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Used On Holiday - Level 1

"Wife is being used while Hubby can watch"

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Author's Notes

"This is the second part of Used on Holiday. If you haven't read the first part, start there: Bringing Them In. After being invited for a nice evening with Tariq, Khalid and Layla the evening progressed in an erotic manner. <p> [ADVERT] </p>They where at the point of moving into the bedroom."

Chapter 2

Inside, the room was bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, the walls adorned with intricate tapestries that seemed to pulse with the beat of the music. A large, velvet-covered bed dominated the space, and Rachel was led to it, her eyes wide with excitement and apprehension. Khalid gestured to Tariq, and the younger man nodded, his own eyes filled with a fiery hunger.

Layla turned to me, her eyes gleaming. "You will watch," she said, her voice a command wrapped in velvet. "You will see your wife as you never have before. You will see her pleasure, and you will learn to crave it."

Her words were like a spell, and I found myself unable to resist as she guided me to a chair at the foot of the bed.

Standing in front of the bed Khalid faced Rachel and slowly leaned in to kiss her lips. So far it has been Tariq who touched her, but Rachel had been waiting for this moment with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The kiss was gentle at first, almost tender, but it quickly grew in passion. Rachel's arms slipped around Khalid's neck, pulling him closer, and she could feel the heat from his body radiating through her. His hands began to explore her curves, tracing the lines of her body with a confidence that made her feel both thrilled and vulnerable.

Tariq, who had been standing behind Rachel, had now fully undressed and was pressing his bare chest against her back. His breath was warm on her neck as he started to kiss her shoulders, his hands moving down to caress her waist. Rachel's eyes fluttered shut as she tried to process the sensations flooding through her. She had never felt so desired, so claimed by two men at once. The touch of their skin against hers was electrifying, and she could feel her body responding in ways she had never experienced before.

Her breaths grew shallower as Khalid's hands moved up to cup her breasts, his thumbs gently brushing her nipples. Rachel gasped, arching into his touch. She felt a thrill of excitement as she realized that she was being handled by a master. His every move was calculated to arouse her, and she found herself unable to resist the wave of pleasure that was building inside her. Meanwhile, Tariq's hands had slid down to the waistband of her panties, and with a single, deft movement, he pulled them down, leaving her completely exposed to their gaze.

I watched, my eyes riveted to the scene before me. My own body was responding in ways I never thought possible. I felt a strange mix of arousal and possessiveness, my cock straining against my pants as I took in the sight of Rachel, my Rachel, being touched by these two strangers. Yet, there was something undeniably erotic about it, something that spoke to the darkest parts of me. I knew I should feel outraged, but instead, I felt... alive.

Khalid's hands continued their exploration, his fingers trailing down Rachel's body to the damp vulva. He teased her. Rachel's breathing grew more ragged, and she could feel her knees threatening to buckle under the weight of her desire. Tariq stepped closer, his hands now caressing Rachel's hips, his cock pressing against her ass, a silent promise of what was to come.

There she was, naked, standing with two men who she met less than 24 hours touching her everywhere, while her husband is being instructed to watch.

"Undress him"

It was Layla who was silently watching the scene unfold. Rachel took the cue and started to unbutton Khalid's shirt. While working on his belt, Tariq pushed onto her shoulders signaling that she should kneel.

Her eyes locked onto Khalid's, Rachel obeyed, her heart racing as she lowered herself down. She felt the coarse fabric of the rug against her bare skin, and she took a moment to savor the feeling of being so close to the power and authority that radiated from him. As she tugged at his belt, her eyes never left his, and she could see the approval in his gaze.

Sliding his trousers down, his huge dick came in sight, right in front of eyes.

"Kiss it" Tariq whispered in Rachel's ear, his voice thick with desire. Rachel's cheeks flushed, but she obeyed, leaning in to press her lips against Khalid's erect cock. It was a strange and thrilling sensation, feeling the heat and hardness of another man so close to her own body. Khalid groaned softly, his hands tightening on her shoulders as she kissed him, and Rachel felt a thrill of power knowing that she could elicit such a response.

Encouraged, Rachel began to kiss and lick her way along the length of Khalid's shaft, her tongue tracing the veins that pulsed just beneath the surface. She had never done this before, but it felt natural, as though her body had been waiting for this moment. Tariq's hands remained on her shoulders, guiding her closer, urging her to take Khalid into her mouth. Rachel's eyes watered slightly as she tried to accommodate his size, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she pushed herself further, eager to please both men who now had her fully in their grasp.

Layla leaned over to me, her breasts brushing against my neck, and whispered, "Did you ever think Rachel could act this way?"

