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A Night With Elle - Part 4

"Revenge, redemption, and true love will always win in the end!"

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Author's Notes

"This is the Final Chapter. We hope you like the ending. We think it serves the body of the story well. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Read, Share, and ENJOY. Maxx and Rachel"

Morning came too soon. The sun was beginning to rise. I looked over and saw Elle sleeping soundly. The sheet partially covered her naked body. She looked peaceful but also extremely hot. I was tempted to wake her and ravage her body. But I didn’t. I needed more sleep myself after last night. I rolled over and slipped back off to sleep.

A few hours passed, and I suddenly felt like I had to pee. I reached down to my cock and found a mop of soft hair on the bobbing head of my sweet wife. Elle was in the middle of giving me one of her signature morning blow jobs. One that makes my toes curl and my balls ache when I finally unload my overnight storage of cum, that Elle wants to swallow so badly. 

I lay back, surrendering to her. I gripped the headboard and started to fuck up into her mouth, matching her bobbing, pushing my hard cock deep into her throat. Elle sucked me until I was moaning, making familiar sounds so she knew I was edging closer to cumming.

I wanted to fuck her, so I quickly pushed Elle on her back and moved between her legs. My mouth covered her pussy, and I devoured her sweet cunt, driving her into a frenzy. Elle moaned loudly, “Oh God, baby, I am going to cum so hard.” She gripped my head, holding my mouth on her, and ground her pussy against my mouth. My tongue fucked into her, finding her spot, and scraped across it, making Elle explode.

“OH GOD, I’M CUUUUMMMMIIINNNGGG!” She gasped and gulped air as her body shook through her massive orgasm. I held her and moved up between her legs. I spread them wide and eased my hard cock into her pulsing pussy.   

I began to pound into Elle with long, deep strokes. Our bodies came together, making loud slapping sounds over and over as my cock laid a mile of pipe in Elle’s cunt. After a hundred hard fast strokes, my balls began to rumble and, without further warning, seized up and exploded, shooting hot cum out as they emptied, filling my beautiful wife’s pussy with my full load. 

Elle wrapped her legs and arms around me like a cocoon and held me tight as her shaking body calmed and her pulsing pussy milked the last drops of cum from me.  

We collapsed, breathing hard and cuddling. We looked at each other and, at the same time, professed, “I love you!”

Our day started beautifully. Now, it was time to get on with the plan.


It was Saturday, three weeks after we launched the doomsday project against Robert Raymond. Things were moving right along. The closing on the primary tract of land was on Wednesday, and we received zoning approval for the initial single-family home phase of the project. 

We had gathered all the funding for an all-cash purchase of $1,138,000, to be paid at closing in Atlanta, away from Robert’s eyes. This was all in the plan, and it was working perfectly.

In real estate, it is complicated to hide ownership legally, but Davis had been very crafty, so there was no way Robert knew we had bought the land. The purchaser was listed as FRR Limited, a Belize company with ownership completely hidden from the public.  

The closing agent was a law firm that previously handled discreet transactions for us. We own two large properties in Costa Rica and Belize as investments. Elle does not know about them. One is Villas Beach Resort, on the western coast of Costa Rica. We have two partners, and a full ownership buyout agreement will be executed in two years, giving us full ownership. 

Elle and I went there on vacation over a year ago, and I found out it was for sale. I optioned the purchase as soon as I could arrange it. We closed on it eight months ago. Elle has no idea that we are the owners of this resort. Nothing has changed except that now Davis is the President and General Manager.

The other property is an apartment complex in Belize City, also co-owned. Our ownership of this property will be transferred to our other partners on the same day they transfer ownership of the Costa Rica property to FRR Limited.

Once the closing on the Costa Rica Resort and the title transfer of the Belize apartments are completed, the two silent partners will have completed their business together and will fade into obscurity.

But today, they are assisting in masking us while purchasing this large tract of land using their agent. It will make it impossible for discovery by Robert.


The past three weeks have not been easy for Robert. He was shocked to find out that an offshore company had purchased the land he planned to build on. His whole idea of bringing Elle into his fold was destroyed. He was crushed and called Elle, asking her to dinner.

