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A Night With Elle - Part 2

"So now her is the 'Rest of The Story', well almost all of it!"

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Author's Notes

"Part 2. We have reduced the chapters by one so there are three, one more after this one. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Read, Share and ENJOY Maxx n Rachel"

Part 2 - What Next

I walked back into my office and pulled the bottle of whiskey from the bottom drawer of my desk. I moved to the couch and took a big swig from the bottle. I turned on the Braves baseball game. I wasn't interested in the game, just the noise, any distraction, something to clutter my mind. I watched two innings and drank a third of the bottle. It had been forty minutes since I heard the front door close.

I took another swig and walked through the door into the hall. I listened; there was an eerie silence. I walked through the house, taking a swig every now and then as I turned all the lights off. I moved down the hall toward our bedroom and saw the door was closed. It was always open, even at night, so it was odd that it was closed! I stepped to the door, turned the knob, and pushed it open. The room was dark, with only a small amount of light filtering in through the windows. I heard soft sobbing coming from inside. 

I stood there at the door in shock! I could barely see her, but my wife, Elle, lay on the bed. I walked in and turned on a small light on the table. Elle lay curled up in a ball, wrapped in the duvet, shaking. Her new dress and sexy lingerie were all lying in a pile on the floor. 

I said nothing. I took off my clothes as I walked over to the bed. I lifted the duvet and slipped into bed beside Elle. I looked at the clock on the bedside table at 7:29 pm. I marked that moment as the moment when I knew my wife loved me more than anything in the world.

I slipped in bed behind Elle. Her hot body was trembling. I pulled her against me, spooning with her. I kissed her neck, "Hi! I see you are here, so you canceled your date?" 

Elle rolled over and looked me in the eyes. Her face was a mess, with mascara streaks down her cheeks, and puffy eyes from crying. 

"No, Thomas, there was no date tonight, and there will never be a date. You are my husband, and I love you and only you! I need just you," Elle whispered, then kissed me softly.

I held her and whispered. "Elle, you are my date tonight and every night. But tonight, we must repeat last night's bonding to solidify our love for each other. Tomorrow we will deal with all this other mess."

"No, Thomas, I have to tell you now before we go any further!" Elle was adamant.

I looked at Elle, worried that there really had been an affair with Robert. I had no idea. I had lied to her about knowing about Palm Beach, accusing them, but it worked. I was sure Elle needed to tell me something about Palm Beach and more things that had happened since that trip. I wondered what was going on.

Elle sat up and covered herself with the duvet. She looked at me in the low light from the lamp. She swallowed hard and started her story.


“Thomas, as you know, several months ago I changed bridge partners to play in mixed doubles tournaments and earn more Emerald Masterpoints. But I never told you anything about my new partner. Well, my new partner is Robert Raymond. I know you really dislike Robert so I never told you he was my new partner because I felt you might forbid me from playing bridge with him. Robert is a great bridge player, and I wanted him as my new partner.”

I said nothing but sat up, being more serious, listening to her words and their meaning. Elle continued.

“Over the past months, we have played in local bridge club events and practiced learning each other's styles and to develop our team style. We felt we were good enough and had strong team chemistry to win, so we went to our first major tournament in Palm Beach. On our trip, Robert and I played excellent bridge, and as you know, we came in second. We were proud of second place since it was our first tournament. 

"As you would expect, Robert and I spent all our time together during the trip. We ate all our meals together, practiced, and just hung out. Our rooms were separate, and we never shared one or the other. We danced a few nights to break the competitive tension, but things went a little further than was appropriate. By the third night, Thomas, I missed you so much, and I was so horny that as I dressed, I made myself cum before we went to dinner that night! 

"Later, we went dancing and we both became extremely excited. We were really into each other. As the night progressed and the drinks flowed, suddenly we were all over each other. I could feel Robert's excitement as he pulled me tight against him, grinding on me. It made me even hornier. I almost couldn't stop, but Thomas, you, and only you, stopped me, so I stopped us. We did kiss, and Robert did feel my ass and breasts as we danced. I just couldn't stop him. I knew I had to leave before things went too far, so I told Robert I had to go.

"Walking out of the club back to the hotel Robert held my hand. Once we were back at the hotel, I realized Robert was leading me to his room. At the elevator, I stopped and kissed him on the cheek and stopped things right there, “Robert, we cannot do this, I am married, and I love my husband. I cannot cheat on him!

