Blessed with a 'Geek' mind (Mensa member) trapped in a Jock's body (no, I do not mean I wear a kilt) I am able to test my physical body's ability to keep up with my sexual imagination. Old school 'power play' type of guy with the ladies, has a broad interest that stops short of serious BDSM, pain or anything to do with animals. Like many of the other members, I live in a small community where anonimity is an essential element - until I really get to know you.
Interests Trekkie (that's the Geek in me), playing squash, football (that's soccer to our American buddies), imperial history and, oddly(?), board games. Does surfing Lush Stories count? Other than that, I am an outrageous flirt that barely conceals my fascination with the female form. Be warned.
Favorite Books All time fave is still Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" series, but you can also include classics like E.E. Smith's "Gray Lensman" series.
Favorite Authors Always room for Stephen King, Dean Koontz and even Bernard Cornwell.
Favorite Movies "Zulu" - awesome guy movie from the 1960's; Arnie classics "Predator" & "Terminator"; Plus a whole host of Sci-Fi classics. Chick flick classics include 'Ghost', 'Titanic' (both old & new versions) and 'Sleepless in Seattle'. More recent faves are 'V' For Vendetta, Taken (OMG), and The Surrogates.
Favorite Music Still stuck in (and dancing to) the '80s - Brit dance invasion, not the US soft Rock. Otherwise hear me holler along to Queen, Abba, and my all time fave, the late great Micheal Jackson. My daughter continues to try to bring me up to speed, hence I am aware of the contempory music scene from Miley Cyrus to Lady Gaga - I just choose not to learn their lyrics.