Elle asked me, and I sent her on a mission to dig into Robert, leading him on, teasing him so he would tell her everything.


Robert picked me up in his SUV, no limo this time. He took me to Luigi's. I noticed Robert looked disturbed.

Once we were seated, I asked, “Robert, is something wrong?”

“Elle, something has gone terribly wrong. An investment company from Belize has purchased the development land out from under me. I thought I had it solid, but they paid a premium price, and the owner made the deal without telling me. I am so screwed.”

“What is the big deal? There is more land around. Can’t you buy another property?” I asked as I led Robert along.

“Yes, I suppose we can, but it will take a long time to find the right land tract and get the zoning set. That timeline creates another bigger problem. The $300,000 the investors paid me. I will have to return it.” Robert paused.

“Well, that seems simple enough. You can return it to them. You still have it, don’t you?” I asked, digging deeper.

Robert paused again, and his expression changed. “Well, no, not actually, not all of it. I used some of the money to pay my outstanding bills. I am very cash pour right now. Business has not been so good lately. Your husband’s agents are beating our agents out on many listings. So having to return that money might be a problem.”

I smiled inside, knowing that was going to be a big problem. I also knew that as soon as I told Tommy about this, he would find a way to inform the investors, and they would immediately ask for their money back. That would not be good for Robert.

We tabled the discussion and had a nice dinner. Then, as we shared a Bananas Foster dessert, Robert looked at me and, in a sheepish voice, asked, “Elle, I hate to ask you this, but you may be the only person I know that can do this for me. As a potential partner in the development project, could you make a cash investment? I know that was not the deal, but I really need that now.”

I was shocked that Robert had the balls to ask me for money. Tommy was right; Robert is a true slimeball.

I looked at Robert. He was already a beaten man, and we had only just started. This development failure was the first of many that would most likely end Robert's business in Macon. The last nail will be when Tommy bails out Robert, taking his business away. That will be the same day I tell Robert what I really think of him. On that day, Robert will be a totally defeated man!

“Robert, how big of an investment are we talking about?” I asked with a serious tone. “That was not the deal you offered me.”

“Oh God, Elle, I know it wasn’t, and I feel terrible about asking you, but I need $200,000 right away to be able to repay the investors, and I have nowhere to get it,” Robert confessed.

“Oh my God, Robert. You spent all that money already. How were you buying the property then?”

“Elle, I thought I had an agreement with the seller to take payments over two years as we developed the property, so I didn’t need all the money, only $100,000 to close the sale,” Robert confessed to his scheme.

“Robert, are you telling me that you planned to use $200,000 from the investors from the beginning without disclosing that to them or me? That is a fraud, Robert. You could go to jail for that. Now, you want me to bail you out. I don’t think I can get involved with you if there is fraud. Sorry, as an attorney, I cannot be a party to anything like this.” The scowled look on my face sent the message, but my refusal hit him hard.   

“But Elle, if you invest the money, I will have the investor's money to return to them. Then we can find another property, and there would be no fraud.”

I sat back and looked at a desperate Robert Raymond. He was trying anything he could to keep the deal going while committing criminal fraud at the same time. The end of Robert Ramond was drawing near.

“Robert, you understand that I have to think about your request and talk it over with Thomas before I do anything.” We finished dinner, and I asked Robert to take me home.

He knew I was miffed at him, so we didn’t talk the whole drive home. I thanked Robert for dinner, and I went inside without another word.


Elle arrived home earlier than I expected. I thought Robert would try to work his magic on Elle again, but something must have happened.

“Hey babe, why are you home so early?” I teased. “I figured Robert would be wooing you again.”

Elle stood miffed at my statement. The night must have not gone well.

“Ok, tell me what happened.”

“We went to Luigi’s and had a nice dinner, but Robert was very upset that a foreign investor had bought the land tract out from under him. Even worse, the two investors had put up $300,000 to purchase the land. So, with the deal falling through, Robert needs to return the money to the investors.” Elle explained and paused.

“Ok, so what is the problem?”

“Well, Tommy, Robert has spent two-thirds of the money and doesn’t have the money to repay the investors.” Elle smiled, knowing I would love to hear about this development.

“What? Robert spent the money on what?”