"Thomas, the next day we came home, and I returned to you, loving you even more and knowing my love for you was forever strong!

"Over the past three weeks, Robert and I had three bridge club sessions. Thomas, I lied to you when I told you there were four. The first two were our normal bridge games. Each night after the game, Robert and I went out for a drink, and I came home a little later than normal. I am ashamed to say that each of those nights we ended up making out in Robert's car. I never let him touch me under my clothes, but he did feel my breasts and ass.” 

Elle's story was making me very uneasy. I wondered if she had already given in and had cheated on me! 

“God, Thomas, I would get so hot I wanted to fuck Robert, but each night, my love for you kept me from going too far. Each night when I came home, I fucked you so hard, and we came together, reaffirming our love for each other. Though I will admit, I did fantasize about Robert on those nights.”

As Elle moved through her story, I believed what she told me. I remembered those nights and how sexually energized Elle had been, really fucking me until we both came hard and collapsed in each other's arms, declaring our love for each other.

“Thomas, the third night there was a bridge club party that I could have invited you to, but Robert asked me to go with him, so I did. I am sorry for lying to you and not taking you. That night we went to the party, then we left early to go dancing. The night was dangerous for me, for us. Robert had been weakening my defenses with his texts and emails over the last several days.

"That night Robert took me dancing at a small private club. It was very intimate so very quickly my resolve melted away. I am ashamed to admit it, but we looked like lovers dancing that night, kissing passionately, and our hands were everywhere. Once again, my love for you won out, and I came to my senses. I went to the ladies' room and called an Uber. I waited and snuck out before Robert could stop me and come home to you. That night Thomas, you remember we didn't sleep. We made love all night. It was so beautiful that I never wanted our passion to stop. 

"The fourth night was a week ago, when you and Roy went fishing in Savannah for two days. Robert invited me out that Saturday night. I knew it was wrong of me to go, but for some reason, I really wanted to go. That night I had decided was when I was ending things with Robert. 

"Thomas, my one concern was that you were away and would not be here for me when I came home. That worried me. I knew I needed to continue to be firm with Robert, making this the last night we would ever go out. I didn't think it was a problem. I knew I was strong enough to keep control so that nothing would happen. We were supposed to be going to dinner and dancing. I knew we had to be careful so none of our friends saw us, so maybe he was taking me back to the club we when to the week before. 

"Robert texted me Saturday morning that I needed to dress nicely, and he was picking me up at 4:00 pm. I thought it was a little early for a dinner date, but he told me he had a surprise. I spent the early afternoon getting ready. I soaked in a bubble bath and shaved my whole body, baring my pussy. I was so horny I fingered myself to two sweet orgasms taking the edge off. I dried and rubbed body oil all over me so that I smelled sweet and felt sexy. I picked out a sexy black lace shelf bra and matching lace thong. I added the black thigh-high, seamed, stocking with the little black bows you like. I picked the blue satin dress that I bought for the Christmas party. I put my makeup on and felt radiant and extremely sexy! 

"When I saw the black town car sitting outside, I was shocked. Once in the car, I told Robert about my concern about any of our friends seeing us. He assured me that where we were going, no one we knew would see us. I didn't understand why he was so sure until we drove to the private airport. Sitting there was a shiny black helicopter. I looked at him a gasped, ‘Robert, where are we going?’

"'It's a surprise, but we will have a wonderful time.’ Robert said as he took my hand, and we boarded the helicopter. As it turned out, we were on an hour's flight to Atlanta. You know Thomas, I had never done anything like this. It was like I was a Queen.

"I realized while we were in the helicopter that this was Robert's full press to seduce me. He had planned this trip with one objective, to get me in bed so that he could ravage my body all night. The realization was extremely exciting but also genuinely concerning. My body was pulling me in one direction while my mind was building a defense and pulling the other way. The sexual tension was extremely high when we pulled up to the helicopter. You could cut it with a knife. As things progressed in the helicopter, the animal magnetism was almost overwhelming.

"Thomas, I fought hard to ensure I didn't make a huge mistake with Robert and destroy us! But it was so hard, and gradually, I realized that every move he had planned was to break down my defenses, and it was all working. I was slowly losing control. 

"During the flight, I was like a kid on a carnival ride gawking out at the scenery. It was spectacular. I was overwhelmed at the moment. We drank Cristal Champagne, toasting a spectacular evening. If this were an evening preview, it would be special, just as Robert planned. It was all extremely exciting.  

