A question i guess more for the women on the site,
How can a wife go and bed another man and then claim while crying and hugging you that she loves you and only you , does not whant to loose you ect,??
Is she lying to you, herself or to both?
As for me i left her immediatly .
Fortunatly, there was no children.
She committed suicide over loosing me and the marriage.
I am trying to find the courage to post the storie here on the site.
Hopefully , it may help someone else to handle such a situation better . also it may help my conscience .
Thanks for the answer
Hello Dennis,
Sorry about what happened. A lot of people aren't aware that sex is a physical activity and love is an emotional activity. It's rare for two people's sexual needs to be matched when their emotional feelings are - it's this mismatch that leads to a lot of issues within any relationship.
Discussing relationship in general is usually fairly easy, but when you get to a specific case, it's like trying to make a bomb while suffering from an extreme case of the shakes - it can be done, but it's likely to blow up in your face unless you're very. very careful.
Dennis, I'm not a 'gal' but felt a need to comment here on your question.
First of all, I'm sorry to hear of what happened in you life. Sometimes good people do bad things or make mistakes. Sometimes they don't understand why they do or did them in the first place. Without knowing you or your late ex-wife I can't really say much other than I wonder if she was suffering some kind of depression?
Depression can cause people to do things that they normally wouldn't do, and the fact that she committed suicide makes me wonder if she was depressed before or after her cheating episode?
Suicide is only painless to the one committing the act. To everyone else it's the most painful thing that many will ever experience.
I finally put the whole mess in writing with microsoft word. (Rough draft) I still have to put it in redeable form and correct the spelling . English is not my firs language. It was not easy, to write it still hurts after 2 years.
I am not ,i realise now, lily white in this mess. I handled it like (le dernier des idiots ) as we say here
I will post it sometime this week ,it is long , if needed there will be 2 installements if it is feasible .
I do not know if she was depressed Curious but the way i handle it sure sent her over the hedge if she was not before
I am sorry that it turned out that way for you Dennis. However, you have to realize that her committing suicide was not your fault. You probably feel that way for rejecting her after she cheated on you. She probably did love you but she was obviously depressed enough to take her own life. She had issues that were beyond your control. You seem to blame yourself for her suicide and you shouldn't. As curious said
"Suicide is only painless to the one committing the act. To everyone else it's the most painful thing that many will ever experience." Suicide is only the fault of the individual committing the act and nobody should feel guilt over it.
I will make no comment here Dennis, but will read your story(s) - I may come back to you privately.
Women are complex and exotic. Women can multi-task as where men focus on one item at a time. I believe that a woman can sleep around and still love someone else. Look at men who cheat, most love their wife and or girlfriend. It's about the SEX and not love. Yes with sex their is love and emotion, but take college kids for instance. They sleep around and have free sex because it's fun and it feels good. I know this will not help your situation, but I do understand. I have been there before and it's hard to deal with. I would have to say that the "old fashioned" life style may not work for everyone. No one wants to hear that someone they love is going out and having sex with someone else. Good luck myfriend and Godspeed.
Men . . . I think mainly men, see hookers all the time
Maybe your men seek this all the time LN but not all men. I personally have never had a man go to a hooker over me. Reach deep inside your bible and find a reason for it.
My point is that you stated that all men go to hookers at some point. I don't think that is true.
I believe that LN meant that men who go to hookers, most or all of them that may be married or in a serious relationship, don't love hookers, but they do love their significant others. As such, there is a separation of love and sex there. Quite a few men that actually go to hookers are married and they go to hookers for different reasons.
Some go for what they may not be able to get or ask for from their wives/girlfriends such as anal sex, blow job to completion, or other kink that they couldn't ask for from their SO. Some go for reasons that have nothing to do with the SO but instead to fill a need that can't be filled by the SO, perhaps the SO not being there, or having been elsewhere for a long time... whatever reason used I'm sure it's in their heads the SO will not find out about their having gone to a hooker for sex.
Not all men go to hookers. Matter of fact very few will do so. Most have a fear of disease that could be caught and then having to explain where it came from would spell the end of their relationships with their SO's.
Of course, I have thought about going to a hooker. Matter of fact I've thought about it a lot since moving to where such availability is quite readily there. I just am too damn cheap to want to lay out the bucks required for such action. At least for now anyway. heh.
OK, I'd been keeping out of this one, but now you've moved to hookers and referring to fishing smacks, well -
Here in Australia, lots of men and women go to Hookers on a weekly basis - to pay their rent, L J Hookers is one of our largest real estate firms.LE0U2UtRPvj86Dy1
I will admit to going to a hooker once .
Many years ago when i first go to the big city as it were. I was not rich and she was far from a high class Dame of the nights .
It was a matter of pay your money , but on a condom , she spreads her legs and you empty yous sac
It was not very satisfying , i never repeated the experience after that.