The story until now.
Lyn and Ron had just got married. Julie and I had attended the wedding. Sue, my wife was supposed to be in Sydney at a skating competition.
Just prior to the wedding, I had spoken to Marg who should have been minding our teenaged children but she told me that Sue had picked the kids up the previous afternoon. Sue had provided no information to Marg as to why she had come home from Sydney earlier than expected. I had tried calling Sue but her mobile was switched off and our home phone was not being answered.
Ron had asked Julie and me to go with them to the beach where Ron had rented a four bedroom house for the week. I had committed to go with them.
The story continues.
Ron and Lyn left the evening of their wedding. Ron’s son drove for them. He was going to stay at the local motel to give them the privacy that newlyweds require. Lyn had given me the key to their house with the instructions that I was to lock up then give the key to her elderly neighbour.
During the morning before we left, I tried to make contact with Sue but it seemed that either nobody knew where she was or nobody was willing to tell me. The last person that I called was Debbie. Her reluctance to talk to me was evident. I recognized that I needed to force her a little till she talked.
“Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, I can tell that you know something. Now! I have always been honest with you. I have never hidden anything from you or from Gloria. Debbie, don’t you remember? When you needed me to help you and your partner have your children, did I help you? Wasn’t it me that sat with you for ages working through the issues to arrive at a decision that was supportive of both you and your partner, Gloria? I’m not asking for anything from you except the truth of what is going on with my wife, Sue.”
“I’ve been told not to say anything to you.”
“I understand that, Debbie. Do you trust me? Has there ever been a time where I have ever spoken to anyone else when you have shared a confidence with me?”
“No, you have never let Gloria and me down. You are one of the few people that we trust.”
“So why don’t you tell me what is happening. You know that no one will ever know that you told me.”
Well, it’s just that I promised Sue that I wouldn’t tell you.”
“Tell me what, Debbie?”
“Tell you what she has done.”
“Come on, Debbie. Don’t leave me in suspense. I now know something is happening but I don’t know what. I’m thousands of miles away. I have commitments and can’t hop on a plane to come home to find out. I’m going to find out anyway the only thing it changes is the timing.”
“But that’s the point. I’m the only one who knows. If you find out she will know it was me.”
“Take my word for it, Debbie, there will be others who know. She will not be able to find out it was you who told me.”
“I guess so. It’s difficult. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Debbie, if it’s what I think it is then I’ll be hurt anyway.”
“Yes, I suppose so. Sue has cleaned out the house and left.”
“What do you mean, she has cleaned out the house?”
“She has stripped the house bare. I went in to clean the house and there was nothing left except your clothes and your billiard table. I didn’t know what to do. I thought you had been robbed. I was scared that I might not have locked the house up properly because there was no sign of a break in. I rang Gloria to come over. I was sitting there crying when I heard voices.”
“I was frightened so I hid. After a while, I recognized Sue’s voice so I came out. She was there with a removals company guy and they were trying to work out how to move your billiard table.”
“Sue told me that if I spoke to you about what she had done she would get even with me. I told her that it was wrong what she was doing and that if she left straight away I would not call you.”
“She got angry with me and threatened me. I told her again that if she left straight away then I would not tell you but if she tried to take the table I would ring you.”
“She turned around and walked out the door and left. The guy looked at me and asked me what he should do. I told him that he had better leave straight away or I would call the police. He took off like a rocket.”
“Good girl, Debbie. Did she say where she was going?”
“She told me nothing about why she had done it or where she was going. I only know what I have seen.”
“Could you do something for me, Debbie?”
“Of course, I’ll do anything that you need.”
“Could you drop in and see the local locksmith for me, give him the key to the house and ask him to change all the locks on every door and window as well as on the rear unit. After he has done it, could you collect the keys from him for me and hold onto them for me until I get home. He knows me so he will send me the bill.”
“I also need a new bed. I would prefer a king-sized one and I need a kitchen table. I run an account at the local white goods store.”
“You will need a new fridge and washing machine as well.”
“OK, it would help if you could organize that as well. I will pay you for your time and of course any travelling cost as well.”
“You don’t have to do that. I’m pleased to help you out under the circumstance.”
“Thanks, Debbie. I knew that but I know that you and Gloria struggle financially. I would rather help you out as much as I am able, especially when you are helping me.”
