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Fanning The Embers: Part 1

"My wife decides it's time to add a special spark to our sex lives."

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Author's Notes

"Just a little something that had been hanging around my "Unfinished Stories" file for too long. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It was time to send it out into the world on its own."

We’d spent time over the winter planning, and in the spring had ordered and collected the materials, paying to have most of it delivered to the site. Now, with the snow gone and summer almost upon us, we were going to blow a week of vacation time rebuilding the old, rotting deck on our summer cabin.

My wife Jeanie and I had bought the cabin on the South Platte River in Colorado’s mountains a few years before, knowing it needed work. We’d planned to hire the deck done but our mutual friend, Matt, insisted that we could do it and save thousands. I wasn’t enthused about using my vacation time for more work, but Jeanie was all over it; she liked saving money, and even more she enjoyed Matt’s company, as did I.

We always had a good time together, the two of them bantering, flirting, and exchanging harmless sexual innuendo. Being around him seemed to fan the embers of her sexuality, and as I was always the eventual beneficiary, I was in favor of that.

She’d known him long ago, and it was through their friendship from their younger days that I’d met him. She’d insisted that although they’d been friends – and had shared a ‘mad crush’ on each other - it had never gone beyond a few innocent make-out sessions, both of them too young for more. They had been each other’s first kiss, but her family had moved halfway across the state before they started high school and they'd lost track of each other until after we were living together and engaged when, by happenstance, we’d met him at a Blues Traveler concert, and subsequently discovered that we lived less than fifteen miles apart.

Their friendship blossomed anew, and I’d quickly bonded with him as well. Matt is an easy-going, likable guy, and while I’m not normally a jealous type, I wondered sometimes how all of our lives might have changed had they not been separated. But I enjoyed their renewed friendship; it was easy to see that they still had a relaxed and comfortable relationship that had carried forward from their young romance, and that they cared for each other. He even participated in our wedding, acting as one of her “bridesmaids”, which I’d thought was hilarious.

At the beginning of our scheduled construction week, Matt met us at the cabin on a Friday evening. We’d brought food, wine, and some tools and materials, while he brought a lot of beer in a huge cooler and more tools. After dinner, we gathered around a fire in the outdoor fire pit and drank more than we should have. Matt and I were down to casual cargo shorts and t-shirts, and Jeanie wore only a long t-shirt as a dress, an old tie-dye one of mine that reached mid-thigh on her, the fire keeping us warm on the cool evening.

Jeanie is the wine drinker of the group, although I’ll enjoy an occasional glass, but by the time it got late she was rather smashed and her sexual sparring with Matt and I had heated her up more than usual. She’d gotten little bit loose, allowing her exhibitionistic steak to show, and Matt had not bothered to pretend he wasn’t looking when her erect nipples were on display through her thin shirt, or when she’d flashed a bit of boob. I knew her tiny thong, the only other thing she wore, would be dripping.

When we went to bed she was horny, eager, and ready, all of which suited me fine. Matt, in the only other bedroom next-door, was treated to an erotic audio performance for the ages, one which included a significant number of very vocal, uninhibited orgasms from Jeanie – and a couple slightly quieter ones from me.

After the second load I’d pumped into her, my wilted dick spent, she was riding my face, noisily seeking yet another climax when Matt pounded on the wall.

“Hey! For God’s sake you two, give it a break! You’re not teenagers, you know!” He was right; we were all in our early thirties, me two years older at thirty-four than the two of them.

Jeanie didn’t miss a beat, still sliding her messy pussy on my cum-smeared lips as she called back, “You’re just jealous! Jerk off and go to sleep.”

It’s hard to grin and lick pussy at the same time, but I managed.

Matt wasn’t done. “Don’t make me come in there!”

Jeanie started to shout a smart-ass reply, but then stopped and slid back off my face, looking down at me as she whispered, “That might be fun…”

“What? Him coming in here?”

“Yeah. What do you think?”

“You can’t be serious! You want to fuck both of us?”

“Well…” she paused, biting her lower lip. “Umm, I kinda do, yeah… could be very exciting.”

“That’s crazy. I can’t believe you’re still that horny.” I was stunned that she might be serious, but had to admit there was a tiny frisson of arousal at the idea. If she’d caught me before I’d blown my load – twice – I might have been horny enough to agree.

