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Lesbian Female, 36
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My story Oh Clodia was greatly influenced by the works of Steven Saylor, particularly his Rome sub Rosa (Rome under the nose, slang for on the sly) featuring the detective Gordianus the Finder and Cicero, Caesar, Claudia, Crassus, Sulla etc. Almost every Roman ever, exquisitely researched he takes you back to the late Roman Republic.

Where does the story really begin? I mean really, what is the event that trips it off? Backstory and detail you work into the telling but pick the spot when your character first realizes they must make a choice.

Not among straight men. Gay men, well i haven't seen very many naked for obvious reasons.

Yes, this is the story of a certain type of American. And what fuzzy doesn't tell you about this "hero" is that Heemeyer purchased a property without a sewage system and began dumping sewage, which is why he got in trouble with the city in the beginning, because he represents a peculiar kind of American, the kind who thinks that though he shares his society with others, he has no responsibility whatsoever to his neighbors. That though he has no learning, he knows better than everyone around him how the world should be, and that he is entitled to impose his will upon his neighbors by force if necessary. That really, his primary value is the hatred of anyone who might say or think otherwise.

This is why so many Americans feel the need to purchase guns like the AR-15 whose only actual purpose is the killing of other humans. Indeed the AR-15 began life as a possible military weapon for America's allies, and has become the weapon of choice for mass shooters, several of whom purchased it or it's brethren in the last week and used it to execute people for being children, for back pain or because they had more melanin in their skin.

Many Americans like to think we own nothing to the society that educated and nurtured us. It's feeds our egos and we love having our egos stroked. That, of course, is not unique to Americans. Adolph Hitler gained power by stroking German egos and claiming grievance after the defeat of Germany in the first world war. But we do like to think we are all on the wild prairie somewhere, making our way and how dare the government insist that we show respect for our neighbors. So yes, Heemeyer is peculiar sort of American who did everything he could to earn his fate.

Quote by fuzzy1954

I have met many other people in other countries and after a beer or over a local meal the talk turns to what/ why "you Americans" are so different than the rest of the world ?

Here is but one Americanism. (local folk hero)

"I was always willing to be reasonable until I had to be unreasonable. Sometimes reasonable men must do unreasonable things."

Marvin Heemeyer, June 4th 2004. Here is his "story" 18 years ago, a Colorado man took a stand against tyranny.

Sometimes you start something and not know where it's going to end up. And i don't want to add to a series for the sake of adding on. I want to add something if it really adds something. I know that people may want more, i get requests for that in comments. And there will be when i feel i have a story worth telling.

Hmmm, that would make for series of one night stands, because i wouldn't survive sex with her. How about musical? with lyrics.

People like Cicero and Julius Caesar are famed and the world of the late Roman Republic (when votes still counted, although a patrician's vote counted a lot more than a plebeian's). I created my story Oh Clodia with an idea of capturing the life among Roman patrician women and had an actual classics scholar look it over. As one of the commentors said, it's fun, bitchy and hot. I think you'll like it to so give me a read.

Okay, i am going to beat my own drum for a moment. I am very proud of my latest story. Oh Clodia which I set in the late Roman Republic. I spent a lot of time trying to make the portrait of patrician life accurate and also to make it fun, mixing in some real characters from history with real situations. It has humor, cattiness and some hot sex. Please give me a read.

Quote by KimmiBeGood

Hugs, my friends!

I've lost my voice yelling for my lost cat ... still no sign. Thank y'all for caring... kiss

I talked to Bear, the former cave-dwellers are out, and he's waiting on call to move in. Woohoo! Then we can begin planning for pool party to properly open his pool

Good luck finding your baby. i know I'd be horrified if my kitty ran away. But if you go ouot, i bet she wants to find you as much as you want to find her.

Quote by JustPassingThrough

Oo, cool. Smutty classics is always fun. I did my undergrad in Classics and the late Republic through early Principate is a favorite era. And I think I know who Clodia might be, assuming she's a historical figure and not a fictional one.πŸ˜‰

Well, she is based on Claudia Metella, and my goal is to get the feel right. it is fiction after all as so far as i know Lesbia never had a lesbian affair. But she might have.

