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Sailing Adventure - 1

"Young married couple are invited sailing."

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Author's Notes

"With the advent of spring, it’s getting close to sailing season, at least here in the mid-Atlantic. Here is a little sailing adventure to get things started. The story takes place before digital photography, the Internet, cell phones, etc."

Dave and his wife, Marsha, are attending an afternoon cookout one Memorial Day weekend. Dave is twenty-seven and Marsha is twenty-six. She is a vivacious five-seven with medium-length blonde hair and nice full kissable lips. He’s a few inches taller at five-ten. They have been married for a couple of years.

The cookout is taking place at a large house in an upscale neighborhood. Out by the pool, with beer in hand, Dave is talking to Kurt, the CEO of a local tech company.

They are admiring Dave’s wife, who is talking to a couple of guests on the other side of the pool patio. She is wearing a lightweight knit white sleeveless top and a pair of dark blue slacks. The top is very sheer with a scooped neck, thin spaghetti straps and a lightweight bra. The tops of her 35C breasts and cleavage are on display. Under the right lighting, the darkness of her nipples is visible. To maintain a semblance of modesty, she’s wearing a Chico's jacket. Marsha has an exhibitionistic streak where her body is concerned, especially her breasts. Her husband doesn't do anything to discourage her. In fact, he gets turned on when other men look at his wife's body. Especially, if they are handsome and successful.

Kurt addresses Dave, "That wife of yours is certainly sexy. She’s very hot looking in that outfit. You must be very proud."

Dave is not offended, but is pleased the older, successful man finds his wife sexy. "I am glad you like the way she looks. I bought that outfit for her. I know she will appreciate you like looking at her. I agree, she certainly looks sexy."

Marsha walks across the patio to join them. She can tell that Kurt is appraising her. She doesn't mind him checking her out. His expression is not a leer she gets from some men, but rather a look of appreciation. He certainly is handsome and sexy.

Kurt leans forward and gives her a welcome kiss on the cheek. "Hi, Marsha. Good to see you and Dave again. We were just discussing how sexy you look in that outfit."

"I'm glad you like it." Marsha opens both flaps of her jacket, giving both of them a good look at the roundness and fullness of her breasts. She’s not sure why she opens her jacket all the way. It just seems like the natural thing to do. She’s conscious of the men's eyes gravitating towards her breasts.

Kurt glazes at the young wife appreciatively. With her jacket open, the men take in the fullness of her breasts, the narrowing of her waist down to the swelling of her hips. The sheer nature of her top makes clear the tautness of her stomach and lower abdomen.

"That is even a better view. Dave tells me he bought that for you. You certainly are a lucky woman to have a husband with such good taste."

Marsha kisses her husband on the cheek, "I am very lucky. Dave buys a lot of my outfits. He wants me to look sexy."

"Well, you certainly do." They make small talk for a few minutes. Kurt pauses for a second, "Say, I was wondering, do you guys like sailing?"

Marsha speaks right up, "We just love it! It’s so relaxing to be out on the water."

"Do you get a chance to go very often?"

Marsha replies for both of them, "I have been several times and Dave and I have been out maybe three times. But we haven't been out since last summer."

"Barbara and I are going out this coming weekend. Why don't you join us?"

"That would be great, wouldn't it honey? We would be glad to go."

Dave speaks, "We certainly would. Thank you for the invite. That sounds like a lot of fun, but we don't want to be in the way."

"We have a forty-footer, so there is plenty of room for the four of us. You and Marsha will have your own sleeping berth."

Kurt tells them he and Barbara dock their boat at a marina on the Northern Neck of Virginia near the Chesapeake Bay. "It’s a longer drive but it’s less crowded on the lower bay than on the upper bay near Annapolis. Up there it feels like you are on the Beltway in rush hour. The weekend after Memorial Day is usually a good time to go."

He tells them they will sail during the day on Saturday, and anchor in an out-of-the-way cove that night. "That way we do not waste time sailing back and forth to the marina."

Marsha thanks him again and says she is going to find Barbara to coordinate the arrangements.

Dave notices Kurt admiring Marsha's firm succulent ass as she walks away. "She looks good from that angle also, doesn't she?"

