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Fanning The Embers: Part 4 of 4

"My horny wife takes two cocks, gets cum-filled, and fantasizes about a third..."

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Author's Notes

"I promised to finish this story, and this chapter does that. I hope you'll read it - and the three that preceded it, if you haven't - and that you'll let me know what you think. This will be it for me, at least for now. Not 100% sure I'm throwing in the towel; I'll probably continue to try to write a few erotic stories since that's sort of my hobby. <p> [ADVERT] </p>If I decide to publish any, it will be here. Thanks again for all of the past support and friendship. Happy Holidays! Jeff"

All three of us tired from working on the deck and not very interested in fixing dinner or cleaning up afterward, we decided to go out for dinner. There’s nothing close, but a couple of options are within a reasonable drive. After getting ourselves cleaned up and changed, we settled on the Bucksnort Saloon, a perfect little mountain restaurant/bar in an old, log, turn-of-the-last-century ramshackle cabin on the bank of a small creek about twenty or so miles away. The people were friendly, the food was always good, the beer always cold, and they had live music several nights per week.

We took Matt’s pickup, an older Ford with a broad bench seat, and set out. We followed the road paralleling the South Platte River up-valley to Deckers Road, then took that to a smaller county road that wound through the hills toward the town of Pine. A few miles before Pine, we turned into the little parking lot of the Bucksnort Saloon and found a parking spot near a small group of gleaming Harleys. That wasn’t unusual for the place, and it was moderately busy, although less packed than the last time we’d been there.

Sadly, this hidden gem is now closed and up for sale, another victim of the draconian Covid shutdowns as well as “old building syndrome”… by which I mean that it always needed expensive upkeep. But despite being off the beaten path, back when we were working on our cabin it was still one of the more popular places in the area and a Colorado icon and was usually hopping.

We lucked out and scored a table on the patio which overlooked – and essentially overhung – the small creek that ran just behind the place. We got some beers and soon had hot, dripping cheeseburgers and fries in front of us. A three-person band started playing in one of the corners inside while we were eating, and we enjoyed the music through the open doors as we ate and talked. We talked some about our project, and I reminded Jeanie that she’d need to run to the Ace Hardware/lumber store in Conifer the next morning for some more deck screws.

I thought we’d sort of stalled out on work that day, but Matt was enthused about how much we’d accomplished. He was also quite enthused about getting back to the cabin so he could get his fucking huge cock inside of my wife’s hot pussy again, although he didn’t put it quite that bluntly. Still, he made me and Jeanie laugh, and we exchanged a look that told me that she loved me – but that yes, she was looking forward to having both of us again soon too… but maybe especially him!

As the dinner hour wore down, some tables were pushed aside to make room for a small dance floor. It was only big enough for perhaps six or eight couples, but there weren’t many more women than that there anyway, the bikers were a group of six or seven guys, only one of whom appeared to have brought along his wife… or, perhaps, girlfriend. Those two danced together, another older couple joined them on the dance floor, and then Jeanie and I did as well, with another pair, apparently man and wife, soon joining in.

Matt danced with Jeanie after I had, and a couple of the bikers switched off with their buddy’s girlfriend. She appeared to be like Jeanie, far more interested in dancing than most men were, and her group kept her busy. It wasn’t even a minute after Jeanie and Matt had returned to our table before one of the bikers, a big, burly, bearded guy came over and asked – politely – if he could get a dance. She glanced at me, and I shrugged, so she was soon back on the floor dancing with a big hairy guy dressed mostly in black leather.

She’d worn cowboy boots and very snug, well-worn blue jeans with no back pockets, which meant that they flattered and displayed her fine ass to best advantage. I saw no panty lines, so she was either in a thong or entirely without, and those jeans were extremely tight in the crotch; a lesser fabric would have displayed a prominent cameltoe. Above, she wore a gauzy, ivory peasant blouse with a lace-up V-neck bodice that she’d left open just enough to display her braless cleavage well. Her breasts swayed with her movements, and her erect nipples often made an appearance against the thin, gauzy fabric.

Not long after he’d led her to the dance floor, the band moved into a slow song and he pulled Jeanie tight against him, one hand up near her shoulder and the other in the small of her back. As Jeanie does when she’s enjoying dancing and in a bit of a horny mood, she melted into his body as they swayed to the music. Matt and I were talking, but I was keeping one eye on the dance floor and so noticed, as they turned, that the hand from her lower back had moved down and was cupping and squeezing her ass, pretty much engulfing one cheek.