"When we landed, a black stretch limo was waiting for us. Wow, I was impressed! There was more Cristal in the limo, and Robert started to make his move. It was not anything we had not done before, kissing, and he was feeling my breasts, sliding his hand along my stocking cover thigh but nothing more. I fought off his advances as best I could, without ruining the whole evening.”

As I listened to Elle, my heart was beating wildly, and my jealousy and anger were mounting. I continued to listen, and my cock began to harden, as my hidden fantasy of Elle with another man finally surfaced. It made me sick that that man could be Robert Raymond. The more I heard, the more I began to believe Elle was telling me the truth. I could see the concern on her face, worried about how I was taking in what she was telling me, as I stayed stoic, not responding in any way.

“I have to be honest, Thomas, I am a woman, and Robert's pampering was all for me. I was extremely excited and becoming more turned on by the minute. We road through the traffic, and Robert told me, ‘Elle, you are a beautiful, amazing woman, a good friend, a great attorney, and a great bridge partner. I feel like I am falling in love with you!’  

"I was shocked at Robert's confession, was put it mildly! How could I react to his words? What should I say? I looked into his eyes, they were full of love, lust, and aggression. That scared me because my reaction was wrong. I started to say, ‘I am married,” but what came out of my mouth was, 'I really like you too, Robert!’ Boy, that was the wrong thing to say, opening the door when I needed to slam it shut. 

"Then Robert leaned in and kissed me softly at first, but then he pressed forward, and soon we kissed passionately. I accepted his kiss. I didn't stop him. His hand closed on my breast and massaged it, rubbing my hard nipple with his palm. I was losing ground fast. Thank God the spell was broken when we arrived at the restaurant, or to be honest, I am not sure what would have happened.” 

As I listened to more of Elle's story, my cock was rock hard and pulsing in my hand. It was making a tent under the sheet. Elle looked down and saw my hand moving. She looked at me with a slight smile. “Thomas, are you jerking off to my story?” Elle’s hand slipped under the sheet, pushed my hand away, and closed her fingers around me, holding my cock in her warm palm, but not moving.

"We were sitting in front of New York Prime. The driver opened the door, and I stepped out. Robert followed with his hand on my ass. We walked in and were greeted by Manuel, the Maître d'.

"Robert had reserved a private dining room for a romantic dinner at this impressive five-star restaurant. We were having a marvelous dinner with more Cristal Champagne. I knew he was putting on the hard press now, and I was feeling the alcohol a little more than I wanted to. I felt his hand resting on my thigh, softly stroking it. Robert was starting to work his magic, and I was losing more control with every sensual touch of Robert's fingers. 

"I knew I needed to regroup, so I excused myself to the lady's room. As I walked, my pussy was on fire, leaking cream into my panties. I knew I had to regain my composure, or I would soon be on my back with Robert fucking me. Once inside, I had a strong talk with myself telling me, ‘Elle, you are a married woman; you should not be here, to begin with, so you must be strong, or your life will be destroyed.’ I stared at myself, taking a deep breath. 

"As I stood there rebuilding my courage, an older woman emerged from a stall. She fixed her makeup, and as she turned to leave, she gripped my arm and looked me in the eye. ‘If you love your husband, do not cheat on him. Go home and love him. I didn't do that, and it destroyed us both!’ She told me with a sad smile. It was like my Fairy Godmother was watching over me.

"Her words shocked me. I looked down at her, ‘Thank you, I needed that!’ I pulled her to me, hugged her, and made my resolve not to give in and come home to you.

"As I walked back to Robert, I knew it wasn't quite as simple as that. I just couldn't walk out and catch a cab and go home. I said to myself, ‘Elle, you love Thomas and don't want to do anything that could wreck your marriage or hurt the man you love. You have to be strong!’   

"I arrived back at the table. Robert politely stood as I sat down. As we looked at each other I was thinking about how I could get out of this situation. I was one hundred miles from home, with no way to return except with Robert. I was in trouble. The meal was excellent. I stopped drinking the Champagne and felt more in control by the time we finished.” 

I knew Elle loved me but had gotten herself into something she never really expected, but she was naive not to realize a man like Robert would come after her as a male challenge. I was proud of how she was holding up. 

“Thomas, we left the restaurant and walked through Buckhead to the Sanctuary Nightclub for dancing. It was a Latin dance club, so sultry Latin dances were the thing of the night. We danced and drank, and as the evening went on, Robert became more aggressive and flirtier. He wanted me, but I fought hard despite losing the small battles.  

