Ok. So my husband is interested in having multiple wives... right now it is just him and me and the kids. He's actually not all that sexually driven... he's never, with me or anyone else, been one who "needed" sex. I'm the nympho in the relationship. LOL.
Anyway, back on topic, he sees multiple wives as being able to provide for our family better... more wives to help each other with the kids (we have many), with the housework, with providing financially for the family, etc.
I have a lot of mixed feelings on this. What are your thoughts?
I ask that you keep your comments polite. Thank you.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
1. Is it legal where you are?
2. If it's not something you want or are uncomfortable with in any way, then it's not gonna work. Period.
3. He says it's not gonna be about sex, but I assume he's gonna be sexing these women up, correct? How do you feel about that?
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
He wants unpaid laborers at home, who would also work and give up their earnings to support the household? This is a pretty cockeyed scheme he has. I wouldn't waste my time considering this if i were you. Are you Mormons?
Multiple marriages are illegal in the United States, Mormon or not. It's an offense called bigamy punishable by a prison sentence. The Mormon men that do it are still legally only married to one wife, the other wives are not recognized as being married by the state.
Happy to see that there are a few people who can put their own little world aside and give less narrow-minded replies.
I myself think this to be a scene hard to manage to everyone's satisfaction. The few and little detailed arguments you shared are all somewhat onesided(if that is even a word). What I mean to say is that ever since party in this scene has to benefit from it. Even though there are some advantages in it for all there are also major drawbacks and obstacles that stand in the way of this working out well for all.
You mostly pointed out that this is your husbands idea, that it's more for the convenience of having extra people around the house and that you're not sure about it. For a better discussion a better idea of your own thoughts would help. But I can understand how this is not the type of thing for a/this forum post.
All that's left to say is communicate and set some rules before you go ahead and actually try it.
Read the background, CG, to your last post and I can confirm that such arrangements exist and last
Three friends are in a similar partnership - going on 15 years now, two boys - one by each mother and born within a fortnight of each other. The boys are now early teens and are almost like twins, very fond of each other.
The mothers are best of friends and I've never seen/heard of any jealousy between them - and they both adore their co-husband
So yes, if the mindset is tuned to it, it can be a loving and lasting thing for all concerned
Plural can work if the people are really into it. I had a friend who had two husbands. It worked. I do not judge other people's relationship choices.
Hmmm...does he want someone at home to help him with the kids or someone else to bring in more wages? If he hasn't got a high sex drive, why does he want more sex? How about an au pair instead? Would need to establish firm guidelines I imagine.
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
Has he, or you, considered the concept of multiple divorces? More accurately, considering there would only be one marriage, there is the risk of multiple legal entanglements if/when someone walks out the door. It would be prudent to have a unique "pre-nup" for all involved but finding a lawyer to competently handle the process would be a challenge.
Just sayin'
// To clarify, after reading responses to the above, I was alluding to the possibility of such an arrangement being viewed from a legal perspective as a common-law relationship(s). If your jurisdiction factors that into any decision affecting the financial outcome of a split tread carefully.
It all depends on the legal issues. Is this a Mormon thing?
Legally, you can only have one spouse - even with the Mormons.
The trio I spoke of, legally, the man and one of the gals are married. The other gal is not married to them under the law, but they did go through a Pagan hand-fasting ceremony and to their friends the three are married to each other. However it is not legally recognized by the government, nor will it be unless the law is changed.
ok I so don't get this
you are a hot wife who has a GREAT sex drive
YOU make the money in the family
he is LUCKY enough to stay at home and provide a home for you
and yet He needs MORE wives
and yet he CANNNOT satisfy you??
having been a SAHM
you know what
he sounds amazingly lazy and he wants to have sex with others as well as not doing what MILLIONS of women have been doing on their own for decades!
I know I am being mean and blunt...DPW did warn you
but I am doing this for your own good honey
he wants to have less work at home
wants YOU to provide free sex and extra laborers for HIS enjoyment
and all you will get out of this
is EVEN less sex and more people to take care of
since as you said he is not interested in sex
say (as you all are not Mormons) I will go for an extra husband to help ME out
you get more sex he gets help
it is ALL good
but to me honey
I would kick this guy to the curb
he HAS it ALL in YOU!!
and frankly does not appreciate the fact that he CAN stay home
sorry but I am sooooo smh at this one
Have you thought ever of having another woman at home for YOU? If your husband isn't that keen on sex, you could have fun, shed some of the workload from you to her - your life sounds like not a lot of time for you - and he gets some company as well.
Just trying it out of the box....
Right - my response to that one would be to throw him in a maids outfit, make him clean the house and care for the kids then ass fuck him and inform him he'll be baby sitting while I go out on a date with one of my boyfriends but then that's just me.....good luck with his fantasy I'm betting that's not happening!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!