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Used On Holiday - Hidden floor

"You should not lie"

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Author's Notes

"Rachel and Marc are getting the awaited invite to their next event. Unknown to what was coming, they prepare and let their faith decide. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This is the third chapter, of Used on Holiday, if you haven't read the first to chapters, I recommend you read them first."

Chapter 3

Rachel and Marc stumbled in their hotel room. The lights from the party still danced in her eyes, casting a soft glow on her flushed cheeks.

Marc's eyes were unable to meet hers. He felt a strange mix of emotions: shock, excitement, and confusion. "Yeah, it was...unexpected," he managed to murmur. Rachel had always been adventurous, but this was a side of her he'd never seen before.

Rachel slipped off her heels and sat on the edge of the bed, her legs wobbly. "I can't believe we just did that," she said, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "But I can't deny, it was incredible."

Marc stood by the window, his gaze lost in the night sky. "I know," he finally said, his voice tight. "But what does it mean for us?"

Rachel looked up at him, her expression a blend of lust and curiosity. "What do you mean?"

Marc turned to face her, his jaw tight. "I mean, Rachel, You just had a whatever-some with our friend and his wife and Tariq. That's not exactly a typical Friday night."

Rachel chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, when in Myriad," she quipped, her voice laden with a seductive purr. She leaned back on the bed, her dress riding up to expose her smooth, toned thighs.

Marc sighed, running a hand through his hair. "This isn't just a fling, Rachel. This could change everything." He felt a strange thrill at the thought, a mix of fear and excitement that made his heart race.

Rachel patted the space beside her on the bed. "Come here," she said, her voice soothing. "Let's talk about it."

Marc approached, his eyes never leaving hers as he sat down. Rachel took his hand, her touch sending a jolt of comfort through him. "What happened tonight was...intense," she admitted. "But I don't think it's going to change us in a bad way."

He looked at her, his mind racing with the events of the evening. The way she'd moaned under Khalid's touch, the way she'd begged for more from Tariq. It was all so raw, so primal. "How can you be so sure?" he asked, his voice filled with doubt.

Rachel leaned in, her breath warm against his ear. "Because, baby, we're stronger than that. This is just a new chapter in our love story." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, and the warmth of her lips seemed to melt his fears away. "And if we're being honest," she continued, her voice dropping to a whisper, "it was hot as hell."

Marc couldn't argue with that. The memory of watching Rachel, his beautiful wife, being taken by their friends was still vivid in his mind. The way she'd looked at him, begging for his approval, had been the hottest thing he'd ever seen. He felt his cock stir at the thought, and Rachel noticed.

"You liked it too, didn't you?" she said, her eyes locked on his. He swallowed hard, unable to lie. "Yeah," he admitted. "It was...fucking amazing."

Her smile grew wider, and she leaned in closer, her breasts pressing against his chest. "And what about the fact that we're going to have to wait for the next event?"

Marc's eyes widened, and he sat up straighter. "What? You mean this isn't a one-time thing?"

Rachel bit her lower lip, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "Well, no, I don't think it is," she said, her voice playful. "Tariq didn't exactly say it was just for tonight, did he?"

Marc felt his heart skip a beat. The thought of Rachel being shared again, used by their friends, was both terrifying and incredibly arousing. "Do you want to go on the next event?" he asked, his voice thick with desire and fear.

Rachel traced a finger along his jawline, her eyes gleaming. "Do you?" she countered, her voice a soft challenge.

Marc swallowed hard, his mind racing. The thought of Rachel being used again, her body subject to the whims of their friends, filled him with a mix of possessiveness and excitement. He felt his cock thicken, and Rachel's hand found its way to his lap, stroking him through his pants. "Fuck, Rachel," he groaned. "I don't know if I can handle it."

Rachel leaned in, her breath hot against his neck. "You can," she whispered, her hand moving faster. "You can, and you will." Her confidence was intoxicating, and he found himself nodding, his body betraying his fear. "But remember," she said, her voice a siren's call, "no sex until the next event."

The next couple of days were slow and relaxed, a stark contrast to the intensity of that night. They did some sightseeing, the sun kissing their skin as they explored the ancient ruins of Myriad. Rachel's laughter echoed through the dusty air as they climbed the crumbling stones, her hand tight in his, a silent promise that she was his, even as she had been shared. They shopped in bustling markets, the scent of exotic spices and the sound of merchants haggling filling their senses. They tasted the rich flavors of the local cuisine, Rachel's eyes lighting up with every new dish.

But beneath the surface, the anticipation grew, a constant hum in the background of their vacation. They talked about the next event in hushed whispers, their breath hot and heavy in the quiet of their hotel room at night. Rachel admitted that she couldn't stop thinking about it, about what new experiences awaited them.

Marc found himself torn between his desire to protect her and his own growing need to see her taken again. He'd never felt so alive, so alive with lust and love for Rachel. It was a strange and powerful cocktail, one that left him hard and aching every time they talked about it.

The next day dawned bright and early, the sun streaming through the windows of their hotel room. Rachel stretched languidly, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she suggested they hit the pool area. They lounged on the sun-soaked chairs, sipping on tropical drinks and watching the world go by. Their laughter was genuine, their smiles a mask for the darker desires that simmered just beneath the surface.

After a leisurely lunch, they returned to their room to find a surprise waiting for them. A sleek black suit and a classy crimson dress lay neatly on the bed, each piece a testament to the sophistication of the evening to come. An envelope, sealed with a wax stamp, lay atop the garments. Rachel's heart raced as she picked it up, her eyes meeting Marc's in a silent question.

