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Over 90 days ago
Male, 76
United States


Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by Concretus
I once had a friend who was not exactly a hooker, but she gave blowjobs and handjobs for money. We were once discussing what she does with customers and she would never kiss on the lips. She told me that whenever she is with a "customer" and they try to kiss her, she would simply put her neck in the way and take it there, she wouldn't let them kiss her lips. I dont understand the logic very well, but I guess a kiss for women means a lot of emotions that she doesn't have for the guy, she just wants to do what she does and get her money??

Wow, she missed out on a real money making opportunity there. I'd say that kissing is worth another $50 usd, (with tongue - $100). I am aware that mouths are a bit dirtier than cocks...'sometimes'.

I've been told a lot of hookers/pros feel this way.

You talk to hookers/pros? I usually keep actual conversation to a minimum....
Quote by LadyX
Quote by WellMadeMale

Wow, she missed out on a real money making opportunity there. I'd say that kissing is worth another $50 usd, (with tongue - $100). I am aware that mouths are a bit dirtier than cocks...'sometimes'.

LOL, that's not enough for me. I'm not kissing ANYBODY that I'm not really attracted to. Concretus said it right, and its been brought up before. Kissing, for me anyway- and I don't think I'm alone- is more intimate than it probably seems to a lot of guys. I'll do a lot of things before I consider kissing a guy. Kissing means it's real.

Holding hands can be intimate and real.. eye contact can be intimate and real.. the intent of the act is what makes it intimate and real.. a kiss is a privilege.. an intimate kiss is a privilege and a promise... is it cheating? depends on the intent...
As a certified mud wrestling referee I am offering my services in the upcoming match between Honeybee and She....
Quote by LadyX
In general? I think people don't give explanations when they know/think it will just cause more questions they don't want to answer, or maybe even a giant argument. Like a mom and her kid, and the kid asks 'why' after everything, and then the mom finally says 'because I said so'.

Now, not to harsh on you with the bouncer- but he didn't owe you an explanation. Those guys are judge, jury, and executioner, which pisses people off, but it's just the way it is. If he did give you an honest explanation for why you couldn't get in, I'm guessing it would be one of these choices:

1- You're a guy, and we don't let spare sausages in. Come back with two hot girls then we'll talk.
2- You're not dressed right for this club
3- You're not on my list to let you in, and I don't recognize you as somebody important
4- You're too old
5- You're ugly

Not saying you're any of those things, but those are usually the reasons when they don't lift the rope for you. Did you see "Knocked Up", when the lady demanded that the bouncer explain why she couldn't get in, and he told her it was because she was "old as fuck", lol. Sad, but true, and it will happen to everyone sometime.

Damn.. no wonder they wouldn't let me into WalMart the other day.. I think I'm 5 out of 5.....
Maybe instead of titling it "Friends" maybe it should just be designated "Chatters".. I doubt anybody's entire list is all friends....
I got a friend request from one of those generic red Lush avatars.. can't remember his name.. let's call him 'Doofus".... so I go to his page.. he has 'Doofus"... no bio.. no info at all.. no postings.. no songs... no images... not a goddamn thing.. but he had 48 friends... WTF!!!
I don't get many requests.. and the ones I do have took pity on me I think.... bless them....
Quote by Necho
Quote by Willow15
1, the London eye

That would be sexy!

1. In my arms..
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by BigRod
The mods here do an amazing job.. except for WMM who struggles a bit with the bathrobe and Bud Lights all day..

You'd struggle with this bathrobe all day too, would you not?

My only struggle is getting this fishing pole to cast a lure, when ice fishing.

Let me know if you need backup.... she looks pretty tough....
Quote by chefkathleen
oh.. and if there is an orgy scheduled.. is is possible to get a one day pass? I've got some whipped cream nearing it's expiration date and I need to use it....

Whipped cream is for amateurs. We use creme fraiche.