Jeanie left it for a moment or two before reaching down and pulling his arm back up where it belonged. Grinning, he said something to her and they exchanged a few words before she said something that made him laugh. They went back to just dancing, and it wasn’t long before he was again groping her ass, his hand lower this time and his fingers almost between her legs. I know Jeanie, so I knew she’d be hot and possibly even wet-spotting her jeans by then and wondered if he could tell.

As the music progressed to a tune with a faster beat, one of his friends cut in, dancing with Jeanie as the butt-groper returned to their group. This guy danced with her for a couple of songs and through the next slow one, but while he held her close and nuzzled her neck, he didn’t play grab-ass. After that one, she begged off and returned to our table, flushed and glistening, sheened with sweat.

She slid in alongside me. “Whew! That was fun, but it’s warm in here!”

Matt laughed. “Mostly only for horny women out there putting the moves on an entire biker gang; I’m perfectly comfortable.”

I nodded. “Me too. You have fun?”

She laughed. “I did, yeah… I love to dance.”

“I know you do. Make you horny?”

“Hornier, you mean. Yeah, I think the scent of leather, motor oil, and pot must be an aphrodisiac.”

“Probably didn’t hurt that the one guy was groping you either, huh?”

She grinned at me. “He was funny about it, but yeah. And the other guy was kissing and licking my neck, which you know drives me crazy, and both of them were grinding their big, hard cocks against me. So yeah, I’m ready, if you get my drift.”

Matt laughed. “No, that’s too subtle for me; explain it, would you?”

She just grinned at him and winked, and I asked, “What did that first guy say to you that made you smile?”

She bit her lower lip, smiling, as if debating whether to tell me, but then said, “He asked if I was interested.”

“Interested in what?”

She laughed. “That’s exactly what I said, which made him laugh. I’d been grinding against his hard cock, so he knew that I knew exactly what he meant.”

“Fuck… so, what did you tell him?”

“I told him I already had two guys and wouldn’t know what to do with a third. He said he could think of a few things.”

Matt laughed. “I’ll bet he could… so can I, come to think of it, and I know you were lying.”

Jeanie nodded. “Yeah, but I’m pretty happy with my two. Although, maybe…”

I snorted. “Huh! Jesus, get you started and there’s no stopping you. So, did you swap numbers?”

Jeanie giggled. “No, but we don’t have cell service up here anyway. Fun idea, though.”

I just shook my head. We had another beer and danced again before heading out, and as we were leaving the bearded guy she’d danced with first walked over and thanked her again and got a quick hug. In the truck, she held up a napkin with a phone number on it.

“It would appear that he was serious and had the same thought you did about me calling him. Should I keep it?”

“Up to you, babe.”

She bit her lip for a moment, in that way she has when she’s contemplating something, then said, “Hmm, maybe all three of you at once… that might be fun.”

Matt grinned. “I fear we’ve awakened a sleeping giant – libido, that is. Did you know she was such a horny thing?”

“Mmm, pretty much, yeah. Just not what lengths she’d go to in exploring it. You serious, babe?”

She merely looked at me, then at Matt before folding the napkin and putting it in the glove compartment. We weren’t a half mile down the road before she had one hand on Matt’s crotch and the other on mine, and a mile later she had both of us fished out of our pants and was stroking two very hard cocks; shortly after that, she began to take turns sucking on each of us, leaning one way and then the other.

Matt had to drive, so he could only fondle a breast with one hand. I had two available and used them well, playing with her boobs as she sucked his cock, and eventually unzipping her pants and helping her wiggle them far enough down her legs that I could slide a finger or two into her very wet, very hot pussy; I’d been right, no panties, and her jeans were quite damp in the middle.

She came, my fingers inside her and his cock in her mouth, just before we got back to the cabin, and we walked in with our rigid cocks sticking out of our open flies as she walked in bare-assed, carrying her jeans and boots, treading delicately over the rocks in the drive.

Inside, I relit the fire in the fireplace, adding kindling and a few pieces of split pine to get it going before joining them in our bedroom. By the time I got there, they were both completely naked and Jeanie sat reverse cowgirl astride Matt’s head, eyes closed, moaning and stiff-nippled as he licked her pussy and she slid back and forth on his face. His enjoyment of the situation was evident by the stiffness and size of his hugely engorged cock, the head of which hovered just above his navel.

I had to admit that it was an impressive display of masculinity, the veins on his thick shaft swollen and pulsing and the two big eggs of his balls making twin bulges in his heavy scrotum. When I looked up, Jeanie had opened her eyes and was looking at me as I admired Matt’s package, a small Mona Lisa smile on her face. When our eyes met, she grinned hugely and leaned forward, wrapping the fingers of one hand as far around the base of his shaft as they could reach and seizing his bulging sack in the other before taking his cock in her mouth.

