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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 34


I deffinitely prefer true stories, I kind of wish there was a true category here.
While I have nothing against prostitution, it's just not for me.
It probably has a lot to do with the job and the workplace. I imagine it's a lot easier to get away with at some places over others.
Glasses are just accessories for your face, they look great in fact I prefer how girls look with glasses typically.
Mark Wahlberg - he just annoys me, and he usually plays heroes who are complete jerks.
Adam Sandler - maybe if he was in some decent movies I would like him more, but typically I associate him with bad movies I'll hate.
Tom Cruise - I just have an extremely hard time believing him in action roles, which are pretty much exclusively what he plays.
Kirsten Stewart - she just can't act to save her life, maybe if she took some classes and improved her skills I would have more faith in her as an actress.

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of any right now.
Ok so I'm here pretty much exclusively to read stories, and I visit on what I would consider a fairly regular basis so I read quite a few stories.

My question is why does it seem like in nearly every story I read the female orgasm is represented through squirting when in reality only a portion of women actually experience this on a regular basis? I can't help but feel like it's a bit over the top, but maybe that's just me.

If your an author who often writes stories where this occurs perhaps you could shed some light on the topic and illuminate me as to why it appears to be so prevalent in stories, particularly those involving oral sex.
Men cheat for the same reasons women cheat, there isn't really an answer all for this question. However the reasons I've heard most tend to be;

- bored but won't break it off with their partner for one reason or another
- were seduced by another and were either caught up in the moment or lacked the willpower to back out.
- developed feeling for another and instead of deciding on a person who they wanted to be with decided to have their cake and eat it too.
I pretty much always sleep naked unless I'm somewhere where I can't.
Probably either Belle, Jafar, or the Shadow Man, as for movies either Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, or Princess and the Frog.
Yeah the topic was abolished just recently for a number of reasons, a bit of digging should turn up one of several of the threads where it was being discussed.
Why even ask the question? It's pretty obvious your just looking for one answer.
It's quite common at my work, I can think of three couples just off the top of my head.
I've never enjoyed wearing watches, especially in light of how quickly their batteries die when I wear them on a regular basis. Pocket watches however are a different story all together.
Sentence that would never appear in an erotica story "And that was when I learned how to pickle eggs"

Sentence that should never appear in an erotica story "And that's how I met your mother"
I've only ever had it happen once, and it was really weird, I wasn't distracted or not into it but all of a sudden it was like my body decided ok I'm done, go do something else now.
Interesting, most of them look so puffy and have terrible skin before hand. Not that I'm particularly surprised mind you.

As for the herpes thing, I've watched a few documentaries about working in the industry and in all of them they all pretty much said if you work in the industry you will get an STI eventually.
Sandwiches are probably one of my favorite types of food. Which is a bit like saying you love pasta, it can come in so many different shapes sizes and flavor that it boggles the mind.

I'm definitely a sucker for a well made Reuben though.
Reading stories: no

Sex chatting or having other dirty/naughty conversations: yes, completely. If saying the same words over the phone, through text, or in person is cheating why wouldn't it be on the computer as well. Especially if your sharing photos etc.
I love steam punk styles when they aren't too over done.

It's really a shame that wearing steampunk clothes in every day life would cause one to get more than a few strange looks.
I know this is something of an older thread but I wanted to post anyways.

Unfortunately I primarily play RPG and RTS games on both console and PC, and I have found that both of these genres tend to age poorly, though for different reasons. I can't tell you how many times I've busted out an older game with stars of nostalgia in my eyes only to find that the intervening years seem to have worn off the magic from games which I enjoyed so much when they were new.

I find that RPG games tend to get dated just because of how much the genre has moved foreword in the past number of years, improvements in game design theories, as well as things like engines and AI have simply made the older games feel obsolete. If you don't believe me try playing Skyrim for a few hours and then go back to Morrowind where at the start of the game your skills are all low enough that you will likely struggle to hit (let alone kill) even basic enemies with your weapons, I find these nostalgia shattering realizations to be really disappointing when I come across them. Especially when I still think that the older game would be a better game if it were made with contemporary technology. That said I do think that certain games in this genre hold up excellently, for a great example of that just go back and play Bauldurs Gate II (or the recently made enhanced version).

With RTS games I think it just comes down to AI, they are still a blast to play with friends, but their AI opponents are often so limited that they can really affect how much fun you have. Modern AI in games has really spoiled me when it comes to games like this.
Until someone figures out how to exchange their body for another one or convert themselves to the opposite sex without surgery isn't this all just conjecture?

