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Over 90 days ago
Male, 42
United States


Hey Lushies, I kinda need some advice. How do you forget about someone that used you and seems like they never really cared?
I mean half of me still care about her while the other totally despises her for what she has done to me. At first I wanted to be her friend, but now I don't, but yet the pain is still felt.
Bleak House by Dickens, dictionary Size and bleak and dull, Never finished it .
told the girlfriend and she was sorta intrigued. Told me to let her know if I get it done. Might still but have to save up cause not a cheap piercing.
Quote by ChelleLaBelle
Yeah i vote no.... thats just that many women who would turn you down.

well I could always put a hoop around it. They say its actually arousing for women
Quote by chefkathleen
How does your wife/girlfriend/SO feel about it?

Haven't told the girlfriend that I might be doing this.
Quote by freefallin1309
I had to google it as well, and I'm with bikebum ... HELL NO, but that's me. A question though, the images brought up showed a few different forms ... the first and probably most frequent was a ladder along the bottom of your dick. Others showed a ladder of rings on the balls, and another showed a ladder on a lower back ... which are you referring to?

I was going to probably do the top. one or two
Hi I am thinking of getting a frenum ladder (two frenum piercings). Wondering if anyone has had this done? How painful was it?? Is there possibility for rejection and how high is the possibility? Is there any risk? Would love opinions. Thanks
doesn't really matter, well body does but if she cute and doesn't have a good personality, whats the point. Beauty is skin deep and not just looks
Make the best of the time that you are with her and make her know that she means a lot to you.
I clicked it , now I say love sucks , read my poem about it .
congrats, even though kids can be pains. I have to say they really are a blessing.