By the way, i just finished my latest story. Oh Clodia which is set in the late Roman Republic and i think offers some insights into Rome.

He's attractive and while i like Star Wars, i think it' often so repetititive. McGregor's best role was as Renton in Trainspotting, a real exploration of addiction in Scotland.

oh I've seen and loved Wolf Alice, Siversun Pickups, Lucy Dacus, The Screaming Females, Damn the Witch Siren, Playing to Vapors, Jethro Tull, King Crimson, the Pretenders, the Numbers Band, Garbage, Iggy Pop and of course the Cleveland Orchestra (many times)

1. Ramones. hey, i wanna be sedated

2. The Dictators. Seriously, one of the first punk albums, and who doesn't love Handsome Dick Manitoba

3. Iggy Pop with and without the Stooges

4. B-52s, definitely way outside their mainstream when they appeared.

5. Public Image Limited Johnny Rotten with a much better band.

6. The Monks. Really, the first punk band ever. Look them up and date them.

Everything, Everywhere All at Once. It's simply a masterpiece of film making. Best new film i have seen since "Little Miss Sunshine" and it takes far more chances and pulls them off.

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

Strange. Pussies haven't all come when I called. Perhaps you could teach me your secret?

There are exceptions. My own Professor Fate came to my door and meowed until i open it. Of course he was a tiny kitten and starving at the time having been cast out by the human's whose house he had been born in, but what matters is he found me, opened the door and now i never sleep alone. Yes, a cat wants you to prove yourself, but really all he wanted was to prove himself to me, and he has, over and over

Quote by fuzzy1954

This is how we do Meatloaf around here, bison with brown gravy, mashed potatoes and corn. [YumYum]

Oh, that looks just like the yummy meatloaf they serve every friday at my bar.

Quote by utterchaos

Spoke to my GP and I've been prescribed antibiotics, but nearly got sent to A&E πŸ˜‘

Rest and recover, and hopefully soon you will be in shape for sin.

We don't think of you as penises. That would objectify you who hold Y chromosomes. We think of you as "Pickle Jar Openers" or "Tire Changers", roles that are much more suited for your true talents. But to be fair, with a cup of coffee and a foot rub you may get an upgrade.

it really doesn't matter. I've eaten it both ways, and it's always delicious. And the look can be striking either way. Just take care of it and love the body you have

Let me turn this around. Do you really like going down on a guy, because if you do it will show. You’ll do it better. Well the same is true for guys. If they’re into it, you’ll know it by the quivering

Quote by JamesLlewellyn

And now, after a much-needed delay, it's time for…

Rumps Regulars Writings Review!

Starring those literary Lushies and their licentious laundering of dirty linen in the limned light of day!

Well, at least, the stories published by Rumpies in the last week (and a bit)! So, buckle up!


KinstinsPencil – Sweet Dreams (Micro)

UtterChaos – Chapter 5 - No Strings Attached - The Break-up (Awarded a coveted RR) (Teen)

Fuzzy1954 – Black Boots (Erotic Poetry)

VioletVixen – Catharsis (Fantasy & SciFi – Competition entry)

CuriousAnnie – Finding Flora (Gay male – Competition entry)

Jaymal – A Perfect Place to Hyde - Part Seven (Mature Stories)

PJH – The Young Man At The Wedding ( )

_Daddy_D_2 – The Groomsmen (Micro)

LilCoffeeLuvr – He Has No More Words For Me (Love Poems)

CarltonStJames – The Other Side (Reluctance & Competition entry)

PJH – Sue And Sheila Go To The Seaside (Mature)

KistinsPencil – Office Dynamics (Micro)

StarBelliedBoy – Sex On Fire (Monster Sex & Competition entry)


And there you have it. Enough smut to keep you needing Vaseline all week!

Have at it!

You left out mt The Flower and the Dance. ( fantasy and sci-fi/ competition entry)

James, you really are messing with my diet. Bikini season is coming and I need to be ogle-ready. But the coffee is the bomb. Another cup is calling