He’s not sure why he is talking that way about his wife to Kurt. It just seems natural, since the older man likes looking at her so much.

Kurt answers, "She sure does. She looks hot from any angle." He changes the subject, "Have you been sailing very often?"

"Just a couple of times with Marsha and some friends. But I really like it. I agree with Marsha, there is something about being on the water that is relaxing."

"Have you taken any lessons?"

"I haven't but Marsha has. She’s gone out several times. I just go along for the ride and follow the captain's orders."

"Don't worry I will show you what you need to do." He pauses, "When you go sailing, what do you normally wear?"

Dave thinks that’s an odd question, but answers, "I like to wear loose-fitting jammers.”

“What about Marsha?”

“She wears shorts and a top. For sunning, she usually wears a swimsuit. Why do you ask?'

"I'm going to give you your first order as captain. Make sure Marsha wears a skimpy bikini."

"That's an easy order. She has a couple of skimpy string bikinis that make her look really hot. I can tell you like looking at her body. I will make sure she wears one of those."

"You're right. I really like looking at her. I'm glad you are so understanding. But doesn't it make you jealous when I tell you how I like admiring your hot-looking wife?"

"Not at all. I am proud to have a wife other men admire. Look, you have a wife that is hot-looking. You are older than me so you know that other men are going to look."

"You and Marsha may be younger than us, but we have a lot of the same outlook. As you’ve probably noticed, Barbara also likes to show off her body. When we sail, she wears a revealing bikini. I wouldn't want Marsha to feel self-conscious if she wore something that was more modest."

"I appreciate your consideration. Marsha and I both like it when she shows off, and other men look at her. I know you like the outfit she is wearing. You’re really going to like the way she looks in a bikini."

"You and Marsha sound like a lot of fun. We are two lucky husbands going sailing with wives who like to show a lot of skin. And you are going to love the way Barbara's big boobs spill out of her top."

Dave has never had this type of conversation before where a husband talks about his wife's big boobs. And he has never told another man that he will make sure his wife will show off her body. It must be the fact that they are older and have been together longer than he and Marsha.

He feels aroused thinking about the weekend. Marsha has worn skimpy bikinis before, but those times were on a beach with a lot of people and plenty of other women showing a lot. This is the first time it will be in a more intimate setting with just two couples on a sailboat. He’s not sure what is turning him on more, thinking about seeing Barbara's big boobs, or Kurt looking at Marsha's hot body.

While the two husbands finalize their plans, Marsha finds Kurt's wife. She is shorter and curvier than the younger woman.

"Barbara, thank you for the invitation to go sailing. We’re so excited. I told your husband how totally relaxed I am on the water."

"It’s our pleasure. We are looking forward to having you."

The two wives discuss the arrangements about bringing food and drinks. After everything is agreed upon, Barbara asks the younger wife what she normally wears for sailing.

"I usually wear shorts and a top for sailing. For sunning I wear a regular swimsuit. Why do you ask?"

"I always wear a skimpy bikini. I just feel freer and less restricted wearing fewer clothes. Why don't you wear one also?"

"That's a good idea." She laughs, "I don't want to be overdressed. I have a couple of string ones that don't hide much. Dave really likes looking at me in a bikini."

"Great. Kurt will really get off looking at you. He’s told me what a hot body he thinks you have."

"I can tell he likes looking at me. It makes me feel flattered that a guy like your husband thinks I am sexy. This is going to be a fun sailing weekend. We can show off for our husbands."

Barbara replies, "It is going to be a great weekend. I was not sure if you would like my husband looking at you practically nude. But there is another thing. Kurt likes to show off like us. He just wears a pair of bikini briefs."

"Well, sure. A lot of men like to wear them. What's the big deal about your husband wearing briefs?"

"It's not the briefs. Kurt is very well endowed. The briefs show everything. His cock is plainly visible. Will that bother you? If it does, I can have him wear a regular swimsuit."

This catches Marsha by surprise. She’s never had another woman talk about her husband like that. "That's OK. I wouldn't want you to change what you like to wear on our account. After all, we’re the guests. It's not our place to dictate how you dress on your own boat. I am glad you warned me though."