“Tommy, Robert paid his outstanding bills with the money and has no source to get $200,000 to repay the investors. Robert has committed criminal fraud by using the money for anything other than the land purchase. He has really fucked up.”

I sat thinking as a wide smile shown on my face. I had his ass now and was never letting him go!

“Tommy, then Robert had the balls to ask me to invest the $200,000 he needs in the project even though it was dead. He said I was his only chance to get the money.” 

I laughed. Robert was finished, cooked, and served up on a platter, and he had done it all to himself.

“What did you tell him, Elle?”

“I told him he had perpetrated a fraud, and I could not be part of any criminal activity, and before I answered, I had to talk to you. Maybe you had an idea for him.” Elle smiled. “I knew you would love to hear this.”

“OK, baby, we need to think about this. This black cloud may have a silver lining for Robert and a gold star for us. Maybe we can find a way to bail him out and gain his two investor construction partners from him. That will kill any chance he can pull any deal together. I like this. It is working out even better than I had hoped.” 

I went to the kitchen and poured us both a shot of tequila. I brought them in and handed one to Elle. “Baby, you have done it. You have brought Robert Raymond to his knees, and we are about to bury him alive.”

I held my shot glass to Elle, and we clinked them together and shot them back.  

I pulled Elle to me, passionately kissed her hard, and pulled her toward the bedroom.

It was time for forgiveness and Elle’s second lesson in submission.


Tommy was so happy at what Robert had done that we celebrated. He kissed me with passion and pulled me to the bedroom. I was excited that he wanted to make love to me.

I had shown Tommy my loyalty and love. I thought things might have cleared up between us. I felt Tommy’s love for me was obvious, but I worried his trust issues remained entrenched in his head.

As we got to the bedroom and saw the bed, I was not completely sure of anything. I was suddenly concerned again. It was clear Tommy had more punishment planned for me tonight.  On the bed were straps attached to the four posts of the bed. A paddle, a riding crop, and toys were lying on the bed. Two of the toys were mine, and there was a large black dildo, two butt plugs, and an odd pink egg with a tail. Beside the toys was lying a set of sexy black lingerie.

Thomas held my hand tightly as I looked at the restraints and toys. My body started to shake as excitement and fear overtook me. Thomas squeezed my hand tighter. I looked at Thomas, but he was looking straight ahead. I was afraid to ask him what he had planned. I thought better, knowing I would find out soon enough.

Thomas led me beside the bed. “Elle, take off your clothes and lie down, please.”

I looked at Thomas. His total demeanor had changed. I thought the news I just brought him would make him happy, but it must not have. I was very confused.  

I quickly took off all my clothes. Thomas stood there, not looking at me as I finished and crawled onto the bed. I lay there flat, waiting for what I was unsure of, but I knew I would not like it.   

“Elle. raise your hips, please.” Thomas instructed.

I looked back and saw Thomas holding something that looked like a wedge of some sort. I raised my hips, pushing my ass high. Thomas slipped the wedge under me.

“You can relax now,” Thomas said.

Like I really could relax knowing he was about to strap me to the bed and do whatever to me.

I lay there as Thomas strapped my hands and feet to the bed, making me immobile.

“Close your eyes, Elle,” Thomas instructed.

Suddenly, a blindfold slipped over my eyes, and I could see nothing but black.

“Thomas, what are you doing? Why are you doing all this to me?”

He said nothing.

Then I heard a swishing noise pass by my head. Oh God, Thomas had the riding crop I saw. Fuck, he was going to whip me.

Then, it was silent, and things became creepy. Fear started to rise in me. What was Thomas going to do to me?


I left the room, leaving Elle strapped to the bed. After she heard the riding crop wiz by her head, I am sure Elle was very confused. Why was I treating her this way?

I was getting my revenge on Robert, and it was time to teach Elle an even more important lesson on faithfulness and the painfulness of betrayal. Maybe she never fucked Robert, my archenemy in business and now in life. But Elle might as well have. She had given him her brain, her affection, and, in some ways, her body. He had fingered her, kissed her, and cum all over her. The worst part was Elle had let it all happen. In her mind, Elle had cheated on me many times with Robert. It was only a matter of time before Robert's slimy cock would claim her pussy. MY PUSSY!

