So this time around the Messiah's a Pole?
Why not? There was a polish pope.
Hmm. So now we have an HJ pope and a Polish Messiah. Interesting combination.
Sassy Red-haired Mod/Beach Kat
Stray sperm in the pool? So what, do they just ejaculate in the pools in Egypt without fishing it out afterward?
Wonder how the girl was conceived? Did mum visit pools in her day?
Maybe there was no water... maybe it was just a big ol bukkake pool that she was swimming in.
Bastard Egyptians ... Never trusted them since I watched
Wilson, Keppel & Betty
Doesn't sperm die in milliseconds out in the open?
that's like saying my dog ate my homework
did that make sense? It made sense in my head, but now that I read the above comment again, I realise it may not make sense in everybody else's head
It takes all kinds, huh S&S?
"More laps!" Heh heh heh.
Marcos you're a crazy man!