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Sailing Adventure - 2

"Young wife shows off for the captain and crew."

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Author's Notes

"The story takes place before digital photography, the Internet, cell phones, etc."

The next morning Dave and Marsha get up early and drive down I-95. They start to relax as soon as they leave the interstate and take the road leading down the Northern Neck between the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers.

Marsha tells her husband, "It is so great to get away. I am already feeling more uninhibited."

Dave replies, "I am too. This is going to be a great weekend." He glances at his wife's full breasts in her top and fantasizes about Marsha showing Kurt more of her body in her bikini.

They find the marina with no problem and park. They take out their cooler and the gym bag and look for the boat slip. Other sailors greet them as they walk down the dock. They find the right slip and approach Kurt's sailboat.

He is just coming up on board from the cabin. "Good morning. Great to see you guys. Did you have any problem finding the place? Here, hand me your cooler."

Dave hands over the cooler and answers, "No problem at all. We had a great drive. Marsha and I can never get over how isolated and out of the way it is down here." His eyes sweep the boat. "You have a great-looking boat."

"Thank you. Barbara and I like getting out on it. It won't take long to get ready. I have taken it out a couple of times this spring and everything is in order."

Marsha speaks up, "Sounds great. I want to say hello to Barbara. Is she in the cabin?"

"Oh, my apologies, but she couldn't make it. There was some last-minute crises with a charity fundraiser she is coordinating. What a drag that is. She was really looking forward to getting to know you guys a lot better. I guess I should have called you. But didn't think it mattered. So it will be just the three of us."

Marsha doesn't know what to think. She’s already at the beginning of sexual arousal thinking about showing off for Kurt and looking at his cock, while Dave looks at Barbara. Besides shorts and a blouse, she only has the two string bikinis to wear.

Dave is thinking how hot it is that Marsha will show off for both of them.

Kurt tells them, "I have a few things to take care of before we cast off. Why don't you guys go down below and change into something more comfortable."

In the cabin, Marsha expresses some doubt to her husband, "I'm not sure about wearing my string without Barbara being here. She was going to wear one too. We were going to show off for you guys. But I don't have anything else to wear except these shorts."

"Relax. Just because his wife isn't here doesn't mean you can't wear your bikini. Remember, we agreed to be more uninhibited. You can show off for the two of us. You know he wants to see more of you. I don't mind. Besides, I have been looking forward to seeing you in your string."

"Well, OK. I just feel bad you won't get to see Barbara in a bikini."

Dave puts on his jammers and goes on deck. Kurt is wearing a pair of cargo shorts.

A few minutes later Marsha comes back on deck. She decides to allay her concerns about her bikini and get in the spirit of the weekend. As soon as she gets on deck she strikes a sexy pose and says, "Well, guys, what do you think?"

Kurt exclaims, "You look great! I thought you were hot in your top at last week's cookout, but you are really sexy in that. Turn around let us see the rest."

The young wife is flattered Kurt likes her bikini. She complies and turns around to give him a good look at her body. She’s aware of his eyes scanning all over. She already likes displaying herself for him.

Dave is becoming aroused watching Kurt blatantly scan his wife's body.

Marsha faces Kurt and checks him out also. He has a very good physique with a slightly hairy chest, that is more muscular than her husband. Her gaze is drawn to his crotch. She’s disappointed he’s not wearing bikini briefs.

Kurt says, “You two are dressed for sailing. I think I’ll join you.”

He unfastens and drops his cargo shorts. He’s wearing briefs and they don't hide much. The older man does have an impressive-looking cock. Marsha is really getting a show.

Marsha's eyes feast on his crotch. Oh... my god, it’s sooo…big. Barbara and her husband were right. Kurt is well endowed. She takes in his thickness and big mushroom head and has lewd thoughts of what she would do with it.

Dave watches Marsha glaze at Kurt's thick cock.

Marsha is almost startled as Kurt announces it is time to cast off. As they prepare, a couple of men stop by. Kurt introduces them to Dave and Marsha as other sailors who also have boats in the marina. It’s obvious they also appreciate Marsha. One is handsome with dark hair, a few inches taller than Dave. He looks to be around Marsha's age. The other appears to be in his fifties. They inquire about Barbara and Kurt tells them about her crisis.

The older one replies, "That sucks. But it looks like you have good company. I guess we will see you tonight."

Kurt tells them they will be anchoring tonight. The two men continue to appraise Marsha.

"I'm sure you guys will have a great time."

They turn and go back down the dock.

Marsha is flushed with the attention she’s getting from her husband, Kurt and the other two men. The younger one sure is sexy.

