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Over 90 days ago
Female, 33
United States


Quote by WHR43
I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, ANAL THAT IS!!, if you must know. In combination with Oral there is nothing to compare.

I do not need it that way every time, but I do like frequent trips down this avenue. More than the guys how could I ever know that.

Hah, that's the spirit! I wish more women were so outspoken in what they want like that.
Quote by chefkathleen
Loving someone and sexual desires are two different things.


I can be dedicated to one person for a lifetime, but I can't stop myself from being attracted to people on a purely physical level. I won't have any desire to cheat on the person I'm committed to, but that doesn't stop my primal needs from sprouting up via fantasy.
A mix of oral/handjob. I'm a HUGE tease when the occasion calls for it, and I love to squeeze, lick, caress, tickle, bite (gently, no vampire-chomps. Eek!) and overall keep him panting till he can't stand it anymore.
I used to, but it becomes obsolete once your eyes start rolling into the back of your head when you figure out how to do it right. ;P
Personally I don't orgasm from the penetration alone. I do so from the touches, kisses, moans, sweet-nothings that are whispered, the heavy breathing from my partner, their look of ecstasy, the closeness of their body... The female orgasm is different from woman to woman anyways, some girls orgasm frequently and strongly from intercourse, others from oral sex, others from satisfying their partner- just find what she likes and keep at it till she passes out into a happy post-sex-coma.
My personal favorite is stealing one of his button-up dress shirts (long enough to come just below the booty) and putting on a collar with a leather leash. Something about the mix of wearing his clothing, and the submissive factor of the collar is a huge turn on to both of us.
The female form is beautiful, even if you aren't romantically attracted to women. The curves, folds, movements, scents, tastes and pretty pink bits of a woman are sexy, even if you aren't into women "that way".
I wouldn't detest a sugar daddy, it's a sexy thought. A rich gentleman dolling me up for his enjoyment, with copious sex involved? Fuck yes.

Not a requirement though. My boytoy and I aren't anywhere near lavish luxury, and that's just fine.
Quote by ali2teaseu
Hubby and I have heard and tried many different accounts on of this but I have yet to notice any real difference. The bottom line is that I don't let him cum in my mouth because I like the taste of semen, I do it because I love him and want to thrill him.

Any chance that your hubby is on any medication? I know sometimes they can have a detrimental effect on how semen tastes, otherwise the whole juice-diet thing works on most folks. (Wholly in agreement on enjoying it because it's a thrill for your partner, though.)
Like everyone else is saying, let her lead you. If she's too uncomfortable with taking charge, or speaking up, pay close attention to her body and figure out what she likes by when her muscles twinge, her breath catches, when she moans... It's a very immersive experience.
Don't just stick to one spot to begin with though, although it is very pleasurable, enjoy all of the delicate spots on her body. Use that time to fully enjoy the complexities and beauties of female form. Play with the hood of her clit, lick between her labial lips, maybe tickle her inner thighs with your tongue or fingertips, caress her hips and stomach- don't just limit yourself to one task and one area.
I don't, personally, but many of my female friends that I've discussed the topic with say they have achieved it once or twice.
Fruit. Lots and lots of fruit. An easy, yummy method is (Like peach said) to down some pineapple juice (Or for a more expensive, but more potent fix- Pomegranate juice) for a couple days, and avoid red meats/junk food/sodas. Anything that is naturally bright in color (fruits/veggies/root plants/salad greens) are not only good for you, but good for making whomever is fellating you enjoy the finish that much more.
No. Sex for me is entwined heavily with emotion, and I couldn't bear to think about going behind someones back and betraying their trust like that- nonetheless be sexually aroused by it. So in reality? No. In fantasy? It wouldn't specifically turn me on, but I wouldn't detest reading a story themed around it. Just not my personal cup'o tea.
Quote by roccotool
Chemical Brothers-Galvanize

That song is amazing. I've set it as my "wake up" alarm. (Since the first line is "Don't hold back- Cause you woke up in the mornin, with initiative to move" it seemed fitting.)