She can’t deep-throat him, but she made a big show of taking as much of his length as she could, drooling down his shaft and working it in and out of her mouth several times before backing off and licking his length, swirling her tongue around the head of it, and inserting the tip of her tongue into his slit. She then moved on to sucking each ball one at a time… and kept staring into my eyes the entire time she was lavishing attention on his junk.

To say I was hard would be damning my proud erection with faint praise; my cock stood rigidly at attention, still projecting through my open fly as precum dribbled down my shaft. Realizing that I was still fully dressed, I quickly corrected that oversight and was soon as naked as they were. Jeanie was still sucking his cock, her hips pumping and swiveling, grinding her pussy into Matt’s face as I kneeled over his feet and knee-walked my way forward until my wife could suck my cock as well.

Jeanie caught on immediately and rose enough to take me into her mouth, which felt as warm and wet and wonderful as ever. She took me deep a few times, down to the root, enjoying something she couldn’t do with Matt, and I throbbed with pleasure. He stayed busy at her pussy, his tongue bringing her to a strong orgasm, and she had to let me slip free for the duration, gasping and crying out as she came.

She took me back into her mouth as her orgasm waned, but only for a brief time before she decided she needed something inside of her – specifically, a certain big, thick cock that stuck up between us. She lifted off his face and moved forward to straddle his hips, forcing me to back up to make room, and reached down to grasp his cock and hold it in position as she impaled herself.

Before she did, she looked at me and said, “Watch.”

“You bet I’m going to watch! Better still, you want some help?”

She smiled. “God yes! Help me, my love… you know what I want.”

I did, yes; it couldn’t have been much more obvious as she paused, her pussy a scant inch above his swollen purple head and prodigious length. I got down onto my elbows so that I could see as I grabbed his cock, again amazed at the heavy solidity of his phallus and his girth as my hand, much larger than Jeanie’s, barely encircled him. She lowered herself enough that I could slide the big, spongy head between her folds, teasing her opening and her clit with it even as I teased him and greased him up with her juices.

When she was ready she let me know by positioning herself so that he was at her opening and pressed herself down onto him. The head of his cock opened her bit by bit until it suddenly slid in, a couple of inches of his shaft following as Jeanie gasped with pleasure - or possibly with a little bit of pain, although she was more than ready and now knew what to expect. In any event, she rode down on him, her pussy pressed to my hand, which still gripped him, and sliding it down his shaft until the heel of my hand hit his pubic bone and I had to pull back. When I did, she continued downward until she’d taken all he had, and she came.

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She’d already been very horny, and sucking our cocks had only added to it. At that point, feeling his cock completely fill her and her pussy stretching to accommodate him was enough to push her over the edge and she cried out as she ground herself against his body. I slipped my fingers between them and diddled her hard nub with my middle one, which earned an “Oh my god! Fuck, Sean, yes!” from my wife.

Her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm, one way I can always tell when it’s an especially good one, uncontrollable tremors gripping her. As the tremors subsided I pushed her back a little and sucked on her nipples, which were already obligingly hard. She liked that and continued to move on his cock as I did so. When I began to kiss and lick my way down her body she intuited immediately where I was headed (not that it required any high-level detective work) and leaned back farther over him so that I could lick her clit.

Matt helped by supporting her so that she wouldn’t have to put all her weight on her arms, multitasking as he thrust into her. I paused a moment to admire her little stiffie sticking out just above his thick, glistening shaft as it moved in and out of her pussy, then leaned in and licked her, from his cock up to the top of her cleft, flicking her little erection with my tongue. It took maybe twenty seconds of that treatment for her to come again, another major orgasm rocking her body as she cried out. I continued to lick her, his cock bumping my chin with each thrust, and she soon came again.

Jeanie told me later that those were perhaps the best orgasms she’d ever had, a cock deep inside of her, utterly filling her as I stimulated her most sensitive spot – she also told me I could have kept on doing that until she passed out or he filled her with cream, whichever came first, something we may have to try sometime! I remembered what she’d said she wanted to try, however, and sort of had my mind set on that. In fact, if she’d been riding him cowgirl rather than reverse style, I’d have likely snuck in the back door while they weren’t looking – I was certainly more than hard enough.

After one more orgasm provided by his big cock in her and my tongue lashing her clit, I asked her if she wanted to turn around. She looked a little dazed when she looked down at me, and I knew she hadn’t fully grasped what I was asking when she said, “What… turn around? Now?”