With trembling hands, she opened the envelope to reveal a simple card with a handwritten message: "Wear this tonight. A car will pick you up at 7 p.m. in front of the hotel. Love, Layla." Rachel read it aloud, her voice a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Marc's eyes grew wide, his heart pounding in his chest. "What does this mean?" he asked, his voice a low rumble. Rachel handed him the card, and he read it over again, the words sinking in.

"It's an invitation," Rachel said, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "To the next event."

Marc's eyes narrowed as he took in the elegant attire. "But what does it mean for us?" he asked, his voice a gruff whisper. Rachel looked at him, her expression a blend of excitement and reassurance. "It means we're going deeper," she said, her voice a seductive purr. "And I think we're both ready for it."

Marc's gaze dropped to the bulge in his speedo, his body betraying his inner conflict. Rachel noticed and smirked, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Your body knows what it wants," she said, her breath warm and sweet. "Don't fight it, baby. Just let it happen."

They spent the rest of the afternoon baking in the sun, their bodies entwined in the shadows cast by the towering palm trees. The water of the pool was cool against their skin, a teasing contrast to the heat building inside them. Every touch, every glance was charged with the promise of what was to come.

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm orange glow over the resort, Rachel and Marc reluctantly peeled themselves away from the pool and headed back to their room. The anticipation was palpable, a tangible force that seemed to hum in the air around them.

Rachel slipped into the crimson dress with a grace that made his heart ache. It clung to her curves like a second skin, leaving little to the imagination. She watched him in the mirror as she applied her makeup, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The dress was a stark contrast to her usual attire, a declaration of her newfound sexual freedom.

Marc put on the black suit, feeling the fabric hug his body. He was nervous, but Rachel's confidence was infectious. As they descended the hotel stairs, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement. They looked like they belonged in the glossy pages of a high-end fashion magazine, not a couple from a small town in the middle of nowhere.

When they stepped outside, a driver in a Mercedes was waiting for them, dressed impeccably in a black suit and a crisp white shirt. He opened the door with a nod, his eyes never meeting theirs, as if he knew the secrets they carried and respected their privacy. Rachel slid into the cool leather interior, her dress whispering against the seat as she moved. The scent of the leather mingled with Rachel's perfume, creating an intoxicating aroma that filled the car.

As they drove away from the hotel, the city lights grew distant, replaced by the dark embrace of the night. The road was a serpentine dance through the countryside, a ribbon of asphalt cutting through the velvet blackness. The headlights pierced the darkness, illuminating the occasional stray animal darting across their path. Rachel's hand found its way to the hem of her dress, her fingers tracing the soft fabric as she thought about the night ahead.

After 45 minutes of silent tension, the Mercedes pulled up to a set of imposing gates, which swung open without a sound, as if they had been expecting them. The car glided through, revealing a grand estate, a beacon of opulence in the wilderness. The driveway was lined with towering palm trees, their fronds whispering in the gentle breeze. The house was a monolith of white stone, its windows gleaming like the eyes of a predator watching its prey.

Marc's grip on Rachel's hand tightened as they approached the mansion, his heart racing in anticipation. The thought of what lay beyond those walls was both terrifying and exhilarating. Rachel's eyes were wide with wonder, a hint of nervous excitement playing on her lips.

The dark, tall dark man who greeted them had a smile that could have melted the iciest of hearts. His teeth gleamed in the moonlight, and his eyes held a spark of mischief that made Rachel's pulse race. He was dressed in a tuxedo that fit him like a glove, his broad shoulders and muscular frame a stark contrast to the softness of Rachel's dress. "Welcome," he said, his voice a rich baritone that seemed to resonate in the very air around them.

As they stepped inside the mansion, Rachel felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine. The foyer was vast and opulent, with a grand staircase sweeping up to the second floor, and the walls adorned with paintings that looked like they could have been plucked from the hallowed halls of a museum. The man led them through a series of hallways, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the emptiness like whispers of scandal.

They arrived at a set of double doors, which he pushed open with a flourish. Inside, the room was bathed in soft, flickering candlelight, the walls a rich tapestry of velvet and silk. The air was thick with the scent of sandalwood and musk, a heady mix that made Rachel's pulse race even faster. Khalid and Layla were there, dressed to the nines, their smiles knowing and welcoming. But it was the sight of Farid, an older man Rachel had never met before, that made her stomach drop.

Farid was a study in contrasts. His skin was dark and weathered, a testament to a life lived under the unforgiving sun. He was a fifty-six-year-old grey man, more than twice the age of Rachel and Marc. His eyes, however, were cold and sharp, the color of onyx. He was dressed in a tailored suit that screamed money and power, his presence dominating the space. Rachel felt a thrill of fear mingled with excitement as he stepped forward, his hand outstretched in greeting. His grip was firm, almost painful, as he took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Welcome," he said, his voice a velvet purr that sent shivers down her spine.

Marc felt a strange mix of jealousy and arousal as he watched Farid with Rachel. This man, this stranger, had the power to make Rachel quiver with just a look. He knew that Farid would be the one calling the shots tonight, dictating their desires and pushing their boundaries. It was both terrifying and thrilling.

The room was a study in luxury, with plush velvet sofas and gleaming chrome surfaces that reflected the flickering candlelight.

Farid's gaze raked over Rachel, his eyes lingering on the swell of her breasts above the neckline of her dress. "You look stunning," he said, his voice a dark caress. Rachel felt a thrill of fear and excitement at his words, the power in his voice undeniable.