"From the minute we walked into the club, there was sexual tension everywhere. I knew I had never experienced an atmosphere like this. The music was pounding, couples were dancing seductively, almost fucking on the dance floor. God, it was so erotic my body started to tingle all over. Robert had not touched me except by holding my hand and pulling me through the crowd to the back of the club. There was a VIP section, and Robert had reserved a table there. We sat at a table in a raised area overlooking the dance floor. A bucket of iced and a bottle of Cristal arrived and was poured by a stunning, young, sexy Latino woman. Robert couldn't take his eyes off her.

"As I watched couples dance, I saw them grinding on each other. It was like they were making love on the dance floor. I knew there would be serious fucking in their beds tonight. That thought scared me because that is how Robert wanted to dance with me.

"But before I could get my head straight, Robert pulled me out of my seat and onto the dance floor. A slow song was playing, so Robert pulled me tight to him, and suddenly, we meshed together, legs between legs, grinding on each other. I loved the beat of the music, our body friction, and quickly we were dancing just like the other couples, destined to end up the same way, with me on my back and Robert pounding my pussy!

"Thomas, you know how I love a slow dance, feeling our bodies rubbing together. Well, there I was, caught up in that same feeling, but with Robert, not you. My eyes closed, and for a while, I felt like I was in your arms, rubbing against you, but as things progressed, I knew it wasn't you; it was Robert! I tried holding him off but was scared I would not be strong tonight."

Elle's words concerned me. I was getting extremely nervous as I listened to more of her story. She was putting up a good fight, but I was worried she would lose out on Robert's advances. My heart was beating faster, and I could feel my pulse in my cockhead as Elle held my cock tight in her hand. 

“Thomas, as we danced and our bodies rubbed together, I became very turned on. My body started quivering. I knew Robert could feel it. My pussy was wet, leaking cream that ran down my thighs. My scent was rising and filled my head. I was sure Robert could smell me too. My hot pussy was pressed hard against his thigh, as his hard cock was pressed against me in just the right spot. Jesus, Thomas, this was only our first dance. I knew I was in trouble, but what could I do?

"The next dance was a Salsa. We danced through it as I was fighting the lust that was overtaking me. My body was tingling when the dance ended, and we walked back to the table. I was so turned on that I knew I had to take a break from Robert! I quickly excused myself and ran off to the lady's room.

"I went into a stall and tried to gather myself. I knew I needed relief not just from Robert, but I needed to cum. I pulled up my skirt and pushed my panties down to my ankles. I sat on the toilet and played with my pussy pushing two fingers inside me, fucking myself until I came hard. I bit on my other hand to muffle my scream. I was so turned on I couldn't stop so I fingered myself faster until I was cumming hard again, letting out a loud groan. I collapsed back with my eyes closed, breathing hard. I tried to come back down by slowing my breathing. As I recovered, a shaky voice in the next booth cooed, 'Oh My, God Damn Girl, that was so fucking hot. Do you need any help over there? I can finish you off again if you'd like.'

"I was shocked, my God, someone heard me! I had cum twice but was still very turned on. The woman's comments didn't help. I flushed with embarrassment. Jesus, the offer was tempting, but I said nothing. I dried my pussy and pulled my panties up in place. I stood, straightened my clothes, and quickly left. I didn't wash my hand; I might need to use my fingers again later. 

"As I walked up to the table, Robert quickly pulled me back onto the dance floor, and we danced through several songs, grinding on each other. Thank God, I had just cum, or I would have cum rubbing on his thigh. My relief made dancing with Robert tolerable, but I still rode Robert's thigh on the edge of cumming again.

"We danced, drank, kissed, and clung to each other like lovers, to anyone who saw us. I knew I had to be careful, or Robert would win his challenge, and we would be fucking soon. 

"As it was, I tried hard to make Robert understand that I was NOT his lover for the night or any night, by building my resolve for me not to be! I could not allow that to happen, or I would destroy me, you Thomas, and our marriage!

"The night moved along quickly. I drank less, we danced, kissed, and rubbed on each other. It was near midnight, and I was extremely nervous about what was coming next. I looked at Robert, his eyes were on fire. I knew what Robert had in mind, he wanted, my pussy. Robert thought it was his, but it wasn't, and I knew I could never give it to him.   

