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Caught out Chapter 2

"The day of the BBQ comes around, but what else?"

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Author's Notes

"This is part 2 of a story that I wrote on request for another person."


"But Jim, if we don’t get out of bed shortly to prepare for this barbeque with Rod tonight it won’t be happening.”

“Just once more, honey. I promise that I’ll be quick.”

“No, Jim we have already done it twice. Besides, I have to make myself presentable if Rod is coming over, and I have to pick up the kids. You need to get up to call your parents to make sure they can look after the kids. I don’t want to land on their doorstep if they don’t expect me.”

“You’re a spoilsport, Amy. You know that my parents have told us repeatedly that they will take the kids anytime on a Saturday night. They don’t go out these days and they love having the kids, besides the kids don’t get picked up for another half hour. ”

“I can’t go to pick up the kids smelling like I’ve spent the morning as a madam in a brothel, can I?”

“I guess not but look at this,” Jim said holding his rock hard penis in his hand.

“You’re really getting turned on by this, aren’t you? We haven’t had consecutive sex in years until today.”

“Yes, I’ve dreamed of this for years. It was something that I thought would never happen until you left your purse behind. Thanks, honey for being an airhead and forgetting your purse,” Jim told her with a chuckle.

Amy laughed with him and replied, “As I said before, how do you know that I didn’t do it on purpose to spy on you wanking that little dickette of yours.”

“This dickette as you call it has given us two wonderful kids and a morning of sex.”

“Yes, and this pussy has got to get cleaned up so that she can pick up those two wonderful kids and take them over to your parents' place if this pussy is going to give you the fantasy that you tell her you have dreamed about for years. Now put dickette away and call your parents!”

“He will be here shortly. Come here, I want to cuddle you before he arrives.”

“I have to make the salads. You should be preparing the drinks and making sure the BBQ is ready.”

“I have the drinks organized. Remember it can’t be obvious otherwise, I won’t have an excuse to leave you and Rod together, will I?”

“Are you sure about this, Jim? You need to be certain or it will cause us immeasurable harm.”

“I am certain. You’re getting cold feet, aren’t you?”

“Not really. In fact, I’m looking forward to the sex part but I’m worried about the aftershock. I don’t want it to go wrong.”

“Look, you don’t need to do anything at all if you’re worried. Just take it a step at a time and if the kitchen gets too hot for you, step out from it as they say. What you do has to be acceptable to you.”

“But what about you?”

“I’m okay with anything you choose to do.”

“Oh shit,” Amy said. “We didn’t get condoms? In running around with the kids and everything, I forgot to get them.”

“That’s okay. Use one of mine.”

Amy burst out laughing, “Your condoms won’t fit him. What are you planning? Do you want to throttle him to death? There is no way that your small condoms will fit his cock.”

“I’d better go out and get some then.”

“You’d better hurry. He is due here any time now.”

“Okay, keep him busy until I get back.”

“Get some salad dressing while you’re there.”

“We’ve got salad dressing in the cupboard, up top.”

“Hey, you will need an excuse for going out won’t you or are you just going to tell him, Oh, Rod I had to slip out to get condoms that fit you because my dickette is too small so I didn’t have any rubbers for you so that you can fuck my wife.”

“Okay, I get the message, rub it in why don’t you?” Jim picked up his keys and walked towards his car. Just as he started the motor, Rod pulled into the driveway beside him.

“Hi Pal,” Rod said as Jim wound down his window.

“I’ve just got to go out to get some dressing for the salad bowl.” Jim told him, “Amy is inside.”

“We could do without the dressing on the salad, couldn’t we?”

“Yes, we could but this is not about what you and I want. If Amy wants dressing then I must get it or suffer the consequences.”

“I see. I’ll keep Amy company then until you return.”

“There are drinks in the cooler if you want to get started.”

“That’s fine. I’ll wait until you get back.”

“Okay, see you soon. I should be back in half an hour.” Rod wondered why Jim said half an hour when the shop was no more than five minutes away. He shrugged his shoulders and headed reluctantly towards the door.

As Jim drove away Rod rang the doorbell. Amy opened the door to him with a smile. “Come in, Rod,” she told him. As he went to move past her she added, “What no hug for your favourite woman?”

Rod looked at her sheepishly, gave her a halfhearted hug and told her, “I’m sorry about my behaviour that last time. I was out of line trying to man-handle you like that. I would have apologized earlier but I was ashamed.”

She looked at him with a smile, placed her finger under his chin to raise his head up so that she could look him in the eye and said, “You know, Rod a married woman doesn’t often get much attention. If she is married to a good man like Jim she has a duty to make sure that any man who approaches her inappropriately gets put in his place. That doesn’t mean that she wants to do that. It is just that she has to protect her husband’s interests.”

“Are you saying that you enjoyed it?”

“I’m saying that at the time I was worried that Jim may be hurt if I didn’t act in his interests.”