Khalid stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Please, let me introduce Farrid," he said, placing a possessive hand on Rachel's shoulder. "Farid, these are Rachel and Marc." Farid's gaze swept over them, a predatory smile playing on his lips. "A pleasure to meet you both," he said, his tone leaving no room for doubt that he knew exactly what had transpired between Rachel and Tariq, Khalid and Layla. Rachel felt a blush creep up her neck, but she held his gaze, her chin held high.

Layla's greeting was more intimate. She stepped up to Rachel, her eyes warm and welcoming. "You were incredible the other night," she whispered, her breath tickling Rachel's ear. Rachel felt a jolt of pleasure at the praise, her body responding despite the nerves. "Thank you," she murmured, her eyes darting to where Khalid and Tariq were talking in hushed tones.

The server who greeted them outside returned, a silver tray balancing a bottle of champagne and five crystal flutes. He moved with a silent grace, filling their glasses with the bubbly liquid. The pop of the cork was the only sound that pierced the heavy silence, the mood charged with anticipation. Rachel took a sip, the coolness of the drink a welcome contrast to the heat pooling in her belly.

Farid gestured to the platter of food on the chrome sideboard. "We've prepared some of our local specialties," he said, his eyes never leaving Rachel's. "I hope you enjoy."

They made their way to a sofa, the conversation flowing easily. They talked about the beauty of Myriad, the history of the region, and the intricacies of the local cuisine. Farid spoke with a passion that made Rachel's heart race, his words painting vivid images of the land that was now a playground for their darkest desires.

Marc listened intently, his eyes never leaving Rachel as she engaged with their hosts. He could see the way Farid's gaze lingered on her, the hunger in his eyes. Rachel's laughter was like a siren's call, drawing him in despite the fear that clawed at his chest.

As they sipped their champagne, the conversation drifted to lighter topics, allowing them to relax on the plush velvet sofa. Rachel spoke about their trip so far, her voice animated as she recounted the beauty of the ancient ruins they'd visited. Khalid and Layla nodded along, sharing stories of their own adventures in the city. Farid's eyes never left Rachel, a calculating gleam in his gaze that made her heart race.

The small talk was a delicate dance, a veil of civility over the raw sexual tension that hung in the air. They discussed the latest movies and the peculiarities of the local wildlife, the banter a gentle reminder that they were still in the early stages of the evening. Rachel felt a strange comfort in the mundane topics, a respite from the carnality that awaited them.

Marc chuckled at a joke Layla had shared, his eyes flickering over to Rachel, who was now speaking with Farid about the nuances of the city's architecture. Rachel's passion for design was evident in the way her hands animated her words, and Farid leaned in closer, seemingly captivated by her every syllable. It was a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play here; Rachel was the prize, and Farid was the one who would claim her.

Khalid interrupted their conversation with a smile. "Shall we make ourselves comfortable in the next room?" he suggested, gesturing to a set of double doors that led into a dimly lit chamber. Rachel felt a thrill of excitement at the prospect of what lay beyond, her pulse quickening as she took in the sight of the plush sofas arranged in a conversational square. The room was decadent, with velvet curtains drawn back to reveal a balcony overlooking the moonlit sea.

Marc's eyes searched Rachel's for any sign of hesitation, but all he found was eagerness and a hint of defiance. She took a deep breath and nodded, her hand sliding into his as they followed Khalid into the room. The sofas were large and inviting, their plush cushions seeming to beckon them closer. Rachel sat down first, her dress shifting to reveal the creamy expanse of her thigh. She felt a flutter of nerves as she watched Farid's gaze trace the line of her leg.

The server, a young and attractive man with piercing blue eyes, returned with a tray of drinks. He offered a crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid to Farid, who took it with a nod of thanks. Rachel's cocktail was a vibrant concoction, the color of a setting sun, and when she took a sip, she found it surprisingly good, the tartness of the citrus melding with the sweetness of the sugared rim. It was a potent mix, one that she knew would leave her feeling warm and relaxed.

Farid took a sip of his whiskey, the amber liquid glinting in the candlelight. "To new experiences," he toasted, his gaze lingering on Rachel's cleavage. Rachel felt a flush of heat spread across her chest, her nipples tightening under his scrutiny. She took a deep breath and raised her glass, the coolness of the cocktail a stark contrast to the heat of the room.

"Rachel, tell me about how you met Layla and Khalid," Farid continued.

"The night we met Layla and Khalid," she began, her voice a soft purr.

Farid leaned back, his gaze unwavering as Rachel recounted the evening. She painted a picture of an innocent encounter, and a nice evening of dancing and conversation. Her voice was smooth and inviting, spinning a tale that held them all in thrall. She spoke of laughter and friendship, her eyes sparkling with the fire of a remembered passion.

But Farid was not so easily fooled. His gaze pierced her soul, and Rachel felt the guilt of her omission weigh heavy on her chest. He took a slow sip of his whiskey, his eyes never leaving hers. "Is that all?" he asked, his voice a velvet challenge. Rachel felt her heart stumble in her chest, the lie thick on her tongue. "Yes," she replied, her voice a soft whisper.

Farid's smile grew colder, and Rachel felt a trickle of fear run down her spine. "You know what we do with women who lie?" His question hung in the air like a noose, the silence a living entity that seemed to tighten around her neck. Rachel's eyes darted to Khalid and Layla, looking for some sort of salvation, but all she found was the same hunger that reflected in Farid's gaze.

"They are punished," he continued his tone a low growl that sent a shiver down her spine.

"We do not tolerate deceit in our games."

Layla stood up with a grace that was almost predatory, her dress sliding down her body like a second skin. She moved to stand between Rachel and Marc, her hand reaching out to gently touch Rachel's shoulder.

"Rachel, my dear," she said, her voice a gentle coo. "There's no need to be modest. Tell Farid everything that happened."

