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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154


Active Ink Slinger
What does it mean to 'cum like a race horse?'

I looked on the Internet but there were no definitions.

I do know it means to 'cum a lot,' but that doesn't really tell me anything because I don't know how much a horse cums.

I know a man cums about a teaspoon full each time. That is if you let him recover!

Just out of curiosity, one time me and a boyfriend bought a dozen condoms and then proceeded to use them one right after another as quick as I could get him up. By number twelve he was shooting blanks. All together if I remember right he cum about 1 1/2 fluid onces.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fystee
However, I have never had a boyfriend of mine turn to a street walker over me.UCDiJgjqfmc8IS3i

You still don't understand. When I was talking about men going to hookers I meant, hook·er1 (h‹k“…r) n. Nautical. 1. A single-masted fishing smack used off the coast of Ireland.

That's why I said mainly men.

Of course I'm kidding. As for you never having a boyfriend go to a hooker over you, I believe you, but seriously, how would you know?

I couldn't swear to it that any of my boyfriends have never used the services of a hooker . . . of either type.

Like I said before I don't know of anyone that has gone to a hooker. That's not something a guy would tell me.

Of course if your boyfriend is Curious2c, and too cheap. (his words)

That last was a joke.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fystee
My point is that you stated that all men go to hookers at some point. I don't think that is true.

Where did I say, "All men?" As you know the word "men" is plural. It can cover all men or as small a number as two.

You can never paint either sex with such all encompassing colors as to say they all do something like 'go to hookers.' That's why I find it hard to believe you read that into my post.

Have I said something in one of my posts that has caused you to dislike me?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Boyd254
Get a chance to truely watch two women "make love" and you may change your mind.

You mean after I quit throwing up?
Active Ink Slinger
Wow! That was surprising!

Hmmm. I wonder how big that bald headed guys dick gets when it's hard?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
And what would you call these exes now, LN?

Your asking how these guys went from the sexiest man alive to ex's. I really don't think about them, they're ex boyfriends.

Let me explain my thinking. I've never paid much attention to magazine's or polls that try for definitive answers on subjects like "who's the sexiest man/women alive," "the top 100 songs of all time, etc."

That's just stuff to talk about because people's opinions change from moment to moment.

An example. I love to shop, but I don't like to shop with one girlfriend because she can never make a decision and stick with it long enough to make a purchase. She's the worst I know of, but the point is opinions change.

And people change, and that makes other people change their opinions about them. But I'm getting off subject.

DUH! And I'm not explaining very well.

The bottom line is I always think of my currant boyfriend as #1. So with me that would automatically make him the sexiest. Ex's just go back to where they were before they were my boyfriend.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Curious2c
When you're down due to whatever reason, what item really fills that gap for you. I know that some women would kill for chocolate while others will only go for fruit. Some want a good cry while others will rant and rave. Some want to be held and cuddled, others want to take a knife to the blackheart that caused them their pains or made them think about it.

So tell me, the curious one...what does it best for you all?

I read.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fystee
Men . . . I think mainly men, see hookers all the time

Maybe your men seek this all the time LN but not all men. I personally have never had a man go to a hooker over me. Reach deep inside your bible and find a reason for it.

What are you talking about?

Personally I don't know of anyone that go's to hookers. I was giving information to make a point.

What's your point?
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dennis

I understand the doubt, i still think sometimes it was a bad dream. I am not sure i would believe someone telling me the same thing .
There are things i found out after the fact from one of her girl friend who use to go with her on their girls nights out , that helped me understand a little better her reason for cheating.
But the parts of her night with 2 guys that i left out and the things they done i do not understand at all.
The only places i have seen thing like that ,while trying to understand it , was on BDSM sites .
I find that writing about it so far, has helped me, it seems . I don't know if i will find the courage to really write all about that night . I am not sure any one would believe it , i know i would have doubts if someone told me such a story .
Thanks for your support

This being the Internet there will always be some doubt about a stranger's story. This being a story site it seems to me you would naturally get a more believable story teller too. That said, my policy is to go along with what someone says about their life unless it's really outrageous. After all it's no skin off my nose.
Active Ink Slinger
I have always wondered why men like to see women kiss and play around with each other. One time a boy friend and I were watching a movie where two girls kissed and he said, "Now if they would only rub their boobies together." That went over with me like a lead balloon.

