I am seeking a submissive woman who knows her place and wants to serve, for an online relationship. If you think that might be you PM me.
This change does in fact, eliminate the error message, but I would prefer to go to my profile. So, I logged off, then back on, and changed that setting back to "profile" then again logged off then back on. And the error message was back. As @LafayetteMister says, in the end this is more of an annoyance, so I'll just leave it with you. If it gets fixed, great. If not, I'll live. Thanks for the help, though.
Hi @SimplyJohn,
I tried your suggestion twice. I did the logoff, then completely exited the Lush site, then came back and logged on, but I still have the same error message
There are lots of opinions about what a D/s relationship is. I am not much interested in getting into some debate about whether my point of view is any better than someone else's point of view. If you have a different opinion, it is fine with me.
If I approach a submissive woman about considering a D/s relationship with me, she will wonder what that relationship might be like, especially if she has heard some of the myriad opinions out there. This is what I offer her as a starting point.
I am a gentleman by nature, and that is clearly reflected in my style as a Dom. I expect for a sub to want to please me, to obey me, communicate with me about her wants and needs, what is working or not working, and in due time, to trust me. In return, I will treat her with respect, help her explore her sexuality by guiding, encouraging, sometimes challenging or pressing her to try the things she is curious about. I will lead her in that exploration by incrementally adding and experimenting with her, ensuring that the things we are trying are done safely and carefully, and are meeting both of our expectations. I will guide and mentor her in other aspects of her life to the extent that she may desire to have me do so, and I will care for her in all the ways necessary to make her feel safe and happy in our relationship.
I believe in some rituals, rules, assignments, and when necessary, punishments, but I do not like giving punishments, and will probably not keep a sub who must be punished frequently. What will the rituals, rules. etc., be? That remains to be seen. They will be developed between me and that prospective sub as we discuss whether we want try a relationship or not. Even after those negotiations, they will evolve as the relationship matures. The relationship will be an exploration and we will add things we both think add to the relationship, and eliminate those things that don't.
My comments above notwithstanding, I am not looking for a relationship that rigidly adheres to some long and arbitrary set of rules, rather, I want a relationship that is meaningful and enjoyable.
This is certainly a touching story of a couple in love, who have grown old together, and still feel that love for each other, even as their roles have been reversed. But I am at a loss to see how it speaks to what a D/s relationship is. Are you saying that in a true D/s relationship, Dom and sub will be in love with each other? Is it a D/s relationship because she has stayed by his side "through thick and thin"? Is it about D/s because they have put away the collars and whips? How is that any different than a couple who have danced together for years, but no longer can because of the inevitable problems aging brings? I am sure there are countless MILLIONS of vanilla relationships that would look from the outside exactly like this, where the man has taken a stronger role in the marriage and the woman deferred to him, but now she has had to begin doing the things he always did because he no longer can. That hardly makes them D/s relationships.
And your footnote - once again someone who wants to tell everyone what "true" D/s is. Is there a rule somewhere that grounds and supports your opinion? Of course there isn't. Do you have to be in love to be in that "true" D/s relationship? I think not. Can you have a "true" D/s relationship that is not 24/7/365 (what about Leap Year)? Of course you can. Can you have a "true" D/s relationship that is just for thrills? Why not?
It seems to me that labeling a relationship "D/s" implies some more or less explicit roles of "Dominant" and "submissive". Beyond that, each relationship will, wittingly or unwittingly, create its own definition of what D/s means to them. If your definition of D/s is really the "true" definition, then it follows that any different definition is invalid. I am certain that there are many people who consider themselves in D/s relationships who would unequivocally disagree with you.
Yes, but it is not the easiest site to use. I have seen some great posts there, though
There are some other, generally less-significant collars used at times.
An "Everyday" collar may be a necklace, bracelet, or other item that a sub may wear every day. The everyday collar has significance to the couple, without inviting the notice of the wider vanilla community. An everyday collar may serve as a formal collar in some relationships. In others it may only be worn when the formal collar might not be as acceptable.
A "Play" collar may be worn during a scene or other BDSM event for the duration of the event. It may also feature additional D-rings, or other components to facilitate the type of scene during which it is being used. It generally does not denote more than to identify the "bottom" during the scene, and does not signify a relationship with the "Top" in the scene, or with any other Dominant in attendence.
A collar of "Protection" may be worn by an unattached sub to denote that she is under the temporary protection of one or more of the Dominants in a club or at an event. The purpose is to keep the unattached sub from being hassled by others who might not give that sub the respect she deserves during the event. It also does not signify a relationship with a Dominant beyond the protection being offered, nor does it imply some quid pro quo owed to the Dominant giving it from the sub accepting it.
I am sure that many Lush members read more widely than just here on Lush, and among members interested in the BDSM lifestyle, many of us have read some of the many self-help books on the subject. I am interested in continually expanding my own knowledge of the lifestyle, but it is hard to tell from the typical blurb about a book that appears with the book's listing on some website whether the book will be worth my time or not. I am hopeful that interested readers will share reviews of the books they have read, giving us all a bit more information about books we may be considering.
I set my settings to have chat requests automatically open. They do, but they always open multiple instances of the window, usually three, but once five were opened. I have since turned off the auto-open fuction, but I wonder if there is something else I should be doing. I only visit Lush in Chrome Incognito mode, so no cookies get saved. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.
I, too, am willing to proofread, and to a lesser extent, edit stories. PM me if you are interested.
I am willing to proofread, and to a lesser extent, edit stories. I am not a published author on Lush, but before retiring, technical writing was a core part of the work I did. PM me if interested.
I already paid. I cannot find many other places where I can have so much fun for a mere $20. For me, it was a no-brainer!