“Yeah, you know – like you said, you wanted to try having both of us in you at once. If you’ll turn and face forward…”

“Ohhh. Oh yeah, sure. I didn’t expect all of this first, but yeah, let’s do that…” She slowly slid herself off his cock, moaning with loss when he slipped free, leaving her momentarily gaping pussy empty and wanting as his cock flopped onto his belly with a wet, meaty sound. His cock is impressive anyway, but slathered and glistening with Jeanie’s juices, the veins on his shaft swollen with blood, and his length pulsing with arousal, it was quite a sight.

Likewise, Jeanie’s sweet pussy, her lips swollen with lust and bright pink, and the entire area wet and slippery, fucked and fuckable, was incredibly beautiful and very arousing and erotic to me. I ached to be in her. Logistically, however, it made more sense for her to take him back into her pussy first… plus, I knew they both very much wanted that, and I got to watch.

Showing off for me, Jeanie hovered over his hard cock as I held it vertically, and I had a front-row seat for the next act of magic as she made his thick donkey dong disappear. I was still jealous as fuck, but watching her take his monster like that, one thick inch at a time, seemed to make the jealousy worthwhile… I’m not sure what that says about me, but I’m willing to live with it.

I watched for a few seconds, enjoying the view, before squeezing his balls and kneeling behind her, the bottle of lube in hand. I dribbled a bit on the bullseye first and then lubed up my rigid length before loosening her up a bit with well-lubed fingers, squeezing Matt’s balls with my free hand as he slid in and out of her. When she came again I quickly thrust into her, the lube and her eagerness making for a quick, deep entry.

She cried out and thrust back onto us, and other than how hot and tight she was – and how much she seemed to be enjoying herself – the first thing I noticed was that I could feel Matt’s hard organ through the thin membrane between pussy and ass. It was… different. Good-different, arousing different, possibly even premature ejaculation-causing different, and so I stopped as he continued to thrust into her. I was already extremely aroused and knew it wouldn’t take much, and didn’t want to embarrass myself, but his thrusting against me was going to do it.

Unexpectedly – and fortunately – he was fighting the same battle, which I realized when he said, “Holy shit that feels good! You guys are gonna fucking make me come…”

Jeanie slammed on the brakes, going suddenly still. “No, not yet! Stop, both of you…wait a few seconds, catch your breath. Try not to come.”

Every guy has tried that, of course, and some few may have succeeded, but only a woman would make the request! Still, we heeded her words.

Matt stopped, and I heard him gasp and felt his cock throb inside of her, but somehow my brilliant wife had pressed pause at exactly the right moment, as though she was expertly edging us. We were both balls-deep inside of her, my balls resting against the base of his bat, where I could also feel him flexing and pulsing as he tried to hold back the flood. That wasn’t helping my struggle for control in the least, but somehow I kept from creaming her colon.

Once we’d regained a modicum of mastery over our own domains we tentatively started again, going slowly out of both an abundance of caution and in an effort to work out the timing and tempo. None of us wanted to zig when the other zagged and suffer from fallout – Jeanie most of all, I think, because the sounds coming out of her were quickly going to put our previous night of anal exploration to shame. To say she was enjoying two cocks inside of her would be a massive understatement, and he and I were enjoying her pleasure as much as our own.

We eventually found a rhythm - embarrassingly like fucking each other, really, which made me glad that we’d put some of that potential awkwardness behind us already, and, the crisis past, we set about fucking my wife silly. Suffice to say that it ain’t as easy as they make it look in the pornos, but we were determined, and Jeanie came – loudly and lewdly – several times before Matt announced that he was coming.

I thought for a moment that I might survive his climax, but as I felt him pumping and spurting inside of her, his cock against mine, jamming deep with each spurt, I lost it. I grabbed her hips and shoved in hard as I began to squirt, and Jeanie, triggered by two cocks spasming inside of her, had a monster climax. She clamped down so hard in the midst of it that she squeezed me right out, and I finished myself with my hand, buttering her buttocks and his balls with equal enthusiasm. I don’t know how much I’d pumped into her on those first couple of spurts, but there was plenty left to cum-splatter both of them after I got so rudely evicted.

I think maybe it was more intense than any of us had expected, and it left me light-headed and gasping for air and Jeanie whimpering with exhausted pleasure. Matt may have passed out for a minute because he was very quiet. I sat back on my heels and admired the sight in front of me, my wife’s fine ass spattered with cum, her used, puffy, creamy pussy stretched around Matt’s thick root, his big sack and spent balls, now with more cum on the outside than on the inside, hanging heavily between his thighs.