“But I am.” She reached behind her and flopped my limp dick back and forth a few times. “And you’re very much not, Sean.”

“Give me a few minutes…”

She giggled. “We both know better, don’t we?”

“Okay, yeah, but my tongue still works.”

She lay atop me and kissed my cum-slick lips, then licked a long white dribble of our combined fluids from my cheek and chin. “That it does, as witnessed by your face looking like a glazed donut, but another nice, hard cock would be fun too.”

“Jeanie, babe, I don’t know. I don’t think so.”

She frowned, pouting, before she said, “Are you jealous?”

I didn’t answer immediately, not sure myself, then said, “I guess so, yeah, maybe. I mean, you and him already have a relationship that predates us.”

She slid off me and stretched out against my side, cupping my flaccid, exhausted sex in her hand. “That was just innocent kid stuff, you know that. I love you. I married you.”

“But you’d like to fuck him.”

“Just for fun. Add a little sexy spark, you know… all three of us together, not just me and him. We’ve talked about something like that.”

“Just as a fantasy, and not with anyone we know!”

“Sean, honey, I could never do it with a stranger. It would have to be someone we know. He and I were too young back then, but I wondered about it later.”

“See, I’m just the opposite. With a stranger it's over and done, but with a friend it could be very awkward. You know, afterward; we’d always know what we’d done, like something weird hanging over us. That whole ‘carnal knowledge’ thing…”

“We’re all adults. And besides, if we all enjoyed it we might want to do it again once in a while.”

“You’ve given this a lot of thought.”

“Not really. It was just an idea. Forget I said anything.”

She stayed snuggled to my side, yet there was a distance between us now, her demeanor changed, the magical loving playfulness of earlier gone, hurt that I’d so cavalierly shot her down. She was silent, and I thought she’d fallen asleep but I knew I wouldn’t, my mind churning over what she’d suggested, knowing she’d given it a great deal of thought despite her denial. Mental images of her having sex with Matt, or with both of us, ran amok in my head, rousing both the green-eyed monster and my slumbering libido.

The idea of my Jeanie, Matt’s cock pumping inside of her as she had one of her huge orgasms, was incredibly painful, but also shockingly arousing. All of it, seeing and hearing her with another, knowing another man was inside of her, perhaps her sucking his cock while I was inside of her, me sliding into her after he’d filled her with his cum, all of it became more than fleeting, abstract ideas; it became images, scents, and sounds, sharp and clear in my mind, an intensely erotic film playing as the minutes passed, and I was soon hard and achingly aroused.

She softly stroked my newly rigid cock. “You’re thinking about it.”

I jumped. “Fuck! I thought you were asleep.”

“No. I’m thinking about it too. I’m absolutely dripping, Sean.”

“Might have something to do with me coming in you twice.”

She snickered. “Well, yeah – but it’s me too.” To prove her point, she straddled me and easily slipped my erect cock into her. She was hot and so cum-slick that there was almost no friction, but she came twice before I did even though I came quickly, my fantasy of my wife fucking another man bringing things to a faster third climax that I would have thought possible.

I’m sure Matt must have heard that performance too, Jeanie never quiet or subtle, but he didn’t say a word, perhaps busy masturbating. Afterward we didn’t talk about it anymore, instead quickly falling asleep, exhausted. I dreamed about a threesome though, vividly, and woke early, hard and ready, but Jeanie was already gone.

When I went out to the kitchen the coffee was made but there was nobody there. I heard them talking outside, on the back porch; it was the sunny side in the morning, and the old deck on the front was too rickety in any event. I poured myself a cup and went out to join them.

Matt was wearing knit athletic shorts and a t-shirt and was leaning on the railing, one leg propped up. Jeanie was sitting in one of our Adirondack chairs wearing only the same long t-shirt of mine, nipples erect in the cool morning air. From three feet away I could smell the scent of sex on her, and Matt wasted no time busting my chops over our performance of the prior evening.

“Hey! You’re alive! I’d have bet she screwed you to death, or maybe dehydration gotcha.”

I smiled. “You’re just jealous. And besides, you probably jerked off about a dozen times, right?”

“That’s disgusting! I don’t do that… although I am going to need a new box of Kleenex.”

