Absolutely. It was my original intent when I looked up the site, anyways.
My personal kryptonite story-wise, though? When the focus on detail isn't just of the physical sensations. The sounds, smells, tastes, heart palpitations, tensed limbs, curled toes...
Trimmed. Absolutely trimmed. But shaved? Eh...
A shirt that smells a bit like their skin, with a hint of their cologne or shampoo, maybe a wisp of smoke from the cig break they took a few hours ago...
Petite breasts and a large ass, or large breasts and a petite ass?
The majority of women are a bit more submissive, and I'm sure it goes back to primal ties. Supposedly that's why I don't play well with other women, alpha-female type personality and all. More dominant to women, ridiculously submissive to men, all goes back to those lovely primal instincts.
Directing/Writing, I work better behind a camera than in front of one.
Outdoor sex: In the rain, or in the snow?
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.
-The Hobbit, J.R. Tolkien
Less ridiculously broad and vague questions would be a great thing to find in a man.
Just sayin'.
I enjoy it... well, to be blunt, A LOT. It can't really be said which gender would enjoy it more though, seeing as how pleasure isn't something you can translate into numbers and figures. Maybe you can measure the moans in decibels and figure it out that way.
I think it would be enjoyable to teach a guy the ropes. As long as they happen to be capable of using a tongue properly (or can take instructions on using it well), cumming early wouldn't be off-putting.
I can't really just pick one. It'd change too much depending on my mood or current needs. Maybe I should get a mood ring and color-code each one to a different position....
"Ooh, blue today. You know what that means hunnie. GET THE TRAPEZE!"
Yeeees. Unless the person I was with wasn't as hygienic as I and was expecting reciprocation in that state...
I'd think that you'd be better off experimenting, and watching the girls reaction. In general, most girls enjoy the sucking/teasing/licking of the clit, and fingers/toys penetrating, but everyone has their own little buttons they love being pushed. I myself go nuts when they tease by licking the entire slit over and over, or have enough control over the muscles in the tongue to move it around inside in different ways.
And absolutely daily.
Hourly maybe?
Absolutely. I know of many other girls who would enjoy that immensely, on a humorous and sometimes sexual level. The idea of actually fucking a woman with a cock not made of plastic or rubber that you can actually feel would be amazing. But alas, I was born with an innie and not an outie in that general region. I highly doubt I would want it for more than a short period of time though, dangling genitalia just feels hazardous to a clumsy oaf like me.
I don't know what the capabilities of your chatroom system are, but maybe custom rooms that are user-created that expire when it's been empty for more than (x) amount of time?
You can't make a room for every fetish out there, but at least those seeking someone to discuss such things could make a little nook to curl up in and socialize within it's confines.
If not that... maybe similar sub-sections as the already available story categories? They seem to cover a healthy portion of fetishes.
It's one of those things that CAN work out, but the risks emotionally don't seem to outweigh the benefits of a quick fuck and subduing neediness.
You never know when it can come back to bite you in the ass, and in an unpleasant kind of way. Not the good ass-biting, that's a different story.
I giggled so hard, I kinda choked on my tea a bit. God dammit.