The whipped cream is for the door knob.. so you can't get away.....
OK... got room in the wagon for one more guy? The mods here do an amazing job.. except for WMM who struggles a bit with the bathrobe and Bud Lights all day.. probably why Nic had to discontinue the video conferencing.. in any event.. Nic has assembled a great bunch of folks to babysit us kids and despite the occasional debate on house rules it runs seamlessly for the members.. and probably what doesn't get much notice.. is that they lead by example and for the most part the serious members police the neighborhood regularly.. loyalty is it's own reward.. 'nuff said.... oh.. and if there is an orgy scheduled.. is is possible to get a one day pass? I've got some whipped cream nearing it's expiration date and I need to use it....
Quote by She
Quote by BigRod
Quote by She
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I would basically think he was a freak, but I would sign it and move on with our night.
It would definitely be "one night stand" only material though.
I would just see it as a good story for the vault and a laugh to be shared with friends later...

Agree. I would just use him badly sexually of course, but before that I would laugh..

Except my contract lists all the things you have to do to me during sex... I'm up to page 19.. few more and it'll be ready to sign...

Yap, except your contract lists.. I just saw your post on DP and....
Were do I need to sign?

I left it under your pillow.. sign it.. then meet me in the shower.....
Quote by redhotmommacita
Quote by savanna
Wait I do have something to say to BigRod. BigRod this here what you said is so so so very wrong,

Rumples is also a clickish little place where a few of you appear to dominate the environment and newcomers are rarely recognized or welcomed... be that as it may...

This is an utter lie we have always always welcome anyone with open arms and a beer here. If that was not done in your case then im very sorry on my behalf. Please stay and have a beer and welcome to Rumples.

I always welcome everyone and I sure know everyone else also welcomes new people.... I try to protect my friends always and those I do not even know. I am sometimes away because of personal problems beyond my control. How dare you judge me or my friends, or our intentions... How can you be so rude to us? we were only looking out for she.... we had no idea you 2 were a couple.

you should be grateful that we would defend her interests.... I feel you owe us in here an apology.... and you should look through all the pages of this forum so you can see just how wrong you are about us in here... we are always very cheery and friendly and always wondering where missing friends are...

so please think well on your words and in mine and see that we were only protecting her.....and trying to keep the peace with everyone.....I really hope you see your error....OK

Thank you for looking out for She.. and if you would be so kind as to look 3 posts above yours you will see that I have already done as you suggested.... now I have a suggestion for you.. forget all of this bs.. and just enjoy your time here with your friends...
nothing more to say...... I'll have a case of Corona.. a fifth of Jack.. and 2 onion bagels to go..
Quote by savanna
Wait I do have something to say to BigRod. BigRod this here what you said is so so so very wrong,

Rumples is also a clickish little place where a few of you appear to dominate the environment and newcomers are rarely recognized or welcomed... be that as it may...

This is an utter lie we have always always welcome anyone with open arms and a beer here. If that was not done in your case then im very sorry on my behalf. Please stay and have a beer and welcome to Rumples.

Ahhhhh.. it appears that I painted everyone with the same brush.. my apologies to everyone here.. it seems my ego outraced my etiquette and now I am humbled by Miss Savanna... forgive my insensitivity...
Not so much a crazy place as a crazy circumstance... in my girlfriend's mother's bedroom.. fucking her mother.. while my girlfriend was in her bedroom on the phone with the guy she was cheating on me with...
Quote by Algol
Quote by BigRod
Quote by She
Good morning!

Sorry to hear that Rem but at least you did get your rest because with Savanna and Bella in the family you will need on

I had a good day but it was way to hot, unbeareble even at night so next time I will just join BigRod outside at back in yard bags..

I see you have connections with this magic coffee... May I have one, please.

Soooo.. let me get this straight... because it was unbearably hot.. even at night.. you are going to join me out back in a yard bag... I gotta hand it to you... you Slovenians really know how to party....

We play nice at Rumples. If you are being Sarcastic, it is not welcome here… If that is the case, please take it elsewhere. If you were being funny, try again…

Algol and RedHotMama....