She picks up and a tube of sunscreen. "I need to put this on before we go out."

Kurt gives Dave some instruction about stowing some gear below and then tells him, "Why don't you take the gear below deck. I'll take care of Marsha."

Dave picks up the gear and goes below.

Marsha hands Kurt the sunscreen, “Would you mind putting sunscreen on my back? I got everything else.”

Marsha turns around with her back to Kurt. He begins to rub lotion on her. He starts on her lower back and applies lotion just under her bottom. "We don't want you to get burned on the edge of this cute ass of yours."

Marsha wonders if she should stop him but catches herself. She’s going to act more uninhibited, even if Barbara isn’t there. "I'm glad you like it. Thank you for making sure I don't burn."

Dave is looking from the cabin at Kurt rubbing down Marsha. He is excited the older man is getting his hands on his wife's body. He comes back on deck and tells Kurt everything is stored.

"Good job. Go on the dock to the bow and get ready to cast off. We are almost finished."

Kurt continues to apply lotion all over Marsha's back. He even applies lotion on her hip around her strings and on her exposed cheeks. His hands linger longer than necessary on the firm globes of her ass. Marsha doesn't stop him. "That really feels good. You have great hands. How do you like my bikini? This is the one I described to you. Is it what you were expecting?"

He starts applying lotion on her neck and shoulders, "It's more than I was expecting. It really shows off your hot sexy body." He tells her the other two men liked it as well.

Marsha doesn't know what is making her so bold. She faces him. "I’m glad you like it. I told you it shows a lot. Dave suggested I wear this so you can look at me. Turn around and let me take care of you."

She applies lotion to Kurt's back. She spreads it evenly over his back and shoulders. Her breasts brush his skin. She runs her hand under the edge of his briefs. "And we don't want this nice ass to burn."

Dave is on the dock watching Kurt with his wife. This is really going to be a good weekend.

Kurt tells Dave to cast off and get back on board. He starts the engine and motors out of the marina.

They motor down the narrow river channel. Marsha says to her husband, "Come here, honey, I need to put some sunscreen on your back. Since Barbara is not here, I will take care of both of you."

She spreads lotion on her husband’s back and shoulders, brushing her hand under the edge of his jammers like she did with Kurt.

Kurt gives them directions on getting ready to sail. He instructs them how to hoist the sails. The young couple follow his instructions and he shuts down the engine after the sails fill. Immediately, the boat begins to move under the power of the wind.

Marsha says, "This is great. I just love it when the engine shuts off and it is just the sound of the wind."

They have to tack a couple of times until the river empties into the Potomac where it meets the bay. The activity is making Marsha less self-conscious about how much her bikini shows.

Kurt steers them out to the open bay. The three of them relax and enjoy the scenery of the bay with the Virginia Eastern Shore in the distance. The young couple relax on cushions on either side of the helm facing forward. From his vantage point standing at the wheel, Kurt gets a great view of Marsha’s deep cleavage. God, what tits. He can’t wait to get his hands on them.

Dave also has a good view of his wife’s breasts. He wonders what Kurt thinks of the view. He says, “Honey, why don’t you get us the mimosas?”

“Don’t you think it’s a little early?”

“Like Jimmy Buffet says, ‘It’s five o’clock somewhere.’”

She laughs, “I guess you’re right. Kurt, what about you?”

“Sure. We always start a little early out on the water.”

Marsha goes below to retrieve a container of mimosa and some fruit. Dave pours each of them a glass and raises his glass in toast, “Here’s to a good sailing adventure.”

Marsha responds, “I’ll drink to that.”

Dave and Marsha relax on the cushions sipping their drinks. She changes direction to face the stern. She’s conscious of Kurt’s eyes on her body.

Her glass is soon empty. Kurt notices and tells Mike, “Looks like Marsha needs some more.”

Dave refills both their glasses. He takes another sip and says, “Honey, these are great.”

“I didn’t use too much alcohol, did I?”

“Not at all. I feel a nice buzz.”

“I think you’re right.”

Kurt interjects, “That’s what sailing is all about.”

Marsha is feeling more relaxed and uninhibited. She sips her drink and blatantly stares at Kurt’s cock. He catches her and she just smiles over her glass. She bends one of her knees and opens her legs slightly to give him a better angle to look at her pussy. Isn't this what her husband wants her to do?

Dave sips his drink and watches his wife put her body on display.

She finishes her drink and tells them she is going up on the bow to sun. Kurt stops her, "You told me you were going topless."

She hesitates. She doesn’t want to appear too eager, “I know I did. But here in the middle of the bay?”

