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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 36


Quote by NickiC
Fresh fruit. I don't like sweets much. Good ripe, seasonal fruit. Yum.

Thank you for starting this topic NickiC! Very mixed feelings( ) about the images shown above but also surprisingly amused!
Happy to see that there are a few people who can put their own little world aside and give less narrow-minded replies.

I myself think this to be a scene hard to manage to everyone's satisfaction. The few and little detailed arguments you shared are all somewhat onesided(if that is even a word). What I mean to say is that ever since party in this scene has to benefit from it. Even though there are some advantages in it for all there are also major drawbacks and obstacles that stand in the way of this working out well for all.

You mostly pointed out that this is your husbands idea, that it's more for the convenience of having extra people around the house and that you're not sure about it. For a better discussion a better idea of your own thoughts would help. But I can understand how this is not the type of thing for a/this forum post.

All that's left to say is communicate and set some rules before you go ahead and actually try it.
Quote by naughtynurse


After my ex and I split, we fucked again. Why? I didn't love him, and had no plans to screw. The entire time, my brain continued to tell me what a bad idea it was. We didn't talk about, then it now. But we both enjoyed an orgasm and walked away.

I've never walked into a gay bar by accident but I've been to gay bars for they are quite common where I'm from.
On the subject of being hit on.. It has happened and I'm always polite just as I would be when a girl I'm not interested in would hit on me.

I think it is always nice to receive a compliment and indeed flattering, no matter who it's coming from.
Personally I don't. I never understood what would be the turn on of it all.. I would even argue it to be denigrating towards girls!
At least, that is what I said until I met a girl who was really into it. The fact that it turned her on when I would cum all over her boobs made me more open to it.
If the mood is right and she wants it I will, but I'll never do it for my own satisfaction.
DPW is right on the fact that this has been discussed many times before. You could try search the forum and maybe even revive one of the topics.
Anyway.. to answer your question:
Cockrings or straps are a solution, but they are like giving painkillers to stop migraines. It is a (in my opinion bad) solution to stop symptoms and when you suffer(not all man do) from PE this won't help you when you first have sex with a new partner and besides a condom take your cockring out of your pocket to be able to play.
Therefor I think it's important to go to the roots of the problem.

Usually these are mental but sometimes also physical. The mental is an important but hard part of the problem. Much easier is to at least start working on the physical part. It all has to do with training a muscle. The muscle you use to hold up your pee. Try to train that muscle by edging(see elsewhere on the forum) or just regular training. You can do this at the office, you your car, anywhere while sitting or standing!

I'm out of time so no time to help more but if this topic turns to life I'll maybe post more help.
You're right for starting this topic so let me be the first to reply!

I've never had an STD, but my ex-girlfriend had when we met.. Luckily I don't do unsafe without being sure! It all turned out fine since we treated it right away.
Going to a doctor or telling an (ex)partner about your STD is never fun, but then again it is also kind of your own fault. Be more careful in the future and let your sexual partners know about it. If you're to chicken to face them, there are anonymous ways to inform them! (Look them up google is your friend!)
Quote by BiMale73
There was something DutchMike88 wrote in another thread that made me think I knew who he was for a moment, but reading his profile I came to the conclusion I was wrong. So don't worry Mike (if you even read this), you're safe ;)

Whaaaat! haha, I'm reading this.. and yes I've checked whether it was possible we (vaguely) knew each other..

I have not seen any other Dutch people besides BiMale73 and I on here yet. ( shout out if you are Dutch!)

Apart from the above I don't think so, but you never know.. I might have walked past one of you.. never "met up" though!
I agree with what has been said. But I also have to say that you could be over-analyzing the situation. I tend to do that sometimes with people I have feelings for. I start to see patterns that could be there but turn out to be totally misinterpreted. From your writing it also looks like you've been testing your theory as to why he contacts you less. In my experience this can lead to only looking for answers to your hypothesis instead of looking for the actual reason.

Still from the looks of it.. Stop contacting him for a while. Be nice when he contacts you but don't push communication. You'll find out!
Expect the worse(in this case) and everything can only get better!

Good luck!
Is there really no Asian on this forum who could answer this question for her? I'm not Asian, but I've lived in Beijing for a year and I found it very unhygienic(on the other hand taxi-drivers usually only shower once a week over there).. anyway to continue my poor answer to the question..

It is indeed a cultural thing! I don't know the full story, but it comes down to this;
Girls who do not shave (anywhere) are "good girls" they're loyal and good wives(to be) or something like that. Therefor in summer girls usually have just as sweaty armpits as guys do.. think of it.. standing in a crowded bus full of sweaty Chinese.. get the picture ;)

Be happy you're much taller then they are! smile
Quote by TxPrincess
This day was designed to be the "BOYS" version of Valentine's month later March 14th

So my question is "If you didn't participate in this over done Hallmark Holiday, why do you think you should get a S & BJ Day?"

My personal thoughts.....

Steak is good any day and that BJ well those are good any day too...but if you only want it one day a year then I guess I will comply.....One the BJ, I am in Texas and we like our Steak.


So you only want to receive flowers and chocolate(to cliche for me btw) once a year also?

The S&BJ day is not designed made with the average lusher in mind I think.. It's more for those who refuse to give BJ's because of what ever reason.

