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3 days ago
Straight Male, 63
0 miles · Melbourne


I have written a good number of stories, although only submitted a few so far. Some are true, some inspired by actual events, and other is 100% fictional. However, you can’t help bringing a little of your own life experiences into the telling. Sometimes it might just be that some charters’ personality is inspired by someone I know or have met.
As far as my story settings, as I am Australian, I write what I know. It’s easier that way. So, it would be best if you viewed my stories in that context.
I’m not a great writer as I’ve only discovered this passion late in life. I know my English teachers in high school would never have imagined me as a writer, although a certain Mrs H##### might be intrigued by the content. (She might inspire a story someday.) I have an exhausting process I go through before I submit my stories for publication. This doesn’t mean I’m successfully eliminating all spelling, grammatical or continuity errors, but I do try as best I can.
When I have inspiration, I will quickly write down the basis of the plot (Usually on my phone). When I move it over to my computer, I’ll usually fill in a few gaps. Sometimes that might be nothing more than creating headings for plot developments outlining what I want in that section. Then I’ll leave it for a while. I have a lot at this stage. When I come back to the story, I’ll fill it out with details and expand the story. I’ll leave it again. I have a few stories at this stage. The next phase is the first edit. Leaving it to sit means I’m not so intimate with the story, not as invested, so I can be more critical of what I’d written. There can be some substantial changes at this point. I have a couple at this stage.
After that, I’m usually just editing for spelling or grammatical corrections and minor adjustments to sentence structures. Sometimes errors still get through, so please condemn me.
I could say I leave errors in deliberately for those who like to look for them and point them out.
I do not submit the first chapter of a story until the last chapter is completed. That way, later in the story, I may want to change the direction of a story, but to do that, some details earlier in the story may need to change. Not having already published means I still have that flexibility.
Because of this drawn-out process, I’m unlikely going to enter any of the competitions on Lush.
Like all who contribute, we like feedback in the comment section. Even if it’s negative as long as it’s constructive. If you just want to be nasty because you can, well, you can fuck off. When someone who hasn’t contributed gets all high and mighty, I say you give it a go and see how you get on; otherwise, keep your nastiness to yourself.

Music. Playing the piano and listen to it. Most kinds of music although the music from the sixties, seventies and eighties probably my most favourite.
They don't make music like they used to.
I also like motorsports and most things to do with cars.
After 35 years since the last time, I've recently joined a band. I"m pleased to find, I can still do it.

Favourite Movies
This is where I'm supposed to say Shawshank Redemption. Well, it is a good movie but, how about The Blues Brothers.

Favourite Music
I obviously like The Beatles,
Rolling Stones,
Elton John,
Billy Joel,
and Pink Floyd.
I particularly like many old Australian artists like
John Farnham,
Cold Chisel,
Crowded House,
Paul Kelly,
Keith Urban 
James Rayne.
LRB (Little River Band) that's the original band, not those pretenders who stole the name and are masquerading as LRB.

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