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Over 90 days ago
Male, 32


Advanced Wordsmith
Would you say that good wife is one who serves her husband in the morning like a mother does, loves him in the day like a sister does and pleases him like a prostitute in the night.

If by that you mean she can cook, she can clean, she'll go down on you and she'll do them all without a fuss, then I totally agree. ;)

Na for real, a good wife imo is someone who is willing to put up with your shit...forever. I mean, even our own mothers get sick of us eventually. No matter how many other qualities she has, if she can't put up with you, neither of you will be happy.
Advanced Wordsmith
Nah. I hate snoopers lol. I grew up in a family of snoopers, so I never really had any privacy. For that reason I value privacy a lot and would never invade it. I won't say it hasn't ever crossed my mind, but I'd never act on it. For someone to snoop, especially someone close to me, would be like the ultimate sin. I'd find it easier to forgive a cheater than a snooper.
Advanced Wordsmith
The fact that the visual images I produce are influenced by my imagination, not just the author. In a movie, you only see what the director shows you.
Advanced Wordsmith
Twilight, it was crap. I wanted to read it before I judged it, but I couldn't finish the first book.
Advanced Wordsmith
The variety of age groups. The other sites I've been to have way too many old, or way too many young (like below 18) writers.
Advanced Wordsmith
Negative. If the book isn't interesting enough to keep me awake, I put it down when I get sleepy.
Advanced Wordsmith
Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D - It won't come out for a while, but I can't wait.

Movies I've already seen.

Alice in wonderland - Disappointing.

Iron Man 2 - Good. Scarlett Johansson was gorgeous.

How to train your dragon - Better than I expected, had some great scenes in it.

Robin Hood - It wasn't bad. I was just expecting it to be Epic, and it wasn't.

Prince of Persia: The sands of time - Good movie. Probably would of enjoyed it more if I didn't love the game so much.

Kick Ass - Wasn't as great as the hype. But it was a good movie nonetheless.

From Paris with Love - Crap. John Travolta going ape shit with a pistol.

Legion - Decent. I wouldn't recommend it, but it wasn't terrible.

The book of Eli - Decent.

Shutter Island - Good.

Brooklyn's finest - Disappointing. Great cast and the acting was great, the story sucked though.

That's all I can remember off the top of my head. I'll add more if I remember.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Catnip
sometimes I don't get how people I like around here can be so cruel.
No, if I meet him I want him full out.
Sure if he wants to wait for a while, say a month or two. Fine.
If I have to wait for longer period of time atleast he should let me get cock elsewhere.
Having to be close to a hard cock and not getting it can make you frustrated.
Besides, I don't think I could handle the slow nagging on my brain. "He somehow must think I'm not hot enough"

This is pretty much the way I see it.

If I have to wait for longer period of time atleast he should let me get cock elsewhere.

I've tried it. It's not for me. Apparently I'm the jealous type. :P

Having to be close to a hard cock and not getting it can make you frustrated.

I assumed as much.

Besides, I don't think I could handle the slow nagging on my brain. "He somehow must think I'm not hot enough"

Hah...the best part of it all. This is a hell of a lot more frustrating for me to deal with than the woman in my opinion. :P
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by DamonX
Best...story...ever!! What's a Cincinati Bowtie though??

Haha. Reading that brought this to mind.

As for the original question.

I dunno. It shouldn't matter. But I can't say that it won't. I've never really been with anyone who I cared for enough (yet) for it to bother me, but I can't say for certain that it wouldn't. I do know that hearing kinky stories from the past is hot and I'm perfectly cool with that. But I don't know If I can handle knowing the exact amount of previous partners, in fact, I don't even know why I would want to know.
Advanced Wordsmith
There are two parts to attraction. Attraction to the physical, and attraction to the soul... one should not negate the other as a measure of how non-superficial a person wants to believe themselves to be.

I agree. But it is much easier to change your physical appearance (especially these days) than it is to change who you are, or as you put it, your soul. Because of this, a "standard" of physical attraction can be set and influenced by the standards of society at that time. Naturally, those who disagree with this standard, or with society dictating this standard, will label those who conform to the standard as superficial. Apparently it isn't possible for individual belief to coincide with society's.

Just a thought. About 50 or 60 years ago, in some parts of the Arab world, the standards of physical attraction for an ideal wife was short and fat. If an old, arab man were to try and find a wife now and he wanted a short and fat wife, would that make him superficial?

