Hey guys just pondered something.
When talking about offensive words the C word (CUNT - there I said it) shocks the most people. Why?
I doesn't really bother me at all but I know it really upsets people.
What do you guys think?
The word (cunt) is a word ,, that has more than 1 meaning ,, depending on which context it is used in.
When describing a womans sexual apparatus ,, it can mean good or bad .
When men are speaking of a womans attitude towards them ,, then usually it is meant as something derrogetory or defaming.
I have no issue with people using it...I normally use it to describe men or women..it is a swear word like fuck or shit or pussy etc...(resists urge to put up the Derek and Clive clip)
Sometimes it offends me, sometimes it doesnt, it depends on the context of which it is being used
Cunt, twat, gash whatever nasty term you use it's all pussy and doesn't offend me in the least as long as your paying attention to it!!!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! I rarely use the word I more use it if I am very pissed at something or someone.
It depends on how it is being used.
"What's in a name? That which we call a pussy
By any other name would taste as sweet." – W. Shakespeare sort of
when we say "he's a dick" it isn't complimentary.. same as saying "she's a cunt"... they are both meant to take away identity.. there are far more sensual words that should be used intimately..
definitely depoends on the context.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element
"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
The 'C' word sounds a bit harsh sometimes, but I don't normally find it offensive.
It makes me cringe though when I hear someone young say it in front of an elderly person.
I get the feeling it's considered much more offensive in the US than it is in the UK (and perhaps other places), since there it's often used as a slang insult, and (at least as far as I remember) it's rarely used in the US except as a vulgar term for vagina.
it don't really bother me at all
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"
It doesn't offend me, but it will make you a mortal enemy if spoken in a derogatory manner around my wife ... she hates the word.
sometimes it is SO appropriate ... so I use it with great care, not flippantly!
I would say that we all would agree that its not really the word itself (just like all swear words), but the manner in which you use it. If it turns the person you're with on, or if that's how you and your friends joke, then its cool. But if you know that the person doesn't like it and you use that to intentionally cause disrespect them (once again just like any other swear word), then yes that's not a good thing.
*looks around*
Funny how some people don't even think of it as being used to curse people while some other people don't even think of it as a word for the womans genitals.
You learn things in life... and believe me you can use the phrase "I love you" to offend and degrade people, so what would be different with "cunt."
I don't find it offensive but I don't use it much...
I dont mind people using the word as long as it is not directed at me.
I agree with Robin Williams. Cunt is a harsh word. It's short, it has corners, it's not pleasant. On the other hand, pussy is soft, fuzzy, warm, and welcoming.
I hear what you’re saying, it is a strong word and only to be used in those moments of sheer and complete madness.
I think the biggest reason why it doesn't offend me so much is because it's just not a part of my life. It's not a word that's really ever used around me, and I never use it myself. I know the literal definitions for it, as well as the implied definitions - but since I never actually use it, nor does anybody around me, there's never any impact from it.
I think I don't care. And I want some pancakes....ehhhh....
It is a word that some do but ,depends on the context it is used in