically I would have thought the percentage would have been higher. I don't believe anyone disputes that trolling should not be allowed. The dispute is the subjective interpretation of what trolling is versus poking you with a stick.

There is a big difference between showing your gun and firing it. Again, having heated discussions often involve tempers and momentary lapses of judgement. An open forum will also involve some caustic personalities and people you will never invite to Thanksgiving dinner. But just because they are a pain in the ass sometimes and often very awkward to communicate with, it doesn't constitute trolling as I see it. Methinx you may see it differently. Gotta love debate.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by patokl
Nobody was dragged into this thread. Everyone who added to it, chose to do so by his/her own free will.

Well, I would suggest that being criticized and/or suggested that in some manner they were remiss in their responsibilities, and then having them post a rebuttal, could more likely be considered being dragged in as opposed to free will. Even if such initial original maker comments were later better qualified.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

Um no.

If a certain mod starts pretending to be Kelly Price again I'll drag her cat fishing ass all over the forum.

You are a dynamic personality with a lot of spirit Jack. I'm not sure why Kelly Price was an issue to be addressed. A breeze will lift a kite. A hurricane will knock it down. I would put money down that if you focused all of that energy you could keep kites flying all over this place.
Active Ink Slinger
Entertainment at its finest. Watching all of you is like watching chaos swirl down a funnel and pour out this amazing kaleidoscope of colors and tastes. Like siblings fighting over a favorite toy or wetting the bed and blaming the other. But in the end most of you would give the shirt off your back if needed.

In the brave new world of internet anonymity there will always be pretenders, always be trolls, and always be those of us who wish their lives could be as they want it and not how it really is. In every orgy someone always has to be a butt plug. That's life. Imagine how dull the orgy would be without at least one butt plug.

So here's my take. Keep your comments in the forums and it's all give and take. Bring it to my PM and it will become an issue. That is much different.

One last request.. can we PLEASE all agree to stop dragging the mods into the threads as if they somehow are responsible for every hurt feeling or perceived insult since the beginning of time. If anyone gets a pass, it's them.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to post in the forums a lot back in the day. Now I mostly read and hover silently a pace or two into the shadows. I enjoy the rich pageantry of people at their best and at their not so best. I see strengths and weaknesses in all of you. I long ago recognized my own. We are imperfect carbon based life forms designed to copulate, dominate or submit. It is those 3 criteria that control nearly every interaction. The words we use in these forums twist and twine within those criteria and often become subjective and wrongly interpreted. The lack of eye contact and body language also interferes with the intended meaning of our words. Thus, I have chosen to reside in quiet shadows as opposed to enduring the blinding flashes of rattling sabers.

My answer to the OP is no, I don't venture into the forums much anymore. But when I do, I come in peace, with a simple caution. The old bear still has some bite left.
Active Ink Slinger
Always honest.. blunt but never cruel.. and give space for the other party to react the same.. the point is to listen.. I don't speak to hear myself talk.. I already know what I'm thinking..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Magical_felix

I wonder how many online scammers and con artists are writing down the names of the people offering condolences in this thread. "Dear so and so, my poor lesbian girlfriend, who I cured with my penis, died yesterday right before we were supposed to do our very first video chat. Unfortunately we were very poor and don't have money for a proper funeral like she deserves. Any little bit helps. Please, so we can just get past this tragedy. When her life insurance kicks in I will send you back 200 for every 100 you can donate. God bless. heart"


Being a sick puppy to Felix the rancid cat.. this is cold-blooded.. harsh.. funny as hell.. and dead on point.. so to speak.. I have to agree with Jack.. and having said that I just threw up in my mouth..
Active Ink Slinger
In my opinion, bad writing is a subjective opinion and not a relevant standard for everyone. Expression of notions and ideas will come in various forms and manner and should be enjoyed as the author intended. English is an imperfect language. We all make the best of it as we can. Trial and error is part of the process. Good luck on your writing. Look forward to reading your work.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Aletheia
Mine shares me with other women while he watches...just not other men (:

Your husband is my hero..
Active Ink Slinger
It has been my experience that having a "type" predisposes you to being a "type".. once you exclude the infinite possibilities offered by a more open-minded approach, you have eternally sentenced yourself to drive up windows instead of fine dining.. my GF isn't my type.. she is my everything..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Aletheia
My 36Ds, my eyes and my smile

Let me be the first to agree..
Active Ink Slinger
Yes of course.. but the most fun is when you see an old show and watch someone in a small bit part who eventually became a big star...
Active Ink Slinger
I prefer watching.. but yes I have had sex in front of others..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Aletheia
I love moaners, especially ones who are trying to be quiet, but can't!

Whimpers and moans are much preferred to grunts and screams.. the quivering breaths in my ear will work every time...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Lustyrose4u
Me, never... And i like my men clean shaven too.

I guess that means taking a shower together is out of the question...
Active Ink Slinger
Laura.. Shane.. Last Samurai.. Rocky.. The Rock.. to name a few...
Active Ink Slinger
I have been privileged enough to meet three amazing Lushies so far.. and I have plans to meet another two in the near future and one a bit more distant in the year..