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Fanning The Embers: Part 2

"Things get hot and wet, and jealousy rears its head."

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Author's Notes

"Part 2 of Sean, Jeanie, and their well-endowed friend, Matt. I hope you read and enjoyed Part 1 and will do so with 2 as well, and that you'll let me know your thoughts in the comment section. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Thanks for reading and for spending time with me!"

After she’d kissed Matt, swapping cum and spit, she rose from between us and stood looking at our wilting cocks as cum dribbled out of her and ran down her leg.

“I hope we’re not done.” That was my Jeanie, a couple of orgasms and a few splashes of warm cum just getting her heated up. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows in a silent question; I knew she was asking if I was okay with it and wanted to continue. Matt hadn’t fucked her, so that boundary remained unbroken, but I knew she wanted it and was curious and excited to know how he’d feel inside of her, how she’d respond. Plus, Jeanie just loves to fuck and treasures every orgasm, so I wanted it for her.

The problem was that I didn’t know how I felt about it, especially after the way it had hit me when they’d kissed. If seeing them lock lips and tangle tongues had been so achingly emotional to observe, I couldn’t imagine what seeing him slip that big cock inside of her would feel like – to me, not to her. I was pretty sure she’d enjoy it, given that she had a toy roughly his length, though not as thick, and always came quite magnificently and repeatedly when we played with it. Seeing her come like that with another man inside of her could be brutal; of course, thinking about it was also launching fireworks in my groin and making me rock hard, so there was something perverse and cognitively dissonant going on with me that I just couldn’t figure out.

Before I could voice either agreement or objection, Matt reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her onto his lap so that she straddled his hips, facing him. “Well, I’m certainly not done, not if you two want to continue. I just need a few minutes to recharge my batteries.”

Jeanie tried to pull away, but he held her to him. She stopped and looked down at where their bodies touched before she said, “You’re getting Sean’s cum all over you.”

He grinned and held her down, gripping her hips as he ground his thick, flaccid cock against her. “That’s because I have Sean’s sexy wife all over me; goes with the territory.”

She seemed surprised. “You don’t mind?”

He shrugged. “If sex ain’t messy, you’re doing it wrong.”

We both laughed, and Jeanie said, “I’d have to agree, and I happen to know that Sean loves playing in his mess and getting sloppy seconds, so I know he’s on board that train too.”

She was right, I did. I also enjoyed going down on her after I’d filled her, mostly because it seemed to almost make the top of her head blow off, her orgasms so intense. I loved when she came so hard she was transported, utterly out of control, and that was one way almost guaranteed to accomplish that feat. Of course, I’d only ever followed myself, because we’d never had another player on the team before. We had pretended, fantasized, and role-played with it a few times, which was always exciting for both of us, however, so maybe…

I just didn’t know. The idea of seeing and hearing my wife with Matt was intensely arousing, but almost as intensely terrifying. What if it was too good and she didn’t want to quit after this week? What if it was so good that she left me for him? They were friends, after all, and shared a very close and warm relationship, albeit non-sexual until now.

What if she discovered she was missing something and wanted to fuck around a lot with other guys, or merely wanted a steady poly-amorous relationship with Matt, or decided big cocks are better? None of those things sounded like my Jeanie – and I truly was quite secure in my knowledge of our love for each other – but what if we opened a door I decided I wanted closed and she didn’t?

We’d already opened a Pandora’s Box, and now I was plagued by doubt; unfortunately, my mind playing its perverse game, I was also plagued by a renewed rigid, rock-hard and wholly incongruous erection. My doubts were invisible, but my upright, throbbing cock was not, and Jeanie took that as a positive sign and seized my balls, pulling me forward to take my cock in her mouth. It’s a very desirable destination, and not something I would have resisted in any event, but when someone is guiding you with a firm grip on the boys you’re pretty much going to go where you’re directed.

Matt watched as she took me into her mouth and down her throat, swallowing my length to the root, something she’d taught herself to do – and been quite proud of, I might add.

With me deep, she used her tongue to tickle the front of my sack, and Matt grinned. “Fuck, that’s hot! I love watching women take a cock like that – and I can’t believe you’re so fucking hard already! I guess that explains the marathon sex session you entertained me with last night.”