I dropped him shortly after he kept encouraging me to kiss one of my girl friends. Well there was more to it than that, but that was a major no no.

It appears to me that men encouraging women to play around with other women is only cutting off their nose to spite their faces. What happens if the women then turn gay? The guys out in the cold and has to go elsewhere and it's all his fault.

If guys turn most of the women gay, then they will have to become gay themselves to get any sex.

Hmmm, go ahead and do that guys, then I can more or less have the pick of the remaining straight men!

I just had a thought. The bible says in the last days it will be like Sodom and Gamorra. (s?) So this is what will actually probably happen.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by fystee
ok I was just wondering because I think....once a cheater, always a cheater. Just from past experiences or whatver but I wanted to know what you guys thought about it.

I'm not a guy, but I don't believe they are any hard and fast rules that cover everything people do. Each person is different, making each case different, thus I don't agree with ...once a cheater, always a cheater. People change.

Yes, they are tendencies. People that cheat and get away with it are likely to do so again if similar circumstances arise. Fact is some people get caught and still cheat again after swearing they won't.

But all in all, there are no hard and fast rules that cover peoples conduct.

I have a girl friend that says all men are pigs. But you try to lump her daddy in there to make a point and she gets pissed!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Curious2c
Tell me what your perfect lover looks like and what they will do for you.

He looks like every man and he makes me laugh!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
Gals, which do you prefer: lights on or off?

It doesn't matter for sex . . . why I've been know to do it in broad daylight . . . in the surf on the beach.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by roccotool
Gals, what one thing should every woman know about men?

That's easy, most men want to get between your legs.
Active Ink Slinger
I could say how to cook, or something like that. But most important is knowing how to wrap a man around her finger when she needs to. (I'm only have way kidding)
Active Ink Slinger
Mostly I dress to be comfortable and stylish in that order. Of course the situation can change that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dennis
A question i guess more for the women on the site,
How can a wife go and bed another man and then claim while crying and hugging you that she loves you and only you , does not whant to loose you ect,??
Is she lying to you, herself or to both?
As for me i left her immediatly .

If your stories true, I know your hurting and feel for you. However, love and sex, and vice-versa, don't go hand in hand, you can always have one without the other.

Many people are married and have sex but don't love one another. It also follows that you can have sex with someone other than your spouse and still love your spouse.

Men . . . I think mainly men, see hookers all the time yet love their wife and would die for them. The bible says (Paraphrased) there's no greater love then to die for someone else.

Human nature being what it is, she could have been telling the truth.

The thing is people don't often think of the consequences of their actions. And often they are just playing around and let things go to far. There's also people that don't think they will get caught. Needless to say prisons are full of these type people.
Active Ink Slinger
Not counting high school, I've had five boy friends. At the time I was dating them, as far as I was concerned, they were the sexiest men alive.
Active Ink Slinger
If that was me on the bonnet the imprints would have been very messy.
Active Ink Slinger
I drove uptown one day to get fitted for a bridesmaid gown. I parked on a side street next door to the shop. I was wearing a short dress. When I went to leave and get into my car a guy watching me walked into a street sign. He glanced at what he had bounced off of, then quickly turned to see if I had saw him. He caught me grinning. I smiled and nodded. He shrugged and laughed, and then I had to laugh.

The above happened about five years ago. Just last month I had just come out of a store when two teen aged boys walked into a plate glass window behind me. From what I overheard they had misjudged the entrance because they were watching me.