Her breath was hot in my ear, and I felt the weight of her question in the pit of my stomach. Rachel, my sweet, innocent Rachel, on her knees, worshiping another man's cock. The sight was both jarring and incredibly arousing. I swallowed hard, unable to form words, but the fire in my eyes must have been answer enough for Layla. She smirked, her hand sliding down my chest to grip my own erection through my pants.

"Free your dick," she said, her voice a low, seductive purr. "Show her that you want this too."

I didn't need any more prompting. My hand moved to my fly, fumbling with the button and zipper, desperate to be free of the confines of my clothing. As I pulled my cock out, the cool air of the room brushed against the heated skin, making me gasp. Rachel's eyes darted to me for a brief moment, her own desire reflecting in the candlelight, and then she returned her attention to Khalid's cock, taking him deeper into her mouth.

The sight of Rachel pleasuring Khalid was almost too much to bear, but the feeling of Layla's hand on my cock was a welcome distraction. She began to stroke me in time with Rachel's movements, her grip firm and sure. Rachel's eyes were closed, lost in the sensation of Khalid's cock sliding in and out of her mouth, her own hips rocking slightly in rhythm with her sucking. It was a mesmerizing dance, one that had me on the edge of my seat, my cock straining towards her.

Tariq, seemingly reading my mind, stepped closer, his cock now just inches from Rachel's mouth. He gently took her chin in his hand, turning her face towards him. Rachel's eyes widened slightly, but she didn't resist as he guided her to take him deep. Her cheeks hollowed as she took his entire length, her throat working as she tried to swallow around his girth. The noises she made were obscene, yet erotic, a symphony of pleasure that filled the room.

Khalid, watching Rachel with hooded eyes, leaned back on the bed, his cock standing proud and thick. "Now, my dear," he said, his voice a low rumble. "Lower yourself onto me. Show me how much you want this."

Rachel's eyes grew heavy with lust as she climbed onto the bed, straddling Khalid's hips. Her pussy was wet and swollen, and she could feel the heat of his cock against her. She took a deep breath, positioning herself, and then, with a slow, deliberate movement, she began to lower herself onto him.

The first inch was torture, his dick was thick, the anticipation building as she felt the tip of his cock pushing against her entrance. Rachel's eyes fluttered shut as she took another inch, feeling herself stretch around him. Khalid's hands gripped her hips, guiding her down, his own excitement evident in the tension of his muscles. Tariq joined them, standing on the bed and feeding his cock to Rachel. Her moan was muffled by Tariq's cock in her mouth, but the vibration of the sound was enough to make Khalid's cock twitch with anticipation.

Tariq grew rougher, his hands moving from Rachel's shoulders to wrap around her throat. He didn't squeeze hard, just enough to make her aware of his power, to make her feel the thrill of submission. Rachel's eyes watered as she took more of him, the feeling of being used by these two powerful men sending shock-waves of pleasure through her body. She could feel Khalid's cock swelling even more as he watched Rachel's face contort around Tariq's thick shaft. The sensation of being gagged was new to her, and she found it both terrifying and exhilarating.

"Does she like it rough?" I heard in my ear. "No," I answer immediately, my voice strained as Layla's hand worked me over.

Rachel was my gentle, loving wife, and the thought of her enjoying such aggressive treatment was difficult to accept. But Layla spoke up, her voice dripping with a knowing smile.

"She likes it rough, her hubby says." Her words hit me like a sledgehammer, and I felt a twinge of doubt. Rachel had always been so responsive to me, but had I been holding back? Had I been denying her the depth of pleasure she truly craved?

The sight before me was overwhelming. Rachel's hair was a cascade of fiery red as Tariq grabbed it and pulled her back, forcing her to arch her body over the edge of the bed. On her back, her head was tugged back, her eyes watering as Tariq plunged his cock back into her mouth. The angle was so deep that Rachel couldn't breathe, her gasps for air muffled by his thickness.

Khalid took advantage of Rachel's exposed position, aligning his cock with her wet, eager pussy. Rachel's eyes met mine for a brief, panicked moment, but there was something else there too – a flicker of excitement. It was as if she was silently asking for my permission, begging me to let her experience this new level of debauchery. And with a strange sense of acceptance, I nodded, my own cock in Layla's firm grip.

"Take her," Layla murmured, her eyes gleaming with malicious pleasure. "Use her as fuckmeat. She's born to be used, in front of her hubby."