Jeanie slowly withdrew from my cock, leaving my stiff length glistening with saliva. She licked her lips and then smiled at him. “Sean’s a stud, Matt. You made some crack last night about us not being teenagers anymore, but don’t tell him that; he still thinks he’s sixteen!”

That wasn’t entirely true, but I didn’t disabuse him of the notion. I’m always good for twice, often three times, and occasionally four or even five over a couple of hours with the right stimulation, but when I was sixteen, I was the Energizer Bunny of horny young males, a walking, talking erection.

Of course, it helped that the first time or two (sometimes three) rarely took more than a couple of minutes each back then. It wasn’t necessarily something to brag about, but it conserved energy, and sometimes I didn’t even go limp between rounds. That part no longer held true, and I now needed at least a few minutes of downtime. I was a veritable fountain of cum once upon a time… unfortunately my hand had too often been the sole beneficiary, so it wasn’t entirely nostalgic thinking about the “good old days”.

Matt said, “Yeah, I guess. I’ll be ready to go soon, but I can’t get it up that fast.”

Jeanie reached down and lifted his mostly flaccid cock between them the pressed her pussy to it, trapping him between her sloppy sex and his tummy. “Well, you have a bit more cock to get up, so no wonder it takes longer!”

That his manhood was larger was obviously true and we all knew it, but it still stung that she’d so cavalierly pointed it out. It bothered me, but when she began to do her patented ‘cameltoe slide’ on his cock, rubbing herself against it and slathering his length with my semen, I watched. She very much wanted him hard again, that I could tell, and if this didn’t work nothing would.

She’d taken me back into her mouth and was now multi-tasking very efficiently, sucking my hard cock as she rubbed on his, which was gradually growing. She will often get herself off while doing her slide on me, the position ideal for stimulating her clit, and when her breathing quickened and her movements became erratic and less coordinated, I knew she was close.

Sure enough, less than a minute later she let me slip from her lips so that she could gasp and moan and verbalize her orgasm, and she mashed herself to him, pumping her hips wildly and grinding her slippery sex on his hardening length as she came, crying out, “Oh god, fuck, fuck, I’m coming! Ohhh, my god!”

We’d have known even without the announcement; my wife’s orgasms are not subtle and there is no mistaking them, but expressing it in that way works for her - and who am I to do anything but appreciate her powerful sexuality? What I didn’t anticipate (and should have, knowing Jeanie) was that at the height of her orgasm she’d want his cock inside of her. It was something that she almost always transitioned to, taking me deep in the midst of a cameltoe slide orgasm, to take it to the next level, but when she raised up and reached for him to guide his now rock-hard cock into her, I was unprepared.

I had time to say no, stop, or call a timeout, but I didn’t. Instead, I split my vision between watching her mount his cock and the expression on her face. As he first penetrated her, she had a look of concentration on her face, almost a frown, but her mouth quickly opened in a surprised “Oh!” as his swollen head spread her wide and slid in. I was merely a spectator now, Jeanie ignoring me and leaving me waving stiff and wet in the air as she took Matt.

She was the one in control, and as she slowly impaled herself more deeply on his thick shaft her grimace could have been pain or pleasure. Whatever it was, it was intense because she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip as she felt him penetrate deeper. If there was pain, there must also have been pleasure, because she continued to take him, lowering herself to drive his cock more deeply into her while making a sound somewhere between a moan and a groan.

My gut was in a knot and I felt like steam might come out of my ears I was so intensely jealous of what they were doing. Still, while she’d left me hard and ready, seeing her mounting Matt and the expression of pure lust on her face, her desire to have him deep inside of her despite what must be at least some discomfort at his size, had me achingly, throbbingly hard. It was one of the most erotic and arousing things I’d ever seen. I was so intensely aroused, despite being as intensely jealous, that I felt like I might have an orgasm spontaneously, my cock untouched, something that would surely add to the humiliation I already felt as I watched my wife eagerly accept his huge phallus, taking him deep.

She rode about halfway down his length, gasping as she rose partway and then down again, to my utter shock slipping fully down his shaft, her wet, slippery pussy taking all of him, her pink lips stretched wide around the thick base of his cock.