I don't know, I think there are enough stories and experiences floating around about explosive climaxes for both sexes that it's pretty safe to say that the answer is both. It all just depends on the person and the experience at the time.
I'm not a woman so I obviously can't speak for them, but I always imagined that its one of those things that some folks are into and others aren't, the definition of rough sex can vary pretty wildly just like the definition of anything can. Ask twenty people what their idea of great sex is and you could get responses varying from pretty tame missionary sex all the way up to really involved BSDM. I imagine you would find a similar spread in regards to a question about what exactly rough sex is and whether or not girls and/or guys enjoy it.

Also, I'm not sure that lush is the best medium for finding out if the average girl likes it "rough". Lush attracts a lot of people who are really into sex, in a way that I think not everybody is, as such I think that a fair portion of people on Lush are often both more experienced, and more adventurous than the average person is or at least interested in becoming more experienced or adventurous. Also in the end Lush is on the internet and as they say you shouldn't always believe what you read on the internet :P.

Personally my ideal amount of rough is probably a lot closer to just forceful, if I was with a girl who wanted me to hurt her or do other assorted things that go along with the territory of "rough" I think it would be pretty solidly outside my comfort zone, but then maybe I'm just a tame guy when it comes to that stuff :P.
I haven't watched porn in a number of years, so my opinion is a bit dated :P

Personally I'm not completely sure drawing ones directions from porn is exactly the best idea, considering as a medium it's pretty entrenched in fantasy, porn is often about what looks good over what feels good, one only has to look at the facial expressions of some of the people doing the act in the videos to see what I'm talking about. Also a lot of it is fake, often the actors and actresses play up the situation or exaggerate their movements/sounds/reactions in order to sensationalize the event and make it more appealing to the viewer.

Porn is good for doing exactly what it tries to do, which is to entertain and to get people off. I'm not sure turning it into a measuring stick for your personal sexual experiences is a good idea, and there are plenty of tests that have been done which show just that.

A good example of this can even be drawn from my earlier life, in my younger years I like many folks my age was something of a porn enthusiast you may say, I watched it whenever the mood struck and it struck often. But it colored my opinions of what I thought real life encounters were like, and while I would still consider my first time to be a very enjoyable experience and fond memory, it was diminished by my pre-formed expectations of what sex was like. Expectations I had formed from watching porn.

That said hey if it gives you some ideas as to a new position or role play, or whatever then that's just an added bonus and I hope you enjoy doing it as much as you enjoyed watching it.
Why would I lie about my job to impress someone? Being a celebrity astronaut-bull fighting president is more than impressive enough for the average person.

This one was long enough that I had to copy + paste the OP in order to keep track of it all and answer each part individually.

My confidence stems from two sources, first off I have a wonderfully supportive wife who gives me plenty of praise without giving so much as to devalue said praise, and secondly I realized a few things a few years ago, mainly that you care far more about anything you do than anyone else does unless they are the sort of people who judge or criticize everyone around them, in which case I don't really want to be around them.

I do think that my confidence is derived from a mix of 75% how I perceive myself and 25% how I feel others perceive me.

I'm confident about a lot of things, I know at least some of my natural strengths and weaknesses and try to play to them to an extent, also I am confident in my appearance, though like everyone I do have a few things I work to change. As for blows to said confidence I simply seek out those who I know will uplift me, also I often seek out constructive criticism on the topic in the hopes of improving myself.

I don't really do anything to boost confidence in myself it just sort of happens. As for boosting in others I always try to go out of my way to compliment and give credit where compliments and credit are due. I think compliments and positive encouragement are the best building blocks for confidence, so if I can help someone to feel better about themselves I will. A single compliment can sometimes turn a person's entire outlook around, so why not, right?
I didn't really think of it as foreplay at the time and it wasn't a shave so much as a trim.

It's fun, but I don't think I would get anything out of shaving my partner, and most likely anything I got from her down there was just from the touching lol. Some things just aren't as interesting to some people as they are to others I suppose.

If you think it could be fun I recommend just trying it and seeing for yourself what you think :P
I started dating midway through my teens and haven't been single since, before that I didn't really have any experience in the fields of in person intimacy lol.

However in a hypothetical world where I grew up different but somehow have the exact same outlook on life as I do now, I'm not sure I could see myself entering into an agreement of that sort. From what I can tell they often end poorly and I would be worried about one of us developing un-reciprocated feelings for the other, I think that while it may be fun nine times out of ten bizzaro world Icarus32 would just rather keep them friends.