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5 days ago
Bisexual Male, 45
0 miles · New Hope


Active Ink Slinger
Absolutely tired of tats, especially on women; major turn-off. The human body looks so much more beautiful un-inked and non-pierced.
Active Ink Slinger
Perhaps an erotic vacation trip to someplace like Hedonism in Jamaica or a lifestyle resort in the states might remind him how much fun it can be. I've seen folks as old as 70 in these places so it will also provide some peer approval.
Active Ink Slinger
Quite possibly the cuckold videos and stories exaggerate the scenes to cartoonish dimensions; as do most BDSM videos. If a couple has a desire to do a MMF scene, but want the husband to feel, even if artificially, guilt free, then the obvious path would be 'woman-in-charge.' In most real life BDSM it is the submissive whose fantasy is being served first; the submissive controls the scene, although acting powerless so the conscience isn't bothered. I'm suspecting most real life cuckold scenes are the same, drawing out the desire in an odd type of extended foreplay.
Active Ink Slinger
Bare, but it is important to make an erotic trip of getting to that point. The 'forced' undressing, or skirt-up/panties-down, must be made part of the foreplay. Also, the bare bottom gives a proper sound when spanked with a properly cupped hand; again to aid in the foreplay's build-up.
Active Ink Slinger
First off, no, the trust can not and will not ever return. Second, from the way you describe how this came about she sounds, at least a bit, manipultive; so you already know that trying to trust will simply place you back in place to be set-up again. The realities of these situations are always lousy and best to be walked away from.
Active Ink Slinger
Cold, hard fact, the trust is gone, and for a very good reason, HER behavior! So therefore the relationship that may, or may not have, existed is over. Move on, yes it sucks, but trying to recycle a relationship will just make things worse.
Active Ink Slinger
Lots of good quality, like Astroglide, lube and go slow, be gentle.
Active Ink Slinger
Shaved smooth is best, it's clean, one doesn't get hairs when performing oral and less chance of sweat smell. At very least it should be trimmed short. Hairy is just short of gross.
Active Ink Slinger
I asked a female trainer at the gym I attend if she had any tattoos, her response was perfect, "why put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari."
Active Ink Slinger
Go to and search 'complete movies' and/or 'foreign films, the 'Strictly English' series is great.
Active Ink Slinger
My gf sat on my erection, cowboy position, in the tub and peed on me, it wasn't as exciting as I'd hoped. But we found we both get turned on by having a warm stream directed onto the butthole. We even will sometimes use a 2-qt. enema bottle of warm water to extend the pleasure and rinse. Just another once in awhile variation.
Active Ink Slinger
It appears to me that the relationship is over. Obviously the trust is gone, that will not ever be restored, you know that. Right now you are most likely trying to somehow make it 'like it used to be' while knowing full well it won't. Moving on is tough, but it is better than continuing to flog your emotions through something you need to get away from.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes, but it didn't last long, as it proved difficult for both of us to stay in with everyone moving. She was petite and wanted it, but the angles etc. just made it a hassle after a few minutes.
Active Ink Slinger
A golden stream directed on the butthole is extremely, sexually exciting, for either gender.
Active Ink Slinger
NEVER use anything short that doesn't have a flared base; things have been known to go in and get stuck. If it is long, like a foot or more, still be careful and never go too deep. That aside, some candles work, some hairbrush handles are perfect, as are the necks/nozzles of alot of feminine products. Always use lots of lube, preferrably something intended for that, like K-Y or Astroglide. Condoms help with safety and clean-up.
Active Ink Slinger
Although a stern "aunt" or kissing "cousin" fantasy story is okay to me [because those terms are often rather generic, as opposed to a true relative], any real is deplorable. Other subjects that I would prefer didn't exist are [which includes anything against someones will], scat, pedophiles, beastiality and any form of genuine body or mind damaging sadism.
Active Ink Slinger
I absolutly detest implants!
1] They involve surgery, always risky.
2] Women are just fine whatever chest they have; including flat!
3] What does surgically modifying one's body, for vanity, say about a person?
Active Ink Slinger
As I've posted before, in a BDSM scene and/or relationship, it is the Sub who is in control; they are the one getting their fantasy fufilled. So if the Dom is simply being manipulative, and/or strictly demanding what they want, it is not a healthy situation. The BDSM group that my gf & I used to belong to [sadly defunct] always met new members, other than referrals, at at an off-premise swingers club [we'd arrainge for a large room in the back about once every 3 months] so they could be vetted. A good Dom knows how to convey the spirit and, to a minor extent, the feel, of punishment, without serious bruising, scarring, or worse, blood. When someone wants to "raise welts" they're probably into it for the wrong reasons.
Active Ink Slinger
With 35 pages this may have already been brought up, but please stop allowing picture posting in chat rooms. The pictures interrupt the dialog, make the room unsafe to be if you're in a semi-public area and infer that everyone wants to see them. 3 of the last 4 times that I was in a chat room someone started posting pictures, like every 15 seconds! Very annoying.