"I know you two are going to be good guests. You can go ahead and look at his cock all you want. In his briefs, it is pretty hard to miss. What about Dave? What does that handsome husband of yours like to wear?"

"Well, nothing like yours. He wears a loose pair of jammers. I don't think he’s as endowed as much as your husband."

"Well, he certainly has a good physique. I will look at his hot body since he doesn't display his cock."

Marsha asks Barbara, "You just said it’s OK for me to look at your husband's cock. Doesn't that make you jealous?"

Barbara laughs, "Not at all. I think it’s hot you will look at my husband's cock. We’ve been married over fifteen years. We know one another. He doesn't get jealous when other men look at my body, especially my boobs."

Barbara continues, "There's another thing I like to do while sailing. I like to go topless. What about you?"

"We are so much alike! I really like that too. I feel so free with my breasts unencumbered. But I really don't get that much of an opportunity."

"How does your husband like it? Does he like other men looking at your bare breasts? Do you think he will mind my husband looking if you expose them?"

"He has only seen me topless in public once. I went topless a couple of times on vacation with some girlfriends. When I went topless in front of him, he really liked it." Laughingly she continues, "I could tell by what happened in our room that night how much he liked it. That sounds like even more fun. I will go topless with you. And as far as Dave is concerned, I don't think he will mind if Kurt sees my breasts."

"That's great your husband gets turned on when other men look at you. I'm glad you are going with us. Both of our husbands will get so horny looking at our tits all day."

Marsha really likes being around the older woman. Barbara is just so down to earth. She can’t help thinking about lounging around Kurt in just her bikini bottoms.

"I know what we can do. Kurt knows that I like to go topless and I will tell him you also like it. Let's surprise Dave. Don't tell him. Can you imagine the look on his face when we both drop our tops?"

"And I won't tell him about looking at your husband's cock. That will be another surprise."

Kurt and Dave rejoin their wives. The younger couple tell Kurt and Barbara how much they are looking forward to going sailing. Kurt tells Dave he will call on Thursday after checking the weather report. Both couples leave at the same time after thanking their hosts and bidding them goodbye.

Later that night Dave and Marsha are in bed. She is on her side with Dave spooning her. He kisses the juncture of her neck and shoulder.

"Mmmm honey, that feels so good. Someone is turned on tonight. Did you like the way I opened my jacket for Kurt? I could tell he really liked looking at me. What did he say?"

"I really liked the way you showed him your breasts. He told me you have a hot-looking body and that he really likes looking at you. He even asked if I get jealous when he looks at you like that. He didn't say breasts, but I know that is what he was thinking. He was even looking at your ass when you were walking away. I just told him I didn't mind him looking at you."

"Do you think he wants to see more this weekend on the boat?”

"He told me he does.”

“What about you? Do you want him to see more?"

“That would be hot if you show him more skin."

"I will make sure he gets a good show. You can look at Barbara and Kurt can look at me. But my regular swimsuits really don't show that much."

Dave can’t believe how Marsha is leading into this. "You’re right. Why don't you wear one of your string bikinis?"

Marsha rolls over on her back and pushes her husband's head to one of her breasts. Her husband tongues her nipple and she says, "That's a good idea. He will be able to see a lot. He saw some of my breasts today, and even my ass. In my bikini he will get to see even more of me, maybe my pussy."

"He will like that a lot."

She tells him to feel her pussy. Marsha is already wet. While her husband plays with her clit and feels the slickness of her Kurt-inspired juices, she continues, "I know he will and I think you will too. I will make sure he gets to see everything. When I opened my jacket this afternoon, what were you thinking?"

"I was thinking it was just the three of us. You take off your jacket and slide the straps off of your shoulders and pull the top down over your breasts."

Marsha picks up on his fantasy, "And then I take off my bra and show him my breasts. You would like him to see my breasts. I know you would."

Her husband doesn't answer. She continues fueling her husband's fantasy. "You've seen him in the locker room at the health club. What is he like? You know, his cock."

Dave cannot believe how showing off for Kurt has made her so slutty. They’ve had good fantasies before but not like this. "He's pretty well endowed."

"How exciting. Maybe I can get a look at his cock.”

