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1 hour ago
Straight Male, 68
0 miles · Cardiff


Happily settled in a nice village in South Wales, about 3 miles from my birthplace having moved to London for work in 1981.
Just an older bloke with a young active and open mind. I am happy to chat to women of all ages but I do prefer to be looking at a human being or at least feel they are genuine from their Bio. I have a long distant GF which suits us both for now. 

Found Lush when fed up with porn and looking for erotica to stimulate my mind and any other bits that still work 🤞. Dip in and out and have had time away but have rediscovered the joy to be found in the Lush stories, chat rooms and more recently the word games in the Forum. Have had too much drama, am here to have fun.

Life is too short. Enjoy. X

Films, music, food - eating and cooking, alcohol, sport, holidays, women, breasts and sex in general. 

Favorite Books
I read music, sporting and film biogs mainly, reflecting my main interests but 2 of the novels that have stayed with me are To kill a mockingbird and Snow falling on cedar. I also enjoy reading the original books on which classic films are based such as African Queen (an enjoyable read and more sexual than the film) and Deliverance. Have a particular interest in Germany and have recently discovered the writings of Hans Fallada. If you love movies you have probably heard of Billy Wilder. Really enjoyed Reading Mr Wilder & Me by Jonathan Coe recently. 

Favorite Authors
Don't really have many but Thomas Hardy, Graham Greene and Harper Lee just for TKAMB would be included on my list. 

Favorite Movies
TKAMB, Field of Dreams, High Noon, African Queen, Cinema Paradiso, A wonderful life, Notting Hill, Ratatouille are a few but I love musicals, westerns, and almost anything by Marilyn Monroe, Bob Mitchum, Cary Grant, Gregory Peck, Julia Roberts and James Stewart. I am a romantic at heart so have lots of Guilty Secret films such as 80's Romantics like Top Gun, Pretty in Pink etc.

Favorite Music
I have a very wide interest but grew up in the 70's so the likes of Free, T Rex, early Rod Stewart, Led zep, Genesis and Yes will often be on my ipod. But overall The Beatles are my number 1 band. If there was one genre I would select it would have to be Blues from either side of the Atlantic. I could go on and on and on......