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Men Surgically Re-designed

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The_Driver posted this on "ask the guys" ....

..... Even if you have a small dick, you think guys are screwed with this. But come to Beverly Hills just off Rodeo Drive and you can get your dick surgically redesigned. At one point I was considering having my dick surgically reduced because its just too big for most women, but after working with a few sexual gurus, I was able to find those positions to get the fit just right. But for those guys with short dicks, my advice is to book that plane ticket and check out the menu. it's all options open. Take advantage. I'll hook you up with the menu to get you started. PM me for the clinic name if you can't find it online. Rock it out! You'll have the perfect cock in no time at all.

Lengthening of the penis by releasing the suspensory ligament where it is attached to the pubic bone

Increasing penis girth through Alloderm™ Dermal Matrix Grafts.

Glans penis enlargement by using injectable hyaluronic acid gel.

Congenital or acquired penis curvature correction.

I ask you, sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?
I think it's just like the tits thread. Feeling insecure? Throw money at it and make yourself feel better. Meh!
Quote by chefkathleen
I think it's just like the tits thread. Feeling insecure? Throw money at it and make yourself feel better. Meh!

Touché! my thoughts exactly ....

Quote by chefkathleen
I think it's just like the tits thread. Feeling insecure? Throw money at it and make yourself feel better. Meh!

Shit ya got that kinda money just go buy a fancy sports car or bike lol
You're talking about The_Driver, sister dear?

Quote by VanGogh

I ask you, sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?


Or maybe this one, since his hands have to be busy somewhere...

He does need help, it's obvious.

Its nice to see the recognition so thanks for giving this its own thread because its important for all to know the options. Amping up the body isn't just for the honies anymore. Guys can get into it too. And we all know the insecurities and emotional manifestations of a man dealing with a small dick all his life.

I should also mention that insurance will sometimes cover these procedures if its related to a congenital deformity such as micro-penis (less than 4 inches erect) or if a guy is so obese his dick is buried or concealed by his fat. Although in the last case that buddy needs some lipo or gastric bypass before he starts worrying about his cock.

Since there's some interest in this, here's the website, but I C&P'd a testimonial just to give you a bit of a feel for how self image and self improvement can change your life to the extreme! Fuck, those military showers have to be brutal if your packing something the size of a cocktail wiener. Like I said I'm already blessed but the small-dicked guys should be all over this.

Testimonial from a random patient (NOT ME!)
Procedure: Penis Lengthening & Widening with Alloderm
Patient: TG
I have had two surgical procedures, the first was lengthening and the second being widening via the alloderm procedure. I was not a small man to begin with -- average I'd say -- with a 3" flaccid and a 6" erect state before the procedure. Now I sport a 5-6 inch flaccid state and a 71/2 - 8 inch erect state (depending on the excitement level). I couldn't be happier. My present fiancee and past girlfriends have never suspected anything! The procedure has done wonders for me, both in confidence and sexually. I get comments from women and men (having been in the military and subject to public showers), and they all tell me that they think I have a VERY LARGE PENIS. I have never felt so good about myself and actually am not shy about my body anymore. I don't know how to put my gratitude into words! Thank you Dr. Rosenthal for giving me a great life.
Quote by chefkathleen
I think it's just like the tits thread. Feeling insecure? Throw money at it and make yourself feel better. Meh!

Damn, I think that's the perfect comparison. How is it really any different? If a guy is so small that he feels insecure, or if its a wierd shape, then why not? It's easy to say that those things shouldn't affect people's self-image, but it does. If it's safe and reliable, and I don't think it's anywhere near as reliable as boob jobs, but if it is, then I see nothing wrong with it. I think the people that judge women for getting breast enhancements are the same ones that would turn their nose up at a guy getting work done on his cock.
Jesus Christ, yea thats what we need. More people all looking EXACTLY the same! The wholes worlds gonna turn into Stepford Wives soon.
Quote by gypsymoth
You're talking about The_Driver, sister dear?

Quote by VanGogh

I ask you, sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?


Or maybe this one, since his hands have to be busy somewhere...

He does need help, it's obvious.