I personally like the idea of S&BJ day and my ex actually surprised me this march without me mentioning it which was nice! But I receive BJ's more often then once a year.
Quote by BrownEyedBabyGirl89

Nice shark collars! Then three piece suit is a bit old fashioned though ;) But a bit of "old fashion" is never wrong!
This morning (with my ex) and it was the best sex in weeks!
Tons of passion, experience and lust mixed into one hell of a great session! smile Those times keep me smiling for days!
Just to add to the already large amount or right answers..
For the premature guys here(I used to be one of them) edging helps you train your muscle and by doing so (in my experience!) helps you last longer over time.
Quote by Tranquil
I apologize if there is a thread already on this subject.
My questions are
have you or do you use a cock Ring.I have
What does this do for you?nothing, I tried different sized and materials but none to my liking. It didn't make my penis harder, only turned it red. Also the feeling wasn't very enjoyable. Can understand why guys use it; last longer/stay hard, but it's not for me.
If you don't, would you if asked If asked I would, but not all the time
Quote by Guest
For one man to go through the entire Kamara Sutra, and learn Tantric Sex With me
Toys, Fantiseys, No fear of trying new things. Or of one and others sexuallity.

This one I think. I've already done quite a lot of Kama Sutra and have some Tantric skills, but I would love to share the full experience with a woman. Also just be open to each others fantasies and not just be selfish in them.. That would really complete it!
I rather have a somewhat pale girl then a girl who's extremely tanned and has the most milky (colored) breasts ever! I don't mind tan-lines but like it better when they're (almost) none-existing.
Brought my ex-girlfriend back a Brazilian bikini when I went there. She loved it, I loved it and I'm sure plenty of guys/girls who saw her in it did as well.
I once had a one nighter and flew 7836km (4869miles) there and back.. but that wasn't the soul purpose of my trip ;)
As for a trip for just that I guess it would depend on the person, my mode, the means of travel(with a lease car I would mind less). Not to far though I think, enough opportunities close by if its just for unattached sex.
Once you get the hang of not only training your abs and butt muscles things can last pretty long. I've had multiple sessions which took more then 4/5 hours but I won't stay hard all of those hours. Usually I stay hard the first 3 orgasms or up to 3 without one orgasm. But usually my other muscles wear out before my penis does. I guess it is all about the experience of both lovers as also about the connection they have. With an experienced and intimate long term lover I can stay hard much longer then new lovers.
Quote by Metilda
Expect long study hours, numerous tests, and many trips to the library. Honestly: that's what college is for. Focus on your studies and if you meet a girl you like, say hi. Maybe eat lunch or study with her.

Consider yourself a college student, don't define yourself by your sex status. That's the wrong way to go.

I agree with Metilda! You'll find that in all those long study hours at the library every time you go there there is a great girl with beautiful hair sitting at the other end of the reading room. One day you guys will bumb into each other and start talking.. get coffee and go from there ;)

Have fun! Sex will come when you least expect it. I've not been in your situation but in my experience great girls (and in your case ultimately sex) will come when you're not looking for them/it.
Never intentionally.. but once we noticed we weren't alone it was already to late! The guy stormed off once we got wind of him.
Quote by Robz17
Anastasia and c50t are spot on. Both have their place and are as good as each other

I Agree
Quote by limoguy321
Are you male or female? male

How old are you? 24

Have you done anything sexual in a:

Car? yes
Pickup Truck?
Tractor Trailer Truck?
Delivery Truck?
Fire or Ambulance Vehicle? yes
Taxi Cab?
Police Car?
School Bus?
Rental Car? yes
Any Other Mode of Transport? yes, public transport bus(also an airplane if that counts)

Where was the vehicle parked when you had sex in it?

Secluded parking lot?
Public parking lot? yes
Deserted back road? yes
At a drive-in theater?
In a garage?
In a driveway? yes
On the side of a roadway?
At a freeway rest stop?
Any other place not listed? in a forest

What have you done in a vehicle:

Heavy petting?
Blowjob? yes
Fingered? yes
Handjob? yes
Fucking? yes

Did you:

Get completely naked? once
Left just a shirt on? yes
Left just socks on?
Just removed underwear/panties? yes

Where in the vehicle did you do it?

Front seat? yes
Back seat? yes
In the bed of a pickup?
On top of the hood?
On top of the trunk?
On the roof of the car?

What positions have you tried in a vehicle?

Have you ever gotten caught by:

Strangers? yes
Someone else not listed? yes, co-worker

If you got caught did you:

Stop everything and leave?
Keep going at it?
Hide until they were gone? yes
Get arrested?
Have your parents called?
Get seen while actually fucking? yes
Get seen completely naked?

Did the vehicle you were in belong to:

You? yes
Your partner? yes
Work? yes
A rental company? yes
Other? public transport company

After you were done did the vehicle:

Smell like sex, sweat and cum? yes
Have completely fogged up windows? yes
Had handprints on the windows?
Not start or run out of gas?
Need significant cleaning?

Have you had sex in a vehicle to celebrate:

Anniversary? yes
Valentine's Day?
New Year's Eve?

Was your first sexual experience in a vehicle? no

Was there any particular vehicle that was the best to have sex in? airplane if that counts

Do you always "christen" every new vehicle you buy? no

Have you ever encountered other people having sex in a vehicle? yes

Have you ever given or received "road head"? yes, on a road with very little traffic

Have you ever masturbated and had a huge shuttering orgasm while driving? no

When was the last time you had sex in a vehicle? 4 months ago

Does the thought or memories of sex in a car make you horny even today? not that it was in the car but the passion and excitement of the sex yes

Would you ever allow your teenage daughter to have a date at a drive-in? hmm.. don't know

Approximately how many times have you had some sort of sex in a vehicle? 7 or 8 times

Any exciting stories you'd like share?
to many to put down here.. I should start writing ;)
I agree with Elling50. He could also do some exercise. Stimulate up to the orgasm and then keep from cumming by using the muscle a guy uses to hold his pee. Train that muscle and he'll have an easier time keeping at it.