She’d had her eyes closed as she took him deep, her thoughts and attention focused inward, but when she felt herself settle onto his pubic bone, all of him inside of her, her eyes opened wide as she gasped. She was staring directly at me, but I wasn’t sure she was seeing me until she said, “Oh, Sean, my god!”

I was unable to reply, momentarily rendered mute by my churning emotions as well as simply at a loss for words. Finally, I managed, “Baby… honey, are you okay?”

“Y… uh, god yeah, I’m fine, but oh my god!”

“That’s good, I guess?”

“It’s amazing. It feels fucking huge inside of me.”

“Is it hurting you?”

“Nooo… god. Well, no, not really, it’s just… oh god, so good!”

Matt remained silent, letting me and Jeanie come to grips with what we’d done; it showed good instincts and uncharacteristic restraint on his part, and some small part of me appreciated it. Still, he had his very large and extremely hard cock buried inside of my wife’s tight, wet, warm pussy and wanted to get on with it; he gripped her waist and began to slowly, gently move his hips, pumping his cock in and out of her with short strokes.

He was sliding less than two inches of his length in and out of Jeanie, but it was enough, combined with the way she was stretched to accommodate his girth, to trigger a sudden, intense orgasm, and she cried out and shuddered with the power of it. She came as she often does when it’s a particularly good orgasm, with urgency and strength, enthusiasm and passion and complete abandon, her sounds and expressions and the movements of her body all about the pleasure she ultimately surrendered to as her climax took her, shattered her.

It had been very quick but was otherwise familiar to me, and I knew that I could make her come as well, that despite his large cock, he wasn’t doing anything I couldn’t do – indeed, that I hadn’t done before, many times by various methods. That knowledge helped to quell my agony and allowed me to be a part of her pleasure as a voyeur, to absorb every nuance of her beauty and sensuality as she came, something I was unable to do when I was equally involved.

Always involved in the act, I’d never had the opportunity to simply watch before, to see her utterly wrapped up in the joy of sex and orgasms and take in every detail, and it was stunningly powerful, intensely erotic. She was still my wife, and she was so beautiful, breathtaking, so astonishing in her raw sexuality that I knew I was seeing something I’d never fully witnessed before.

I thought of the way her pussy would be squeezing and milking him with each spasm of her body – something with which I was very familiar – and I almost came. I was leaking madly already, a stream of clear precum running down my cock and dripping from my sack, but when I looked down at myself I saw that a small gush of creamy white cum had joined the flow. I hadn’t come, hadn’t felt the series of powerful contractions and the tightening in my balls that accompany an orgasm, but it had been that close, a pulse away. I felt like if I tensed my pelvic muscles I would lose control and knew that the touch of a single finger to my rigid erection would have me spurting like an inexperienced teenager.

Jeanie had survived her monster orgasm and was beginning to get fully involved in fucking Matt, giving as much as receiving. She was moving up and down, getting in sync with his thrusts and utilizing more of his big cock for her pleasure while also focused on making him come. She was moaning and vocalizing almost constantly, likely building to another huge climax, but I knew she wanted to feel him spurting inside of her, the spasms of ejaculation something which she loves to feel while also deriving the pleasure of knowing what she’s done for her partner.

She’d told me in the past that there is always a sense of power, of satisfaction, and pride that she can make me lose control and come even when I’m trying to hold off, and that she can give me that pleasure. I told her that making me lose control and do geyser imitations was no big trick, but that I always appreciated it! As I recall, she’d laughed.

She was using all of his length now, rising almost free of him and exposing the ridge at the edge of his corona before again descending and taking him balls-deep inside of her. His long, thick shaft, slick with her juices and with the pink ring of her sex stretched tight around it seemed too much for her to take, especially the huge girth at the base of his shaft. Yet she did, again and again, and each time she bottomed out he’d flex his hips up, jamming himself as deep as possible, stretching her open, his balls crushed to her ass.

It was like the best porno I’d ever seen, except it was my wife and included sounds and scents and genuine, unabashed arousal and pleasure, no fakery, and I had a front-row seat. I kneeled between Matt’s feet, wanting the best vantage point possible, and if she’d been turned around the other way, I swear I would have been on her clit like a calf at the teat even as he slid in and out of her.

