People look at me, they point their judging fingers. They whisper behind my back and I really couldn’t care less. So what, I’m different… I don’t belong to anyone, I don’t have an owner. I know that they criticize me, is evident that they hate me. Envy eats at them, my life overwhelms them. Why? They think they know me, they think they have me figured out… I’m not to blame, my circumstances insult them… All I know is – my destiny is what I decide, what I choose for me. So, again I ask… Who cares what I do..? Who cares what I say..? This is me… I will never change! Perhaps it’s my fault for not following the norm. It’s too late to change now, I’ll just have to stand strong in my convictions and I reinforce my positions. Because again, all I know is – my destiny is what I decide, what I choose for me. I may not be who you want me to be, but I’m also not who you believe me to be.
Interests Many people have asked me to tell them something interesting about me, it’s often hard to come up with a single answer --- for I am too complex to summarize. I may seem ditzy and superficial yet the truth is that my soul pours out in every action I take. I don’t do things half assed because then it wouldn’t be worth my time…
Yes I’ve done things in my past that I’m not proud of – but really who hasn’t’? Live and learn… Educate yourself for we cannot change the past but we CAN assure the future. Keep in mind you wont be alive forever.
Just remember one thing: “You cannot pick flowers without the fear of thorns.” Live each day as if it were your last!
Favorite Books I haven’t read a book in a while; however I’m getting very acquainted with our Lush Stories – thanks to all of the author’s who allowed me to translate their stories.
Favorite Movies I love stupid comedies; Sorority Boys, Superstar, Orange County, Saving Silverman, etc. I also love watching stand-up specials [you rock Dave Chappelle!]
Favorite Music My ipod has a wide variety of music, everything between Spice Girls and Shakira… =]