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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 34


Active Ink Slinger
Once upon a time when I was younger both phone sex and chatting were something I really enjoyed doing when I couldn't meet my girlfriend in person. However nowadays, being married and moved out it has lost it's luster, especially considering I don't have a land line and cell phones get uncomfortably warm quite quickly when in use.
Active Ink Slinger
Unfortunately in every example of "taking a break" that I've ever seen it was because the member or members of the relationship who were proposing it wanted out for some reason or another but didn't have the spine to carry out the deed.

If someone your with is proposing a break you need to have an honest talk with them about why exactly they want said break, and then find out if there is a workable alternative to said break. Breaks are ugly nasty affairs that usually either become or closely precede a break up, so tread carefully and make sure any action you take is very well communicated with your partner because you should really know why they want one before you decide if its something your willing to do.

As for reasons why a guy/girl would recommend one, I think dpw stated it best, life and relationships are dynamic so there could always be other reasons than these, but they are definitely the ones Ive heard of most often.

"1. He wants to finish but doesn't want to hurt you. He doesn't realize that it's worse doing this!
2. He's getting too involved, he's new to this feeling and it scares him.
3. He thinks your too possessive and he's getting annoyed.
4. He's found somebody else but wants you as a fall back in case it doesn't work out."
Active Ink Slinger
In media or images it can be an appealing thing if it goes well with the rest of a character or model's outfit and personality.

However real life often differs from media and this is a good example of it. Personally I don't find the smell, poor skin/nails/hair/teeth, or repercussions on health, emotions, or finances appealing at all.

But then I'm also not a smoker, and in the end computability really comes down to interests.
Active Ink Slinger
It doesn't sound like normal behavior to me, though I think the big question is are these new developments. When you two met, dated, and eventually married was he lax with hygene and self care? If the other aspects of his actions haven't changed then it may or may not be something mental. However if he has changed to become this way it could be mental or it could be that these factors are simply symptoms of a different issue. Perhaps he is unhappy with some aspect of his life or another, before you jump to the conclusion that its you though I would recommend trying to sit him down and have a heart to heart.

If you have a good enough reason to believe he could be going through something serious, especially if its depression or one of its relatives you really need to make sure he knows your there for him, and try to get him some help. People with emotional disorders can often suffer in silence or even rash or irrational decisions because of them, some of which can have extremely serious repercussions.

In the end though we really are just words on the internet from people with completely outside views into the situation. Take our advice and form your own plan of action, make sure its your decision and that you stand fully behind what you are doing.
Active Ink Slinger
The Lord of the Rings trilogy
The Hobbit (so far :P, though yes I know it deviates a fair bit)
Harry Potter
Jurassic Park, its departs pretty heavily from the source material, but they are still good, and if you like them I really recommend reading the books.
Active Ink Slinger
Not being a devout follower of the comic (more of a DC man myself) I'm going to stick to the movie.

Thor, followed closely by Captain America. Iron Man doesn't appeal to me as much simply because I haven't really enjoyed his stand alones, the Hulk is a bit shallow in the movies, and Black Widow and Hawkeye simply didn't feel very super to me when compared to the rest of the team, especially when the movie goes out of its way to give them less super side fights to do when the others are off fighting.

Also, come on where is Hawkeye's purple suit. Bring back the purple suit :P.
Active Ink Slinger
Doctor Who
Game of Thrones
Stargate (SG:1 or Universe, Atlantis was good but it just doesn't make the cut)
Adventure Time
How I Met Your Mother

Honorable Mention:
Bob's Burgers

Once upon a time Community would have featured prominently on this list as well but the third season just put me off that show. Though I have been hearing very good things about season 4.
Active Ink Slinger
If Adam Sandler, Michael Cera, and Vince Vaughn all announced that they were retiring from the business tomorrow I would not be remiss.
Active Ink Slinger
I almost always think a girl who wears glasses looks better with them on than with them off. They frame the eyes and add something to the face that I find very appealing.