The words were like a command, echoing through the candlelit room and setting Rachel's body alight with a new wave of desire. Khalid's cock pushed into her, filling her completely, and Rachel let out a muffled moan around Tariq's cock. Khalid's hands moved to Rachel's breasts, pinching her nipples hard enough to make her gasp. Rachel's eyes watered around Tariq's shaft, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she leaned into the pain, her hips bucking as Khalid began to fuck her with a ferocity that stole her breath away. Each stroke was a declaration of ownership, a reminder that she belonged to them now. Her own hands were pressed into the bed, her knuckles white with the effort of staying upright as the two men used her body for their own pleasure.

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Their grunts and the slap of skin against skin filled the room, a cacophony of desire that seemed to pulse in time with the music. Rachel's body was a canvas of sensation, a maelstrom of pleasure and pain that she had never experienced before. She felt like she was being torn apart, and yet she craved more. The idea of serving them, of being their plaything, filled her with a sense of purpose that was intoxicating.

Layla knelt beside Rachel's head, her own hand guiding Rachel's movements. Rachel could feel Layla's breath against her cheek, could see the hunger in her eyes as she watched Rachel's mouth stretch around Tariq's cock. Rachel's throat was tight, her eyes watering, but she took him deeper, driven by the need to satisfy these strangers who had somehow become her masters.

"Good girl," Layla murmured, her voice a dark caress. "Does it turn you on, being used like this?" Rachel couldn't answer, her mouth too full, but she knew the truth. Some part of her reveled in the degradation, in the loss of control. It was a heady feeling, one she never knew she could crave. She was no longer Rachel, the loving wife, but a vessel for their pleasure, and she felt alive in a way she hadn't in a long time.

Her eyes found mine again, and I knew she was waiting for me to speak, to either stop it or to push her further. I felt a strange thrill in knowing she was giving herself to these men, in front of me.

"You like being used and depraved, admit it," Layla's words continued I realized that Rachel did. The way she moaned around Tariq's cock, the way she bucked against Khalid's thrusts, it was all too clear.

"Yes," Rachel muffled, "I love it."

Khalid's thrusts grew more erratic, and Rachel could feel his cock swelling even more within her. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her in place as he began to pound into her with an urgency that spoke of his own need to climax. Rachel's eyes rolled back in her head, her moans vibrating around Tariq's cock as she felt Khalid's orgasm approaching. She had never felt so alive, so alive with lust and desire.

Layla pushed Rachels hand to her clit , "Get yourself of now!", and started to pinch both nipples hard. Moans getting hard, while Tariq did his best to silent her again. His 7" cock was completely inside the throat.

With a roar, Khalid erupted deep inside Rachel, filling her with his hot, sticky cum. Rachel's body convulsed around him, her own orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave. She could feel the muscles in her pussy contracting, milking him for every drop as he emptied himself into her. Rachel's eyes flew open, meeting mine once more, and I saw the wild abandon in her gaze. It was a look that told me she had never felt more alive, more wanted, more claimed.

Tariq's grip on Rachel's hair tightened as he took over her mouth, fucking it with a brutal intensity that made her eyes water and her throat ache. Rachel felt like she was drowning in his cock, but the sensation only added to her overwhelming pleasure. Her body was a playground for their desires, and she found herself relishing every moment of it. Meanwhile, Layla had moved to the bed, her hand reaching out to me, a knowing smile on her lips as she pulled me closer to Rachel's trembling form.

The scent of sex filled the air as Layla pushed my face towards Rachel's soaking wet pussy. "Look at the mess," she purred, her voice a seductive invitation to the depraved act she wanted me to perform. "Clean it" she instructed, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Rachel's juices mixed with Khalid's cum, creating a slippery, intoxicating mess that was a stark contrast to the tender lovemaking we had shared countless times before. I stared, unable to believe what was happening, but my cock was rock hard, betraying my inner turmoil.

With a surprising gentleness, Layla guided my mouth to Rachel's gaping cunt, her hand pressing my face into the warm, sticky mess. Rachel's eyes widened in shock and pleasure as she felt my tongue touch her, the sensation foreign and exhilarating. I tasted the salty tang of Khalid's semen and the sweetness of Rachel's arousal, a heady combination that had me fighting the urge to cum right then and there. I had never done this before, never even considered it, but as I lapped at her, cleaning her up, I realized how much I enjoyed it.

Tariq's grip on Rachel's hair tightened, his cock sliding in and out of her mouth with a wet, obscene sound that seemed to fill the room. Rachel's eyes were wide with a mix of fear and excitement, but she didn't struggle. Instead, she took him deeper, her tongue working around the head of his cock as she swallowed his length, her cheeks hollowing with every stroke. It was a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play here, and I felt a strange mix of arousal and humiliation watching Rachel, my Rachel, being used so thoroughly.

