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3 weeks ago
Lesbian Female, 33


Updated: 08/07/15
This profile page is a work in progress, just like myself. It might just look very different tomorrow.
So, let's start with the obvious. I'm 24 and still go to university to get my MBA. I'm from Germany. Therefore my knowledge of the English language is far from complete. Sorry for any misspelled words.
I read anything I can get my hands on from poetry to very cheesy romance novels. My love of reading is what brought me her. That and Cosmo! (The magazine not the drink, might have had a few of those too before visiting the first time though.)
I would say I'm pretty open and adventurous. I love meeting new people, trying out new things and traveling to far away places. I live for the feeling I get, while walking through a foreign city, where nobody knows me - the places to be explored, the people to be met and the memories to be made.

Things you should know:
1. There will be no pictures of me on this site. I won't sent you any either. Everything I post is stuff I found online. Feel free to not like or agree with my decision. However I expect you to respect it. No amount of nagging will change my mind.
2. I don't answer random friend or private chat requests. I know most guys, who do that don't bother reading profiles, but I had to at least try. sigh
3. I would like to be talked to in something resembling a coherent sentence. I don't expect poetry, but almost correct grammar and less then five spelling mistakes are not an unreasonable request.
4 I'm almost constantly on here. I never log off, so if my computer is running, I'll be on. However that doesn't mean I'll have time to talk. I could be doing something else, studying or talking to someone. Feel free to send me a message, but please understand if I don't answer immediately. BTW I'm always away, so please don't let that discourage you.
5. I need to warn you I am very sarcastic. Some even refer to me as snarky or bitchy. So don't take everything I say too seriously. It's just the way I am and I won't change, deal with it.

Frequently Asked Questions:
I just thought I would save both of us some time.
1. What do you look like?
I look pretty average I would say. I'm Caucasian normally on the pale side, but I tan easily. I'm 1.76m (=5' 9'') and weigh 70 kg (= 154 lbs) on a good day. I'm athletic but curvy and have long reddish-brown wavy hair. My eyes are big and chocolate brown, surrounded by long, thick lashes. OK, now I'm just bragging.
2. What do you like about Lush?
First of all I came for the stories and I have to say there are some great stories on here. I enjoy most kind of stories except - which they removed - and the once that are too sappy. Another thing I greatly enjoy is chatting with and getting to know new people from all over the world. It was very surprising how many interesting and fun people you can meet on here.
3. Why did you choose your name?
My real name is derived from my mother's favorite movie, so I thought it poetic to name myself after one of mine on here. And it just seemed fitting, because I can be a bit of a Dreamer.

To my friends:
First of all thank you for allowing me to get to know you. You are great! I love our conversations and all the beautiful pics you post to me. However please remember I don't allow hardcore images on my wall. I like them as much as the next girl, but there is a time and a place for everything.
I know I haven't been around a lot. Real life was way too busy and interesting. I will be around a little bit more now, so feel free to message me. I missed some of you :/

Oh, where to start. I like to talk about almost everything. You want to know my favourite car. Great, go ahead and ask. You wanna discuss quantum physics. I can give it a try. I'm open for any topic, as long you are looking for good conversation.

Favorite Books
That's like picking my favorite kind of chocolate. Impossible!
Erotic: "What happens in Vegas" by Jody Lynn Copeland - Just the right amount of kinky!

Favorite Authors
I like authors, who create characters that make sense to me. I'm more interested in the people and why they behave the way they do, than a twisting plot.

Favorite Movies
I love old movies. I adore Casablanca and Sabrina - very girly I know. I also enjoy Hitchcock movies and many others.
However I enjoy many movies as long as they are good and i don't know how they will end 10min in.
Btw my pseudonym comes from one of my all time favorite movies.

Favorite TV Shows
I don't own a TV, but that doesn't keep me from streaming everything. So I watch way more TV than I will ever be willing to admit, but there are very few shows I would really miss, if they got cancelled.
1. Game of Thrones
2. Big Bang Theory
3. Sherlock
4. Orange is the new black

Favorite Music
I have a very eclectic taste. I listen to everything from classic and jazz to pop and rock. Ask me and I will tell you more.
Or you can check out the videos I posted.


Age: 18 - 100
Distance: 500 miles