"After we sat listening to songs, watching other couples, and drinking Cristal, I went to the restroom again to take a breather. When I returned to the table, I took the lead and pulled Robert onto the dance floor. He pulled me tight to him, and I could feel his hard cock pressing against my belly. God, I was so horny I could have dropped to the floor in front of all those people and sucked Robert's cock until he filled my mouth with his hot cum! But NO, I boned up and whispered, 'Robert, I have had a wonderful time, but this has to be the last dance. I have to go home tonight!' 

"Robert looked at me, ‘Elle, tomorrow morning, we go home, tonight is for us together that we have wanted all along!’

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"’No, Robert, I am married, and the man I love and want, is in Savannah right now, sleeping in a tent after a day of fishing. You have to take me home!’ I stated firmly, pulling back away from him.  

"I looked Robert in the eye, 'Tonight was supposed to be dinner with dancing in Macon, not Atlanta. This has been a wonderful adventure and I thank you for tonight, but we will not be going to bed together tonight or ever!’

"Robert pulled me hard against him, and I felt his hard cock, suddenly go soft as he clearly understood what I had said. Robert kissed me hard and pushed his tongue into my mouth. Taking one last hard press, trying to break me down.”  

I looked at Elle, wondering where this was going. Did Elle really feel about Robert as she described, and what about me? I was doubtful that things were as Elle had described them, it had to be more complicated than that, but I continued to listen. 

“Thomas, the look on Robert's face changed as he gave me his one last kiss. I took his hand and pulled him to the table. We paid the bill, and I led Robert out of the club. The limo was waiting outside. We got in, and Robert looked at me, wounded by my rejection. I looked back at him, and my lust began to surface again. I felt badly that Robert had gone to all this effort, spent a lot of good money, and given me an unbelievable night to remember, but in the end, he was getting nothing from me. So, I decided to give Robert something in return for a wonderful night. 

"I leaned over and pulled Robert to me. We kissed and he held me tight. His hands started to wander so I let them move to my breasts, caressing, and rubbing my hard nipples. I quickly became very turned on again, but I had thought of a solution. Our kiss broke, and Robert looked at me with his hands cupping my breasts, and his fingers pinching my hard nipples. 

"I gasped, ‘Jesus, Robert, you are killing me, but I am married, so we can't make love or be more physical together. I can't do that to Thomas!’

"Robert smiled and dropped a hand to my thigh. He slowly slipped it up over my stocking-covered thigh and under my skirt. His fingers were only inches below my panty-covered pussy. I was so wet my panties were soaked. Then, oh God, Thomas, Robert's fingers touched my wet panties.  

"I pushed him away and slid back across the seat. 'Oh Robert, Jesus, you must stop! I just can't cheat on my husband!' There was a touch of ire in my voice.

"Robert didn't stop but moved closer, pinning me against the side wall. His fingers slid up my leg again, and under my panties leg. I could feel his finger rub across my wet mound. Robert moved his finger around teasing me, then he hooked his fingers in the gusset, and pulled down hard. I moaned loudly and looked at him, chewing my lips. God Thomas, half of me wanted him to stop and take me home but the other half of me wanted him to strip me naked and fuck me so hard that I screamed as he made me cum repeatedly. Then I wanted Robert to fill my pussy with his cum.” 

I was shocked at Elle's description of her desire for Robert at that moment. It disturbed me greatly. 

“I gritted my teeth, not knowing what was next. My body started to shiver. Robert pulled harder so my hips raised, letting my panties slip over my hips and thighs to my ankles, then off into his hand. Robert smiled, held the wet panty ball to his face, and inhaled deeply. ‘Oh My God, Elle, your essence is so sweet, almost intoxicating!’ Then Robert opened my panties and licked the gusset, tasting my cream for the first time. ‘Elle, I love your taste, I need to taste more of you!’ 

"Thomas, my body betrayed me, and I moaned as I watched him do such an erotic thing. My pussy was on fire. I was losing the war now and had no reinforcements.” 

Jesus, as I listened to Elle, I was shocked. This was unbelievable. My stomach churned, and I felt like I was going to vomit. I thought I knew where things were going but didn't know if I wanted to hear what happened next. I was also shocked that my cock was so hard it hurt. I needed to cum so badly. Elle looked at me, and slowly began to stroke my hard cock. I moaned! 

"Are you OK, Thomas?" Elle asked with real concern in her voice.

“I think so Elle, but this story is taking turns that I do not like, and I am not sure I want to hear what comes next. From how things are going with you and Robert, the next part will greatly impact how things stand with us. I am genuinely concerned about what happens from here on!" I stated, sincerely worried about what came next. 