Topless? When did she tell Kurt she was going topless?

Kurt is insistent. "Who cares if anyone sees your breasts? They don't know you. With breasts like that, you should want to show them off." He speaks in more of a stern voice, "Well, young lady, as captain of this vessel I command you to take off your top."

Marsha smiles, "Well, if it is an order from the captain I guess I have to. What do you think, honey?"

"He's the captain, I'm just crew. If you disobey the captain he might make us walk the plank."

She laughs, "Well, I don't want that." Marsha reaches up and unties her top, taking it off to bare her breasts. "Is this what you had in mind?"

Both men look at the fullness of her breasts. They relax without sagging. Her nipples are erect and the areolas are dimpled.

Kurt answers for both of them, "They look great. Turn to the side a little so we can see them all." Marsha complies, "Yeah, just like that."

"Well, captain, can I go sun now?"

He hands her the tube of sunscreen. "Before you go, you’re going to need some of this."

Marsha is unsure what to do. But she thinks it would be silly to turn around with false modesty. She stands in front of them and applies sunscreen to her breasts. She is getting aroused rubbing her breasts in front of both of them. "Is this good? Can I go now?"

Kurt replies in the affirmative and Marsha takes a towel and walks along the rails to the bow.

Both men look at Marsha's sweet ass as she goes forward. Kurt speaks to Dave, "I owe you one. Your wife sure is hot. I thought her tits look good in her regular tops, but topless they are something else. Did you notice how hard her nipples were?" He stops. "I hope I'm not offending you talking about your wife's sexy body."

"Not at all. I know you like looking at her. I agree, she does look hot."

"Out here on the boat, we become more uninhibited. Last week, when we were talking about Marsha, you knew I was talking about her breasts, but that setting was more confining."

"I see what you mean. I'm glad you like looking at her tits. And I did notice her nipples. How did you like the way she stood there and rubbed them right in front of us?"

"I was surprised when she took off her top. I wasn’t sure she would since Barbara isn’t here. I wonder if it’s making her hot feeling herself in front of us. Just look at her ass. It is so firm. You know I could tell when I was putting on her sunscreen.”

“What else do you like about her bikini?"

“That bottom barely covers her pussy. She has a great-looking mound."

It must be the mimosas. He gets in the spirit of things, "Well, captain, she does have a good-looking pussy. She even trimmed back her bush for this weekend."

"I like a woman to have some bush. Barbara has nice fur around her pussy."

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Dave asks Kurt, "I have a question. How did you know she would take off her top so soon? I wanted her to go topless, but without Barbara being here I thought it would take a little more sun and more rum drinks."

"She and Barbara discussed it. They were going to surprise you. Did you like the joke with the captain ordering her to take off her top? It's kind of a game Barbara and I play out on the boat."

"That was pretty cool the way you got her to take off her top. I would have been surprised to see both our wives topless."

"Speaking of my wife, I really apologize she didn't make it. I know you were looking forward to seeing her in a bikini. You would have liked looking at her topless with those big tits of hers."

"I understand. I was looking forward to both wives showing off, but I think you agree, Marsha has enough skin for both of us."

He tells Dave to stand up. "Look at her sunning with that body of hers. She really looks hot when she stretches out like that. You are married to one hot piece of ass." Kurt continues, "I just want you to know, if you guys get horny, feel free to go below deck."

"I appreciate that. But I would feel self-conscious going below for sex since Barbara is not here."

Up on the bow, Marsha feels totally relaxed. She is surprising herself with her lack of inhibition. She luxuriates in the feeling of the sun radiating on her exposed body. When Kurt told them Barbara wasn't joining them, she wasn’t sure if she would go topless. But Kurt made it seem so natural. And her husband didn’t object. Besides, her top wasn’t hiding anything.

Then there is the eroticism. This is certainly not the type of sailing trip she is used to. The heat of the sun seems focused on her loins. She thinks about her fantasy last week and is secretly glad Barbara didn't come, leaving her alone with the two men. She even starts to think of Dave as not her husband, but another man she will be showing off for.

She appreciates the obvious attention from passing boats. She even leans up and waves to a couple of them. She stretches her arms above her head. God, this is going to be a great weekend.

Dave joins his wife on the bow.

Marsha asks him, "What were you guys talking about back there?"

"The captain and crew were talking about you."

"The captain and crew?"

"It's a game he and Barbara play. He is the captain and I’m the crew. Like when he told you to take off your top."

"I thought that was funny the way he did that. I just feel so uninhibited around him. I would never take off my top around any of our other friends. Do you mind me topless in front of Kurt?”