Elle had to learn that she was mine, and if she wanted to stay mine, she had to behave properly like my wife! This session would teach her the painful lesson of betrayal. The punishment would teach her loyalty, honesty, devotion, and love.

So now to get started.


I was barefoot and naked as I entered the bedroom. Elle was lying over the wedge strapped down as I had left her. She was blindfolded, so in the dark, and now she was softly sobbing. I had left her for almost an hour to think and manifest what I might have planned for her.

The riding crop whizzed by her ear again. Elle jumped. It was the first sound she had heard since the whip passed her ear an hour ago. 

“Oh, Thomas, where have you been? Why did you leave me like this for so long?”

I was silent and passed the riding crop over her head again. Elle’s body flinched, letting out a little moan, “Oh, Tommy, please?”

My response was to whip her ass with two quick lashes. The sound of the leather against her skin sent shivers through me and sharp pain radiating through Elle. 

Elle screamed, “Oh God, Tommy! Please!”  

I rubbed her ass and thighs with a soothing aloe cream as the three welts rose on her skin. Elle was sobbing now, but I was not done.

“Elle, you betrayed me. You cheated on me in your mind and with your body, with the man I loathe most in the world. You thought it was all OK. Well, Elle, it wasn’t.

Listening to your explanation, Elle, I have bounced all over the place with what I should do with you. I know that what most sane men would do was throw you out and divorce you and physically attack Robert, beating him to a pulp, and then end up probably going to jail.”

Between sobs, Elle cried out, “Oh, Tommy, I am so sorry. I thought you understood what I had done and how badly I felt for betraying you, and you were forgiving me. What has changed?” 

I continued to rub Elle’s bottom and thighs, feeling bad that I had hurt her, but Elle had to feel pain, and physical pain was the only way.

I said nothing. My response was the paddle. It landed squarely on her right ass cheek with a loud crack. Then, on her left cheek with the same sound.

A loud yelp came from Elle as she bucked against the restraints. 

She cried out again, louder, “Oh God, Tommy, please, I beg you, I am so sorry for betraying you. I never meant to hurt you. I love you!”

Once again, I said nothing but rubbed her hot ass cheeks with aloe cream, sliding my fingers between her cheeks and teasing her asshole.

“Oh, Tommy, what are you doing?” She gasped.

I replaced the aloe with oil that I dribbled at the top of her crack, letting it run down over her asshole, extracting a wiggle and low moan. The way Elle was laying over the wedge forced her ass cheeks apart, so I watched the oil slide down over her tight crinkle filling in the crevices. The oil continued sliding down between her pussy lips, making them glisten in the light.     

I slipped my finger into Elle’s crack, slowly dragging my fingertip over and around her tight asshole. Her ass started to shake, and she moaned, “Oh, Tommy, what are you doing to me?”

I leaned down and kissed Elle’s ass cheeks, glowing hot pink from her spanking. Elle cooed.

My finger continued its travel across Elle’s smooth taint, to her lips and her hole hidden inside. I slipped my fingertip inside, teasing her, then moved down and pushed my finger deep between her lips as they opened for me, letting my fingertip find her hard clit, peeking out from its hood. 

I pressed on it, and Elle exploded cumming hard. “Oh God, I am cumming, oh fuck!”

I smiled as I had given her pleasure mixed with the pain I had provided. Now for more.

I slid my finger back to her hole and dribbled more oil, pushing two fingers into her tight pussy. I began to finger fuck her hard and fast. I stroked her ten times and pulled out as she edged close to cumming again. I dribbled more oil on her asshole and pressed my middle finger against her star, making Elle moan, “Tommy, what are you doing back there!”

I smiled, knowing what I was about to do. Elle did not like me to play with her ass; she hated that. But she would love it once it happened. I pressed harder, feeling her anus tighten, trying to keep me out.

Elle Pleaded, “Tommy, Please, what are you going to do!”

I ignored her cries and pushed my slick finger knuckle deep into her ass with one hard push.

“Oh My God, Tommy!” she cried.

Then I pinched her clit as I fucked her asshole twice, and Elle screamed, “Oh Fuck Cumming!”