He teases, “He’ll probably be wearing swim trunk so you won’t get to see much.”

“I guess I’ll have to use my imagination. Do you think he has fantasies about me?"

"I'm sure he does. Every time I see him he tells me how sexy you are."

Marsha squeezes his erection, "Mmm... what a naughty husband I have, getting a hard dick thinking about a successful, handsome, well-endowed man, looking at my body. What kind of fantasies do you think he has? Do you he think he wants to get his hands on my tits?"

"I am pretty sure he thinks about that." He slides three fingers into her pussy. "And what kind of naughty wife do I have that gets a wet pussy thinking about a well-endowed man feeling her tits? He probably fantasizes about getting his big cock in your juicy pussy."

"You do have a naughty wife. You make me that way. Let me tell you the rest of his fantasy. He unzips my slacks and pulls them off. I open my legs and show him my pussy." She continues "He gets undressed and shows me his cock. It's nice and big. Tell me what happens next. Tell me what he asks me to do with his cock."

"He tells you to suck him."

"That's right. He fantasizes about me sucking his big cock. I get down on my knees and take it in my mouth.”

“I know that’s what he wants. While you’re sucking him, where am I?”

She replies in a low sultry voice, “You’re watching me while I suck him and lick him all over and get him nice and hard. Then he puts it in my young married pussy and fucks me."

Dave kneels between his wife's legs. She rubs the head of his cock against her clit. She continues the fantasy, “Just imagine Kurt has fucked me and now you get your turn.”

He slides his cock all the way in. This is no gentle fuck. He is pounding Marsha, imagining Kurt fucking her.

Marsha grabs his ass and pulls him tight against her pussy, "That's it, fuck me hard. Fuck me deeper."

They each have intense climaxes.

They wind down off their high and Marsha and says with a post-coital laugh, “God, honey, that was great.”

“Fuck it was. I can’t wait to have sex after you show off in your bikini.”

“MMmm...If that’s the kind of reaction I can expect, I’ll make sure he gets to see a lot of skin.”

They talk about Kurt and Barbara and the upcoming weekend.

Dave says, "This is going to be something else. I have never had another man tell me how much he likes looking at you. Yet, I am flattered at the same time."

"I know. None of my friends ever tell me their husbands like to look at me. No one has invited me sailing so another guy could look at my body. But like you say, it is flattering."

"We will just need to be more uninhibited than we are around couples our age. After all, it’s their boat. We are just the guests."

"You're right. We will be good guests and not dictate what we think their behavior should be."

That Thursday, Marsha tries on one of her bikinis. She decides on a black one. She admires herself in the bedroom mirror. She has forgotten how skimpy it is. I really look hot in this. It doesn’t hide much. I might as well be nude. She can’t wait to show Kurt her body.

The phone rings and she answers. It’s Kurt. “Do you guys still want to go sailing this weekend?”

“Hi, Kurt. We’re both excited. Dave and I can’t wait.”

He tells her there is an area of high pressure moving in. "It looks like it is going to be a great weekend. The wind is projected to be just right by Saturday, so the sailing should be pretty smooth."

“That sounds great.”

“There's another thing, what are you going to wear?"

"I told Barbara I would wear a skimpy bikini. I’m going to wear the skimpiest ones I have. I told Dave and he encouraged me.”

“Barbara told me you are. What did your husband say?”

“He’s excited that I’m going to show some skin.” She continues with a sultry voice, “I’m wearing one right now.”

“What does it look like?”

“It’s black and pretty skimpy. It shows a lot.”

“What does it show?”

She’s already feeling more uninhibited. “It shows most of my breasts and bottom?”

“Anything else?”

She laughs, “Let’s just say there’s not much left to the imagination.”

"Great! I can't wait to see your hot body."

“That’s what Dave told me.”

“Barbara also told me you talked about going topless.”

“I told her I would. I love going topless. I feel so unencumbered. I’m going to surprise Dave.”

“I can’t wait to see you topless.”

She lowers her voice, “I can’t either.”

He gives her directions and the slip number. They arrange to meet around 9:30 Saturday morning.

When Dave arrives home, she tells him the arrangements. She doesn’t mention telling Kurt about wearing a skimpy bikini and going topless.