Its a bit like accessorizing an outfit to make it pop, your just accessorizing your face :P
Active Ink Slinger
I've always assumed this is one of the departments where fellows with smaller gear would excel.
Active Ink Slinger
It could be interesting but I think it would be hard to be straight faced about it.
Active Ink Slinger
Many of the pyramids were built in the Hellenistic age when Greeks ruled Egypt, and were constructed for Greek rulers. So in a way, many of the pyramids were built by the Greeks.
Active Ink Slinger
Lol, I think it's one of those fantasy vs reality things. In a story I'm on board with it, would I do it in real life? Doubtful.
Active Ink Slinger
Provided the basis is complete honesty and faithfulness to each other I don't see why not. That said I think an online relationship, much like a long distance relationship would require a lot more trust than a regular one would.
Active Ink Slinger
The concept of a singular friend who you feel is the best of your friends seems odd to me, I have lots of friends who I like for various reasons, I don't however have a best friend.

Sure a lot of folks may have that one friend who they are way closer with than anyone else, but I don't really think the concept of a BFF applies to everyone.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm very curious to see where they take it. I'll probably wind up seeing it in theaters, and all I can say is dear god I hope it doesn't go the way of most movies based off video games.
Active Ink Slinger
Some women (and men) are naturally flirty and don't realize what they are doing.
Active Ink Slinger
I know this is aimed at girls, but I can't envision that being anything other than creepy if it came from a stranger.
Active Ink Slinger
Why not make a post stating that the reviewers will be taking a short holiday break?
Active Ink Slinger
I think it would be funny. It would depend on timing, volume, toxicity, and the situation as to how it would affect continued events.
Active Ink Slinger
Going to be 100% honest with all this

1) Would you be sexually attracted to a girl with a large scar down her chest? (From surgery)
It would really depend on how obvious it was, scars can vary quite heavily in their appearance, so it's hard to judge that on something other than a case by case circumstance.

2)Attracted to a girl who has orgasms every 2 fucking seconds?
This sounds pretty unrealistic, I think if I ever dated a girl like that we would be having an "are you faking it" conversation pretty early on. That said if it was legitimate I don't see it being a problem.

3) Attracted to a Nymphet?
Why would I ever be attracted to someone who I felt looked like a kid.

4) Would you stay with a girl if she doesn't want to have sex until married?
It would depend on how much I cared for her, but I would like to say yes.

5) Pubic hair or no?
Call me a victim of modern media, but I vastly prefer no hair down there.

6)Uneven boobs? (One bigger one smaller)
This would depend on two things;
- how drastically different
- how attractive is the rest of her.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to, then I realized how incredibly risky it was even with a locked phone. Now when I get such photos they only stay there for a very short period of time before going into the vault.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by HotBttmInBriefs
This may have already been suggested but I was thinking the other day that in addition to being able to follow an author I wish we could follow a category or categories and be notified when a new story has been added to that category.

There are several categories that I try to follow in particular the bisexual category and I try to catch all the stories added there to add to my queue, but if I get busy I have to go through the pages and add them.

I definitely agree with this. The only thing I would like to add is the request that this system if ever implemented have some way of notifying you with as few messages as possible, otherwise I foresee a situation where people who follow too many categories will simply have their mailboxes inundated with story notifications. That said, to some extent the ability to limit what types of stories you see in the first place does sort of fulfill a very similar function.

Personally as someone who follows a lot of stories because I like to keep an eye out for writers who's work I enjoy I would really love to see a system implemented where you are notified in some way when an account you are following has been inactive for X amount of time, thus making it so I don't have to go through my entire follow list once every few months and weed out the inactives.
Active Ink Slinger
It's not a question of folks knowing. It's a question of my not finding it an appealing action to take.
Active Ink Slinger
overdressed you just come off as silly or perhaps a bit pretentious. Under dressed you look like a slob or unprofessional, or like you aren't taking the event seriously. So always overdressed.