Sometimes you hear on the news they talk about some high profile business man, or movie star, of mafia cappo,sports ace etc, and you can see sentences like " he liked to spend a lot of money on women"
I wonder what think women about that stereotyping of rich succesful men spending their money on "women", like if women in general were just a product one can buy along with luxury cars, big houses, etc, like if having a trophy wife/lover was a natural right of powerful men.
Do you find this sexist? Does it bother you? Any comment?
lol. Let me put it this way, if fools didnt want to spend their money on women, then womens life would be a lot more dull! Is it sexist to act like a woman is the same thing as a car? Maybe but the fact is that some women can be bought. I don't mean like a permanent slave or anything like that, but for a few hours or a few hours a day, it happens. Some women make that choice that they are a service that has a price. It aint sexist if you are selling yourself. The women that go for that, they dont worry about being used. People get used when they expect one thing and get another.
But if a man wants to wine me, dine me, fuck me, buy me nice things, and then hide me away or cast me off then I know thats the deal. I enjoy the time and the nice things and thats it. I don't expect to marry him, or be a "partner" or have his kids. lol.
Id like to say. That. Men and women use each other just as much, sure he is using you for a fucking, your using him for his money. If I didnt have a guy right now and some rich sexy older man came to me and said that he would treat me like a princess while Im with him but I have to be his whore in bed and Im not allowed to know him unless he calls me. Why not? It seems like a good swop.
Not all relationships need to be loving ones, sometimes sex just needs to sex.
I would not mind one bit being pampered with gifts, assuming if the roles were reversed, I could pamper him.
But personally, I would draw the line to him leaving money on the bed side table.
I wouldn't detest a sugar daddy, it's a sexy thought. A rich gentleman dolling me up for his enjoyment, with copious sex involved? Fuck yes.
Not a requirement though. My boytoy and I aren't anywhere near lavish luxury, and that's just fine.
The problem with all this using is the mind games that go with it. If you just wanna say "you use me this way, I'll use you that way, we'll both give what we've got and get what we want. Deal?" then that would be a lot better than this "I love you, buy me stuff" routine so many people try to play.
I'm a wild and Krrraaazzzy Guy!