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Are you a natural snoop?

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Alpha Blonde
The short question is... are you a snoop?

If you have the opportunity to snoop on your significant other or children's private things, whether it be that shoebox in the closet, their computer, their diary, that nightside table, their cellphone or under their bed... do you?

What if it's someone you just started dating and you're left alone at their place with every opportunity to pilfer through their things.

Why or why not?

If you are a snoop... what are you looking for, or expecting or fearful to find?

Would your decision be affected if you were concerned that your significant other might be cheating on you, or that your child was potentially becoming sexually active or experimenting with drugs?

AND... if you do find something 'shocking'... do you call them on it?
Nooo, I'm definitely not a snoop. The reason being that in a lot of cases, ignorance is bliss. I don't need/want to know every little detail about someone else's life. Often a bit of mystery is a good thing.

If I was worried my partner was cheating on me or I thought one of my kids was doing drugs, I'd have to come straight out and ask. If I snooped for an answer, with my luck I'd end up jumping to the wrong conclusion!
Artistic Tart
I have to admit I'm probably a snooper. If I can look, I probably will. I don't know really what I'm trying to find- but if I come across Valtrex or a kiddie porn collection, I'm probably glad I snooped in the first place- that's valuable information to have.

If I thought I was being cheated on? I'd find a way to catch him, then I'd get my revenge!

Lisa's right, mystery is good, and even though she didn't say it, snooping around isn't right- but I don't know that I would be able to resist it if I had the chance to do it and the time to ensure I didn't get busted for it.
Active Ink Slinger
I probably am, to a point. I'm always looking for some kind of illicit thrill. I can remember staying over at a friend's house when I was fourteen, and finding his parent's stash of porno tapes. I was sleeping in the den, on the couch. I popped the first tape in and must have masturbated five or six times before that tape was done. If I found something really embarrassing, I wouldn't use it for gain, nor would iI ever let the person know I found it. But it would be filed away in my teeny little brain, just for my own future reference.
Alpha Blonde
I have never been a snooper... mainly because I am always the one getting snooped on and it really pisses me off. My ex used to go through my computer history, go into my cellphone and even follow me on occasion to see if I was really going where I said I was going. He would also occasionally go through my things. I have no idea why because I never cheated on him, nor did I give him any reason to think I was. As it turned out, HE was the one cheating on ME.. LOL

To be honest, that was the one occasion where I wish I HAD snooped...I might have figured things out way before I did with him... but hindsight is always 20/20 etc.

Typically I don't want to know about something, if I can't call them on it. It would really bother me if I found something slightly incriminating and then had to let it fester in my mind (my mind will work out all kinds of overly dramatic 'what if's' too).
Advanced Wordsmith
Nah. I hate snoopers lol. I grew up in a family of snoopers, so I never really had any privacy. For that reason I value privacy a lot and would never invade it. I won't say it hasn't ever crossed my mind, but I'd never act on it. For someone to snoop, especially someone close to me, would be like the ultimate sin. I'd find it easier to forgive a cheater than a snooper.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
Constant Gardener
My mother was and is a snoop. Thankfully, my father was able to sit on her and often deflate that tendency.

I dated, then lived with for three years, then loosely dated for a year - with a jealous, envious snoop. I did break her of a bit of her snoopiness by year two of knowing her...but in the end it was her unjustified snooping which just made me turn her away. She was always sure that I was either cheating on her or planning to. As it turned out, she finally decided to cheat on me to 'pay me back'...and I never did cheat on her.

She was a bit emotionally unhinged.

I've never enjoyed the 24x7 noose/leash and I don't ask for that either. Snooping through someone's possessions/mail/computer/house/medicine cabinet/anything just seems kind of fwhack to me.

I had a woman I was seeing, ask me to take a look at her computer in 1999, as it was jacking up with the process of doing some troubleshooting - of course I saw a few things I did not want to see and she accused me of snooping (although she was sitting right next to me at the time).

I won't jump on friends or girlfriend's computers anymore because of that little lesson. I could give a fuck what they do on their own time. I don't consider it cheating (girlfriends chatting/trading pictures/setting up a new online fuck/date), unless we're engaged or married and I haven't been engaged since before I had the internet.