I reamed her asshole, adding a second finger as Elle kept cumming. Her ass was wiggling, and she was pressing against my fingers. Elle had protested my fingering her ass, yet now she was cumming like gangbusters over and over as I finger fucked her ass with three fingers.  

Elle’s whole body was shaking as she came again. As her orgasm peaked, I pulled out my fingers, replacing them with a large, jeweled butt plug I pushed into her ass. I moved away, leaving Elle in an orgasmic state, and I left the room again.

As I left, I heard her scream as another orgasm raced through her, “Oh God cumming again.” A few seconds later, “Tommy, what is in my ass? Please take it out.”

I smiled. I had her ass now,


Oh My God, what was happening? There was silence, then I was being whipped, and God, each lash stung badly, making my ass feel like it was on fire. I could do nothing. My pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. Thomas was punishing me for my betrayal, and I deserved this. 

Then Tommy’s soothing hand rubbed something on my sore ass and thighs. Just as I thought it was over, a sharp crack sounded, and searing pain shot through me. Then, there was the same sound, and pain came again on the other cheek. The pain was horrible, and I started to shake, fearing the paddling would continue. But it stopped, and once again, Tommy soothed my stinging ass cheeks. Tommy, he loved me. I knew he did.

Then a cool liquid dripped in my ass crack. It lazily slipped down over my little crinkle. A fingertip followed and teased my asshole. I don't like anal play and have never allowed Tommy to touch me there. Well, now I had no choice, and even though I protested, Tommy was doing whatever he wanted.  

Then more oil was added, and Tommy’s fingers moved down my slippery slit to my hole, stopping it for a second to tease me and make me tremble. Tommy pushed his fingers deep into me, and two, maybe three, fucked me hard as his knuckles push hard against me on each stroke. After I had cum again and was quivering, he pulled his fingers out and pushed something in my pussy. I felt full, but it was different than a dildo.

It was quiet again. All I could hear was my harsh breathing. I was lying there wondering what was next.

My ass cheeks were still stinging, my ass was full of a butt plug, and my pussy had a toy in it. I could do nothing but wait. My nerves were so on edge, and I was so fucking horny now. I needed a good hard fucking. I hope Tommy will finish me by giving me what I want.

Suddenly I jumped as my pussy came alive. “Oh my God, what is that?” Whatever Tommy had put inside my pussy was vibrating. “Oh My God,” I moaned. It felt incredible. It was pressing against my G-spot, making me feel fantastic. I was about to cum any second and moaned loudly, “Oh God, I’m going to cum!”

Then, suddenly, it stopped, “God, Tommy, what happened? Please, don’t stop. I am so close!”

Then it started again, a different vibration and more powerful. I was edging quickly. My body started to shake, almost out of control. I was so close, right on the edge. My breathing was short, almost panting. Then, as before, it stopped!

“Oh my God, please, don’t stop. I am so close. Thomas, please let me cum! PLEASE!”


Elle was distressed. I had her where I wanted her. She would do almost anything now if I let her cum. By not allowing her to cum, I owned her. I was being very evil, teasing her and making her beg me. I wanted her to be a withering mess, begging me to finish her and promising her undying loyalty. Then I was taking her ass for the first time as the egg in her pussy drove her insane with lust.

I leaned over to Elle’s ear, “So baby, do you want to cum?”

“Oh God, Tommy, what are you doing to me? You are killing me, being so mean and hurtful. Why, baby, I love you. I am so sorry.” Elle was desperately begging me.

“Well, Elle, you have to learn, as Robert is learning, you cannot fuck over people, cheat on them, and betray those that love you taking them for granted and expecting that everything you do will be Ok and accepted.

So today, you are mine, all mine, and I will have all of you. First, your mouth, then your pussy, and finally, I will pound your ass, filling you with my cum. As I will do every day from now on. You will be my sexual slave on call 24/7. Whenever I want your mouth, pussy, or ass, you will give it to me with no excuses.  

Yes, Elle, your ass is mine today and forever more. I know you hate anal play, but you will love having your ass fucked once we begin, so there will be no protests, or there will be more spanking with my hand this time. Do you understand?”

Elle was crying now, “Why are you doing this to me, Tommy? I thought you loved me?”