“Not at all. It’s kind of a turn-on. But when did you tell him you were going topless?”

“When he called to confirm the weather. But I thought Barbara was going to be here. We were going to surprise you.”

“It really doesn’t matter if Barbara is here or not. Either way, you were going to show him your body.”

“I’m glad you don’t mind. I like him looking at me.” She pauses, “But if he is the captain and you are the crew, what is my role?'

"He didn't say. I guess it's to help crew and show off your hot body for us."

"I don't mind that role. Aren't you jealous when Kurt...I mean, the captain...looks at me and talks that way?"

"No, not at all. It's easy to lose inhibitions out sailing like this. I even liked watching him rub lotion on your body."

"He does have good hands."

"It looked like you were enjoying it. I stood at the foot of the ladder watching him rub you. I was a turned on seeing the two of you."

"You stood there and watched? That's hot. I'm glad you like watching. Maybe you can leave me alone with him some more. What else did the captain and crew talk about?"

Dave describes their conversation, how Kurt became more explicit talking about her body. Marsha's arousal increases hearing how the two men talk about her so lewdly.

"I was getting turned on rubbing my boobs in front of both of you. I was feeling so naughty. He really said he liked my pussy? That is such a turn-on having both of you talk about me like that. None of our other friends would do that."

"Yeah. We both talked about your pussy. I even told him about you trimming your bush. He likes a little furry pussy." Her husband tells her about the offer to go below if they get horny and his reply.

"That is considerate for you to tell him that. I wouldn't feel right fucking below decks with him not having Barbara." She has a brief fantasy it’s Kurt who takes her below while her husband waits.

She continues, "There's something else you were right about. He is well endowed."

"Since you are feeling uninhibited, what does he have?'

She turns on her side brushing one of her breasts against him, "He has a nice big cock. Just like you told me. I have already been looking at it."

"Well, I don't see you have any choice. In his briefs and the confines of the boat, it’s hard to miss."

Marsha is further enflamed, talking about Kurt's cock and her husband describing the two men talking about her tits and pussy. "I could feel you guys looking at me when I came up here."

"We were. He told me to stand up so I could see you better. He really likes the way you stretch out."

She sits up and swivels her body back to Kurt. She makes eye contact and raises her arms above her head, stretching out her breasts. "Like that? Do you think the captain likes me stretching my tits for him? I like this role."

Before her husband can answer, Kurt calls them back to come about. After they change directions, Kurt tells them they will sail in this direction for a while. Marsha says she will get some snacks. Kurt says that is a good idea and asks her to bring him a beer. He suggests the young couple have a rum drink.

Marsha replies, "I don't know. We just had the mimosas. Maybe after lunch."

Kurt teases her until she relents. Dave goes below and gets the snacks along with rum drinks for him and his wife and a beer for the captain. The three of them munch on the snacks and enjoy their drinks. With the sun and heat, Marsha's drink goes down pretty quickly. Kurt tells Dave that Marsha needs another drink.

He laughingly says, "Is that an order, captain?" Kurt tells him it is.

Marsha speaks up, "You better get me another drink. We can't disobey the captain."

Kurt asks Dave if he would like to steer for a while. He takes the helm while Kurt and Marsha recline on the cushions. Kurt is facing the bow and Marsha is facing her husband. He has one leg on the cushion and the other on the deck. Marsha sips her drink while blatantly staring at his cock.. She is totally relaxed lounging in front of the two men wearing just her bottoms. She opens her legs. From this position she can display for her husband and Kurt. Her mons and the outline of her cunt lips are clearly visible. After all, that is her role.

Dave is getting horny at his wife's erotic display of her body. Instead of thinking of going below to the cabin with his wife, he thinks about Kurt taking her below deck. He imagines a conversation where Kurt tells him he needs to fuck Marsha.

'Dave, I’m getting horny looking at your wife. Do you mind if I take her below and fuck her?'

'Is that an order?'

'That’s an order.'

'Honey, since the captain gave an order, you need to go below and fuck him.'

Kurt suggests Marsha might need some more sunscreen. Marsha agrees and starts to apply lotion on her breasts. She rubs down her stomach and taut abdomen almost to her pussy. Marsha becomes further aroused rubbing herself in front of Kurt and her husband.

"How's that?" It must be the rum. "Do you like looking at them? I love showing off for both of you. Is that enough?"

"Tell us what you like showing. You are not explicit enough."

"I like showing both of you my tits." She cups them and lifts them up. "Look how nice and firm they are."

"That's better. You're catching on. You do have great tits. You better let me get the rest of you so you don't burn."