I appreciate your 'guardianship' of the sanctity of Rumples and I support your concern that sarcasm and race baiting should be heavily monitored and addressed as it occurs.. I also appreciate that Rumples is also a clickish little place where a few of you appear to dominate the environment and newcomers are rarely recognized or welcomed... be that as it may... She and I have a relationship that quite frankly I don't give a shit whether or not you are aware of it's existence.. I was speaking directly to her in a manner of humor that she and I share and enjoy with each other.. the fact that you evesdropped and made assumptions is not my concern.. a fact that all of you should be aware of is that I would never intentionally demean She under any circumstances.. through our many conversations She has made it clear that there are a few members of Lush that she has high regard for.. you two are among them.. out of regard for her I will leave my comments as they are without further redress and allow you to celebrate the vanquishing of my ass from Rumples... the next round is on me....
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by Dudeness92
I was wondering, how do you become a moderator? Do you apply for the position, or do the mods contact you? I would love to be a mod! It seems so cool!

You have to sleep with the boss. Give her a foot rub after you've sucked the polish off her toes and clean the cat box.

Heck... I'd have done all that whether Nic gave me the job or not..
Quote by She
Good morning!

Sorry to hear that Rem but at least you did get your rest because with Savanna and Bella in the family you will need on

I had a good day but it was way to hot, unbeareble even at night so next time I will just join BigRod outside at back in yard bags..

I see you have connections with this magic coffee... May I have one, please.

Soooo.. let me get this straight... because it was unbearably hot.. even at night.. you are going to join me out back in a yard bag... I gotta hand it to you... you Slovenians really know how to party....
Quote by savanna
Quote by BigRod

Nothing to say?

lol... I have lots to say.. nobody listens...
Well there is another way that is a little less tense on the woman.. in the shower after a nice lather and rinse the guy stands behind you and lifts you waist high off the floor.. you reach under and guide him into your ass.. but not all the way yet.. he holds you up half inserted and the guy in front walks in between your legs.. now the best way is NOT to lock your legs around his hips.. but lock your knees over the forearms of the guy behind you.. so he can keep you spread open for his fuckmate in front.. now the front guy only inserts halfway as well.. then when everyone is in position.. the front guy presses everyone back into the wall and the rear guy lets your weight down onto both cocks in a simultaneous penetration.. if done right it is a complete and full penetration in both places and the two men take turns holding and adjusting your body weight between them to suit the maximum pleasure of everyone.. you are basically pinned between them with nothing to do but let gravity and imagination do the work... the cowgirl dp is ok but to be honest it's more exciting for the woman than it is for the men.. the woman has to direct traffic and bark out orders.. in the wet dp the woman basically is turning her body over and the guys have to work together or it becomes a clusterfuck.. a little more challenging for us.. but seemingly more rewarding in my experience... demonstrations are gladly offered.....
Because it was the first moment of intimacy we all experienced as children.. holding hands is a protective gesture... for most men it means.. 'I have you... you're safe'...
I have $3,000,000 in the bank... a big house.. nice cars.. an open mind.. and would be willing to let you do whatever you want.. as long as I get to watch... 32 words....
Quote by WellMadeMale
Quote by BigRod
anybody here who says they won't have sex with Caroline is either a liar.. or gay as crocodile loafers... let me see your shoes WMM....

When you've earned your DP pin, Rod -

Then, you can trash my footies!

I have so many pins I have to wear them in clusters my friend.. but it's the stuff I've done that they don't even have a pin made up for that I am most proudest...

Nice shoes by the way.. they look like they would go really nice with a pair of white business socks.. polyester sans-a-belt slacks.. a maddress shirt.. and a dollop of brylcreem for your hair.... then you can do your "I gotta get me some of that" walk in the mall....
Quote by chefkathleen
Quote by BigRod
anybody here who says they won't have sex with Caroline is either a liar.. or gay as crocodile loafers... let me see your shoes WMM....

I just spit sweet tea all over my monitor.

I love sweet tea.. got hooked as a boy in Texas... no lemon... medium ice... and wipe the monitor down.. it will draw ants...
Quote by She
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I would basically think he was a freak, but I would sign it and move on with our night.
It would definitely be "one night stand" only material though.
I would just see it as a good story for the vault and a laugh to be shared with friends later...

Agree. I would just use him badly sexually of course, but before that I would laugh..

Except my contract lists all the things you have to do to me during sex... I'm up to page 19.. few more and it'll be ready to sign...
anybody here who says they won't have sex with Caroline is either a liar.. or gay as crocodile loafers... let me see your shoes WMM....