I continued to throb, my cock upright and like iron, the veins bulging along my shaft as they do only when I’m at peak arousal and on the verge of coming, something I still felt could happen any moment. Jeanie came again, shuddering and crying out, and I reached out and laid my hand on her back, wanting to be a part of it. I don’t know if she even felt my hand, but I could feel the heat and tension in her body and the shudders of her orgasm thrumming through her.

I softly stroked her back with my fingertips, her skin slick with a dewy film of sex sweat, and allowed my hand to drift lower until I was tracing the curve of her ass. I slid my fingers into the groove of her upper ass, right at the base of her spine, my hand sideways so that all four fingers traced down the valley between her firm cheeks.

When my middle finger gently probed her tight star, she moaned, “Ohh, god, Sean… yes!”

I bent forward and kissed her neck, then said, “Yes?”

“Yes, do it! Don’t tease, just do it!”

When Jeanie is in the mood for ass play, she’s really in the mood and likes a good, hard ass fuck with fingers, cock, or toys, and right now she was in the mood for anything. I quickly spit on my fingers and stroked them over her tight hole and then slowly pushed my middle finger into her. I could feel him moving inside her and the hardness of his cock through the thin membrane between, and the backs of my ring and index fingers were pressed against the thick ridge on the underside of his shaft, being greased by my wife’s juices as it rubbed from his penile skin onto my fingers with his thrusts.

Perversely, although I was still experiencing considerable angst at my wife fucking him – and enjoying it so much – I was further aroused by the way his cock felt, hard and huge as it slid along my fingers, and I tilted my hand to press harder against him.

He hesitated for a moment, I think until he realized what was touching him, then groaned and jammed deep, my fingers now against his balls as much as his cock. Jeanie cried out when he did, surprised by how hard and deep he’d suddenly taken her, and, emboldened by their actions in response to my touch, I cupped his balls in my other hand, gently squeezing and kneading them while I thrust my finger in and out of my wife’s tight little asshole.

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His balls were huge and heavy, hanging low in his soft sack, his scrotal skin slick with a combination of sweat and his copious leakage of precum that mixed with her juices. I found the way they felt in my hand to be surprisingly arousing… sensual, even, a purely sexual pleasure, his testicles each big and firm and moving easily within his sack with each deep thrust.

I was a little self-conscious about doing it (and enjoying it) until Matt groaned and said, “Fuck, that feels incredible. Don’t stop, man, play with my balls. Yeah, squeeze ‘em…”

I did, my fingers curled behind his balls as Jeanie came again. I felt her clamp down tightly on my probing finger, and as he felt her squeeze him in the same way inside of her, he groaned and said, “Oohhh, fuck, coming!”

His balls drew up, his sack taut in my hand, and I felt the first hard spasm of his orgasm rock through his cock with both my hand that cupped his scrotum and the finger that was inside of Jeanie, pressed to the underside of his cock. After that, it was pulse after pulse, one strong contraction after another as he ejaculated deep inside my wife’s pussy.

Jeanie was either coming again or still experiencing the orgasm that had started moments earlier, I wasn’t sure which, but when I squeezed Matt’s balls firmly amid his spasms he grunted and took two hard, fast thrusts into her, and she let out a quick shriek of ecstasy as her orgasm flamed brightly.

That seemed to be the peak for both of them and things began to dial down as their mutual orgasm waned. Me, I was still almost painfully hard and felt like I could come any moment, but now I knew what I wanted, and I eased up on Matt’s balls and slowly slid my finger out of Jeanie’s ass, earning a small moan from her. I sat back and looked at where they remained joined, her pussy stretched so tightly around his girth that, despite what I knew from his spasms must have been a huge load, nothing leaked from her.

It took maybe a minute or two for him to soften enough to slip free, the time giving me a long enough break to back away from my imminent orgasm, but when his cock slid out of her, followed by a rush of glistening white cum, it flared again. At the same time, I felt a surge of revulsion, almost nausea, at the obscenely huge size of his cock as it flopped wet and heavy onto his belly, the thought of how deeply he’d been inside of my wife twisting my gut.

Still, it wasn’t enough to stop me from taking what I so desperately wanted, and that was my wife’s cum-filled pussy. I quickly rose and straddled Matt, pushing Jeanie forward onto his chest as I thrust into her from behind. She was still loose due to his size, and so cum-filled that there was almost no friction at first, which is the only thing that saved me from an instantaneous and humiliating orgasm.

