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Harris is enjoying a honeymoon. The REpublicans are very skilled at using fear, have no compunctions about lying and will keep throwing mud until something sticks. Honestly, i think Biden has done a better job than anyone gives him credit for, but I'm glad for the Harris/Walz ticket. That said, this is difficult. It's an uphill battle to hold onto the Senate because most Americans have not yet figured out the Republicans are the true extremists in American politics. I hope more than anything that Kamala Harris wins. But that won't end the struggle until MAGA is well and truly defeated as a political force in America. One bad election, and Democracy is over.

Okay, Bidens’s old. But he’s competent and has done some things very well. But who would replace him? I don’t think anyone wants that conversation as even aged he’s more competent mentally than anyone Chryses has ever voted for. After giving us Dubya and Trump no Republican has the right to criticize Biden on mental grounds after the incompetent and immoral leaders who are their standard bearers Hate to tell you this but Abraham Lincoln is dead and if came back they’d all call him a RINO

It seems Putin has won this round, and it's reasonable to think Prigozhin isn't long for this world, like Putin's other detractors. Which is a shame because Putin must go to make peace possible.

Look, this is all about a small group of Republicans who want to demonstrate how much they hate my half of American Society and think it worthwhile to take the whole society hostage just to prove their devotion the 'cause' of hate. It's bullshit. There is never a problem passing a debt ceiling increase unless you have Republican control of one house, and in this case a Speaker so weak and spineless he's will to wreck the whole country in order to retain his title. Donad Trump added over $7 to the national debt but always got his increases simply because the Democratic Party consists by and large of adults who realize they have a duty.

And please don't tell me conservatives care about the debt. They've never cared about fiscal responsibility a single day of their entire lives. If you doubt that look at the deficit records between Republican and Democratic Presidents. They go down (or away) under Democratic Presidents then shoot back up the moment a so-called 'conservative' takes office. No, what Republicans care about is cutting taxes for rich people and using the deficits they created in order to remove any program that actually benefits the average person. That's the plain truth, and there's no denying it. Except some of them are still denying the election.

Dominion and its lawyers got their money, but what needed to happen, which was Tucker Carlson's viewers hearing him apologize for knowingly presenting falsehoods to them, did not happen, and that's the thing America needed the most. It's a shame, but Fox won. You saw their 'mea culpa'. It was pure bullshit that none of their viewers will notice.

Erotica is more about making you think about sex, about going into a character's head while he or she imagines a beautiful partner, about what they think. I wrote years ago a piece of erotica from the point of view of a young woman watching a blacksmith, stretching and folding the metal, his muscular body straining and sweating while she let her imagination run free.

No, they never touched, but i was proud of it.

it would be more interesting to classify ten stories according to the above and track voting, and see who does best. Because i have observed that people sometimes say they want one thing but prefer another.

Cheating is always cheating. Yeah, it's a lesser offense than many others, but it still violates the trust of your relationship. Any relationship is based on trust. Period. When you cheat you betray that trust, and if your partner finds out, and you haven't already pre-negotiated an open relationship, you've shattered the terms of your relationship.

If you don't want to cheat, your partner has to be informed, before you do the nasty. They have to support and hopefully enjoy hearing about the details. But if you go behind your partner's back and you find out that it shatters your relationship then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Thirty-five counts from what i hear. Yes, he is going to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned. And this is just the warm up for what is going to come. If there is a God, Donald J. Trump will die in a prison cell next to a MS19 lifer.

It strikes me, that if you want the truth told, you don't share anything with Tucker Carlson, who is, thanks to the Dominion Voting suit on the record saying that the truth meant nothing to him or his network.

The problem that i have with Republicans isn't your so-called principles, it's their complete absence. At what point do Republican voters reach a bottom they will not sink beyond? Because from what i can see that point does not exist. [Insulting content removed by mod - "This moderated "safe space" discussion forum is for people who prefer a harmonious and non-confrontational place to talk about current events and any subjects which might not fit in other forums."]. No commit to process. No real commitment to the Constitution they love to waive. No commitment to the truth or the democratic process. It's all about naked power, and I think many of the people [Insulting content removed by mod - "This moderated "safe space" discussion forum is for people who prefer a harmonious and non-confrontational place to talk about current events and any subjects which might not fit in other forums."] would look the other way when people like me were arrested for refusing to remain silent in the face of autocracy.

I never thought he would. Prosecutors work on their own schedule and according to their needs. Announcing that got our former Blob-in-Chief much desired publicity and fundraising. It also allows him to claim action 'prevented' his arrest. When the Special Prosecutor acts, it will be a joy to see that man in long deserved handcuffs.

Well, thought I'd peek in and see and it hasn't changed much, and i expect audio stories won't arrive any time soon. Which is good because i don't have a good voice for reading, i can sing okay, but not read.

I have been busy with my books, but needed a break so i wrote some smut which may appear one day but as I'm not giving Lush money it probably won't be soon. But miss you all, and James, i do hope your wrists are better. Hard to type without wrists. Or fingers for that matter, but as writers we are all small muscle group athletes

it was destroyed, but really it was aging badly and frankly orbital is better, but it is a tremendous place that i always wanted to visit if i ever got to Puerto Rico.

Just so you know, my membership ran out and as I've given Lush a bunch of stories, I figure that's enough, particularly as I'm not writing erotica any more. So hi and bi to you all.

i love my plugs. They stretch me out and with a skilled lover very much add to the fun as she tugs on my plug to make my bottom stretch and i honored them in a story i wrote. Wearing one when out turns my mind to sex and my pussy to goo. I love being plugged and introducing other women to the pleasures of plugging. Certainly the best way to introduce a partner to anal, well licking matters too.

That's a question i really can't answer. ±My stories are all different, and have different strengths. I'm not really sure how to answer that question.

Quote by VioletVixen

Sad sad day.

we are all host bodies now. Fortunately, i like girls. So goodbye to men for me.

Nothing like fresh coffee and a healthy breakfast full of tasty carbohydrates. Good to see you back at the bar James ! And the assortment is delicious. Time to get back to reading.

well, i had a couple days without power. and melting. Glad to have AC and a cool drink again. No coffee for a while. Nothing without ice