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You Were Born There, Lived There, Moved There. What's Your Hometown and Why

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Born and raised in the Village of Sleepy Hollow, NY (Yes, the home of the Legend of the same name!)

Currently living in the Finger Lakes Region of NY, not far from where my parents grew up.

Quote by Green_Man

Silly Larry.

I was born in Los Angeles, California. Moved up to Fairbanks, Alaska.


Spent my early years in Texas, moved to North Carolina and lived there until my divorce, currently living in the Bay Area of San Francisco and loving it
Majority of my life was spent and is currently in the suburbs of Cleveland Ohio.. We still have phone booths,, I cant leave them.

We've lived other places and have land in PA currently , summer camp, from her families side, which we're close to building a house on and then find a place in Fla to snowbird the winters

So my Ohio days are numbered.
I was born in a medieval village in the UK but grew up in Canada. Moved a lot when I was younger. Not sure I feel like I have a hometown. It wasn't where I was born as I feel no attachment to the place. I kinda feel like I haven't found my hometown yet but I like to wander so maybe that's just how it is for me.
I'm almost 100% Anglo-Saxon. Blonde hair und dark blue-green eyes most of the year, but they change even darker during the Summer months. Chameleon eyes...giggles
We have abit of brown hair und darker, almost black eyes too from our Polish roots.

We've lived on our farm, about 14km north-east of Wiesbaden, Germany, for almost 300 years.
My family, und most Hessen Germans are direct descendants of two Germanic tribes,
the Angles und Saxons I've found documented from 230 BCE so far.

Not sure of the complete origin as so far back in history ist seemingly impossible to verify,
but I've found evidence of Mycenaean und even earlier Minoan origin for the two original Germanic tribes
migrating from these Mediterranean "Ethnic Groups" spreading Pagan Sun worship, und many other Archetypes to much of Europe.
So that could be kinda cool...If it ist found true und factual?...smiles

Most every European country has a large % of Germanic DNA markers in their populations,
as well the Phonetic spellings of original German languages in their current vocabulary from the original Angles und Saxon Tribes who lived in much of Europe before there were any colonies or countries there.

A most simple example of this ist the English words "IS"..."AND".
These two Phonetic variants originated from the Germanic words "IST"..."UND".
There ist 1,000's of other Phonetic variant words for almost every current European Language having their origins from Germanic language.
Sorry...My Anthropology sometimes feels need to rave...smiles

My surname ist funny to some here I think, but it has changed much over 2,000 years.
So far I've only found changes in Phonological record from Sekewekz ...Siekewicz ...Sienkiewicz ...Sinkiewicz ...Sinkiewisz, und to a current variant now, Simkiewisz.
I quite believe these are not the complete history und origin of Phonetic change though.
I can only wonder in another 2,000 years?...smiles

I live on our farm in my 'very small' cottage that daddy und my brother made for me down here by the lake.
The main Haus ist up atop the hill, so I have much privacy too though.
My brothers Haus sits at the canyon trail on the other side of the track, so all of us live here.
I help train ♞ horses ♞ for many things und events, but mostly Equestrian, und Rodeo, like Steeplechase, Barrel Racing,
und this past year, 2 Trotters for Cage Racing in Saudi Arabia.

So yes I'm extremely proud of my family und our name, our "Ethnic Group", und our home here,
because it ist not simply buildings we inhabit, or the far distance of land we can see,
but ist the strife my ancestors over-came, motivations, passions, loves, character und practice of our moral values,
as well our Fatherland, who we are, our legacy, contribution to "World History" und to humankind,
my heritage, my memories, who I am, where I belong always, und so much more to me...smiles

I thought this was actually a thread pertaining to geography not to uneducated notions of "ethnicity."

I did laugh for about two minutes straight when I read it though.

Even though I'm sure this nonsense has you suspended I would like to point out that your complete and obvious love of your "Germanic" roots are in conflict with your obvious Polish roots. Polish are western slavic and thus characterized as "sub human" by the Germans that you seem to idolize.

Your seemingly newfound knowledge of the terms "anglo" and "saxon" indicate your relative ignorance on the subject that you seem to hold in such high regard.