I wished later that I’d taken a picture, but my brain was too oxygen-deprived to think of it at the time. When Jeanie began to slowly move on Matt’s still-hard python it squished more of his cum out of her, no room for his load of cum and that cock inside of her at the same time. I watched, resisting the temptation to lick up the spillage, until his cock went all Slinky-like and slithered out of her, followed by the inevitable gush of cream.

Then and only then did I dive into cleanup duty, licking and slurping at both of them until Matt groaned and begged me to quit. I was relieved to hear that he’d survived, and Jeanie laughed when I said so. We all fell asleep in the same bed, our minds done in by alcohol and endorphins, and our limbs entangled. I woke up once, Jeanie’s head on my chest and her hand on my limp cock, the room reeking of sex. When I sent a hand exploring her body I found one of Matt’s hands cupped over her pussy, his fingers between her abused, cum-slick lips. I fell back to sleep, too exhausted and sex-sedated to even feel jealous about it.

In the morning we showered together again – after I’d made coffee, of course - and Jeanie, claiming she was too tender to take on our stiff cocks again so soon, gave us both combination blowjobs and handjobs, insisting on watching us come rather than taking our loads down her throat. I’ll admit that I enjoyed watching her as she made him come, knowing she was enjoying it too, seeing his big cock pumping and spurting everywhere. Watching them left me aroused, as always, and hurried my enthusiastically liquid climax, which he eagerly watched as well.


That was probably the crescendo of our trip, although there was plenty more fucking… and watching. I discovered that despite my jealousy I had strong voyeuristic tendencies, and seeing Jeanie being fucked – and enjoying herself – was intensely arousing and very gratifying to me. It helped that Matt was who he was, and it reinforced Jeanie’s conviction that having our first time be with someone she liked and trusted was the best thing we could have done. Smart lady, my wife.

It was a little disconcerting that they became so comfortable together that on a few occasions I walked in and found him already deep inside of her, or heard her moans and the sound of flesh slapping on flesh, but they always knew I was around and likely to discover them, so I think it became a game. They knew I’d watch, and become aroused, and that when I did I’d join in or be eager to be next in line.

The one that sticks most in my mind was the time I walked into the kitchen and he had her bent over the counter, fucking her from behind, his balls swinging back and forth and his ass clenching with each thrust. I watched and listened to them both come, and after, when he pulled out, I watched as she remained bent over the counter, cum trickling down her thighs from her swollen, abused pussy.

She’d stayed there, knowing I would watch, and that before too long I’d have to come to her and lick her pussy and her legs, tasting the two of them together, and that when I’d thrust into her, which I did, I wouldn’t last long… which I didn’t. Matt cleaned up after me, sharing the wealth, and Jeanie loved every minute of it.

She went out on a beer run toward the end of the week and called her new biker friend when she got to the store and had cell service, but he was back in Denver and unable to join us. We later arranged for him to join the three of us at the end of the summer when the pressure-treated deck boards finally had a chance to dry and season a bit and were ready to be stained and sealed.

He promised to help, and extra hands make light work. Extra cocks make horny wives happy as well – or my wife, in any event. Although he – Keith, as it turned out – was not hung like Matt (as few are!) Jeanie had a wonderful time, and he was strongly bisexual, so Matt and I expanded our horizons a bit too. Oh, and during our recovery time, we did manage to get the deck sealed.

But you can fill in the rest of that story for yourself – and I know that my sexy, filthy-minded readers have that ability!


Follow-up author’s note:

While this story is mostly fiction, some parts are true. We did have a cabin in the mountains as described, which we sold after we left Colorado. The Bucksnort Saloon and its location are also real – you can find it on Google – and last I heard it was shut down and up for sale for the reasons cited, so if you have half a mil or so burning a hole in your pocket and want a historic old bar and restaurant to run, make the call. It’s not easy to find, and you will have to hire a chef that can make great burgers, sandwiches, burritos, etc, and keep the beer cold and the special local brews on hand. Bikers liked it, but never controlled it; it was just in a great area for a scenic ride.

But for your efforts, you’d get a historic (over 100-year-old) tavern in a great setting, and an, um, let’s say eclectic clientele – oh, and the opportunity to make a lot of interesting friends. It’s been a few years, but on Friday and Saturday nights the men always seemed to outnumber the women about 3 to 1, and if you bring your wife or girlfriend (or ARE the wife or girlfriend, be prepared) she will probably get asked – politely  - to dance. She’ll be able to dance as much as she wants to, and may even get a less polite proposition or two and a few hard cocks ground against her in the process.

Whether she enjoys that or accepts any of those offers… well, that’s between you, her, and the proposer!

Written by Stormdog
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