“Thanks, Goyse, we appreciate the assistance you give us. When you get home, Gloria and I would like to come in one night and talk to you about something. I guess with this happening, it may need to wait a few weeks but when you feel up to it we would like to discuss a few things.”
“I’ll be OK. I had been warned that Sue may leave me. I thought it wouldn’t happen this soon though. I’ll be home next Monday. Let’s get together on Friday night. What say you find yourself a babysitter and I’ll take you and Gloria out for a meal? We can talk over a coffee at my place once we have eaten.”
“OK, Gloria and I will come to your place around six PM on Friday and we can go from there.”
“OK mate. See you then. If there are any issues, call me straight away.”
I shut off the phone and stood there for a moment trying to come to terms with this information. I didn’t know that Julie had been listening. I become aware of her when she spoke.
“She has cleaned you out then? Did they know where she was going?”
“Nope, all Debbie knows is that she has removed all the furniture. Oh, shit. I had better check my accounts. She has access to them all. Fuck, I’ll bet she has stripped them. Come on let's go to the bank.”
As I had expected Sue had stripped my accounts including my investment account that held over $100,000. I was lucky that she could not touch the shares that I held. My mind was going at one hundred miles an hour, running through everything trying to work out if there was anything that I needed to do to safeguard my finances. It was too late for that. I knew Lyn. I should have listened to her long ago when she told me what Sue had in mind.
It suddenly occurred to me that my salary was due to be deposited into my account. I called my work and spoke to the IR department and asked them to hold over my pay until I got home. They checked and told me that it was too late they had deposited the money two days before. I then realized that Sue had timed her move perfectly. I was away and with the wedding on and I was not likely to find out for a couple of days. It also coincided with my pay being deposited so that she was able to get a few thousand dollars more out of my account.
All I could do was to shrug my shoulders and set out for the coast to Ron and Lyn’s holiday home. On the way, Julie and I ran through all the possibilities. There had been no serious disagreements so it had to be that she had met someone. Suddenly, the obvious occurred to me.
“Who the hell is Phillip? Do you mean Lyn’s Phillip?”
“Phillip was to meet her at the airport in Sydney ten days ago. Phillip will know something. She was to stay with him and his wife for two weeks. He has to know something about what is going on. I’ll call him.”
“Lyn said that she would not be able to resist him. It looks as if Lyn was right.”
I dialled Phillip’s number. “This number has been disconnected. Please call the reservation desk for further information.”
“Shit, he is involved!”
“Lyn told you that she would not be able to resist him. You should have listened to her.”
“I did. Why else do you think I sent her to him?”
“You did that for me?”
“First and foremost I did it for myself but if you had not been there I would not have done it at all. I just didn’t expect it would cost me a quarter of a million dollars as a deposit.”
“What do you mean ‘as a deposit’?”
“What I mean is that she will now file a claim against me for half of the assets but she will forget to list the ones that she just stole from me. I will list them but if it is Phillip, he is smart enough to hide those assets so that they can’t be found. What it actually means is that she will collect another quarter of a million possibly as much as half a million more before it is over.”
“That will ruin you. Surely she will not get away with that.”
“I’ll get the best lawyer there is but she will come out rich and I will come out broke. That’s how family law works in Australia. She timed it for when the kids are still home which means that if she can keep them with her the court will give her eighty percent of the assets. Once she has the assets, the kids will be on their own or they will come back to me.”
“But surely the courts will put the kids first.”
“Yes, they do but once the decision is made, Sue will decide what happens next.”
“It’s unfair.”
“Yep, but it is life.”
We arrived at the house that Ron had rented for his honeymoon just before dark. Lyn met us at the door before we could ring the bell. She hugged and kissed us both and then she took us through the house, showing us the rooms. I asked which room Julie and I would be in and she replied that we would be joining her in the master bedroom. It seemed that Ron wanted more than just the video.
That night the four of us went out to a restaurant for dinner. The food was great and so was the company. Ron was the centre of attention as he told us stories of his travels around the world working on different projects. He really had travelled widely since the breakup of his marriage. I envied him. I also had been offered opportunities to travel with my work but I loved Australia and except for short holidays, I spent little time out of the country.