I felt her move her hips and contract, however, beginning to squeeze on me even as she forced more of his cum out to drip from my balls onto Matt, still below us, and I probably didn’t last a full minute. I came so intensely I thought I’d black out, and I gripped her hips so hard she’d have bruises the next day, jamming myself into her as I spurted helplessly, unable to hold back.

When my contractions ended, I continued to fuck her as long as I could, but when I began to go soft I stopped, and when my head stopped spinning, I collapsed over her back, my cock still embedded deep inside of her. We were both breathing heavily and slick with sweat, and I could feel cum oozing out around my cock when she tightened and knew it was running down onto Matt, beneath us. Then again, it was probably at least half his to begin with.

When my shrinking cock slipped free and dropped down between us, we all heard her pussy make a bubbly little cum fart. Jeanie giggled, which caused another little fart, then Matt laughed, and then me, and that was it, and we were all laughing hysterically. I sat back between his knees, still laughing, my groin and genitalia slathered with cum, and watched as more oozed out of her onto Matt.

Her cum fart was funny, especially because it had been so dead quiet when it happened, but it wasn’t this funny. I think the out-of-control laughter mostly stemmed from a release of any tension that remained because of the situation, our venture into multi-partner sex and the nervousness – and for me, angst - that had accompanied it. It had ridden in on the wave of arousal, our inflamed libidos leading us to do things we’d never have done in a calmer, saner moment, and now it rode out on a wave of cum and laughter.

I’d laughed so much that my eyes were tearing up, and I swiped at them with my knuckles before reaching out and finger-painting my wife’s pussy and ass with some of the still-oozing cum. Her beautiful pussy looked used and abused, so pinkish-purple that her lips appeared almost bruised, and so lathered with semen and her secretions that it looked like she’d entertained the troops.

I wanted to kiss it… hell, I wanted to lick it, to taste her, see if I could make her come again, but I didn’t. Matt had just taken my wife to the heights of pleasure, and I didn’t want to appear as though I was only there to pay homage by performing cleanup duties. Instead, I seized his cock, which was mostly limp but still disgustingly large, and I wrapped my fingers around him and slapped the head of his cock against her sex several times. It made a wet, fleshy, meaty sound; Jeanie moaned, but the sound he made was more of a groan.

When I squeezed him slightly another large bubble of white cum came out, and I wiped it off onto Jeanie’s thigh as I said, “So, was that messy enough for you?”

He groaned again. “Fuuuccck, that was intense! You two are incredible; was that the first time you’ve done that? Really?”

Jeanie responded, “Yup, first time. I don’t think it will be the last though. Sean…?

“No, probably won’t be the last.” A few minutes earlier I would have guaranteed it would be the last and only time; now, my angst and tension relieved by the way we’d all laughed together, I realized that I’d never been so deeply and intensely aroused before in my life. Once you’ve experienced it like that, you want more; arousal is shockingly like a drug in the effect it had on my body and my psyche, and although I’d never before had any addictions, nor an addictive personality, I recognized it for what it was.

I’d let his cock fall from my fingers and now it drooped long and wet against his thigh as Jeanie disentangled herself from him and stood, pressing one hand over her pussy to try to contain the damages. She didn’t entirely succeed – I could see a rivulet of cum trickling down her leg – and when she asked if either of us wanted to clean her up, I almost said yes. Matt hesitated for a moment too, and I knew he was thinking the same thing, but in the end, she laughed and waddled awkwardly down the hall to the bathroom, hand still cupping her pussy, to clean up.

When she closed the door, he said, “You okay?”

“I… yeah, I am, now. There was a minute there where I almost called a halt.”

“You should have if you felt that way.” His eyes met mine. “I’m glad you didn’t, though.”

“You know… me too. And I know Jeanie is.”

He smiled. “She seemed to enjoy herself.”

I shrugged. “She loves sex.”

“I could tell.”

I laughed. “Yeah, she doesn’t hide it. You have a huge fucking cock; I know she liked that.”

His turn to shrug. “It is what it is.”


He laughed. “I don’t think all the blood has returned to my brain yet; if you want profound you may have to wait awhile.”