“Thomas, I need to finish the story so you will understand everything. I hope I am not hurting you too badly, but everything I am telling you is the truth and how it all happened. You know I could never lie to you. I love you too much to do that! So please let me finish? Elle begged.

I lay back and pushed the sheet down so my body and Elle's were completely visible. She looked beautiful in her short see-through gown. Elle's hand slowly stroked my hard cock releasing precum in large bubbles that coated my head and lubed my shaft.

“Go ahead Elle,” I surrendered to my perverted curiosity and desire to know everything, even as bad as it would be!

“Thomas, as I watched Robert licking my panties, my pussy started to pulse. God, I was so close to cumming without even being touched. I did need to cum badly, but I knew that I could not let Robert get me off, or he would fuck me, and I would be lost, and we would be over. I knew that if we did not fuck, I still had a chance to save our marriage, but if we did, you would never forgive me.

"Robert's fingers were on my bare pussy. I looked at him, gripped his wrist, and pushed his hand away, closing my legs tightly together. God, Thomas, it was so hard for me to do that, but I knew if his finger entered me, we would be fucking in seconds, and again Thomas, I could not let that happen. 

"Robert, I am so sorry. You have done all this, expecting us to go to bed together. I have had a wonderful time, but we cannot fuck! If I let you touch me like you want to, we will be fucking, and I cannot allow that, No Way, that cannot happen. We cannot have any sex where we touch one other and make each other cum. 

"The look on Robert's face was one of great disappointment. He was defeated. He knew that I was yours, Thomas, and I was sure that some part of what Robert was doing was to get over on you by taking me away from you. It was that realization that built my resolve. I was never going to be his prize and your cheating wife. 

"But I felt that I should do something to relieve the pressure we were both feeling, and that would give Robert a memory and nothing more. I decided that mutual masturbation was the answer. It was a wicked thing to do, but it was the lesser of the evils that could happen. I knew you would be terribly angry about all that had happened, but this might be easier for you to accept, and I would not have physical sex with Robert!

"I told Rober, 'Robert, I want to give you something more to remember this night. We will do mutual masturbation together. There will be no touching or kissing, and once we finish, you and I will be done forever. I will finger fuck my pussy, while you jerk off your cock. We will watch each other build our pleasure. Then we will cum together. That is as good as it can get for you tonight!’” 

What Elle had suggested shocked me, but I realized that she had figured out the only way to escape any further aggressive moves from Robert. So, I listened as Elle continued.

"Thomas, there was a look of sadness on Robert's face. He looked dejected and lost at that moment. His dream night was not happening. Though we had, had a great date, he knew now there was no way we were going to fuck! He also finally realized that there was no way I would ever leave you for him, which also crushed him.

"We were near the airport, so I straightened my dress. 'Robert, keep my panties as a souvenir of tonight. They are something of mine you could take home and enjoy in privacy!' It was the least I could do for him.

"Once we arrived at the airport we boarded the helicopter, ready for takeoff. So, I set the rules for our game. 'Robert, there are rules: We will both get naked, No touching, No kissing, No SEX! We will masturbate for each other. Robert, I will allow you to cum on my belly and pussy, but nowhere else. Do you agree?' 

"Robert was halfway out of his clothes by the time I finished laying out the rules. I followed and stripped naked. Robert gasped as my bra came off, and with no panties, he saw I was shaved bare. His eyes roamed me, looking over my hot sexy body. I saw his straight cock was rock hard, pointing to the sky. He had a nice cock, but not as nice as yours. I love your cock, Thomas, so much more than Roberts. Your cock is more beautiful, longer, thicker, and fills my pussy perfectly. I love your cock, Thomas. Jesus, I love all of you and only you. Please believe me!!” 

My cock was pulsing in Elle's warm hand as she stroked me faster. She looked deep into my eyes, wondering. I could see the love in her eyes, mixed with fear and concern. I was worried I had lost her, but she was fighting, so that didn't happen. 

“Thomas, I was extremely nervous as I settled on the seat facing backward, and Robert was on the opposite side. We had an hour to play before we landed or longer if Robert wanted more time and had the pilot fly around. I didn't want that. I wanted this to be over.

"I spread my legs and rubbed my hands all over my naked body. I was so hot and turned on, I didn't know how to avoid fucking Robert, but I knew I just couldn't. 