Julie seemed to be attracted to Ron’s storytelling. I was concerned that she may have more than just stories in mind. If she did I guess I could not blame her. Here I was sleeping with my ex-lover most nights and although she was usually present with me I suspected that she felt just a little bit jealous of Lyn and me.
We didn’t talk about Sue. For now, I kept it away from Lyn and Ron. I didn’t want to spoil their honeymoon worrying about my relationship and my problems. Julie didn’t mention it either although I suspected that she might when she and Lyn get together away from us men.
When we arrived home we all sat around drinking for a while before Ron got up and said he would head off to bed. I was surprised because I had expected that even if Lyn, Julie and I were together in the master bedroom, he would want to watch us making love. After he left, I looked at Lyn and quietly asked why he was leaving. Lyn smiled and told me that he was not sure that we would welcome him in our bedroom. I didn’t know what to say to that.
Soon after, the three of us made our way to the bedroom. We started by hugging and kissing. I then asked Lyn would she like to invite Ron in. She said perhaps Julie might like to do it. I was a bit shocked and just looked at Julie. I was relieved when she shook her head. Lyn then suggested that I ask him. I hesitated for a while but then thought, “what the heck, why not?”
The girls continued kissing and hugging as I left. I knocked on Ron’s door and he said for me to come in.
“Ron, we have all talked about it and we would like you to come into the bedroom to watch us. None of us feels comfortable with you in here alone.”
“I didn’t come in for a reason. I’m frightened that I might get jealous or even angry if I watch you and Lyn together.”
“I don’t understand, Ron. You seem to be pushing this and yet you are saying you get jealous. Why do it if you feel like that?”
“It’s hard to explain. I want Lyn to have what she wants. I don’t believe that I have the right to stop her but I would prefer that she didn’t do it. I do like the idea of it and watching the video really turns me on but... It’s hard to explain because it still makes me feel jealous. You probably wouldn’t understand it.”

“Ron, you know that Sue has cheated on me for years. I haven’t had any control over it until recently. The emotions that you explain, I have experienced a hundred or more times. The difference with you is that you can stop it, I couldn’t.”
“How can I stop it?”
“All you have to do is walk in there and tell Lyn that you have made a mistake. Tell her you do love her, and I know you do. Tell her you don’t want her making love to other men. Tell her that you want to be the only man who makes love to her.”
“But she told me that she still loves you. She may not listen to what I say to her. What happens then? I might stand the chance of losing her and I don’t want that.”
“Ron, she has talked to me about you. She doesn’t want to lose you either. She is only doing this shit with me because she thinks that you want her to. I don’t know about Julie though because we didn’t talk about that. We only talked about me. I didn’t want to do it either because I’m only interested in Julie. I was doing it for you as well.”
“Shit, I feel like a fool. Come on, let’s go.”
When we walked back in, Julie and Lyn were facing opposite ways across the bed. I walked around to the other side of the bed and Lyn was working over Julie’s little clit. I could tell by Julie’s hip movement that she was not too far off her orgasm. I didn’t want to disturb them so I sat back on the end of the bed and watched. When I backed off, Ron did the same. He picked up the chair from the corner of the room and moved it over near the side of the bed.
I look over at Ron who shrugged his shoulders then smiled. I gave him the thumbs up and he did the same. I then dropped my trousers which left me in the nude. Ron took the hint and did the same. I couldn’t help but look at his cock. In all the years that I had known him, I had never seen him nude. When we played football he was always the shy one who undressed, showered and dressed in a cubicle with the door shut.
Like all men, I couldn’t help but compare. I expect he was doing the same of me. He was about an inch shorter than me at about six inches but a good deal thicker. My immediate thought was that Lyn would love his thick cock. I remembered the expression on her face when Phillip had pushed into her the first time and had stretched her to the absolute maximum. If there was a woman pussy heaven then she had entered it.
“That’s quite a weapon you have there, Ron.”
“Do you think so? I hope you don’t mind me saying so, Goyse but I expected that you were a lot bigger than you are. In the video, you looked huge.”
I laughed. “That was the way the video was taken. My cock was always near to the video all the time. I learned that trick years ago. If you want something to look bigger than it is, always keep it nearer to the camera than everything else. People judge size by comparison and close up things look bigger. I did that to try to make it more exciting for you.”
“What, you’re telling me you were thinking of me as you made love to the girls?”