I suggest you pick up a history book and stop listening to whatever nationalistic asshole whose dick you happen to have in your mouth at the moment.
I was born in a small town and I fucking hated it. After I graduated I lived in many different places attending different Universities. When it came time to actually settle down and work, I chose Vancouver.

I also enjoyed living In Kelowna, but it's too small for me now.

I hate snow so I'm a west coast guy.
I don’t mean to judge the infinite wisdom of taking
A cock in the mouth as the path to knowledge but
Could there be another way professor ?
Quote by scottob1234
I don’t mean to judge the infinite wisdom of taking
A cock in the mouth as the path to knowledge but
Could there be another way professor ?

Re post in the think tank and I will be happy to oblige.
Quote by DamonX

Re post in the think tank and I will be happy to oblige.


You seem educated and the topics you speak of are often worthy of discussion
Here’s the thing though
Good teachers are not condescending to their audience

If you really want to reach people with your ideals
Telling them to suck cock on any indifferent to yours
Isn’t going to reach anybody

I don’t really need to go to the think tank to tell you

If you want to actually reach people talk them
Teach them what you’ve learned give them learned
And educated facts without belittling people

I was born and raised in London, and I'm still here. I travelled extensively in my late teens and twenties, but London was always the place I came back to. I love the vibrancy and energy of the city, but I don't think it's a place for older people so I don't think I'll end my days here. As long as I'm still close enough that I can come back and get my ‘fix’ of London from time-to-time, I'll be happy. And visit the shops. I must have shops... 🤣

‘The pious fable and the dirty story
Share in the total literary glory.’

W.H. Auden

Camp Lejeune. Born and raised. Though its not really a town or city, so I guess Jacksonville would be more appropriate.

A South Wales coal mining village, typical of so many in this area but exceptional because of a disaster that occurred in 1966. In Wales we have a word Hiraeth. It translates as a longing especially for ones home. I never lost it. I married and moved away but 10 years ago I escaped the rat race and returned to live in another village 3 miles from mine. All the pits are long gone of course. Now everything is green instead of covered in coal dust and the river runs clear.

In no particular order… silly

Japan, Australia, India, England, Hong Kong & back to Australia now.

His GODDESS 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Every second of every day. 💕💝

England, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New York, South Korea, Texas

Quote by JustAMan

England, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New York, South Korea, Texas

What's your hometown, now? Goodness me, right over your head.

Born and lived for my first 16 years in a small town between Mudgee and Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia

3 years the Lake Macquarie area, New South Wales, Australia.

3 years Auckland. New Zealand.

45 years back in the Lake Macquarie area, New South Wales, Australia.

Houston, Texas, but spend a lot of time in NOLA in the winter months.

Keelung Taiwan.

but I don't feel attachment. I think that what it means when you can never go back.

now, I don't feel any roots anywhere.

Porterville California,U.S.A. Born there schooled there. College just North of there in Fresno. Moved to the coast now back in Porterville. Why? You ask, simple grandbabies. Down fall my lovers are now too far away for a discreet meeting on a whim lol small price to pay I guess.

San Francisco, Ca. Born and raised there. Lived there until I retired in 2019. Now lining in Vancouver Wa. Near grandchildren and could afford to buy property. I was lucky enough to grow up in the 50's and 60's in "The City" getting to listen to Jimi, Janis , the Airplane . the Dead and so many more. Lived in the Haight at 19. and a Giants. 49er and Warriors fan for life. Still have friends and family in the Bay Area and visit when I can.

Keelung taiwan. origin.

lived in us since my later 20s, mostly in n cal.

my visits to tw - I've found that to be the case w me - that you can't go back. I do like the food, eating style.

but roots anywhere, no. just an aloof type existence.

Well, I was born in Kitchener, Ontario, moved to London, Ontario for a year for a degree, moved to Hamilton, Ontario for my first career, then back to London which now seems to be my permanent homebase. So I guess London, Ontario but Kitchener is still near and dear (and not far away).

A poem for your enjoyment. Little something that came to me a couple days ago

Born and raised in Fargo, ND. Yah, fer sure! You betcha! Moved to Buffalo, NY about 45 yrs ago. #GoBills

"Being male is a matter of birth.
Being a man is a matter of age.
Being a gentleman is a matter of choice."