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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Male, 70
0 miles · West Lafayette


Active Ink Slinger

Often at my desk for the porn online. Next would be with whoever Im having sex with. Often mastrubate with them as a voyuer/exhibitionist thing. When waking in the morning and want to use the morning wood.

Active Ink Slinger

Quote by misty0666
Take your pick of diagnoses. You may or may not be right. For all i know, the doctors may or may not be right

From Childhood Ive been diagnosed with:

Neural Motor Retardation



Bi Polar

Ausbergers Syndrome

All judged by licensed medical professionals. I was still able to obtain a university degree, assorted licenses, a career as a officer of Marines, and run a couple businesses.

Active Ink Slinger

Wrote a Haiku while mastubating this morning. Bed has a nice view of the large pond.

Stiff aching erection

Calm fog covers lake and trees

Release sticky jizz

Active Ink Slinger

Oldest was last summer. Met a couple at sex club. She was less than two months from her 80th. Still sexy, appreciative, wet pussy, and very sensual touching me anywhere. Her hand had my cock hard in seconds. Multi orgasmic as well.

Active Ink Slinger

Probably the first complete orgasm I had without ejaculating. Id been edging for some months & managed to take it to the next level. This allowed me to stay erect, or go soft for a bit & become hard again consistently.

Active Ink Slinger

This was inspired by morning mastrubation waking up in a lakeside cabin.

Stiff aching erection

Calm fog covers lake and trees

Release sticky jizz

Active Ink Slinger

Up dating five years later. Morning wood still happens, tho not every morning. Ejaculations can still be plentiful, but Im not pursuing them as often. Practice at Tantra with a few partners and alone has recovered my old ability to orgasm without ejaculation. I can multiple orgasm with my female partners again. Sometimes I never get around to ejaculation, but am well satisfied anyway after several peaks of intense pleasure. Still using the Silnandifil at 20-60mg depending on the mood & partner.

Active Ink Slinger

Couple years ago a friend fashioned one of ginger root to plug me with. Yes it was.. stimulating

Active Ink Slinger

When I can I include the mastrubation as part of my routine. The basis of my workout is therapy exercises for my legs, then yoga, and brief rounds of meditative breathing. Weights may also be included depending on circumstances. With one of my friends we occasionally combine yoga, meditation and sex in a sort of tantric mix.

Active Ink Slinger

Originally for the erotica, then to chat. Unfortunately the change in the presentation of the site discourages me. Its annoying to navigate, visually blah, and has some details that aggravate my Dyslexia. The earlier format may not have been award winning, but this one makes me want to read and chat elsewhere.

Active Ink Slinger

Complicated questions. Tho homophobia can be a simple answer. A second simple answer is child molestation. Theres a number of ways that connects to a desire not to see images of subtle and overt male/male sexuality. Of course when you go to porn hub exr... there lots of images of m/m sexuality.

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by utterchaos
The largest age difference I've had is 6 years which seems minuscule compared to some of these answers haha. I was 18 and he was 24.

AT ages 28 & 29 my buddy & I were rejected as 'too old' by a pair of 22 year olds we had a couple hours in the bar with.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by henco
Kdysi jsem byla na dovolené na masáži , ale bylo to jen půl hodiny a teď tam chceme jít s manželem, ale chtěli bychom od vás vědět, jaké to je a jestli se něco změnilo. Docela intimní cvičení, které je mnohem příjemnější ve srovnání s jinými klasickými druhy masáží.

Quote by henco
I used to go on a massage holiday, but it was only half an hour and now we want to go there with my husband, but we would like from you to know what it is like and if something has changed. Quite an intimate exercise, which is much more pleasant compared to other classic types of massages.
Active Ink Slinger
Im 66 & a woman in her fifties is actually becoming rarer for me. Most lovers the past few years have been 60+ & 70+. The retired age ladies have been enthusiastic and shall I say 'experienced'...
Active Ink Slinger
Yow. This is crossing the line into underaged referencing and may be deleted when a moderator finds it.

1. Don't ever get caught with this 16 y/o woman alone. Period. How ever innocent things might have been at that moment they can swiftly go bad if it happens again. anticipate, plan, think, be proactive, & never get caught with her alone again.

Does she have a crush? I'm lost on the definition of crush. Some people may say no, but they are not taking the risk, & its not worth it.

I would say he is a woman, how ever inexperienced, hormone charged, and emotionally mature. She has a strong sex drive she does not much understand and know a lot about controlling it. She is consciously and unconsciously trying to validate herself as a adult and woman. Out of ignorance she'll make mistakes at this like we all did and do. So stay clear of potential trap moments where misunderstandings occur and control is lost.
Active Ink Slinger
Had more than a few women watch me in the last 45+ years. Some wouldn't let me finish myself but insisted on it in them. Absolutely the best in that scenario is on the first spurt of ejaculation the watcher takes the tip in their mouth & swirls or massages their tongue around the head as the cum is flooding out.
Active Ink Slinger
Sex clubs seem to vary a lot. I found the one I was in a dozen times was nearly a different club from one night to the next.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Meggsy
I had to encourage our two guys to engage in oral on each other and swallow. They were very reluctant but when we said no more oral from us until they did. It was a huge challenge for them but I encouraged both of them in a MMF to try and eventually they succeeded. It was hilarious the first time they did a 69 together and we insisted they both cum to give each other the taste we have been enjoying for years. They thought it was disgusting at first but over the year or so can achieve it more or less willingly. I doubt they do it if we are not there to encourage them. If it’s good enough for us it’s good enough for them.

A little like that my first time. tho me & the other man were not disgusted or opposed. Mostly I think lack of confidence we could actuialy do as well as the girls. He & I had three naked women cheering us on, which helped.
Active Ink Slinger
No, isolated wi a friend for months till cabin fever drove us out. Past two months I've had a Cold, then Covid, which tanked my libido.

But I am thinking about jerking off tonight
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Georgiagirl25
Not sure about this one. Saw one guy suck another guy's cock during group sex once, it looked unusual at first. What I did like about it was I thought at the time, "Wow, now he knows what a girl's world is like!"

It does give us that in common.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Stormdog
I suspect that more often than not, there are men on both sides of the gloryhole. ...

About all the couples swaps, & parties I have been to the guest were bi, males too. So it ran about 50% or better the BJ you were getting was from a guy. Only one of those had a GH. However one host had a thing where the guests would lie on the bed with a blanket over their torso & the other guests would have their way with the exposed lower half.
Active Ink Slinger
Swim naked. Works about anywhere, hotel pool, public pool, fountain, lake side, ect... ect...
Active Ink Slinger
In the past six years since my 60th I've had full on sex with at least five women under age 60. Most under age 50 I'm guessing. Some were one off some multiple times,
Active Ink Slinger
If its not clear yet here, it varies widely by individual, and circumstances.