“We were only doing it for your benefit, Ron. Of course, I was thinking of how to make it good for you.”
I could see Lyn’s eyes from where I had sat on the bed. She was listening to us talking as she worked on Julie. I looked at her, smiled and winked. I looked to the other side of the bed and Julie had Lyn’s big clit in between her lips. She was working it like I had seen her before as if it was a small two-inch penis.
It is impossible to describe how erotic it is to watch two women that you feel intensely about making love together. Knowing that if you wished you could make love to either of them or both of them at any time made it all the more so. But the most intense feeling of all comes with knowing that you are going to help one of them and your best mate find their way to a long lasting and fulfilling relationship.
I moved over towards Ron and whispered to him, “Get behind Lyn and slip into her. She is waiting for it.”
“OK,” was all he said.
He moved around behind her and slipped his thick cock over the top of Julie’s forehead towards Lyn’s pussy. As he did it Julie moved her position to allow him to come in contact with Lyn’s pussy but to do so his cock was resting on Julie’s forehead and face. He pushed to enter Lyn but he was too thick and despite all the pussy juice it didn’t penetrate. He pulled back and as he did so Julies tongue leapt out like a lizards tongue and flashed across the head of his cock.
Ron let out a massive groan. He pushed forward again but not as hard. It was as though he didn’t want to penetrate Lyn. When he pulled back this time he lay down across Lyn’s back which changed the angle of his cock. It was now facing downward rather than straightforward. As he pushed forward this time, Julie arched her back and pushed her head back over the edge of the bed, opening her mouth as she did so.
Ron’s cock went straight into Julie’s mouth and down her neck.
“Oh fuck, that’s nice.”
Ron started thrusting in and out of her throat. He was so thick that each time he thrust into her throat I could see it expand. Each time he pulled back I could see her throat contract. I saw Lyn move off Julie. Ron was now leaning across Julie, supporting his weight on his arms.
Lyn sat up and watched her man throat fucking my lover. She waved me over to her and took me into a hug and kissed me. She whispered in my ear, “What they are doing is it OK with you?”
I whispered back, “as long as he doesn’t fuck her I don’t mind. Her pussy is mine. I don’t want to share it with anyone but you. He’s too thick.”
“I want you to fuck me as I watch them but if you do he might want to fuck her as well.”
“It so erotic and I’m so excited that I need to put my cock somewhere. I was going to take Julie but that would leave you out.”
“Please, I need you inside me. We can stop if Ron tries to fuck her. If you pull out I’ll call him over and you can go to Julie. Please.”
“Where is your phone?”
“Just there,” She pointed to the side table. I picked up the phone and set it up to start videoing the action. I specifically wanted to get the effect of Ron’s cock expanding Julies' throat. Once I had the phone set to capture the action, I returned Lyn.
Lyn was on her back and had turned around on the bed so that she could watch Ron’s cock sliding in and out of Julie’s mouth. She had raised her knees, placed a pillow under her but and spread her knees. It was the first time that I had noticed her baby bump. I quickly did the calculations and worked out she was just over three months.
I placed my hand on the bump and kissed her, “Your showing.”
“Yes, hadn’t you noticed?”
“No, I hadn’t. Fuck you look sexy. The thought of my baby growing inside you really turns me on. I’m going to fuck you silly tonight.”
“Promises, promises, promises.”
I moved over on top of her and started to kiss her. I slid my cock across her slit but at an angle where it would not penetrate her but it was coming up against her big clit. I worked it back and forth going down as far as her anus and then slipping across her juices all the way up until my balls were resting against her rear hole. Every time that I slid my cock across her clit she humped up at me.
After doing this for several minutes I changed the angle of my stroke and slid into her. She was so turned on that she was flooded. It was like going sloppy seconds. As I slipped into her there was a loud squelching sound as my cock displaced her juices and some air from her. She giggled and then pulled me into a kiss that lasted several minutes.
All the while I was kissing her and she was kissing back with her arms tightly around my neck. We had lost touch with what Ron and Julie were doing. I had felt the bed move but I assumed that Ron was still fucking her throat. That is until I heard Julie say, “Take your time you’re too big for me.”
Lyn had me held in a bear hug and she was kissing me. I tried to pull back to see what was happening but Lyn wouldn’t let me go. When I did breakaway, I saw that Lyn had her eyes closed. I had by this stage realized that Ron was fucking Julie. It felt like someone had just stabbed me in the chest.