“So when you say at the time, what are you hinting at?”

Amy laughed again quite loudly, “Rod, always the opportunist. You examine everything looking and hoping for an opening, don’t you?”

“Well, they do say, nothing ventured, nothing gained, don’t they?”

“Come here, Rod. Give me that hug I asked for. The one you just gave me was neither the one you wanted nor the one that I wanted.”

Rod smiled back at her. A feeling of confidence surged through his body and Amy could see it on his face. He took her in his arms and pulled her tightly in against her. They held each other for at least a full minute. As they did so Amy could feel him growing against her stomach. She didn’t want to but knowing what was most likely in store for her, her juices started to lubricate her down below.

As Rod loosened his hug on her she felt that she wanted more so she raised her head up towards him. He knew what she wanted and he didn’t disappoint. Their kiss started gently but become more like a lover's kiss as time passed. Eventually, he released her.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that,” he said. “I was actually worried about coming over tonight.”

“That’s the past, Rod. This is now.”

“I don’t quite understand. Why the sudden change. Everything is alright with you and Jim aren’t they?”

“Yes, everything is fine with me and Jim. They have never been better, in fact.”

“I don’t follow, why the change?”

“I was not going to explain but as you insist it looks as if I have to. Sit down and I’ll get you a drink.” Arm opened the fridge and took out a bourbon. She opened it, handed it to Rod then sat down beside him.

“First off, Rod, I don’t want you to tell Jim that I’ve talked to you. If Jim seeks to talk to you then that is fine. You might even try to get him to talk about things but he must never know that you and I have talked.”

“I agree.”

“Good. First off I told Jim about part of what happened at the New Year’s Eve party, but I didn’t tell him that we went outside together.”

“Why didn’t you tell him about going outside?”

“I didn’t want to break up your friendship. My take on it was that if he knew that I went outside with you he might think that I encouraged you to try to finger me. I honestly didn’t expect you to try that. I thought we would just sit and chat as good friends do. I blame myself a little for what happened.”

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“It wasn’t your fault. I was drinking too much and did something that I should not have done. The thing that bothers me now is why this sudden change of heart? You just encouraged me?”

“I told Jim that you tried to seduce me on the dance floor. He asked me did I enjoy the attention which surprised me. I told him I did but I stopped you because it was the right thing to do. He thanked me for thinking of him, but suggested that I had missed an opportunity.”

“Jim said that? He said you had missed an opportunity?”

“Maybe not in those exact words but it was what he meant. I asked him how he would react if I had not stopped you and he heard about it and he said the thought of it turned him on. He actually reacted positively as if he wanted it to happen.”

“So Jim has given you a hall pass?”

“I guess it sounds like that but I need to know for sure, Rod so what I’d like you to do for me is to show me some affection in front of him so that I can see how he reacts. I’m not sure that what he is thinking is not just a fantasy in his mind. Before I can go further I need to know that he will not react badly if it actually happens.”

“Are you saying that if he can accept it, then you will allow me to seduce you?”

“No promises, right, but if conditions are right and if Jim appears to accept it, then one day it could happen, maybe once or even more. But Jim’s welfare has to come first and foremost.” She thought for a second then added, "But you must always respect that I retain the right to say no."

“Yes, I agree. I don’t want to lose him as my best friend.”

“Okay, well he just pulled into the driveway so let’s do this thing. Remember that if I say no then you must back off.”

Jim entered the house to find Amy and Rod sitting together on the lounge chair. He smiled and said, “Can you get me a drink, honey. I’ll put your personal things in the drawer in the guest’s bedroom.”

“Did you get the salad dressing?” she asked.

“Yes, I’ll set the dressing on the table. I didn’t know the size for those other things you wanted so I got three different ones. They said if they are not opened we can bring them back for a refund. I got a tube of stuff to assist in case you need help.”

“Oh, alright, I don’t think I’ll need that but you never know about these things.”

Jim placed the salad dressing on the table and made his way down to the guest bedroom. Rod looked at Amy and asked quietly, “What was that all about?”

“He went out to buy condoms and he also got me lube by the sound of it,” she whispered back.

“I don’t believe it. Jim is preparing for me to have sex with you?”

“That is what I have been trying to tell you. Oh, he is coming back.”

“What are you pair whispering about,” Jim asked them.

Amy looked at Rod and said, “Rod wants me to go to the movies with him next weekend but I told him that I would only go if you agreed.”

“What’s the movie?” Jim asked.

“We haven’t picked one yet, honey but it will probably be an R rated erotic one. It would be a waste of time going to anything different with what Rod has in mind.”

“Oh, what do you have in mind Rod or do I not have to ask?”

“I’m not sure how to answer that one, Jim,” Rod told him.

“Unless you are honest with me, Rod, I’m going to tell Amy that she can’t go.”