Oh, Elle, I love you more than life itself. That is why I am bothering to do this. Do you think I enjoy punishing you? I don’t, but you must learn that life with me requires complete dedication, love, and loyalty. I thought that was what we had before you started to play around with Robert, but I was wrong. You decided you could do as you wanted, and It would be OK. As I have said before, Elle, it was NOT OK!”

Elle was sobbing now. She tried to talk but could not form the words.


My God, Thomas was angry with me. He was serious about punishing me. It was not just a little thing. This was important, and I had to pay attention and abide by his demands. 

I did not realize he had been hurt so badly and that his doubts about me were so strong. I have a lot of work to do outside of the sex parts. I do not want to give my ass to Thomas, but that is nothing compared to truly earning his trust. I will do anything to make that happen.

As I lay in the dark, I felt Thomas stroking my face. He had moved onto the bed and was sitting in front of me. I could smell his musky scent. I knew his cock was before me, but I couldn't move, so I waited. I remembered what Tommy said a few minutes earlier, first his cock, then my pussy, then my previously forbidden ass.

I was so horny I decided to begin. I stuck out my tongue, wagging it around. I couldn’t touch anything. Then his spongy cockhead grazed my lips. I opened them and stuck my tongue out again, but nothing.

“You want to sock my cock, Elle, then beg me, baby, how bad do you want it?” He snapped.

Thomas was being nasty to me, so I played along, knowing what I had to do. “Oh yes, baby, give me your cock, let me suck it. I owe you. Please give it to me.”  

Thomas moved forward enough for me to feel his cockhead against my lips. I opened my mouth and slipped out my tongue, letting it slither along the underside, teasing him. I heard Thomas suck air in between his teeth. I quickly moved as far forward as I could and captured his cockhead. I sealed my lips around his head and closed my teeth to make sure he could not back away.  

I had him. Now I was playing nasty. My tongue swirled around his head and teased his frenulum, that little spot under the cockhead that is like a man’s clit. Thomas pulled back, but I had him in my teeth, so he could not move.

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I licked him faster, and Tommy started to moan. Tommy lurched forward, pushing his cock deeper into my mouth. I felt his balls swing against my chin. I moaned as his cockhead pressed into my throat. My lips sealed around his thick shaft, and my teeth closed just tight enough so he could not move back. I was playing nasty now, holding him in place as I swallowed, squeezing his head with my throat.

Tommy moaned, and I opened my teeth so he could do as he pleased. He pulled out, and his hips lurched forward again, pushing his cock deep into my throat. I teased the underside of his shaft with my tongue, making Tommy moan again. He loved that, so I did more as he slowly slipped his cock out. When his cockhead slipped back to my lips, I closed my teeth again, holding him and sucking his cock head.  

I moaned as he pushed back in and took hold of my head. “Time to play hard, Elle. I am going to fuck your face.”

The warning was appreciated. Tommy’s cock began its assault on my mouth, ramming into my throat on each stroke. My tongue was wagging around his shaft, and I could hear his breathing becoming shorter.   

I loved Tommy’s aggressiveness. He had never treated me this way before, and I liked it. I love how Tommy makes love to me so sensually, making sure I am satisfied, but in the future, Tommy needs to take me rough and fuck me hard from time to time.

Tommy's balls had been slapping against my chin, but that stopped, and I felt his cock swell, knowing that meant he was about to blow his load down my throat. I sealed my lips and closed my teeth on his cock, holding him in place.  

Tommy groaned from deep inside, then his cock exploded, shooting ropes of cum down my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could, one, two, and a third time. Tommy came so much my mouth kept filling fast. I swallowed as fast as I could, and then he pulled out, letting his final shots fill my mouth. His cum tasted sweet and musky mixed with salt. I gobbled it down.

Then, just as I wanted to clean him, Tommy got off the bed, and it was silent again.

I lay there swirling the remnants of his cum in my mouth, savoring the taste. God, I love Tommy and his manly essence. I wondered what was next.

I felt a sharp pain and heard a loud crack as the paddle landed firmly on my right ass cheek. Oh God, it hurt. Then as expected, the same came for the left ass cheek. And my ass was stinging once again.