"Robert's eyes were following my every move. I played with my breasts and wet my nipples pinching and stretching them, making me shudder and moan. My own hands were making me feel amazing.  

"Robert was slowly stroking his cock. He felt extremely hard, and pre-cum bubbled out, rolling down his shaft. He watched me as my fingers slipped down between my legs, teasing my clit, and curled up inside me, finding my G-spot. I finger fucked myself hard and fast, needing to cum badly. I started moaning as I pushed deep into my pussy, over and over. It was an incredible feeling of power I felt coursing through my body. I knew I would cum very soon. 

"As Robert watched me, he stroked his cock faster and faster. I knew he was going to cum too. So, I started to finger myself faster while strumming my clit, wanting us to cum together."

"‘Robert baby, cum for me. I want to cum with you. Come here and cum on my belly and pussy. I laid back, offering myself to him.

"The look on his face was fully submissive. Robert quickly dropped to his knees between my legs. He was so close I feared he would lose control and fuck me. I looked him in the eyes. I was chewing my lips. 'No touching Robert, please just cum on me baby, cum hard, spray your cum all over my pussy!' I teased him, trying to end this. 

"I sat up and pulled my legs up with my feet on the seat. I fingered myself, slamming my fingers deep inside and slapping my palm against my clit, while I pinched my nipples, edging close to cumming as hard as I could remember.  

"‘Oh God… cum for me, Robert baby, cum on me NOW… give me your big cum load now. I want to cum with you.’

"Robert's hand was flashing up and down his cock, and he was moaning. I could see his balls tighten, and he groaned loudly; suddenly, he was shooting rope after rope of his hot cum, painting my belly and my bare mound with cum. It felt so hot as his creamy cum was running over my pussy. I had never done this before, so when I came seconds later, my orgasm was so powerful that I squirted on Robert. We both finished and looked at each other, breathing hard, and started laughing. We were a mess with cum all over us.   

"I leaned forward and kissed Robert softly for the last time. We sat back and cleaned ourselves with some handi-wipes. We sat naked looking at each other, basking in our mutual afterglow, both of us knowing this would never happen again.

"A little while later, the pilot announced we were landing, so we quickly dressed.

"Once we landed, Robert brought me home. We did not kiss or even touch each other. Then he left, agreeing we would talk about playing bridge together, but that was it!”

Elle sat back and looked at me. 

"Thomas, I know I was a very bad wife, and I probably don't deserve to be your wife any longer. I know I put myself in a terrible position, but then I did everything possible not to fuck Robert. I succeeded in preventing that, but what I did was terrible, and I am so ashamed. I love you, Thomas, and only you. I have decided I will have nothing more to do with Robert outside of my legal business, no bridge, no lunches, or anything unless you are with me! Please forgive me. I will find some way to make it up to you if you allow me to.”

I had listened to Elle’s full story. I was unhappy with what I had heard, Elle had lied to me and had not told me the whole truth earlier, but now she had confessed to everything. I realized that Elle was a smart woman. She had done what she had to do to defuse that night. I knew I loved Elle even though she had cheated on me many times in her head and with some of what Elle had actually done. She needs to understand that fucking is not the only way to cheat. We will have to work hard together to get through this mess, and we are strong enough to do that. 

Elle looked at me, begging for a response. I sat for a minute, letting her stew in her mess, then spoke.

"OK, Elle, I will accept your story so far. I can partially forgive you for that mess you got yourself into. I want to know what has happened since the Atlanta night trip. That was a week ago? What was today all about, shopping and going out with Robert tonight?" 

Elle looked away and took a deep breath. 

“Thomas, nothing has happened since Atlanta. I had not seen or talked to Robert until Tuesday when he called and told me he wanted to see me. I told Robert clearly that we could never do what we did on the Atlanta trip or anything else. We could only be friends, possibly bridge partners and continue the closing business as usual.

"Robert told me he understood and had a business proposition for me. He said we needed to go out that night and work out the details. I thought he was playing me, so I declined.  

"Then, this morning, he showed up with a thick envelope at my office. He just walked right in, interrupting a call I was on, and handed it to me. He was very direct and stated, ‘Elle, I need you in this deal. Please read this over and meet me at the mall food court for lunch. You will understand why when you read what is in the envelope.’ Then he just turned and left.