If that is going to happen, it's going to happen and no amount of me stalking or snooping is going to change it (it might even exacerbate it).

Snooping is merely another of the too much drama issues - for me to want in my life anymore. Snooping seems to me like too much invasion of someone's privacy, bordering on pre- tendencies. No offense meant towards you snoopers

** I should clarify - as a Lush moderator - I do snoop, often and with a keen eye.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Wild at Heart
I try not to snoop. It's way to easy to misinterpret something you find and making a fight out of nothing.
Active Ink Slinger
I do not 'snoop' simply for the sake of snooping (and for some reason I cannot help smiling at the word 'snoop'), however, if, in my own mind and according to my own moral code, I hear 'alarm bells' ringing then I will not hesitate to discretely snoop (smiling again!) if only to ease my troubled brow.

What the blazes do you expect from an ex-cop for crying out loud!!
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Quote by WellMadeMale
My mother was and is a snoop. Thankfully, my father was able to sit on her and often deflate that tendency.

I am so not going to *blow* that statement out of proportion... well, not much.

Wild at Heart
Quote by mercianknight
(and for some reason I cannot help smiling at the word 'snoop'),

Could this gentleman be the reason for that?

Quote by mercianknight
I do not 'snoop' simply for the sake of snooping (and for some reason I cannot help smiling at the word 'snoop'), however, if, in my own mind and according to my own moral code, I hear 'alarm bells' ringing then I will not hesitate to discretely snoop (smiling again!) if only to ease my troubled brow.

What the blazes do you expect from an ex-cop for crying out loud!!

I saw that one coming, copper.

Internet Sensation
I want to snoop but without permission I wont.
And it's more a curiosity thing and not put to one person only but for everyone.
Espescially friends.
I think I don't snoop without permission since when I've been snooping around I've found things I shouldn't have seen and wish I hadn't.
I often offer to rearrange drawers and bookshelfs. I love going through other peoples stuff.
I'm definately a snoop. I always check the bedside drawers for naughty items.
I am not a snoop - at all. I believe if you going looking for something, you'll be disappointed - either you found nothing, or omg - you didn't expect that!!!

I'd be upset if someone snooped on me.

Mind you, I rarely have anything to hide, except Christmas or birthday presents!

Well yes and no. When the girls were in their early teens, you better believe I snooped. Now that they are 18 and away a college, we either taught them what they need to know to have a good life or we did not. Yes some of their mail still comes to the house and we tell them "You've Got Mail" before we open it.

I could hardly expect them to not be sexually active in their teens, just wanted to be sure they were protecting themselves from both pregnancy and disease. May be Ms Soccer Mom could, but not a woman with my history.

Catching you partner cheating. You mean like business fraud or tax cheat? Kids of Lush would you really want to know if your significant other was pleasuring some one else? Why would you want to take one of lifes great pleasure away from him/her?

Are we still confused my Sex and Love?
Quote by LadyX
I have to admit I'm probably a snooper. If I can look, I probably will. I don't know really what I'm trying to find- but if I come across Valtrex or a kiddie porn collection, I'm probably glad I snooped in the first place- that's valuable information to have.

If I thought I was being cheated on? I'd find a way to catch him, then I'd get my revenge!

Lisa's right, mystery is good, and even though she didn't say it, snooping around isn't right- but I don't know that I would be able to resist it if I had the chance to do it and the time to ensure I didn't get busted for it.

Come on Xuani, neither you nor I have any right to expect our guy not to taste the fruit at the market. We would not want it any other way.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, yes. I am my mother's daughter and she was a dreadful snoop
Active Ink Slinger
Oh, yes. I am my mother's daughter and she was a dreadful snoop
Active Ink Slinger
I wish I had been a snoop when I was still married, perhaps then I could have gotten some idea what was going on in his life that ultimately blew us apart.
Rainbow Warrior
Not really. I'm very curious about a lot of things, but I respect others' privacy.
I used to be a snoop in school... not now smile