Rachel's heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short gasps. The room felt as if it was closing in on her, the air thick with the scent of lust and power.

With a trembling hand, Rachel began to recount the events of that fateful night. She described the dance floor, the music that had pulsed through their veins, and the way Khalid and Tariq had looked at her. Farid's gaze was unyielding, his eyes boring into hers as she spoke. She detailed the kiss she had shared with Tariq, the way his hands had roamed her body, and the shock when she had realized that she had liked it. The words spilled from her like a confession, a story of desire and betrayal that painted a vivid picture of her lustful nature.

Marc sat rigidly beside her, his eyes never leaving Rachel's face. He felt a strange mix of anger, arousal, and fear as she spoke of her infidelity, his mind racing with the implications of her admission. Rachel's voice grew softer as she described the moment she had realized that Tariq had invited them to join in, the way she had looked at him for reassurance, and the ultimate decision to give in to their desires.

Her cheeks flushed as she recounted the way Tariq had taken her, his strong hands guiding her, and Khalid's dark eyes watching her every move. The room grew warmer, the candlelight casting flickering shadows across their faces as Rachel's voice grew more hushed, her eyes glazed over with the memory of that night. She described the feeling of being used, of being nothing more than an object of pleasure for their friends, and the surprising thrill it had brought her.

Marc felt his anger and jealousy give way to a strange sense of arousal. He listened as Rachel spoke of how Khalid's mouth had explored her body, tasting her in ways that made her gasp and moan. Rachel's hand trembled as she took another sip of her cocktail, her eyes never leaving Farid's as she confessed her deepest secrets. It was a dance of power and submission, and she was the star, spinning a tale that had all of them entranced.

Farid's eyes grew darker with every word, his desire for Rachel becoming more apparent. "Tell me how you felt, Rachel," he said, his voice a low, smoky demand. Rachel took a deep breath, her eyes dropping to her lap as she tried to gather her thoughts. "I felt... alive," she murmured, her voice barely audible. "I felt like I was on fire, like every nerve in my body was alight with pleasure."

Marc's hand tightened around hers in Layla's lap, his knuckles white with tension. He could feel the heat radiating from her, the admission of her desire for another man a painful aphrodisiac. Rachel's eyes flickered up to meet his, the love and trust in them unmistakable. "I didn't think it would feel so... amazing," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "But it did. And I don't regret it."

Farid leaned in closer, his eyes glinting with a dark hunger. "So, you enjoyed being used?" he pressed, his words a challenge and a promise all at once. Rachel swallowed hard, her heart racing. "Yes," she admitted, the word a tremulous whisper that seemed to echo through the room. "I liked it more than I ever thought I could."

Marc felt his world shift, his emotions a tumultuous storm. Rachel's confession was a knife to his heart, but the way she looked at him, her eyes filled with love and trust, made him realize that this was what she truly desired. And in that moment, his fears of losing her to another man transformed into a strange excitement, a thrill of watching her bloom into a sexual being that craved more than he alone could give.

"And you Marc, how did it make you feel, seeing your wife being used by your new friends?"

"I felt... overwhelmed," he admitted, his voice gruff. "But also... excited." Rachel's eyes searched his, looking for the truth, and he knew she found it. The thought of Rachel, his Rachel, writhing in pleasure under the touch of other men had initially filled him with a possessive rage. Yet, as he watched her now, the flushed cheeks and the way her chest rose and fell with every breath, he understood that this was not just about her but about them. It was a shared experience, a bond that went beyond the confines of their marriage bed.

Farid's gaze flicked to him, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Good," he said, his eyes never leaving Rachel's face. "Because tonight, we're going to show you just how much more there is to explore."

Marc felt a thrill of excitement mingled with fear at Farid's words. He knew that Rachel had been yearning for this, that she craved the thrill of the unknown, the taste of danger on her lips. He knew that he couldn't hold her back, not when she looked at him with those eyes, filled with love and trust.

"Rachel," Farid's voice was a soft caress, yet it held a command that made her body respond. "Come over to me," he said, his voice a dark promise. She rose from the sofa, her legs unsteady but her resolve unshaken. As she approached him, the room seemed to tilt, the candlelight playing tricks with the shadows. Rachel felt a shiver run down her spine, but she obeyed, drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

Farid's hand was warm and firm as he took hers, pulling her closer. His eyes searched hers, the intensity in them leaving no room for doubt.

"You lied to me, Rachel," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "What does that mean?"

Rachel felt a surge of fear, but she didn't dare pull away. This was the moment of truth, and she knew she had to face it.

"You know what happens to girls who lie," Farid whispered, her heart racing. Farid's smile grew wider, his eyes darkening. "They are taught a lesson," he murmured, his thumb tracing a lazy circle on the back of her hand. "A lesson in obedience and the price of deceit."

Rachel's breath caught in her throat as she nodded, her mind racing with the possibilities of what that lesson might entail.

With a gentle but firm tug, Farid pushed her over his knee. The plush material cushioned her slightly, but she could feel the firmness of his thigh beneath her. The position was both embarrassing and arousing, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. Farid's hand rested on her lower back, his fingers tracing the line of her spine as he leaned in closer.

"Marc," he said, his voice a soft command. "Raise her dress."

Marc's eyes met Rachel's, where he saw the fear in her eyes. He moved to them and with trembling hands, he lifted the fabric of her dress, revealing the creamy expanse of her thighs and the lacy black thong she had chosen for the evening. Farid's gaze was unwavering, his eyes dark with desire as he took in the sight. Rachel felt a warmth spread through her, the anticipation of what was to come making her wet with need.