“I’m not sure you could do profound on your best day.”

He laughed again. “You know me too well – but as you said, I do have a big fucking cock.”

“I said huge, but yeah, that’s one thing you do have. Unbelievable… You enjoyed it okay, I guess?”

“Fucking understatement! Jeanie is incredible She’s so hot and just so… fuck, I don’t know. Unashamedly sexual, I guess. She’s a tiger; she doesn’t hold back.”

“No, she doesn’t.”

“You too, playing with my balls and everything. Fuck, I almost came when you started doing that.”

I was a little embarrassed that he’d brought it up. “Yeah, not sure why I did that. Just wanted to be a part of it, maybe.”

“Nobody has ever done that to me before; I loved it, if that helps any. Did you enjoy doing it?”

I know I blushed. “More than I expected to, Matt. But yeah. Fuck, when you came inside of her and I could feel every pulse…”

“Yeah, I enjoyed that too. Majorly incredible! That’s all that matters, right?”

“Sure. I mean, what the hell, yeah. I’m glad we all enjoyed it; it was intense, that’s for sure.”

Jeanie rejoined us as I quit speaking, looking less slippery-slimy, sexy/mussed but none the worse for wear. “It was intense; I’ll go along with that. You two were both magnificent.”

Matt smiled at her. “We were nothing compared to you.”

I agreed. “He’s right; you were the star around which we merely orbited, trapped in the pull of your gravitational field.”

Jeanie smiled and touched my cheek, but Matt said, “Does he say corny shit like that a lot?”

She smiled again still looking at me. “Yes, but not often enough. Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

I knew she’d said it in part to reassure me, but in front of Matt so that he would be certain of just where he stood. My eyes stung with tears momentarily, but I blinked them back and none fell. “I love you too, babe.”

Matt, sensing that we needed alone time, stood and stretched, raising his arms above his head. He was not only unashamed of his nudity, he was flaunting it, facing us, his almost fully deflated cock drooping long and heavy, arching out over his ample balls. He was slick with cum, a small ooze of white cream collecting at the tip.

He smiled, “Fuck that was great, but I think I’m going to get cleaned up and head for bed. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

“We do,” I agreed, “and we’ll be hot on your heels.”

Jeanie said, only half-kidding, “We’re done already? I was just getting warmed up!” She reached out and squeezed his flaccid member in her hand, then took mine between thumb and forefinger and did the same. “Hmm, yeah, you guys are done, for sure. A pair of limper, more useless dicks I’ve never seen.”

I laughed. “Thanks a lot! Your fault, you know, you wore ‘em out.”

She grinned. “I sure did, and damn proud too. Come on, I’ll clean you guys up; it’s the least I can do after what you did for me… I mean, I almost feel guilty having all those amazing orgasms when you guys had a paltry two or three each.”

Matt said, “Don’t feel bad, I’m just glad you enjoyed it so much.”

“Oh no, I don’t! I said ‘almost’ you’ll notice.”

Matt laughed. “Ah, yes you did.”

I stood, and Jeanie grabbed a cock in each hand and led us to the bathroom, where she lovingly cleaned two cocks, four balls, and the surrounding sticky regions with warm washcloths… and a little bit of lip and tongue action. By the time she was done, we had both thickened and filled a bit, our cocks chubbier and a few degrees above full dangle, but there was little danger of either of us getting fully hard again for at least another thirty minutes or so.

When she stood, Matt pulled her in for a goodnight kiss, cupping her breast in one hand, his thumb strumming her nipple as he did so. Their tongues had a brief battle as I had one of my own, trying to tamp down the flare of jealousy I felt, but then Jeanie moaned and pulled away from his hand and teasing thumb, her nipple too sensitive to take much of that.

“Matt, stop it, you’re driving me crazy! Now goodnight! Go on, git, off to bed with you.”

He grinned and bid us goodnight and headed off to bed. Jeanie took my cock in hand again and led the way to our bedroom, where she gave me a much better kiss than she’d given him. She continued to squeeze my cock as she did, and when our lips parted, she said, “Are you really done, or were you just trying not to make him feel bad?”

“Pretty sure I’m done. For now, at least. Get back to me later and we’ll see what arises.”