Active Ink Slinger
First off, please have her try acupuncture before meds. It is better, cheaper and has no side effects, nor addiction issues. Also bear in mind that the big pharmaceutical companies have spent a lot of money convincing people that addiction is fine, it's not. Doctors are way too quick to medicate. Beyond that, much has already been answered here. It is quite possible she is simply bound up in the emotions of the massive changes her life is going through and not yet understanding that it will work out. Try to get her to understand that everything is relative, that while this is huge in comparison to what she has done, it will be minor in comparison to her overall life.
At risk of starting a Forum war, I want to point out to Shylass & dangerzone, that they may be projecting themselves [Dangerzone states, "I have depressive tendencies"], [Shylass, "If it was, I would not suffer from depression."] onto someone who, according to dangerzone, "For the first couple of months she seemed really happy and perky. We've since both moved to a new city (neighboring ones) in order to start work (for her) and grad school (for me). Ever since, she's been really depressed." I am not trying to make light of anyones battles with depression, nor do I mean to slight those who are taking time to try an assist with serious advice. The point I want to bring out is that this does not look like a woman with a chronic depression disorder, rather someone struggling through a period of intense change. To that, it seems to me, the last thing this woman needs is to be joining clubs or getting onto meds. We can only reflect onto a situation what our own experiences have been and how our personalities handled them. It is too bad we can't sit down with her to ask what combination of experiences, or perhaps lack of them, and which personality traits, are combining to cause this funk that she is in. I agree with Shylass that there are too many 'counselling' horror stories to suggest that.
There is another, unlikely, possibility. She may just be showing that face to you. I knew a girl who would go into an apparent "depression" whenever she didn't want to deal with someone or something. She could turn the act on and off in a moment, especially in a crowded room. Again, not likely, just an example of a different angle.
Active Ink Slinger
A long weekend at a 'Lifestyle' resort or attending 'Splash Day' at someplace like Hippie Hollow [on Lake Travis near Austin, Texas], would be great ways to meet guys of similar mind. Some gay bars and clubs as well as BDSM clubs are safe places to be open about your desires. Trying to start with a 3-some would definetly be easier at the resorts [BTW, do NOT confuse lifestyle resorts and/or conventions with nudist events!].
Active Ink Slinger
In my experience, and since women can cum so many more times than guys, a MMF threesome doesn't have much MM interaction. Usually it is the 2 guys pleasuring the gal in various ways. When involved in a FFM the girls better get along, because either of them can wear the guy out, at least orgasm wise. Again, from my experiences, in the FFM, the girls tend to be pleasuring each other, with the guy allowed to pick how he wants to get pleasured. I'd suggest spending a few weekends at a 'Lifestyle' resort to get an understanding and meet some people.
Active Ink Slinger
A lot of the suggestioins here are really more applicable to a couple already somewhat experienced in this type of play. My advice to you, as a couple, is to start slow and with the known; the blindfold is already a huge change. If you immediatly jump to tingling creams and candle wax the party may end very fast and very rudely. Give her a chance to get use to being felt up, teased and pleasured, while blindfolded and/or bound, use what you know pleasures her. Then, when this is something that she already looks forward to, experiment.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
why is it every guys dream to sleep with a hot/beautiful female parent ? why the ultimate sex drive for a hot mum/mom

Excuse me, but that is NOT, "every guy's dream."
Active Ink Slinger
Go to the 'couples only' resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. No kids or singles hanging around; plus the food, fun and activities are all set up for the couple to enjoy together.
Active Ink Slinger
Looks like some of the answers you are getting are a little muddled; perhaps because your profile says male, yet as 'sex' you list 'female' you might want to correct that. Assuming you are a male CD, I'm thinking your question is really about how many guys share the fantasy of being asked or 'forced' to CD. Judging by the number of stories and videos on the subject, I'd say a good number. As to how many women would ask a guy to do it for them, if my experience is any gauge, very few. BTW, a lot of female profiles, on sites like this, specify that they are not interested in CD's, TV's nor TG's. However, I recall a lot of the gals at the B&D club that my gf and I used to frequent, would do a crossdress scene per request.
Active Ink Slinger
If you simply throw 'open' the marriage, with each of you on your own, it will be a seperating situation. However, if you try out some off-premise swingers clubs, or attend some swinger and/or Lifestyle parties, together you two can find other couples to have fun with; so it is something you enjoy as a couple. If you can find a Lifestyle resort nearby, go for a few weekends, you'll be pleasantly surprised. BDSM clubs are also a good place to meet interesting people as are the Swinger/Lifestyle conventions. If you have the time and money, Club Hedonism in Jamaiica is awesome.
Active Ink Slinger
Best to start by taking her out to someplace like an off-premise swingers or Lifestyle club or resort [do not confuse with nudist resort]. That way you 2 can meet the people, instead of trusting internet bio's and she will, hopefully, see some folks she likes. Just don't be surprised if she'd rather try a woman first.