I would not not read your story because you are inexperienced. In some ways that can be an advantage, because you don't get lost in the details of encounters you have had and can actually create a good fantasy, which is the important think.
However people probably won't know about your sexual history, when reading your story, so don't worry. And even if they know it wouldn't stop me from reading.
I don't think too many details are a good thing in a sex story. Of course we need you to paint a picture, but in the end we all have our preferences and on of the best things about stories is that they actually allow your imagination to color in the details. Make the people fit my ideals. So it is a fine line between enough detail to give us a picture and just enough so you can fill in the blanks.
I would say about 50/50 depending on the week. However I spent most of my time on lush not reading lol. I have too many people to talk to by now.
If I had to choose I probably would say female, but that isn't really the issue. What is more important to me is that the narrator feels real. Men and women have very subtle differences in the ways they express themselves and that can be hard to adjust as an author. It is more important that the narrators gender fits to the story than what that gender actually is.
I want a story that to some extend makes me care about the characters. I want to understand what is going through there heads. The mere act is less important than the desire and the lust driving it. I wanna experience what those naughty words and touches do to them.
I prefer the Verdana font, because it is easier to read for me on a smartphone screen. Where are the studies? I don't have any, but it is my experience and so non needed. The reason for that actually is that he words are further apart and I can read with more ease.
I score every story I read and people start out with a 3. While I am reading I adjust the score depending on style, character development, imagery, word choice ...
I do my best to be objective and don't let subject matter or style choice like point of view affect me. however i am human and can't guarantee that.
I also leave a comment most of the time and always try to helpful and encouraging.
I have had that issue too. I solved that by just closing the tab.
I was on the swimming team in high school, which means I have showered with hundreds of girls in communal showers. However nothing naughty ever happened. At least nothing I perceived that way.
Thank you very much for the quick response. I think I opened a can of worms, because ones I started thinking about this I kept noticing things.
1) I know many people use lush on their phones or tablets and so do I on occasion. While the drop down menus work well on a computer they don't on my phone. I was wondering if it was possible to add a button that would bring you instantly to your profile page.
2) That I have the possibility to blog is one of my favorite features on lush. And my friends can see my latest blog post on their friend list, which is pretty cool. However I would like to have it represented on my profile, so everyone can see it. I know some people might not like it, so there should be the possibility of showing it in the settings.
3) And if you did that you could actually kill the pictures and videos from the activity feed, which would give it a cleaner look and make the profile page easier to navigate. Because all other activities are informative and I can choose to click on them, but the sometimes 20 pictures on some peoples pages are overwhelming. So instead of actually showing the picture it could just say: 'Published a new blog' and then a click would bring me to their blog site.
Those are just some things that bothered me, while using lush. I am hoping my views are helpful in any way.
P.S.: Those instructions would be very helpful. =d>
Like all kinds of sex, phone sex can be great if done right. It can be a way to connect over distance or even used as foreplay on your drive home from work. I think it should be playful and enjoyable and mutual. I like when it develops naturally out of conversation. Sometimes I just start to play with myself and let my partner figure out what is going on, other times I tell that person what I would love to do right now and i even have masturbated and then called the person i thought about and came on the phone. So phone sex can be a lot of fun and has tons of variations.
I don't care. i think the age is the least important thing, when it comes to a partner. However I think younger than parents older than children is a good range and minimizes awkward conversations.
Very easily - the right word touch or thought are enough.
You shouldn't douche with any kind of product, because it destroys your natural bacteria. A healthy vagina is actually the cleanest part of your body. If you wanna us water to remove blood or semen that is fine. It actually can be necessary as those can alter the pH levels and heighten the risk of yeast infections. As for a bad smell or taste those are casued most of the time by a lack of good bacteria, becasue people douched and stuff. If that is the case there are pills you can take or goat milk soap you can use to get them back.
Jeans or shorts if it is hot. I like my legs, but skirts are just not me.
I am sorry, but this question doesn't make sense to me.
I am in my early twenties and most of the girls I have talked with have masturbated at least a few times. However once you talk to older women it seems to happen a less lot or they just recently started.
In principle yes, depends very much on the guys though
First of all read some stories. If you still think you can write a good masturbation story. I would go through my memories and recall the times a woman has masturbated for you. What did she do. How did she react. To give you an even more vivid picture. Once you have an idea and maybe an outline of your story you should talk to a woman, someone who can help you develop your characters perspective.
I am assuming you mean panties, because it never ocurred to me to match my bra and pants. And then not unless someone is going to see them. I am too lazy most mornings to match. Very hard to do with closed eyes anyways.
I like my breasts. They would probably more practical smaller, but you have to work with what you got.