She smiled. “I’m sure something will.” She sat on the bed and then scooted backward before lying back, her head on a pillow, and pulling her legs up to her chest and apart, her elbows hooked behind her knees. “Does that mean I have to be done until then too? I don’t necessarily feel done.”

I looked at her pussy for several seconds. It still looked used and abused, swollen and pink. She gapped slightly open and there was a small rim of white cream on her wet lips, more trickling from her. I sat next to her and put my palm on her mound, my thumb where I could stroke her puffy clit, which I did. She gasped.

I chuckled. “Yeah, you’re not done. Unbelievable, but you’re not, even after he pounded you with that big cock of his.” I hesitated, then continued, “You enjoyed that, huh?”

She wiggled, her hips going into thrust mode. “Mmm, I’m enjoying that too. Don't stop.” When I remained silent, stroking her still, but leaving my question open, she said, “Yes. Sean, I enjoyed it; I already told you I did, and I know you could tell. Was I not supposed to?”

“No, not that. I’m glad you enjoyed it, of course. It’s just…”

“You were jealous.” She made it a statement, not a question.

“Yes, I was. Still am, I guess. Shouldn’t I be?”

“About what we did and how much I enjoyed it, maybe, yes. It would be weird if you weren’t. But please don’t doubt which one of you I’m so head-over-heels in love with.”

“No, I don’t have any questions about that. Still… you seemed very, umm, involved. I was amazed that you took his entire cock. He’s pretty fucking big.”

“Tell me about it! I was pretty amazed too, you know. When I felt his balls hitting my ass and I was fully down on him, I was shocked. I didn’t know I had it in me.”

“Really? I would have figured you could tell.”

She lightly slapped my arm, smiling. “You know that’s not what I meant! And yes, I knew it was in me, mmm-hmm, oh boy!” She wiggled her hips again, my thumb and her memory of recent events arousing her anew.

“How did it feel?”

“Hard to describe to someone without a pussy, I think.”

“What are you talking about? I’ve got one right here!” I slid my thumb down and into her; it was streaked with cum when I slid it out, and I pushed back in again. She gasped and bucked her hips up to meet me.

“Oh god, Sean! Fuck… it felt… I don’t know. Huge. I felt full, I guess. Very full.”

“Did it hurt?”

“No, not exactly. I mean, maybe a tiny bit when he first pushed into me, but then just sort of a nice, sexy burn. He stretched me more than I’m used to and it just seemed to keep going deeper.”

“Yeah, I guess… sorry.”

“Sean, stop! Have I ever complained about your cock?”

“No. Well, maybe a few times when I was too slow about getting it inside of you. You’re sure it’s okay?”

“Fishing for compliments? Your cock is more than okay, Sean. You’ve given me more toe-cramping, eyes-rolled-back-in-my-head orgasms than I can even count. Certainly more than anyone else ever has or will. You know that.”

“That’s true, huh?”

“Absolutely! How would you feel about giving me another one right now?”

“Well, sure. Umm… kinda limp and useless though, like you said.”

“Lick my pussy, Sean.”

“Oh yeah. Of course. You’re still kind of… uhh… cummy, if that’s a word.”

She laughed. “It’s a perfectly good word for what I am. I didn’t douche or shower or anything, just cleaned up, because I love the way it feels. There was so much in me, and now gravity… well, you know. Besides, that’s never stopped you before.”

“But it’s Matt’s too, not just mine. You wouldn’t think that was weird?”

“No. What I think is that I’m about to come just thinking about it.”

“Yeah?” I was leaning close, looking at her gloriously used cunt. The way she looked and the scent of her, and of sex, our creamy cum seeping from her, was awakening my slumbering libido.

“Oh yeah.” She released one leg and reached it out, hooking her heel behind my neck, pulling my face closer to her wet, messy center. “Finish cleaning me up, Sean. Do it like you do and make me come. I want you.”

I stopped resisting, and she pushed me forward until I could bury my tongue inside of her; the slippery feel of her, the musky, salty taste, and the overpowering sexual scents made my saliva flow and my heart pound. There was still a lot of semen inside of her, as it turned out, and I made her come huge, and then again, and I soon realized my cock was rock hard, the raunchy, illicit reality of our actions performing what seemed a miracle.

Written by Stormdog
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