But quickly, almost as an apology, Thomas’s warm hands rubbed the aloe cream on my fired-up ass cheeks. The pain was soothing, but the heat was still there. My cheeks felt like they were on fire. As Tommy finished, the vibrator in my pussy jolted in and sent me skyrocketing toward a massive orgasm. Then the butt plug was twisted and pulled on, finally pulled out. It was quickly replaced with more lube and several fingers that fucked my gaping asshole as my pussy hummed toward a delicious orgasm.

Then the buzzing stopped, and I felt the vibrator being pulled out. I knew what was next. My pussy would be ravaged, to my delight, and filled with Tommy’s sweet cum. I didn’t wait long when I felt Tommy's hands on my hot ass cheeks, squeezing them, making me whimper. “Oh God, Tommy, yes baby fuck me, fuck me hard, make me cum for you.”

No words were spoken as Tommy’s cock rub up and down my hot crack, making me tingle with anticipation. Then a glob of cold spit landed on the top of my crack and slowly slipped over my crinkled hole to my pussy. Fingers met it and spread it over my hole. Then, oh yes, Tommy finally stopped teasing me and pushed his fat cockhead against me. My body shivered as I opened up for him, and he popped inside.

“Yessssss, Tommy, do me, baby, make me cum. I need it so bad!” I begged, as agonizingly slowly he pushed in deeper and deeper till I was shaking edging close already, and his balls pressed against my clit.  

“Oh Fuck, Tommy, you feel so good, baby. I love you so much. Now take me, baby, take all of me.” I begged.

Tommy said nothing and began to fuck me harder, pounding me into complete submission. This was a real fucking I was getting, not just fucking. No, it was a hard pounding fucking like I wanted. I loved his aggression. Tommy was taking all his angst out on me. I loved it.

I moaned as his fingers began to play around my asshole, dragging his nails over the crinkle and pressing against my star. I have never liked anal play before, at least not like it before today, but now after the butt plug and Timmy’s fingers had reamed my ass, my asshole longed to feel something inside it again.  

Tommy’s long finger pressed hard against my star, popping inside, then a second and a third finger entered my ass. Slowly fucking my loosened hole stretching it open. They fucked me fast as Tommy’s other fingers plunged into my pussy. I was being double-fingered, something I had never imagined. The sensation was amazing. Both holes were stretched open, and his fingers rubbed against each other through the thin membrane separating my asshole and pussy. It felt incredible.  

I was edging so close to cumming that I moaned loudly, “Oh Tommy, I am going to cum so hard, keep fingering me, please don’t stop!”

Just as I was on the critical edge, the fingers in my ass vanished, and Tommy's spongy cockhead pressed into the gaping hole. “Oh, Tommy, you could hurt me. You are too big!” I protested.

Tommy's cock pushed deeper into my ass. I bit my lips, trying not to cry out, as I felt a searing pain, quickly followed by incredible pleasure. Tommy’s cock was pushed in balls deep, now stretching me open. He held fast, letting me get used to him deep in my ass.

I took a deep breath and moaned, “Oh, Tommy, your cock is in my ass, I never wanted this, but it feels incredible now. I am fuller than I have ever felt.”

Then Tommy spanked both ass cheeks twice as he pulled his cock back out and slammed it back into my asshole. The combination of the two levels of pain made me cum hard. “OH FUCK… I’M CCCUUUMMMIIIGGG! I screamed.

My whole body started to shake as I experienced my first anal orgasm, twice as strong as any orgasm I had ever had. I screamed again, “OH GOD, TOMMY, I AM CCCUUUMMMIIINNNGGG SO FUCKING HARD!”

Tommy’s fingers slipped from my pussy and pinched my clit. My orgasm continued as Tommy fucked my ass hard with long deep strokes.  He was pounding my ass now, and I was cumming almost constantly. The sensation was like nothing I had ever imagined or experienced.

As Tommy fucked my ass, I suddenly begged, “Tommy, spank my ass, punish me I was a bad wife. Oh God fuck my ass.”     

Tommy spanked me three or four times as his big cock pummeled my asshole. My ass cheeks were on fire, my asshole was on fire, and my pussy was humming as his fingers fucked it in rhythm with his cock.