And then, it happened. Tariq's body tensed, and with a guttural growl, he released his load into Rachel's mouth. Rachel's eyes grew wide, but she didn't pull away. Instead, she swallowed, her throat working around his shaft as she took every drop. In that moment, I knew she was begging me to accept this, to let her explore this dark, depraved side of herself.

As Tariq withdrew, Rachel's cheeks were flushed and her eyes glazed with lust. She looked at me, her mouth still open, her tongue playing with the last traces of cum. And in that moment, I knew what I had to do. I leaned in, my tongue meeting hers, tasting the salty remnants of Tariq's orgasm. Rachel's eyes fluttered closed as we kissed, a silent declaration of love and acceptance.

It was Khalid's voice that broke the moment. "Clean me," he said, his cock still hard and gleaming with Rachel's juices close to my face. Rachel's eyes met mine with a questioning look. I'm not bi or gay, but the dominance pushed me to open my mouth, never leaving Rachel's eyes.

"You see," Layla whispered into Rachel's ear, her breath hot against Rachel's skin. "Your husband enjoys being a submissive cocksucker." Rachel's cheeks burned with a mix of embarrassment and arousal. It was a revelation that shook her to her core, but she couldn't deny the way her body responded to the idea. Her pussy was still pulsing with the aftershocks of her orgasm, and she found herself eager to see what would happen next.

With trembling hands, Rachel reached out to touch my cock. It was a strange, intimate moment, one that felt both wrong and incredibly right. She wrapped her hand around me, feeling the heat and hardness of my desire. Her eyes searched mine for guidance, for permission. I took a deep breath, nodded slightly, and Rachel leaned in, her lips parting to take me into her mouth.

Her movements were tentative at first, her tongue tentatively flicking against the tip of my cock. I felt a surge of love and lust for her, for the way she was willing to explore this dark, uncharted territory for me. Rachel's eyes never left mine as she took me deeper, her cheeks hollowing as she began to suck in earnest. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever felt before – Rachel's soft, wet mouth, her gentle touch, and the humiliation of being cleaned up by her.

As Rachel's head bobbed up and down on my cock, Tariq stepped in, replacing Khalid. His cock, still slick with Rachel's saliva, was now pressing against my mouth. The room spun with the realization of what was happening, but the ache in my balls was too intense to refuse. I opened my mouth, allowing him to force his cock inside. The taste of Rachel's mouth was faint, a sweetness that mingled with the musk of Tariq's lust. Rachel watched, her eyes wide with a mix of shock and arousal, as I began to suck him off, my cheeks hollowing around his girth.

Rachel's hand gripped my cock tighter, her own arousal spiking as she watched me service Tariq. She had never seen me like this, so openly submissive, and the power she held over me was intoxicating. Layla's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as she watched the scene unfold, her hand stroking my thigh as Rachel's mouth worked my shaft.

I could feel the tension building, my balls tightening with the need to release. Rachel's mouth was heaven, her tongue flicking against the sensitive spot just beneath the head of my cock. My eyes squeezed shut, and with a roar, I pushed forward, my cum spurting into Rachel's waiting mouth. She took it all, her throat working as she swallowed every drop, her eyes never leaving mine.

The moment was electric, the room charged with a new level of depravity. Rachel's cheeks were flushed, her lips shiny with my cum, and she looked absolutely beautiful. I stared at her, my mind racing with thoughts I had never dared to entertain before. The feeling of powerlessness was strange, but also incredibly freeing. I had never been so close to the edge of control, so willing to let go of every inhibition.

Rachel and I where lying on the bed, exhausted when Tariq started to dress. Layla bent over and kissed Rachel full on the lips.

"You did wonderful, now go and dress for Tariq to get you back to your accommodation."

Khalid was sitting in the corner of the bedroom looking over his new pets. Before leaving Rachel gave him a final kiss,

"Thank you for this experience, it was wonderful", "You are welcome, see you soon."

Layla showed us out, "Let everything sink in tonight, I hope you both learned something"

With that Tariq escorted us to his car. This time Rachel was placed on the passenger seat and me in the back. As soon as the car started he grabbed Rachel's hair and pushed her down in his lap. She knew what to do. The drive didn't take long and all the way I heard Rachel gagging and Tariq moaning. Then suddenly Tariq hold her down balls-deep and with a grunt, he blew his seed in her mouth. He didn't let go of Rachel who started to struggle.

"Stay there whore, swallow and wait until I allow you to pull back."

Less than a minute later, which felt ages for Rachel, he let go of her, gasping for air. When I disconnected from the scene, I looked around and saw that we arrived at the hotel.

"You've both done well tonight. No sex until the next event, I will let you know when that is. Enjoy the night."

With that we stepped out of the car. We where both completely too flabbergasted to respond, we both thought it would be a one time only................

Written by redeye414
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