Thanks for the hater-aid babe! I needed a nice tall glass today. It'll help hydrate me up before I hit the gym later. I get what happens here. First I get the hater-aid and next thing you know your thinking about me more and sending me private messages. Its ok honey, if you "friend" me, I'll accept it. It'll happen sooner or later. Dont' fight the feelings.
Quote by The_Driver

Thanks for the hater-aid babe! I needed a nice tall glass today. It'll help hydrate me up before I hit the gym later. I get what happens here. First I get the hater-aid and next thing you know your thinking about me more and sending me private messages. Its ok honey, if you "friend" me, I'll accept it. It'll happen sooner or later. Dont' fight the feelings.

Jesus, someone really needs to get their head out their own ass
Quote by The_Driver
Quote by gypsymoth
You're talking about The_Driver, sister dear?

Quote by VanGogh

I ask you, sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?


Or maybe this one, since his hands have to be busy somewhere...

He does need help, it's obvious.

Thanks for the hater-aid babe! I needed a nice tall glass today. It'll help hydrate me up before I hit the gym later. I get what happens here. First I get the hater-aid and next thing you know your thinking about me more and sending me private messages. Its ok honey, if you "friend" me, I'll accept it. It'll happen sooner or later. Dont' fight the feelings.

Dude really what do you think that you are gods gift to the freakin world or something? Really you need to get down a few notches and come out in the real world dude.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

You girls do realize that when the_driver walks, his knuckles drag on the ground. Its from evolution, he is not quite out of the caveman stage yet. Luckily, the earth is still rotating and he might eventually join us others in the "real" world. Either that or go back to his cave.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
Quote by MMonroe
Quote by The_Driver

Thanks for the hater-aid babe! I needed a nice tall glass today. It'll help hydrate me up before I hit the gym later. I get what happens here. First I get the hater-aid and next thing you know your thinking about me more and sending me private messages. Its ok honey, if you "friend" me, I'll accept it. It'll happen sooner or later. Dont' fight the feelings.

Jesus, someone really needs to get their head out their own ass

I don't know, it seems to be a good, tight fit, almost as though it were made to measure for him.

I'm not defending anyone but please don't gang up on people in the forums...just ignore him (smiles)
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by The_Driver
Quote by gypsymoth
You're talking about The_Driver, sister dear?

Quote by VanGogh

I ask you, sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?


Or maybe this one, since his hands have to be busy somewhere...

He does need help, it's obvious.

Thanks for the hater-aid babe! I needed a nice tall glass today. It'll help hydrate me up before I hit the gym later. I get what happens here. First I get the hater-aid and next thing you know your thinking about me more and sending me private messages. Its ok honey, if you "friend" me, I'll accept it. It'll happen sooner or later. Dont' fight the feelings.

Dude really what do you think that you are gods gift to the freakin world or something? Really you need to get down a few notches and come out in the real world dude.

How vain and conceded, Maybe he thinks his dick is the best in the world or a golden cock. who knows he might just have a itty bitty cock with an over active mind and imagines he is a big cock.

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
People gonna do what people gonna do.
When they look in the mirror they don't see what you and I see when we look at them.
Oops, I'm not a gal, sorry everyone.
Quote by older-wiser13
Oops, I'm not a gal, sorry everyone.

That's ok. No one ever follows the rules here. All are welcome.
Quote by redhotmommacita

How vain and conceded, Maybe he thinks his dick is the best in the world or a golden cock. who knows he might just have a itty bitty cock with an over active mind and imagines he is a big cock.

Quote by Jillicious
Ah, a thread about penises has turned into a show of ego...

Back to the original topic as to not feed the trolls. What exactly are the side effects? You can't go under the knife without something else on the side. How much feeling is left? So a guy has a big cock. It doesn't mean a damn thing to me if I know he doesn't exactly feel what I'm doing to him.

Here, here Jillicious! Here we are trying to have a serious conversation about penis enhancements and some haters feel they need to derail it. I agree with you completely that the ego of others should not be allowed to drive this subject away.

To answer your question, the success stories all say that they retain most if not all of the feeling. So worry not, you can can work it like a gearshift and your enhanced partner will probably still be feeling your awesome snatch.