I don't think so. I think it is only superficial when you pretend it does or doesn't affect you. If physical attraction is important to you, but you dismiss it because of fear of being labeled, THAT is being superficial. And vice versa, if you pretend it has more value to you than it really does to fit in with society, then that is being superficial. But the act of being attracted to physical appearance is not superficial, it's natural. If it makes you happy, where is the harm? Not everybody has the same values and that's what makes us awesome.

Anyway, I know this was for the gals, but apparently nobody obeys the rules.

What does that say about him, to you?

That he recognizes his flaws and takes measures to address them. I wouldn't do it, but then again, even though it leans a little to the smaller side, I'm of average size.

Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants?

Although similar, I don't think it is the same as getting breast implants.

Breasts don't directly affect intercourse. The penis does. A woman with tiny breasts and a working vagina will still satisfy most men. On the other hand, a man with a tiny penis, like under 4 inches, it sort of fucks things up for him.

Either way I don't condemn either, if it makes you happy then good for you.

Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?

It's a reflection of individual value and they(among other things) all play a role in that. In the end, who are we to judge?

Ps. If I don't make sense or rambled about something way off topic, I'm sorry, I'm kind of out of it.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DBarclay
Quote by Revolution
So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.

WTF open you post with "I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible"
Thats an invitation to comment ...... I just think your scared cos you have a mini penis and you are a bit dopey

But frankly I dont give a damn

Haha. Lush makes me laugh. Yes, I have a mini penis. I am ashamed of myself and sometimes hope I wake up dead.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by Dancing_Doll
Just a question for Revolution... in the "how big is your tits or cock" thread, I just noticed that you mentioned that you "have size 34C boobies", yet in your profile you say you are a male. Could this be the reason for the lack of penetration?

Lmao. No, that was just me being silly.

Just to clarify, I never really asked any of you for your input on my virginity. If you want to discuss it, you can make a thread else where and I'd be glad to. This thread was to find out how many women (who aren't virgins) think it would be possible to be in a relationship without intercourse. I ask because I personally wouldn't get into a relationship with a non virgin, because I don't think it can work. Recently, after rejecting a non virgin, she got upset and told me I was a cunt for assuming it couldn't work. The point of this thread was for some clarity, so that the next time I have this argument, I had some proof to back me up.

So please, quit posting your opinion of my virginity, I am not against discussing it but it's not what this thread was for.
Advanced Wordsmith
I don't care how you look at it, for any reason, you are performing sexual acts. albeit without actual penetration with the partner. If you are avoiding penetration because of religious beliefs, then you shouldn't even be masturbating, or using toys, or doing oral. If your beliefs say no penetration before marriage, you are violating those by using your tongue, fingers, toys, etc. Think about it!!

Lol. Although it plays a part now, Religion had nothing to do with my original decision.

C'mon kid.. get it together.. hang with the bulls a couple of days and see how it's done.. sex isn't the only factor in a relationship.. but IT IS a factor.. you can like all the same foods.. all the same movies.. and even have the same favorite color.. but if you can't close the deal when the lights go out.. your best friend will be tapping your girl within the month... on the other hand.. and I have nothing against it.. you may be gay...

I'm kind of confused here. I know sex is a factor (or I "assumed"), the point of this thread was some girl got upset at me for rejecting her and told me I was a cunt for assuming I knew what women wanted. This thread was meant to see whether I was right or wrong with my assumptions.

And I've thought about the "gay" comment heaps, seeing as you aren't the only person to bring it up. I've actually tried to experiment with it and it didn't work, I'm not attracted to men. I am still attracted to women, it's just that my beliefs (and it isn't just Religious) keep me from sticking it in. I still do heaps with women, just not intercourse. Sure, it's weird, and you probably won't ever understand why, but that's okay. It is what I believe and if I were to ever compromise my belief then I wouldn't be who I was today.
Advanced Wordsmith
I didn't want to mention why because I didn't want this thread turning into a morality debate. Although it isn't the only reason, one reason is that I am waiting for marriage. It has less to do with Religion/Tradition(although they do play a part) and more to do with what I've seen happen to married couples that I know personally.

If you need more detail, then pm me, It's not something I want to discuss openly (at least not in this thread)

Anyways, the thread is less about me and more about you. You can make up your own circumstances, the main thing I want to know is whether intercourse is as important as I believe it is.
Advanced Wordsmith

The Problem Solver: Who wears the bit and who holds the reins? According to your score, when it comes to relationships, there is no such thing. You have a completely equal partnership. When there’s a decision to be made, you and your partner discuss it and arrive at a solution that suits you both. You’re a problem solver by nature – compromise rules your home. You realize that your happiness is just as important as your partner’s, so when you need to assert and stand up for yourself, you do – and encourage him or her to do the same. This egalitarian approach to life is an excellent one. By keeping an open and flexible mind, you and your companion can learn from one another and reach a deeper level of intimacy. Way to go!
Advanced Wordsmith
Odd question. I'll give a bit of background info.