"Thomas... Robert confused me. I had no idea what was going on. I closed my door and opened the envelope. The first document was a contract between Raymond Corp. and my law firm for us to be his exclusive closing attorney. The next document was a letter attached to a second agreement. The letter explained that Robert was offering me a partner position in a big housing development company he had put together. I was shocked. We had never discussed this or anything like it or the other agreement. I thought Robert was working another angle, trying to take me from you again. It really pissed me off!  

"I know he is your biggest competitor, and you dislike him even more now. I wasn't sure what you would think of these deals. It looked like both deals were big opportunities and would require me to spend considerable time with him. I knew that was what he wanted, so he could wear me down. Financially they both looked very lucrative, but if you did not agree with either, I would not do them."  

"I decided to meet Robert for lunch, hear his proposal, and make it clear that I would never sleep with him regardless of our business deal. Then I would come home, tell you all about it and you and I would discuss it and decide together what I should do.  

"Thomas, I met Robert at the food court. We had a sandwich, and he explained both deals. He told me I could do one or both; it was my choice. 'Elle, you know that I like you very, very much. I also know you are devoted to Thomas. I want to apologize to you for the whole Atlanta trip. It was wrong of me to try to seduce you like that. It was so wrong trapping you into doing what we did on the helicopter. It was very wrong. I know we both enjoyed it, but it should never have happened and will never happen again. I cherish your friendship and our business arrangement. I don't want to do anything to hurt you, our relationship, or Thomas and your marriage. I truly apologize.'

"These two business proposals I am making to you are something I think you and Johnny can live with. I know we are competitors, but that should not stop our arrangements. As for you, being my exclusive closing attorney is just good business, and we can do that with no problem. Your company will close every deal we sell from now on. That is a considerable number of weekly closings, and it may force you to hire another attorney or two. 

"The development deal is a little more complicated. There are me and two other investment partners. You would be the fourth partner. They had a 30% share between them, and you and I have the rest. You will have a 25% share, and I will have a 45% share. We are all putting up financial equity, but you would not be required to make any capital investment, just sweat equity. You would close all the sales at your normal rates but receive no cash payments for those services until your equity position has been earned. All the details are in the agreement. You will be a fully vested partner from day one. Once your partnership value has been earned, you will receive your normal closing fees for all future sales. There are many more details in the full agreement that you, Thomas, and your attorney should review and agree with. 

"Thomas, these are great opportunities, and I hope you will agree to them. I told Robert that first I had to discuss it with you before anything could happen. I also needed to meet the other partners to see if I was comfortable working with them.

"Robert pulled out his phone and made a couple of calls. He set up a dinner meeting with the two partners for tonight. Then Robert said, ‘Elle, I want you to look radiant tonight, so let's go shopping. I need to buy you a dress.’ So, we went shopping, and Robert bought me the complete outfit lying on the floor.”  

"Thomas, I realize now I handled this all wrong with you. I told you I was going on a DATE, which was incorrect. It was just a dinner meeting with the investors. I never expected that you would react like you did. But now I understand that the word ‘date’ is toxic and meant something different than I meant it to. I should have never said that. I also reacted badly to your reaction and got mad at you, so I just clammed up, and that made you even madder. I was way too illusive and not acting normally, add to that my being absent all day and not responding to your calls and texts. Then you learned that Robert was my new bridge partner, and we had been in Palm Beach together. You just put all the wrong pieces together, pieces I had fed you unknowingly.”

Elle stopped and looked at me. My cock was wilting now, so she let it free from her fingers. I was watching her. I saw no odd movements or gestures, so I believed her. 

“Thomas, things got crazy, and I understand now that I made it seem like I was stepping out on you when I wasn't. I just wanted to meet these men and decide whether I wanted to do business with them before I told you about it. I knew you would not like me doing anything with Robert. That is why I had not told you he was my bridge partner. When you reacted like you did, accusing me of having an affair, I was shocked, and you pissed me off. I was hurt that you would even think I could do that. I have never given you any reason to think that I would cheat. I realized I did not handle any of this the right way. I also realized that what Robert and I had done in the past five weeks was all wrong and that somehow you had found out about some or all of it, and that was what had you so mad. I know I should have told you about Robert before tonight's dinner. Then none of this would have ever happened. I also know what I did with Robert since he became my new partner was so wrong, and I hate myself for it. Thomas, I hope that you do not hate me.”

Elle finished. 

I had heard all of it. I was disgusted by all of it. I hated every word I had heard, so now it was my turn to level the field and tell Elle what I felt about her escapades. 


 Part 3 - Final Coming Soon

 Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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