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Are you on Fetlife?

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Hi Audri i joined last night so its all very new to me
I am - but I'm not very active there. The community is actually too big and spread out.
Wow never heard of it til now. I'm guessing stand for Fetish Life?
Hi Audri Welcome to Lushsmile Wow you are a genuine author!! I haven't read any of your books, but just might start! They look interestingsmile
I've joined, not very active on it though because there's not much going on through the site from my area. I would be interested in joining some events I've seen posted through the site.
Quote by Barrone
Wow never heard of it til now. I'm guessing stand for Fetish Life?

Yes, it does. I joined about two years ago when a friend told me about it.
Quote by Barrone
Hi Audri Welcome to Lushsmile Wow you are a genuine author!! I haven't read any of your books, but just might start! They look interestingsmile

Go for it! If you like my stories, please leave a review. I would appreciate it.
I am a member and have been for about two years.
I have been for about a year
I thought about joining... just last night! I might at some point.

revised: Kinky-Kitsune: Yes
I prefer Fett Life

If you are, do authors a favor and keep your eyes open for stories "written by members" that turn out to be copied from other sites.

I've been alerted on two different occasions about my stories being posted as someone else's work there. Three members were claiming they'd written a dozen of my stories between them.

Good Will ---|--- Got Me Pegged <= Both almost famous, give them a read and get them one step closer!

I wonder if people from here ask the same question over there?

I know a lot of members who are on both sites. There is a lot of overlap.

I like their site, it's run by good people who genuinely care about their site and people into that lifestyle.
No...not yet.

I'm not sure yet about it.

Yup Im on there too smile Its can actually be really great if you join groups and go to the munches, events, and clubs. LOADS of people on there.
Just joined, thanks.
Yes, I am on fetlife as well.
Yes, we are on there as well.
Yes i am on fet life. Only been on for about a week.
I have not really had the time to look around there tho.
My user name is the same as on here if any one wants to add me.
Have fun.
Yes I have been a member there for a few years. It's a completely different site than Lush. I prefer Lush for the chat as well as stories. Fetlife is great for being able to connect with others who live close to you as well as the obvious thing being the fetish part. I've read on both sites and Lush authors can't be touched in their talent. Fetlife is more tolerant of the fetish one may be into whereas Lush members are a little more conservative. Two completely different sites who for some like myself satisfy different needs in different ways.