Jeanie laughed. “That box was almost full!”

He grinned. “What can I say? I was inspired. I’m gonna grab a shower and get dressed so we can get busy.”

After he left, Jeanie and I went in to put together some breakfast, and I asked her, “So, did you talk to him about your idea?”

“No! Not until I know you’re good with it.”

“But you’re still thinking about it.”

“Constantly… and those shorts he was wearing didn’t help.”


“The way they cling… they leave nothing to the imagination, Sean.”

“Why were you checking out his crotch?”

“I wasn’t! But once I saw, it was all I could look at. You didn’t notice?”

“I wasn’t the one ogling his junk. You enjoy the view?”

She blushed. “It, uhh, he looked like he’s pretty, you know… hung.”

“I notice you didn’t answer my question. But anyhow, I already knew that.”

She goggled for a moment, but then I saw the light click on. “That’s right; you guys have played racquetball, so in the locker room…”

“Yeah – and he knows he’s hung and likes to hang out with it hanging out so everyone can get a good look. Shy, he ain’t. Fucker’s got a pole you could fly a flag from.”

She giggled. “I can’t believe you never told me!”

It was my turn to gape. “Why the fuck would I tell you that? I already know you think he’s hot. Besides, you always say size doesn’t matter.”

“Well… it doesn’t. It’s just an interesting little factoid, you know, when it’s somebody we know.”

“Sure, Jeanie. And I have a bridge to sell…” She just shook her head and gazed off into the woods. “Looking at his junk make you horny?”

“What do you think?”

“I know it did, babe.”

“Yeah, well… So, anyhow, just how big is he?”

“You know what? Guys look at you funny if you wander around the locker room carrying a tape measure.”

She smiled. “I suppose – but I mean just roughly.”

“Unbelievable! Shit, babe, I don’t know. Maybe six or eight inches, a little over.”

“Seriously? Just hanging there?”

“Damn, Jeanie…” I laughed. “Yeah, just fucking hanging there. He's seriously big... You were just looking at it, right?”

She shrugged. “I know, but I couldn’t tell that. Wow… That’s as big as you are when you’re hard, maybe bigger!”

“Gosh, thanks.”

“Stop. You know I don’t mean it like that. How big is he when he’s hard?”

I shook my head and chuckled, surprised by her fascination with our friend’s impressive dangly bits. “Much as I hate to disappoint you, I’ve never been privileged to witness that phenomenon – you should probably be relieved by that.”

She giggled. “I suppose that’s true, huh?”

“Yup. Sorry. Maybe you can find out for yourself.”

She looked at me, and then away. “Maybe. Might be fun, you know.”

“Jeez. So, are we going to do this?”

Her eyes came back to me, searching my face. “That’s mostly up to you, Sean.”

“It scares me, babe, and it makes me jealous. But it also made me so fucking horny; I don’t understand any of it.”

“I know. Me too, I just know it sounds… You know… exciting. We could always set some limits, like boundaries.”

“Pre-conditions? Limits to what we’d do? Or, more accurately, to what he could do?”

“Well, that; or we could have a deal that if anyone says stop, we stop. No hurt feelings, no repercussions...” she trailed off.

I thought about it. I liked that arrangement better, but… “Sounds good in theory, not so sure how it would work in practice.”

“We’ll never know unless we try.”

“I can see you really want this.” I hesitated, then mentally shrugged; my surging libido had more to do with the next words out of my mouth than my brain did. “Okay, go ahead and ask him.”

She looked aghast. “Ask him? Oh, no, I think it needs to feel spontaneous, don’t you?”

“But it’s not. How would you work that?”

Jeanie smiled. “Leave that up to me. I’ll figure out something.”

I know my wife well enough to realize that meant she was already working on an idea, so I let it go. We ate breakfast, and while Jeanie cleaned up and took a shower, Matt and I tackled the old deck, which took my mind off her suggestion. It was falling apart, so it didn’t take long to knock it down, more time to pile up the splitting, nail-filled lumber, saving smaller pieces for the fire.

