I have 'existed' in life for 50+ years... I want to live!
I have explored the universe around me in ever-widening circles... I want to experience more!
...and everything else? ...with a partner(s). Want to join me?
I am not on here to "fall in love" just to practice pure lust - NSA (no strings attached)
The moniker is based on the fact that I was in the Navy a few years... crossed the equator several times and earned the name of "Shellback" making me a "Crusty Sailor".
I am a very clean person and take a shower at least once a week... just kidding. I do LOVE showering with a partner before, during, and after sex! ;-)
In "real" life I am considered a dominant "alpha" male and very masculine. I am a loving and caring empathetic person who loves to share his energy with others. I really like to explore with my hands and my mouth and other "tools" to make sure I please my other partner(s).
I do NOT like to hurt any living thing - especially humans.
Still roaming the world... casting lures in different directions to see what might connect.
I have an average rod for fishing, it reaches out to about 7" with about 2" at the base for holding onto. ;-)
I love capturing nature with my camera.
I would really love to do some creative nude photography focusing on the artistic use of oils, lighting, water, jewelry, smoke, etc.
I have some photo "Scenarios" I want to post... maybe they will pique someone's interest.
I am NOT focused on just shooting "porn" but if that is where a session goes I am ok with that.
I do enjoy some good porn to watch... but I would rather participate. ;-)
I write various technical or informative pieces for work, but I truly love to write erotica.
Take a look at the stories section in my profile.
I love Science Fiction and Fantasy books and films... especially ones that are grounded in reality. Check out the group https://www.lushstories.com/groups/sci-fi-and-fantasy.
I also love to dabble in Electricity... sometimes find it quite stimulating. https://www.lushstories.com/groups/electro-stimulation-e-stim
One of the first things I notice on a sexual partner - their Buns - check out the group >>> https://www.lushstories.com/groups/gluteus-beauteous
I also love to stay fit... and appreciate a partner that does as well - https://www.lushstories.com/groups/fit-fitness-sweat-abs-and-muscles