That night the young couple have another torrid sex session. Dave is relaxing after his sexual release and thinks, ‘What’s gotten into Marsha? Why is she so horny? All we’re doing is going sailing and she’s wearing a bikini. What’s the big deal?’ But he’s not complaining.

Friday evening the young couple get ready for their sailing adventure. Marsha has two of her bikinis. She holds them up. They are just a couple of triangles of fabric held together by strings. "It sure is easy packing for a weekend when this is all I am wearing."

"Why don't you model the black one for me? I haven't seen you in one of your strings for a while."

Marsha agrees and goes into the bathroom to change. She comes out and strikes a pose. "Well, what do you think? Is Kurt going to like this view?"

Dave is stunned! He’s forgotten how little her bikinis cover. The top does not contain the swell of her breasts. The bottom is a triangle just covering her pubis. Her mons is plainly visible. One side has a string around her hip and the other has a tie string. She turns around. It only covers half of her succulent cheeks.

"He’s really going to like seeing you in that."

"What about this? Will he like this too?" Marsha reaches up to her neck and unties her top. It falls to the floor, exposing her breasts.

"I know he will. And he would probably like this." Her husband unties the string to her bottoms. He looks down at her pubic region. Her light brown curls are trimmed in a small triangle.

"Looks like someone has done some trimming."

"I had to. Otherwise my pubes would show. I had forgotten how small the bottoms are. " She moves in close to her husband, brushing her breasts against his chest. "And you are so naughty thinking about him taking off my bottoms. See, we are already being more uninhibited."

She packs her bikinis along with the few clothes they will need. Everything fits in a gym bag.

Marsha is aggressive in bed. She takes charge by sucking her husband hard and then riding him. She is thinking about going topless and letting Kurt look at her bare breasts while she looks at his big cock. She fantasizes about what it would be like to be topless with just her husband and Kurt, and what the two men would do with her.

Dave also fantasizes about Marsha and Kurt. He wonders why he is more aroused that his wife will show her body to Kurt instead of thinking about looking at Barbara.

At the same time, Kurt and Barbara are also in bed. Kurt is on his back while his voluptuous wife sucks his cock. She has about four of his full seven and a half inches in her mouth.

She lifts her head and strokes his erection, "Did you tell Marsha I'm not going with you?"

"No, I didn’t. If I told her you won't be there, then she probably won't wear her bikini and act more inhibited. You set the stage pretty well about you two showing off for us. She told me she’s going to wear her skimpiest bikinis, and she’s looking forward to going topless."

"You’re probably right. It is best for them to think it will be the four of us. I know you want the chance to have that young wife's full luscious lips wrapped around this nice thick cock of yours."

"Maybe you should reconsider and come along. Dave is looking forward to seeing those big boobs of yours. And you like a good-looking in-shape younger guy."

"He does look good. But that would be too easy if I were there to distract her husband while you get a chance at that young wife's pussy. I also described your endowment."

"What did she say?"

"I told her about your briefs and how it exposes your cock. I even told her she could look all she wants. We both talked about you and her husband looking at us all day and how it will make you horny."

"Sounds like you've done a good job priming her."

"I have. She didn't balk or hesitate at anything. After a little relaxation, some sun, and some rum drinks, get her to go topless. Tell her husband how hot she is and how much you like looking at her tits. Maybe talk about her pussy around him. See what he does."

"He is definitely a voyeur. I told him at the cookout how hot she is and how I am looking forward to checking her out. I didn't say her breasts, but he knew what I meant. He even encouraged me. He agreed to get her to wear a bikini."

"It sounds like both of them want her to show off for you. After watching his wife show her breasts, if he is not agreeable with you fucking her, but she is, then suggest she come to your berth after her husband goes to sleep."

"You know I'm not going to do that. I never fuck a young wife without the husband there to watch. But you never know about a vivacious wife like Marsha who flirts like she does. Sometimes it is hard to tell how far they will actually go. I have no doubt about her husband."

"He respects you and admires you. I think it's the case he is used to following directions from someone more experienced and successful like you."

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(to be continued)



Written by TuWatchu
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