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The new deck would be bigger, so we needed to measure and pour some new footings. By the time we got that done and some of the other materials positioned for the next day, the sun was low in the western sky and Jeanie had knocked off to go throw some dinner together. After dinner and a beer, and showers and another beer, we decided we were too tired to mess with a fire outside, and so lit a fire in the fireplace to keep the cold mountain night at bay and collapsed on the sofa.

Honestly, I was somewhat relieved; I thought maybe Jeanie was too tired to pursue her idea. Even though it had occupied my thoughts all day, and ultimately left me quite aroused, I was physically weary and emotionally wrung out.

Turned out, I was wrong.

It wasn’t long before Jeanie said, “Anyone want to watch a movie?”

We have no TV signal in the valley, and no cable internet or cellphone signal. One radio station, local crap only. We weren’t there enough to invest in satellite services or landline phones, so we made do with a CD player, a surround system, and a 55” LED TV with a Blue Ray DVD player – and several dozen movie and music discs. We also had playing cards and some board games, but nobody had the energy for the thought and effort required for those games.

We voted ‘yea’, and she set about selecting a movie. Matt went to refresh our adult beverages, while I remained lazy. I watched Jeanie. She’d donned another old T-shirt of mine after her shower, this one short, white, and worn thin enough to be almost transparent. Her nipples showed plainly, especially when erect, which they seemed to be a lot; in that shirt, you could even see their darker pink color and the outline of her areolas if you looked closely, and it barely covered her ass.

From the rear, her standing in front of the entertainment center, it didn’t look like she’d worn any panties at all, not even her thong. I whispered, “You wearing underbritches?”

She looked at me over her shoulder, smiled, and lifted the back of the shirt. She was full commando, and when she spread her legs and bent forward to flash me her sweet, juicy pussy I knew that it was game on.

Matt had worn the same pair of knit athletic shorts that Jeanie had so admired that morning, and when he came back with our beers I made it a point to look. She’d been right; they left little to the imagination, the thin fabric stretched taut over the thick length of his cock where it arched out and down over his heavy scrotum, and the corona ridge and his golf ball-sized head were clearly visible. If he was an inch longer – or his shorts an inch shorter – it would have left even less to the imagination, he was that close to hanging out.

I suppose I understood my wife’s inability to look away. Had it been an attractive woman comparably displayed, I’m sure I would have been just as compelled to check her out, and the display of Matt’s sex was unambiguous; he knew he was showing her his cock, and I couldn’t fault Jeanie for doing what nature demanded.

Matt resumed his position at the far end of the sofa, and when Jeanie returned, remote in hand, she plopped down between us, leaning into me with her feet tucked beneath her. The music, bad but vaguely familiar, came up before the picture. When the picture came it was two naked guys, each with a huge erection, bracketing a smaller woman as they removed the last of her clothes, touching and teasing her as they did. I realized that Jeanie had planned ahead and advanced the disc to the scene she wanted.

Matt swore. “Fuck! It’s not enough what you did to me last night, now we’re going to watch a porno? You’re just cruel.”

Jeanie laughed. “Oh, relax! I just like this scene. Once it plays, if you’re still not enjoying it, we can watch something else.”

Matt groaned but acquiesced, folding his hands strategically in his lap. Jeanie wasn’t lying, she did like this scene, in part because it wasn’t bad porno actors and horrible overacting, but seemed more like real people – and the woman, apparently the wife of one of the men, really enjoys herself! I suppose Jeanie’s appreciation of the situation, the threesome, should have clued me in to how she felt about it, but I’d never thought of it that way; I had no doubt that Matt would see the significance of her choice, however. She’d as much as just told him, after all.

In addition, the woman was built a lot like Jeanie and resembled her; even their hair color was the same. It was only now that I realized that Jeanie had groomed her pubes into the same narrow landing strip the woman in the video wore. She’d done it a while ago, but I hadn’t connected it to this since we hadn’t watched the video recently.

Soon, the woman onscreen was on hands and knees, one big cock in her mouth as the other guy lined up behind her, slapping her ass and teasing her pussy with his tumescent organ. Jeanie moaned and wriggled, rubbing her thighs together, and I knew she was dripping wet. I heard her moan as the man onscreen slowly entered the woman, who took his entire length into her wet pussy.