"Good boy," Farid said, his voice thick with approval. "Now, Rachel, tell me, do you deserve this?"

Rachel felt her face burn with a mix of shame and excitement. "Yes Sir," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

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Farid's hand slid down to the curve of her bottom, his fingers tracing the lace of her underwear. Rachel's breath hitched as she felt the first sting of his hand connected with her bare skin. It was a gentle smack, a promise of what was to come.

Marc watched, his heart hammering in his chest as Farid began to spank Rachel in earnest. Each smack grew stronger, the sound echoing through the room. Rachel's gasps grew louder, her body jolting with every impact. The softness of the initial contact gave way to a firm, rhythmic spanking that painted her skin a deep shade of pink. Rachel's eyes were squeezed shut, her face a mask of pleasure and pain. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out, her hands gripping the velvet cushion beneath her.

Farid's hand paused, and Rachel's body went taut with anticipation. "Take off her panties," he ordered, his voice a low growl that sent a shiver through the room.

The words hung in the air, a challenge to both Rachel and Marc. Rachel's eyes flew open, meeting her husband's, and she nodded slightly. It was a silent plea for him to do as he was told, to give in to the power dynamics that had taken over the evening.

Marc's heart raced as he reached for the lacy fabric that barely covered Rachel's sex. His fingers trembled slightly as he hooked them into the waistband, the heat of her skin almost burning him. Rachel's breath was coming in short, sharp gasps now, her body reacting to the mix of fear and arousal that coursed through her. He slowly peeled the thong down, the fabric whispering against her skin as it revealed her wetness to the cool air.

Farid's hand rested on Rachel's bare bottom, his thumb idly tracing circles as he watched. Rachel felt exposed, her cheeks flaming with embarrassment. Yet, she couldn't deny the heat that was building within her, the ache that grew with every moment. Farid's gaze was like a brand, searing her with its intensity. "Good," he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. "Now, let's see if you can be a good little slut for me."

Marc's cock throbbed in his pants, the sight of Rachel's reddened bottom and her aroused state making him feel both jealous and incredibly turned on. He watched as Farid's hand descended again, this time with more force. Rachel gasped, her body jolting with the impact. Farid's hand moved in a steady rhythm, the sound of flesh meeting flesh punctuating the air. Rachel's cries grew louder, her hips rocking slightly, seeking more of the pain that brought her such pleasure.

"Part your legs," Farid said, his voice a command that Rachel couldn't ignore. She did as she was told, her legs spreading slightly to give him better access to her most vulnerable parts. Khalid stepped closer, his eyes dark with hunger as he took in the sight of Rachel's exposed pussy, glistening with arousal. Layla, too, had moved to the front, her own excitement palpable as she watched the scene unfold.

Marc's eyes were glued to Rachel's face, watching the play of emotions that danced across her features. The smack of Farid's hand on her bare skin was a stark contrast to the gentle caress of his thumb that had been there moments before. Rachel's eyes fluttered open, meeting her husband's gaze, and she gave him a small, reassuring smile. The sound of her breathing grew ragged, her body moving in sync with the rhythm of Farid's punishment.

"Tell me, Rachel," Farid's voice was a low, seductive murmur. "Does it hurt?" Rachel nodded, her voice strained. "Good," he said, his smile widening. "Because pain is a powerful aphrodisiac, isn't it?" Rachel's eyes closed again, and she moaned in response, her body writhing against the firmness of Farid's thigh.

Without warning, Farid's hand shifted from her buttocks to the soft, sensitive skin of her pussy. Rachel gasped as his fingers began to caress her, the gentle touch a stark contrast to the firm smacks that had come before. His thumb traced the plumpness of her lips, spreading them slightly before pressing down in a delicate spank. Rachel's hips bucked, and she let out a cry that was half pleasure, half pain.

The room was silent except for the sound of Rachel's ragged breathing and the slap of Farid's hand against her skin. Each spank grew bolder, his fingers occasionally delving into her wetness before retreating to deliver another stinging blow. Rachel felt like she was on the edge of a cliff, her body poised to shatter into a million pieces of ecstasy. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm building within her, the pressure growing with every touch.

Marc's cock was painfully hard, his mind racing with the sight of Rachel's bare ass being spanked by another man. He had never seen her like this, so openly aroused and vulnerable. It was a heady mix of emotions, a cocktail of anger, fear, and desire that made him feel alive. He watched as Farid's fingers slid over Rachel's clit, the tender flesh swollen and begging for more. Rachel's moan was music to his ears, a symphony of need that he hadn't heard from her in a long time.

"Marc," Layla's voice was a siren's call, breaking through the haze of his thoughts. "What do you think? Does she need to be punished more?" He tore his gaze from Rachel's writhing form to look at Layla. Her question hung in the air, a challenge wrapped in velvet. Rachel's eyes found his, a silent plea for guidance. The power dynamics in the room had shifted again, and he was now the one in control.

He took a deep breath, his hand hovering over Rachel's trembling thigh. "Yes," he said, his voice firm. Rachel's eyes widened, but she didn't protest. The word was a catalyst, and Farid's hand began to fall faster, each smack echoing through the room like a gunshot. Rachel's cries grew more desperate, her body shaking with every impact. Yet, she didn't ask for it to stop. Instead, she arched her back, pushing herself into Farid's touch, urging him on.

Khalid moved to her front, his own desire evident in the erection that strained against his trousers. Rachel's eyes locked onto it, her breath hitching in her throat as he reached down and freed himself. The room was silent, all eyes on the two of them, the air thick with anticipation. Farid's hand paused, his gaze moving from Rachel's reddened ass to her face.