Marsha walks the few steps across the deck, taking what's left of her drink with her. She faces the bow, sitting between his spread legs. Kurt applies lotion to the young wife. He uses a massaging motion, kneading her muscles with his thumbs.

"Mmmm... that feels so good. That's it, right there." She places both hands on his thighs. She becomes more vocal, telling him how good Kurt is making her feels She thinks about her husband standing a few feet away watching. He isn't saying anything, so he must like Kurt rubbing her.

Dave alternates between looking around the bay for other boats and watching his wife receive pleasure from another man.

Kurt tells her to stand up so he can get her legs.

"Is that another order, captain?"

“That’s an order.”

Jokingly she replies, "If that's an order, then I have to obey."

She reaches for her rum drink and finishes it. Kurt shifts and sits close to the edge of the cushion. Marsha stands between his open legs. His cock is plainly visible. She sees all the details from his mushroom head to thick shaft. She even sees the ridges and veins. Her husband told her about him being well endowed but didn't mention his big balls.

She puts one of her feet on the cushion between his legs, and places one of her hands on his shoulder for balance. Her toes are inches from his cock. Her pussy is open to his view. Some of her cunt hairs peek out from the side of her bottom. "Here, that should be easier to reach."

“You have great-looking legs.”

He applies lotion to her legs starting at her ankles moving up her calves to her knees. He looks at her pussy and breasts and aroused nipples. She can't believe she is acting like this in front of her husband. But he still isn't saying anything.

Kurt continues on her upper thigh, "Ohhh...mmm... that feels so good. Captain, you have such good hands."

He adds more lotion and moves to the inside of her thigh. Starting at her knees he moves his hands upward. Marsha opens her legs further to give him better access.

He moves his hand up her inner thigh, brushing her pussy lips. Marsha is getting more vocal. "Mmmm... god, that feels so good. Do that again." She can't believe she said that in front of her husband. But he must not mind.

She lowers her leg and raises the other one, "Here, do this one."

He repeats the motion on her other leg. He brushes her pussy. "Just like this?'

She puts the other hand on his shoulders. "Ohhh...yeah, just like you did before."

Her husband is mesmerized at the sight. It’s apparent Marsha is looking at Kurt's cock and he’s looking at her pussy. Did he just touch her between her legs? Kurt directs her to turn around. She turns and faces her husband. Her breasts are swollen with very erect nipples. Kurt applies lotion on her back. Reaching her lower back, he moves under her bottom, kneading her ass. She reaches back and puts her hands on his pushing against her ass.

She continues to be more vocal, "Ohh...that feels so good. That's it, just like that." She looks at her husband, "Don't we have a good captain? Making sure I don't burn?"

Kurt gives her a pat on her cheek, "That should keep you from burning."

He stands, and she gives him a hug, pressing her breasts into him. It seems like the natural thing to do. Her skin may not be burning, but her pussy certainly is. Kurt tells Dave he will take over. Marsha stands beside the captain while he steers. She has an arm around his waist. Her breasts are leaning on his arm. She strokes his back and slips her hand under his briefs to feel his ass. The captain has a palm on one of her bare cheeks, nonchalantly caressing her.

Kurt heads the boat to an inlet where they anchor and have lunch.

They go below for a light lunch. Marsha puts on one of her husband's older white dress shirts she likes to lounge in. She leaves it unbuttoned. Dave has also put on a long-sleeve shirt to protect his skin from the sun.

Kurt tells them they are going to relax for a while before some more sailing and heading out to the cove where they will spend the night.

"Now that you have had lunch, it is time for another rum drink." He pours a drink for the younger couple and gets a beer for himself.

Kurt says he has a few things to do in the cabin. Marsha and her husband go back on deck to relax. They both have their drinks. For some reason, rum drinks don't seem to last very long on a sailboat. Marsha's is already almost gone. She opens her shirt, exposing her breasts. "Do you like me topless? You don't think I am getting too carried away, do you?'

"I like you topless in front of us. It was hot steering the boat while he rubbed lotion on you."

"I had my legs open and he could see my pussy. He almost touched it. What about when he rubbed my ass? And I was looking at his cock."

"Yeah, I know. That was pretty hot." He doesn't want to continue because it will make him too horny. It looks like Marsha already is. He almost suggests she slow down on the rum drinks but loosening up is what the weekend is all about.

“What if he wants to feel my breasts? Should I let him do that?”

“He is the captain.”

She kisses his cheek. "You're such a good, understanding husband. I will make sure you get a good treat tonight."


(to be continued)



Written by TuWatchu
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