I was rock hard against her side, and she dropped that hand, her left, to me and began to stroke my cock. Matt was fighting a valiant battle trying to keep his cock from stretching right out of his shorts, but he was losing. He had the leg of the shorts pulled down as far as he could, trying to cover himself, but he’d still had to cup his hand over the head of his engorged cock to keep it from showing.

Jeanie was fully aware of his struggle, and took charge, turning to extend her legs and put her feet in his lap. She used one foot to push his protective hand away and the toes of the other to slide his pants leg back, freeing his cock to assume a more natural position. It sprang upright, thick and huge, and when Jeanie stroked his length with her toes I felt her shudder with arousal.

I was stunned, partly by her overt arousal and bold, unexpected action, but also by my own warring emotions. I was jealous, of course, but not just about Jeanie – I was also jealous of his big cock! Still, to be honest, I had to admit that I was aroused by both as well. The idea of what might be still to come and the sight of her slowly stroking his thick, veiny cock with her toes had me aching with arousal, my heart hammering in my chest.

I was wet-spotting my shorts with pre-cum when Matt said, “Uh, what’s going on, guys? Is this some new thing, something we’re going to do?”

I was still trying to formulate a response, taken off guard, when Jeanie replied, “We thought maybe it might be fun… you know, if you want to.”

His eyes went to his big, upright cock and then back to her. “I think the answer to that is fairly obvious.”

He was wrong; it was enormously obvious. He looked at me. “You onboard for this?”

“I think, maybe. It seems like an interesting, fun idea… exciting; we’ll have to see how it goes.” I’d hesitated, just slightly, but he’d heard it.

“You guys ever done anything like this before?”

Jeanie fielded that one. “No. It’s sort of an experiment for us – and if it’s no good, if anyone says stop, we stop, okay? No hurt feelings?”

He shrugged. “I can live with that.” He was talking to us, but his eyes kept wandering to Jeanie’s legs – and upward, to where they met. He was trying to be subtle and kept trying to look away, but his eyes always returned to the prize. It has to be difficult to stealth-gawk when you have two people looking right at you.

My wife finally laughed. “Matt, it’s okay to look – I know I am! You’re going to sprain your ocular muscles trying not to appear obvious; it’s hard to wear your eyes in a sling, you know.” Just to show him how okay it was to look, Jeanie spread her legs apart, granting him free rein. I’d begun playing with her breasts, squeezing them and teasing her hard nipples through the thin shirt. He stared, licked his lips, and I knew three things, maybe four.

First, I knew she’d be dripping, her beautiful pussy pink, wet, and puffy with arousal for his viewing pleasure; second, I knew her clit would be jutting, as it does when she’s aroused. She doesn’t have a freakishly large clit or anything, but it’s very sensitive and I think a bit bigger than average, almost an inch long at full arousal and looking for all the world like a tiny penis, foreskin retracted. The glistening pink head looks exactly like an HO-scale cock head, and is equally fond of attention, be it tongue or fingers.

The third thing I knew was that Jeanie had been right; there was no way she could have done this with a stranger. While not a shy or introverted person, she’s also ordinarily not much of an exhibitionist, but she showed no reluctance about spreading her legs and allowing Matt to ogle her aroused sex.

I realized that it was because she knew and trusted him – liked him, even – and that their regular sparring, filled with jokes and sexual innuendo, had been a long verbal foreplay leading up to this moment. It had given her the confidence to behave as she was, something she would never have felt comfortable enough to do with a stranger, or even a mere acquaintance. Choosing Matt as our partner gave her freedom to be as bold, even slutty, as she wanted, and his big cock was an added bonus.

The fourth thing, the one I was pretty sure of by the way he’d licked his lips, was that Matt was as eager to taste that wet pussy as I was. Luckily, Jeanie loves to be… ummm… tasted.

Spreading her legs for him had given her the proper angle to grip his cock between her feet, toes bent to the curve of his thick shaft, and now she was giving him a slow, sensual footjob. He was leaking precum as well, the clear slippery liquid shimmering in the light as it dribbled down his shaft and over her toes; glancing down, I saw that my own wet spot was expanding impressively.