I'm 18 and I'm a virgin. I'm a virgin by choice and plan to remain that way for as long as possible. That being said, I am actually quite sexually active (I'm going to assume this doesn't only refer to intercourse, correct me if I'm wrong) and have been with many women before, though never in a serious relationship (more like "hook ups"). A few reasons why I never got into a relationship, one of them being I thought it was unfair to deny my partner of intercourse. Recently, I've been told it was indeed "unfair" to "assume we women only want to get fucked". So, I am here to let go of my assumptions and find out for real.

The question.

Could you have a relationship with someone that didn't involve sex (vaginal and anal) but involved other forms of sexual activities (oral, mutual masturbation, dildos, pretty much everything other than sex)? Let us assume that your sexual encounters are as frequent as you would have intercourse in your current/previous relationships and you are able to achieve orgasm(s). Let us also assume that your relationship outside of sex is awesome. The guy is everything you want him to be, he just won't stick it in you. Can you deal with that? Or is the act of intercourse that big of a deal for you?

I honestly thought it was a huge deal before, but this girl has made a few good points. One of the main ones being "It's like a lesbian relationship...with a man. Are you telling me lesbian's can't achieve the same intimacy as a hetero couple?"

I still think it is an issue (or maybe i want it to be, because I just don't want a relationship) but apparently it's not my place to decide that. So yea, appreciate any feedback.
Advanced Wordsmith
I think I'm a bit backward.

I like girls who look/dress/act slutty, but are actually sweet girls.

I like a girl who loves to flirt and tease but won't actually go through with anything (with anyone other than me). Because I'm like that and it's really fun and sexy having a partner who is the same.
Advanced Wordsmith
It doesn't bother me. As long as I don't have to pay for 'em. ;)

I prefer natural, but fake are cool too.
Advanced Wordsmith
What has been your favorite city you've lived in or visited?

Melbourne is the best place to live in. Gold coast would have to be the best place I've visited.

What's your favourite breakfast cereal?
Coco pops (I think you guys call them coco puffs?)

How many days out of the year would you say you were blue jeans and a t-shirt?
Not many, I hate jeans. I only wear them when the occasion is too formal for trackies/cargo pants and not quite formal enough for slacks and a shirt. So I'd say about 10-15 times in a year.\

How important is it to you how other people perceive you?

In all of your years living, what do you regret the most?

Do you/did you ever experiment with recreational drugs?
Advanced Wordsmith
Revolution wrote:
This thread made me laugh.

Being short (5'4ish) all I can say is it is nowhere near as bad as The_Driver makes it out to be. I'm awesome, even though I'm (very) short and I'm always going to be awesome. That's what matters, my confidence, not my height.

In a purely "sexually attractive" sense, yes, a tall guy might win, but really that means very little. All it means is it is easier to get attention if you are tall. It doesn't mean you CAN'T get attention if you're short, just that as a short guy, you have to work a bit harder for it. Not that big of a deal imo.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, yes being tall is an advantage, but that doesn't make being short a disadvantage. There will always be people who don't find you attractive (for whatever reason, not just your height), but that doesn't mean you are a complete failure, as The_Driver implies.

Yes yes but I must know, Have you ever spiked your hair up a fewf inches? Did this help you appear taller? Did you now get more ladies than a guy who's 5'5''?

Ye man, all the time. I have long hair too, so It adds about 5+ inches. Maybe that's why I don't have much of a problem being short, my hair makes me seem tall. ;)
Advanced Wordsmith
I try to not listen to sad songs when I'm upset. I try not to dwell on things. Songs that remind me of a break up won't really help me get over the break up.
Advanced Wordsmith
This thread made me laugh.

Being short (5'4ish) all I can say is it is nowhere near as bad as The_Driver makes it out to be. I'm awesome, even though I'm (very) short and I'm always going to be awesome. That's what matters, my confidence, not my height.