"Open," he commanded, his voice a velvet whisper that sent a shiver down her spine. Rachel's eyes widened, but she obeyed, her mouth parting slightly.

Khalid stepped closer, his cock jutting out, the tip glistening with pre-cum. Rachel felt a rush of wetness between her legs as she took in the sight of him. She had never seen a man so... powerful. His hand came up to her chin, tilting her head back, forcing her to look up at him. His eyes were dark, almost black with lust as he looked down at her.

"Take it," he ordered, his voice a low growl that sent a tremor through her body. Rachel hesitated for a moment, and then opened for his cock to enter.

The feeling was overwhelming, the taste of him salty and slightly bitter. She felt his hand tighten in her hair, pulling her closer as he began to thrust into her mouth. Rachel's eyes watered, but she didn't resist. Instead, she took him deeper, her tongue swirling around the head, savoring the taste of him. Layla watched with a mix of envy and excitement, her hand still tangled in Rachel's hair.

"Look at your wife," she whispered to Marc, her voice a soft taunt. "Look at how she takes Khalid's cock like a whore."

"Do you think there is anything she won't do if we tell her to?"

Marc's eyes were glued to the sight before him, his own arousal a confusing mix of anger and lust. He had never seen Rachel like this, so eager to please another man, so lost in her own desire. He felt his grip on Rachel's hand tighten, his thumb rubbing against her wedding ring. It was a reminder that she was his, even as she was used by Khalid. Rachel's eyes flicked up to meet his, and he could see the question in them. He gave a slight nod, his voice thick with emotion. "No," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I think she will do anything."

Farid's thumb circled Rachel's anus with increasing pressure, the anticipation of what was to come making her squirm. She felt her body tighten around the digit, the sensation both terrifying and exhilarating. The thought of being used in such a way by these three dominant figures was almost too much to bear, but she knew she craved it. The room felt like it was spinning, the heat from their bodies mixing with the scent of sex and power.

The door to the lounge creaked open, and in walked the server, his eyes glazed over as if he were in a trance. Farid nodded imperceptibly, and the man began to undress. As he shed his clothes, he revealed a body that was lean and muscular, a stark contrast to Farid's more mature frame. His cock was already half-hard, a monstrous thing that grew to a full nine inches before their eyes. Rachel couldn't help but stare, her mouth going dry at the sight of it.

Khalid removed his cock from her mouth and sat down on the sofa.

"Lower yourself on Khalid's cock" Farid told Rachel.

Marc's grip on Rachel's hand tightened, and she felt a strange mix of fear and excitement. She knew what was coming next, and the anticipation was almost unbearable.

"Guide his cock into your wife's slutty cunt", Farid told him.

Marc did as he was told. Rachel felt Khalid hands grip her hips, and with a strength that took her breath away, he pushed her down and filled her to the brim.

Marc watched, his hand shaking as he unzipped his trousers and reached inside. He took a firm grip on his erection. The sight of her being taken by another man was both terrifying and exhilarating, a dark thrill that he hadn't known he could feel. Rachel's eyes met his, and he saw the plea in them, the desperate need for his approval. He gave a nod, his thumb circling the head of his cock in a slow, deliberate motion.

The server stood behind the sofa leaning over, his huge cock standing tall and proud as he positioned himself. He grabbed Rachel's hair and pulled her mouth over his cock. Layla's voice was a seductive whisper in Rachel's ear, her words a knife that twisted in the delicate fabric of Rachel's mind.

"Look at your husband, Rachel," she said, her eyes gleaming with malicious excitement. "Look at how much he enjoys watching you be used by these men, one of them old enough to be your father."

Rachel's gaze flicked to her husband, and she saw the truth in Layla's words. His hand was a blur, stroking himself in time with Rachel's thrusts, his eyes dark with lust.

"Does it turn him on?" Layla's voice was a taunt, a challenge that Rachel couldn't ignore. "Does it make him want you more, knowing that you're a slut who can't get enough?"

Rachel felt her cheeks burn with shame, but she couldn't deny the truth. The idea of being used for Farid's pleasure, of being nothing more than a vessel for his satisfaction, sent a thrill through her that was almost unbearable. She nodded, her eyes never leaving her husband's.

Farid approached, his erection standing tall and proud, a testament to his dominance. Rachel felt a shiver of fear mingled with desire as he positioned himself behind her. His hands were firm, his grip unyielding as he pulled her cheeks apart and lined up his cock with her ass. The lubricant smeared from her pussy made the initial penetration easier, but it was still a tight fit. Rachel gasped as he pushed in, the pain mingling with the pleasure that was already spiraling through her body. Two men had stretched her, used her, claimed her in every way possible, and now Farid was going to take what was left.

Marc watched, his eyes glued to the scene before him. He had never seen Rachel used. It was a powerful sight, and it was all he could do not to come right there and then. He had always loved her, but now he saw her in a new light. Rachel was not just his wife; she was a sexual being who craved the kind of depravity that he had never been able to give her. And it was driving him wild.

Farid's cock inched into Rachel's ass, and she couldn't help but whimper. The pain was intense, a stark contrast to the pleasure she had felt moments before. Her eyes shot open, and she looked over her shoulder at the man who was claiming her in the most primal way possible. His expression was one of pure concentration, his teeth gritted as he pushed through the tight ring of muscle. Rachel felt a strange mix of fear and excitement, her body responding to his dominance in a way she had never felt before.

Her eyes searched for any sign of discomfort in her husband's gaze, but all she found was an intensity that matched her own. The realization that she was being used in such a way, that she was being claimed by men who weren't her husband, sent a jolt of arousal through her. Rachel's body began to betray her, her ass clenching around Farid's cock as she tried to push away from the intrusion. Her movements only served to excite him further, and she could feel his cock swelling inside her.