When he reached out and began to run his fingers up her leg, first her calf and then her inner thigh, she moaned low in her throat and spread her legs further, and when his fingers found her sex she said, “Ohh, my god…”

To my surprise he didn’t stay long, didn’t try to bring her to orgasm, although I think he easily could have. Instead, he withdrew his hand, and I saw that his fingers glistened with her arousal and knew he’d entered her. He brought his hand to his face and slowly breathed in the sweet perfume of her arousal, and when he put them in his mouth and tasted her, sucking them clean, she whimpered and squirmed and I knew a touch would tip her over the edge.

His taste of my wife combined with her toes slowly stroking his cock was becoming too much for him. “Jeanie, babe, you’re about to make me come…” He groaned and shifted position slightly, and I knew he wasn’t kidding. So did Jeanie, and she flipped positions, head in his lap now, wrapped one hand as far around his big cock as it would reach, and drew him to her mouth.

As she stretched her lips over his fat, slippery cock head she cupped his heavy balls with her other, earning an “Ohh, fuck…” from him; from me, it earned a sharp pang of jealousy and an almost painfully powerful surge of arousal.

Still, with my wife in this position, on her knees and leaning forward, his cock in her mouth and her bare ass in the air in my direction, both of her openings winking at me and a shimmering drop of her natural lubrication dangling by a liquid thread from her rigid clit, I knew I had to be a part of this.

I leaned in and licked her, tasting her arousal and feeling the heat of her ready, willing pussy. When I diddled her hard nub with my tongue, she came hard. It was fast – even for her – and I knew that his thick hardness and taste in her mouth and the weight of his balls in her hand had played a major part in it.

It didn’t matter at that point; she’d had a considerable orgasm and I love her orgasms, maybe as much as she does! I couldn’t take any more, and I rose to my knees behind her and slid slow and deep into her well-lubed pussy. She came again in just seconds, Matt’s cock in her mouth undoubtedly having as much to do with it as mine in her pussy; it was too fast to be anything else!

That triggered him, and he groaned as he began to pump madly into her mouth. I leaned forward so I could watch Joanie take his load, his rock-hard cock jerking with each spurt, flexing and straining as he filled her mouth. Jeanie made a small “Mmm” sound with each new splash of his seed, and soon a large stream of gleaming white cum escaped her full mouth and ran from her lips and chin, down his shaft and over her fingers.

She backed off long enough to swallow, missing his next spurt, which went up her cheek, into her hair, and splashed onto my neck. She got back on him in time to catch the remainder of his load, continuing to suck and stroke him as he finished.

I’d survived that trauma without losing control, but now, knowing she’d swallowed his load and was still eagerly sucking and holding his huge cock, and that her lips would be hot and puffy, sexy and slippery, her breath redolent of cum, I lost it. I slammed deep into her and pulled her back by her hips, holding my cock as far inside of her as I could while I gushed. I came and came, my cock pulsing and throbbing, and she came yet again at the sensations, her pussy clutching and milking me through her orgasm.

It was a massive orgasm for me, one of the biggest I can recall, and as it began to ease, I realized that I’d curled my toes so tightly that my feet were cramping. I also felt a little faint, and I had sweat trickling down my back and into my ass crack.

I slipped out of her in a gush of cum, which ran down the inside of her thighs, and flopped down in my spot, trying to stretch and relax my toes. She continued to lick and suck Matt’s sensitive cock and balls, cleaning his spillage until he begged her to stop, then flopped down against my side, indifferent to the cum she was leaking on the sofa, and stretched up for a kiss. I probably should have been hesitant about kissing her, her lips cum-coated, but I wasn’t; I was reclaiming her as my own, and her puffy, slick lips and semen breath were sensual rather than disgusting.

Her tongue, when she pushed it into my mouth, tasted salty with a citrus tang, and knowing I was tasting the remnants of his huge load, most of which was in her belly, sent shocks of arousal to my groin. The sensations were so powerfully erotic that I surprised myself by deepening the kiss and sucking eagerly at her tongue.

She complied, giving me all I wanted, then broke the kiss and leaned down to lick and suck our combined fluids from my semi-hard cock. When she finished, she turned and kissed Matt; oddly, the kiss hurt, perhaps more than seeing her take his cock in her mouth and gulp his cum, but he took it, slick with my cum as I’d taken his. It felt almost like some strange, perverted bond had been formed and sealed with our cum, my horny, semen-filled wife the knot that tied us all together.

Written by Stormdog
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