I really can't say enough about these new options, but to get the very best, you need to come on out to LA, this is the land of the cosmetic breakthroughs in case all the flyover staters were thinking they could get this done in the local med center. Beware those that are not experts! This is your cock, the organ that defines you, we are talking about. You monkey that bad boy up, and your talking about a much crazier set of surgeries. Good luck guys, you can't get that "oh my fuck your cock is so big" look from your girl of the night any other way.
Sorry, my cock does not define me.
the organ that defines you

Sorry, my cock does not define me.
Quote by VanGogh

I ask you, sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?

ok ... enough ... it was not a question about the cock procedures ... but more about ....

sisters ... how would you feel to find out a guy the guy you dig, has re-designed his cock (and at what cost)?? What does that say about him, to you? Is this kind of like the woman who has cranked up her tits with implants? Is this a reflection of location, generation, money or vanity?

thanks so much The_Driver for all your LA input.

Quote by roccotool
the organ that defines you

Sorry, my cock does not define me.

I was just thinking that. A real man is not defined by his genitalia.
To be honest, as long as it works and looks like a cock, I don't really care... and in fact I don't even really need to know.

It seems like everyone is up in arms about having surgery to improve some aspect of themselves that they are not happy with.

It might not be the norm in your neighbourhood of the world so maybe that's why people seem so offended by it and ready to condemn anyone who wanted to make some kind of physical improvement, saved up their money, and went and had it done. So ok, your friends would NEVER get breast implants, or botox, or penis enhancements, but does that make the ones that do it somehow lesser human beings?

Try and imagine if you had a 3 inch cock. Would you deny yourself surgery if you had the money because you wanted to see yourself as some moral human who was above it all?

I don't get the judgment. It seems like, once again, as in other threads, anyone that wants to make any improvements to what they were born with are vapid, shallow people that should be looked down on.

If that's the case, then women should stop colouring their hair, wearing make up, and just go au naturelle 24/7 if you feel you are so above the need to fit in or look good.

If a guy needs to do this to feel better about himself or to have a dick that more fits the norm, then more power to him!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
To be honest, as long as it works and looks like a cock, I don't really care... and in fact I don't even really need to know.

It seems like everyone is up in arms about having surgery to improve some aspect of themselves that they are not happy with.

It might not be the norm in your neighbourhood of the world so maybe that's why people seem so offended by it and ready to condemn anyone who wanted to make some kind of physical improvement, saved up their money, and went and had it done. So ok, your friends would NEVER get breast implants, or botox, or penis enhancements, but does that make the ones that do it somehow lesser human beings?

Try and imagine if you had a 3 inch cock. Would you deny yourself surgery if you had the money because you wanted to see yourself as some moral human who was above it all?

I don't get the judgment. It seems like, once again, as in other threads, anyone that wants to make any improvements to what they were born with are vapid, shallow people that should be looked down on.

If that's the case, then women should stop colouring their hair, wearing make up, and just go au naturelle 24/7 if you feel you are so above the need to fit in or look good.

If a guy needs to do this to feel better about himself or to have a dick that more fits the norm, then more power to him!

I knew I would be in the company of some sexually adventurous people here, but I have to admit I thought there would be more compassion than I see. Finally, DancingDoll shows a little understanding toward those who weren't blessed with a massive tool already. If I was under four inches I'd be parked in that doctor's office in a flash. Hell if I was under six I think I would hesitate no less.

Nothing substitutes the knowledge that I've stuffed my girl like a chile rellano when I sink balls-deep inside her. At least as much as she can stand. Some girls can't quite take all of me, but I digress.

There is nothing more important in this world than self esteem. If you don't think you are the king dick when you go to bed, or to the clubs mens room, with your woman, then buddy you need to do something about it. Same with the girls, if that flat chest has you in the dumps, then go buy some some titties, babygirl!

My mom used to say money can't buy happiness. Haha, that's so not true!

Hey dancingdoll are you a strip club dancer? You sure have the body for it, and maybe the enhancements too, who knows. My advice if your a stripper, find a sugardaddy and convince him your worthy of being taken out on a non-escort basis. Thats the easiest way to bridge into the beautiful life. If not then never mind I'm sure your already there. Back to the subject, if you don't have enhancements then you damn sure don't need them, god sure took care of you to begin with. Your a grade A spinner for sure, you would fit in so good out here. We can never have too many blonde honies on SoCal.