“I see. Well, in that case, I find your wife very attractive. I have tried to seduce her but I’m guessing that she might have told you that. If she will let me I still hope to one day bed her.”

“I guessed that was the case but I have to set some rules for you to follow before it happens, Rod so there is no misunderstanding. First off, my wife cannot take the pill so if she does allow you to seduce her you have to promise to wear a condom unless I tell you differently.”

“I can agree to that.”

“Good, next my marriage is important to me so if you happen to fall in love with her you must promise to walk away.”

“So it will only be about sex. Is that what you are saying?”

“Not necessarily but our marriage must survive. That’s all I’m saying.”


“The kids must never know. This is between the three of us and that is how it must stay.”


“Next, if Amy ever says no then that is it. Her word is the law as far as you are concerned.”

“I don’t rape women, Jim and I’m not going to start now.”

“She might say no to more things than sex. If she says no to anything then it doesn’t happen.”


“If by any chance she does get pregnant then the child becomes part of my family. I will be the father, no arguments.”

“You said that we must wear condoms but then you talk about children. I don’t understand?”

“I’m not stupid, Rod. I know that if this continues then the day may come when one of the condoms break or you get carried away and don’t use one.”

“So, you are giving us the okay to go bareback sometime down the road. Is that what you’re telling us?”

“I’m talking to you, Rod. Amy is my witness, so where did the us come from?”

“If I take your wife to the movies next weekend, we will be going out together, so it will be us at the movies.”

“That is right but we are here now and in this house, the us is my wife and me which brings me to the next rule. Unless I agree when you have sex with my wife it will be here in our home with me present in the house.”

“You want to watch us have sex, is that what you are asking?”

“I’m Amy’s husband and this is my house, so if I choose to watch then I will but I also may choose not to. The point I’m making is that I want my wife to have sex in my house with me present in the house. It doesn’t work for me if she is having sex when I don’t know about it. This is not just for you or just for Amy. This is about all three of us. I’m not giving my wife to you. I’m sharing her with you.”

“I see.”

“You see but you don’t agree. Is that it?”

“If Amy and I go to an erotic movie we might get carried away so how can I make a promise to you if I know before I agree that there is a chance that we might break it.”

“Good point. I appreciate your honesty. The rules are there as a guideline. Circumstances may change and exceptions may happen. All I am asking is that you try to stick with the rules. If you break them and you or Amy tell me about that and why you broke them I will not be alarmed. What will cause problems is if you make a habit of breaking them without cause. If I find out that is happening I will put an end to it.”

“Okay, then the rule sticks. Now, what about our rules.”

“You want to set some rules?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What are they?”

“I want the right to take Amy on a date at least once in every week, perhaps more.”

“I’d be disappointed if you didn’t want that.”

“I want Amy to spend a week at the coast with me when I take my holidays.”

“Amy, what do you think?”

“If it works out okay with the three of us then I’d agree to that but what about the kids?”

“Why don’t we ask my parents to take the kids while all three of us go to the coast together?” Jim suggested.

“I was hoping on spending a week with Amy and me living together,” Rod told them.

“Alright, but I’d like to be around. Why don’t we spend some time on the idea? Perhaps you can live with Amy as husband and wife while I stay at a unit nearby,” Jim proposed.

“That would work,” Amy agreed. “Gee, this is exciting,” she added.

“Anything else?” Jim asked.”

No one answered. Amy laid her head on Rod’s shoulder and Rod put his arm around her. Rod looked across to where Jim was sitting in the chair opposite them and noticed that Jim readjusted himself. “The bastard has got an erection from just seeing me put my arm around her,” he thought. “This is going to be fun.”

“I had better get the BBQ going if we are ready to eat,” he told them and promptly got up and walked out to the patio.  As he put the steaks on he looked back inside and saw Rod kissing his wife. ”Finally,” he thought. “I’m going to get what I’ve dreamt of for the last ten years. Let’s see how long it takes for Rod to stop using condoms? I know he will but how long will it take?”

Visions of wives carrying their lover’s babies flashed through his mind. He reached down and took his little package in his hand and gave it a squeeze, “I can hardly wait,” he thought. “If only Rod was black. It would be so much better but beggars can’t be choosers. Maybe I’ll get what I really want in a year or two?”




Written by goyse
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This sounds too good to be that easy to set up. Keep on reading
Now that was a first for me: rules no less. God this is going to be GOOD!!!
Well, that was worked out easily. Everyone seems to be agreeable. Now down to the action. Off to read further.
Unknown User
Heating up nicely.
and the twist grows tighter and more involved
Beautiful descriptive prose. Love the direction of the plot. Beautiful Hotwife character developing, excellent Bull and a great cuckold. Pregnancy will bring reality to it all.
Looks like Jim doesn't care what Amy does as long as he's part of it.
great start so many more surprises to become apparant
More to this then what meets the eye. Wonder what else he has in mind.