Harry Nilsson - Everybody's Talking At Me
Quote by easydescent
not sure if that would be the right thing to do she would want someone she liked and it was reciprocal not bought and paid for.

I was thinkin of a more subtle way and enjoyable.

I can see how that would make sense, but if it's with someone she's emotionally involved with, it could cause issues later on in the life-drama department.
(It could also be amazing, but the risk of making it an awkward situation that could burn some bridges may not appeal to you.)

A professional escort will be... well, professional. If you find a female escort who is willing to take on a female client along with yourself, then she will be in a more accepting environment with, someone who will be gentle, explain what to do or what she's doing clearly and confidently and make her feel safe and in good hands. That way there is no awkward post-sex issue of how you will react to that third person the next day, and if she doesn't like the physical aspect of her bisexuality you can always just enjoy going to a stripclub together, talking dirty about lesbian fantasies, watching pornography with two women together, etc.

Edit: By the way, an escort isn't an object that does a service because it's been "Bought and paid for". It's a genuine sexual interaction, between consenting adults, one with more experience than the other- and in general an escort will be someone who enjoys sex, and doesn't view their job as just something to pay the bills. They choose that path.

Quote by DBarclay

No idea .. I don't think we have any Bi girls here ...

I really am hoping that's sarcasm. ;P
Quote by fritzies

and these two...

1st: Bird on a telephone wire, 2nd: A fat man playing skee-ball...backwards?
Insanely high- a vibrating crackhead.
Oh dear...
Well that vibrating thing could come in handy.
Absolutely. It's great if you give a firm smack and then just press against the clit and toy around, then smack again, lather, rinse, repeat as necessary.
Seeing as how my man is a bit of a beast, he'd look odd with a shaved pubic area and the rest of him being fuzzier than a bear. Trim it up to keep yourself clean, but shaved is a bit too much for me.
Doggy, personally. Or on my stomach. Least painful, and seems to be the deepest as well.
Absolutely, both solo and with my partner. Being denied what you want the most makes it ten times better when you finally get it.
Even if you take away it's meaning, it's a very consonant-heavy word. It evokes a feeling of harshness, even if not meant as such. I try to avoid using it flippantly, but I personally don't take it to be a "no-no" word. Not something I'd say in front of a kid, but no word should be .
Just to add to the glorious mix of odd parenting and porn:


[Next linky]
(No, there is no actual incestuous sex in here- just a very awkward chat between a girl and the cameraman.)
Absolutely. Not purposefully to be a voyeur, it's just something that kinda absentmindedly happens whenever I have at least one hand free and accessible clothing.
Although I've noticed it's helped decrease any problems I, or a few fellow drivers around me, have with road rage. Wonder why...
Am I the only one that thinks the bacon pie could possibly turn out well? Think of it- chicken pot pie, bits of bacon, maybe some mushrooms... Nom? (Maybe less scary amounts of bacon though.)

Oh, and: <- Don't click if the idea of a "Velveeta fudge square" grosses you out. (It does to me, yet I still can't pry my eyes away. Damn internet.)
I'm not that knowledgable in the Aussie-greenery, but a little googling turned up this pretty little tree:
Brewster's Cassia

If I lived in that neck of the woods, I'd absolutely have one of those. The flowers are beautiful.
I would absolutely use sex to get something. That something being: Sex.
Width>Length, and size≠pleasure. If you know how to use it, what to say, how to move, how to tease, and how to push a girls buttons? You're set.
I've heard complaints from girls dating men with cocks that could be used to hunt elephant with, who can't get them off simply because they rely on their dangly bits to do all the work for them.
Quote by barefoot
I am cut and enjoy being that way ...but uncut does have a stronger more masculine look i believe

It can, really depends on the whole picture though. In general I have to agree on the masculinity of it though.