I got far enough away from Lyn that I was able to see Ron and Julie. Julie had her legs wrapped around him. Her head was still over the edge of the bed. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was still open. I could see that by this time Ron was fully embedded inside her. He was doing little strokes. He was so tight in her that as he pulled back it was like he was turning her pussy inside out.
“Julie, we agreed that you wouldn’t do this.”
“Oh fuck, it’s so nice, Goyse. Don’t stop me, please. I’ve never been fucked like this, ever. Let him finish in me, please. It’s almost splitting me in half but the feelings of pleasure are incredible. He’s up against my cervix and every time he thrusts inside me he is pushing it back up into the back of my pussy. It feels so good. Please don’t tell him to stop, Goyse.”
Before I had time to speak, Ron let out a bellow like a bull and thrust so hard into her that it pushed her further over the edge of the bed. I could see the muscles in his but move in a jerky rhythm as he shot his sperm into her.
“Aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, aaahhh, oh fuck, I’m cumming, I’mm cccuummiinngg,” he bellowed.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, I can feel your hot sperm against the back of my cunt. Give it to me. Give it all to me,” Julie responded.
Ron came so long I wondered if it would ever end. I was still moving inside Lyn and just as suddenly I felt her hot juices flood across my cock as she exploded in her orgasm. As she did so she made a little quiet whimpering sound.
I was not going to cum. I was pissed. I suppose I had no right to get upset. If I had said no to Lyn, it never would have happened. I got too carried away and lost contact with all that was going on around me. To a large extent, it was my fault. Seeing Lyn’s little baby bump had such an effect on me that I simply could not say no to her.
Ron had rolled off Julie. I got up and as I did so I looked at her and a huge flood of sperm was flowing from her. Her pussy was no longer the neat tight orifice. It gaped open, all red and swollen. It made me feel physically ill. I rushed to the bathroom and closed the door behind me.
After ten or fifteen minutes the feeling of nausea passed but I was still upset so I stayed.
“Are you OK, Goyse?” It was Julie.
“Yep, I’ll be OK. Just give me time.”
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. I just got carried away.”
“I hope not. I’m a free man now. I had such hopes for us and they just flew out the window.”
“Can you unlock the door? I want to talk to you. This shouldn’t change our plans. This is just a simple mistake. Don’t you always say we all make mistakes? It’s the way many of us learn.”
I got up and unlocked the door. She came in carefully. Perhaps she thought that I might hit her. At least that is the way she behaved. “I’m just having trouble dealing with it all. I wanted you to myself. I know that I don’t own you but it seems that every woman that I care about in the world has to cheat on me. I’m probably to blame but I don’t understand why it always happens to me. I thought you were different to all the others. I thought you were special.”
“I’m just a woman. Like every other person, I just want to be loved. I thought when you went to Lyn that it was your way of saying that I was available to Ron. I saw how thick he was and I wanted to know how it felt inside me. I thought you were saying to me, make love to Ron. I misread you and I’m sorry. As long as you want me from here on I’m yours and only yours.”
“I know you’re right. I shouldn’t have done what I did. Will you forgive me?”
She dropped down to her knees in front of me. She took my hands in hers and said, “Goyse, I promise that I will never let any other man touch me as long as you want me as your woman. I’m yours, totally yours from now on. Please forgive me!”
I lifted her up and kissed her. “As long as you keep that promise to me, I will have sex with you and only you.”
Thanks, Goyse. That means a lot to me. Come on, let’s go back to Lyn and Ron. We’ll have to tell them or they will expect more from us.”
We went back to the bedroom and told Ron and Lyn that we had discussed what had happened and we had decided that we no longer wanted to have sex with anyone else. I told them that it probably made sense for us to head back south in the morning.
They both listened quietly and then Ron told us that they understood. He went on to say that he had misunderstood the signs from Lyn. She had told him that she didn’t need to continue to have sex outside their relationship either. They tried to talk us into staying for the rest of the week but we said no. I told them, “It is your honeymoon and you should enjoy it together.”
Julie and I slept in the spare bedroom. When we awoke early in the morning, we wrote them a note, gathered our gear and headed south. I made a phone call to bring our flights forward and the next day we were back over in the west.