In a purely "sexually attractive" sense, yes, a tall guy might win, but really that means very little. All it means is it is easier to get attention if you are tall. It doesn't mean you CAN'T get attention if you're short, just that as a short guy, you have to work a bit harder for it. Not that big of a deal imo.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, yes being tall is an advantage, but that doesn't make being short a disadvantage. There will always be people who don't find you attractive (for whatever reason, not just your height), but that doesn't mean you are a complete failure, as The_Driver implies.
Advanced Wordsmith
Lmao. Yea, I have. I was kind of young. I'm not sure If I'm allowed to post any details so I'll leave them out for now, better safe than sorry.
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by SweetBitch

Wow. I honestly only saw ice-cream until I read the captions. I'm kind of ashamed, but it looks so much more delicious as ice-cream.
Advanced Wordsmith
I removed my fingers as her body began to relax. I stared into her dark eyes. She slowly exhaled, bit her lip and then whispered, "Fuck me".

Hmm. A bit more challenging than I thought. It's late, I'll try come up with more some other time.
Advanced Wordsmith
I feel Like I am Stuck in some-kind of nightmare, and I don't know how to wake up from it. I am doing things, that No one, especially someone, my age should have to do. I am not coping well at all, and I just want everything to go back to how it was a few months ago, before it all started to go wrong. I feel like there is something more I could have done to help my mom, something more I could have done to make sure she still be alive, and well. I feel like I am stuck inside some damn nightmare, and Its impossible to wake up from. Never in a million years, would I expect something like this to happen to me, at least not at this age. My Birthday is coming up, I am going to be 21, I should be Happy, excited, thrilled, but I'm not, all I keep thinking is WHY. WHY WHY. I want some answers, but I don't think I am going to get them anytime soon. Today, I am having a very bad day, and I haven't even been awake for an hour.

I felt the same when my brother died. It isn't the same as losing a mother, but I did have similar thoughts to you. Why? Why MY brother? Why NOW? Why didn't I do more to help him? Why didn't I notice he was in trouble? Why didn't I notice he could leave me so quick, so I could have spent more time with him? Why is he gone and not me? Why this, why that, why everything.

I then realized. Does it even matter? Would it change anything if I understood why? Would it bring him back? Would it ease the pain? Would my life resume as normal? No. It won't. It doesn't change a thing. You can ask why the sun comes up, but it won't change the fact that it comes up. You can ask why is it raining, but it will still rain. There are things that are beyond our control. If we were to sit and question them, it will only depress us as we realize how little we actually do control. Death is a part of life, and it will eventually reach us all. Don't let it take it's toll on you before your time.

I know it's hard. I know you feel alone, you feel empty. You feel like all you want to do is lie down and die. You don't want to feel emotion anymore, neither happiness or grief. You try to keep everything on the outside away from what is going on inside you. You try to keep everything inside you from consuming you and taking over your life. It's a feeling that can't be properly described with mere words. It is something that has to be felt to be known. Something you feel nobody else will ever understand. And they probably won't. But you can't let it beat you. You can't lose yourself in it. It isn't how your mother would want you to live. Even though it feels like isn't how you want to live.

Let it out. In whatever way you have to. Just let it out. All of it. If you need to cry, then cry, cry until you feel like your crying, but there are no tears left. If you need to talk then talk. Talk to a friend, talk to a wall, talk to a diary, a monitor, a hobo. Talk until you can feel your mouth moving but your voice is gone. If you need to break things then break them. Smash them. Demolish them. Fucking burn them if you have to. Just let it all out. There is a part of you that is hesitant to let it out, it is scared what will happen when it comes out, it fears being consumed by it. Don't listen to it. If you don't let it out, it will consume you. So whatever you need to do, do it. However long it takes, DO IT. Even if you hurt a few people's feelings. Do whatever you need to do to get rid of it. Because it is a trap and if you don't get rid of it, it will trap you forever.

When you feel like you just want to be alone. You don't. When you feel like you are a burden on others, you aren't. When you feel like it is unfair for someone else to have to deal with your pain, you are wrong. That is the grief trying to keep you weak. It knows that alone it can manipulate your thoughts. You don't have to go through this alone, so don't. You have family, you have friends, you have us. We will all always be there to help you through this.

Don't feel guilty when you try to get your life back on track. It ISN'T wrong. You have a right to continue living. Your mother wouldn't want you to stop living, so don't. If you want to have some fun, have some fun. If you want to laugh then laugh. Don't let anything inside you tell you otherwise. There is no obligation to remain in sorrow. It doesn't make you heartless. It isn't a betrayal. You won't stop loving your mother if you laugh or have fun. You will always love your mother. Always.

I hope this helps. Remember, you aren't alone in this, so don't try and tackle it alone. If you ever need anything from any of us, just ask. We will help you get through this, no matter how long it takes.