Khalid's strong arms held her down, his chuckles of amusement at Rachel's plight sending a shiver down her spine. Layla, on the other hand, was all business. Her nails dug into Rachel's hips, pushing her back onto Farid's cock with a determination that Rachel hadn't known the woman possessed. Rachel could feel her body stretching to accommodate him, her ass opening up in a way she never thought possible. The pain was a living thing, a beast that consumed her, but it was also a strange kind of ecstasy.

Farid's thrusts grew more violent, each one sending a shock wave through Rachel's body. She could feel her ass being torn apart, the pleasure and pain indistinguishable. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, punctuated by her gasps and whimpers. Rachel's eyes watered, and she bit her lip to keep from screaming. She didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing just how much they were affecting her. But it was getting harder and harder to keep her composure.

Marc was torn. A part of him wanted to rush over and help Rachel, to pull her away from the brutal men who were using her so roughly. But another part of him was frozen, held down by a dark, primal excitement. He had never seen Rachel like this before, so wild and wanton. His own cock was aching, and he knew he was close to the edge. He couldn't tear his eyes away from the sight of Farid's cock disappearing into Rachel's ass, her body trembling with each punishing stroke. It was like watching a car crash in slow motion; horrifying, but impossible to look away from.

Layla, the orchestrator of this depraved symphony, took a step back, her eyes gleaming with a sadistic delight. She licked her lips, her gaze moving from Rachel's stretched asshole to her still-gaping pussy. "I think she's ready," she murmured, her voice a siren's call that seemed to echo through the room. "Let's give her the grand finale." Khalid, the server and Farid exchanged glances, a silent communication that sent a shiver of anticipation through the air. Rachel's eyes went wide with fear and excitement as she realized what Layla was suggesting.

Marc's heart pounded in his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he watched his wife's body being used in ways he had never dreamed of. The idea of Rachel being filled to the brim, all her body holes stretched to the limits of what it could handle, was almost too much to bear. He could see the fear in her eyes, but also the desperate need for more. It was a heady mix that had him questioning his own desires, his own limits.

Her body was a battleground of sensation, each thrust from Khalid sending ripples of pleasure through her that collided with the pain from Farid's relentless assault on her ass. Rachel's eyes watered, and she choked around the thick cock in her mouth, her throat straining to accommodate him. Layla watched with a knowing smile, her own hand sliding down to her clit, stroking it in time with Rachel's movements. Rachel could feel the woman's eyes on her and knew she was getting off on the sight of Rachel's degradation.

The server, a man built like a mountain, pushed deeper in unison with Khalid and Farid. Rachel's eyes widened, and she let out a muffled scream around his cock. The pain was unlike anything she had ever felt, a searing heat that burned through her. Her ass was already stretched to its limits, and now this monstrous intrusion was pushing balls deep into her throat.

Layla leaned in, her breath hot on Rachel's ear.

"Good girl," she murmured, her voice thick with lust. "Take it all."

Rachel felt the woman's hand move to her throat, applying just enough pressure to make her swallow around Farid's cock.

"All three holes are now filled at the same time," Layla whispered, her voice a dark symphony of pleasure and pain, while pinching Rachel's nipples. "Think about how many men you can serve with your mouth, your pussy, your ass, and even your hands. How many cocks you can make happy in one night."

Rachel's mind reeled at the thought, the reality of her situation sinking in. She was nothing more than a vessel for their pleasure, a plaything to be used and discarded.

The men took Layla's words as a cue. They pushed in at the same time, their movements synchronized and brutal. Rachel felt herself being stretched beyond what she thought was possible, her body a tightly wound spring ready to snap. The pain was intense, but she could feel a strange kind of satisfaction building inside her, a dark bloom of pleasure that grew with each thrust. Her body was a conduit for their lust, and she reveled in the power it gave her.

Marc's cock was painfully hard, his hand moving in a frenzied blur as he watched Rachel's body being used so thoroughly. He had never seen her like this, never knew she could take so much. The sight of a stranger's cock who's name he did not even know, disappearing into Rachel's mouth while she pushed down on Khalid's delicious cock was almost too much to handle. He felt a twinge of jealousy, but it was overwhelmed by the raw, primal need to be a part of it. Rachel's eyes met his, and in that moment, he knew she needed him to let go, to give in to the darkness that was swirling around them.

With a roar, he released his own load, the cum spurting onto the floor as he watched Rachel's body tense and convulse. Her moans were muffled by the cock in her mouth, but the desperation in her eyes was clear. The men didn't stop, didn't even seem to notice. They had their own rhythm now, a dance of depravity that Rachel was the center of. The server's strokes grew more forceful, and Rachel's eyes rolled back in her head as she took his length deep into her throat. Farid behind her was grunting with effort, his massive cock stretching her ass wider with each thrust.

The pressure was unbearable, a crescendo of sensation that had Rachel's entire body quivering. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm, one that would shatter her into a million pieces. It was terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Rachel's mind was a blur, a whirlwind of pain and pleasure that she couldn't escape from. And she didn't want to. This was what she had been craving, this was what she had been missing.

The men's movements grew more erratic, their breathing heavy with exertion. Rachel felt them swell inside her, their cocks thickening as they approached their own climaxes. The server's hand tightened around her throat, cutting off her air as he fucked her mouth, his eyes never leaving hers. Rachel knew that this was it, the moment she had been waiting for, the moment she had been dreading.

Khalid's grip on her hips tightened, his thrusts becoming more urgent. Rachel could feel his cock pulsating, and she knew he was close. Farid's strokes grew more forceful, and she could feel the head of his cock bumping against the back of her ass. Farid behind her was grunting in time with his thrusts, his massive cock sliding in and out of her ass with a wet, slapping sound. Rachel's own orgasm was building, a crescendo of pleasure that was reaching a fever pitch.

The room was an echoing of grunts and moans, the air thick with the scent of sex and sweat. Rachel's vision swam as she struggled to breathe around the server's cock, her body straining to accommodate the two men inside her. It was too much, and yet she craved more. Her pussy clenched around Khalid's cock, begging for release, and she knew she was seconds away from shattering.

Khalid's thrusts grew more urgent, his cock swelling inside Rachel's pussy. Rachel's moans grew louder, her body writhing in a symphony of pain and pleasure. Rachel could feel the men's desire building, their cocks pulsing inside her. Rachel knew she was going to cum, she could feel it building, a storm inside her that was about to break.

With a roar, Khalid emptied his load into Rachel, his hot seed filling her womb. Rachel's body spasmed around him, her own orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave. The server followed, his cock erupting in her mouth, flooding her with his seed. Rachel struggled to swallow, her throat tight around his length. She could feel the server's cock swell even more, his grip on her hips almost painful as he neared his own climax. Rachel's eyes watered, her nose and throat filled with the musky scent of cum.

Farid's grunts grew louder, and Rachel could feel his cock pulse against her insides. He thrust into her one final time before he came, his cum spurting into her ass. Rachel's eyes rolled back in her head, the sensation of being filled so completely overwhelming. She had never felt so used, so utterly owned. The pain was a living thing, a part of her now, a part of her climax. Her body trembled as the last of her strength left her, her muscles going lax as the men's cocks slipped out of her.

Layla, watching the scene unfold with a wicked smile, turned her attention to Rachel's husband. She sauntered over to where he was standing, his hand still wrapped around his now-softening cock.

"You've been a good boy, watching your wife get used by these men," she purred, her hand reaching out to stroke his cheek. "But now it's your turn to play."

With a push that was surprisingly strong for her slender frame, she sent him stumbling towards Rachel's prone form.

"On your back and open your mouth."

Marc, felt his face flush with a mix of embarrassment and excitement as he lay down on the floor, his heart racing. Rachel looked at him with a dazed expression, her eyes glazed over with a mix of pleasure and pain. He could see the cum leaking out of her ass and pussy, a stark reminder of what she had just endured. Layla's command echoed in his ears, and he knew he had to obey. He positioned himself between Khalid's feet, feeling the power dynamic shift as he lay there, exposed and vulnerable.

Farid, his chest heaving from his exertion, stepped back, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. Rachel's trembling legs barely held her up as she straddled her husband's face, her ass hovering just above his mouth. She was a vision of depravity, her body glistening with sweat and cum, and yet, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Layla's words echoed in his mind, and he knew that this was what Rachel needed, what she craved.

Marc's legs trembled as he lay back on the floor. He knew that he had to be there for her, to clean her up, to show her that he was still her husband, still her rock amidst this sea of debauchery. Rachel lowered herself onto him, her body trembling with the effort. She could feel the sticky warmth of the cum leaking out of her pussy and ass, and she knew that this was it. This was the ultimate act of submission, of love, of trust.

As Rachel's ass descended onto his face, he took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. He let his tongue slide into her pussy first, tasting the sweetness of her juices mixed with the saltiness of the men's cum. Rachel's legs quivered, and she let out a low moan, her body still sensitive from the brutal pounding she had just received. His tongue circled her clit, flicking it gently, before moving back to her ass. He pushed into her, feeling the tightness, the heat, the unmistakable taste of her ass. Rachel's moan grew louder, her body responding despite the pain she had just endured.

Marc's mind was racing, a tornado of emotions swirling through his head. Jealousy, anger, lust, love - they all fought for dominance. But as he felt Rachel's body tremble against his, he knew that he was her anchor in this storm. He was the one who could bring her back, who could make her feel safe. His tongue delved deeper into her ass, savoring the taste of her, of the men who had claimed her. It was a strange kind of victory, a claiming of his own.

Layla, not content to merely watch, pushed Rachel's head down onto Khalid's still-erect cock. Rachel took him eagerly, her movements automatic now, her body a finely tuned instrument of pleasure. Khalid's eyes never left Rachel's, a silent conversation that spoke of power and submission, of the thrill of the unknown. Rachel's mouth was a warm, wet heaven around his shaft, her tongue dancing along the length of him. Layla's hand was in Rachel's hair, guiding her movements, pushing her to take him deeper. Rachel gagged, but she didn't stop, her eyes watering as she worked Khalid's cock with a desperation that was almost terrifying.

"Keep licking hubby, get all that cum out of her, protect her from getting pregnant."

And then, the door swung open and Tariq stepped in, his gaze sweeping over the room. Rachel's eyes snapped to him, and she felt a bolt of panic shoot through her. Tariq's eyes met hers, and she could see the hunger in them, the desire to push her even further. "Hi, Dad," he said, his voice casual, as if this was the most natural thing in the world. "What do you think of them?"

"Good! Son, you didn't promise me too much, she was all worth it", Farid answered.

The world seemed to stop spinning as Rachel processed his words. Farid was Tariq's father? Her body went rigid, the cock in her mouth suddenly feeling foreign, as if they had invaded her without permission. Farid looked down at her, his eyes glinting with amusement. Rachel felt a surge of anger, mixed with a dark thrill. This was a new level of humiliation, a new depth of degradation she hadn't even considered. Her eyes burned with unshed tears.

Written by redeye414
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