Massive orgasms came one after another. I had never known I could cum like this. Thank God I was lying over this wedge, or I would have collapsed in a ball of quivering flesh, and it would have been over.

Tommy groaned loudly, and I knew he would cum in my ass. I wiggled my ass and pushed back on him as best as possible, wanting him even deeper in my ass. Then it happened. Tommy howled like a wolf, reared back, and slammed his cock deep into me, making a loud smacking sound as his hips smashed against my ass cheeks.

His cock started to pulse. I felt it as the jets of his hot cum flooded my ass tunnel, filling my bowels with a massive cum load. He delivered seven or eight shots deep in me, then fell over on my back with his cock, breathing hard. His sweaty body felt wonderful and draped over me like an erotic blanket.

We both lay there breathing roughly as we came down from our incredible orgasmic high. Tommy quickly released my hands and ankles from the straps, pulled me off the wedge, and pushed it on the floor.

I rolled over on my side and pulled off the blindfold. My eyes were closed and opened slowly, trying to adjust to the light. The room was pretty dark, so that I could see OK.

Tommy was behind me, pulling me back against him and kissing my neck. I pressed back against him, feeling his softening cock against my ass. We lay together for some time, not talking, savoring the love transmitted through our skin, soul to soul.

Finally, Tommy whispered. “I love you, Elle. Your punishment is complete. Now we rebuild our life together and finish off Robert Raymond.”

I rolled over, looking into Tommy’s eyes. I had accepted all his ire and punishment and was relieved it was over. I leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips and whispered. “Thomas Ridge, I love you more than ever now. I respect what you have had to do, as painful as it was for us to live through. I will never betray you again in any way. I am yours for life. I request only one thing from you. Please tell me you forgive me and tell me you will love me for the rest of my life!”

Tommy kissed me hard and told me of his undying love for me. We held each other, and with all the stress relieved, we drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.


The closing went off like clockwork, and we owned the property. That started a series of events. All the legal applications and forms to satisfy all the governmental obligations were filed, and the initial work on the land preparation got underway. The surveying, the road design, and the overall infrastructure design were completed. There was a selection of the six house options that would make up the development was chosen. The initial design of the common areas, tennis and pickleball courts, and the large pool and clubhouse design. This all took place over the next six weeks.


The Monday after I had completed Elle’s punishment, we met with our attorneys and laid out what had happened between Robert and his investor's $300,000 investment money. They were very disturbed and saw this as an opportunity for us. They also advised Elle to stay completely clear of Robert from now on.  They recommended that I meet with Robert and tell him Elle would not be an investor or have any part in the defunct project. They also agreed that I could offer him the money to repay the investors in a short-term interest-bearing loan, with Robert putting his business up as collateral. Should he default on the loan payment, his business would have to be sold, and the loan repaid out of the proceeds. The other option was to admit what he did with the money, and the investors would sue him to recover their money. His reputation would be ruined, and he could be prosecuted for fraud.  

I had them prepare a loan agreement for a nine-month term, with all the terms and legal codicils included. They also wrote a letter from Elle to Robert and the new company declining to be involved in any way.

The meeting was set between Robert and me. We would meet at the Country Club in plain sight. Elle would be playing in a ladies' bridge tournament there that day, so he would surely see her.  

I would invite the two investors to the meeting and expose Robert's fraud to them, forcing Robert to repay their investment money. Robert would ask about Elle’s loan. I would give Robert Elle’s letter. That will throw Robert into a panic with nowhere to turn. The investors would become angry, threaten to sue Robert and leave the table in a huff. That is when I would offer Robert a bailout plan, a loan to cover his problem.

The hook would be set, and it would only be a matter of time before we would take over his business, bankrupt him, and destroy Robert Raymond.

To make this all happen smoothly, I will meet with the investors before meeting with Robert. I would tell them what Robert had done and guarantee their full investment if they followed my plan. I also offered them a ten-home construction project and 10% of the whole project for an additional $150,000 each. That would be a $600,000 cash infusion into the new project on paper, $300,000 in cash. The other $300,000 would be on paper, and we would recoup when we took over Robert's business.

Meanwhile, the development project was moving along nicely. We were excited.  Once this project was completed, we would make millions of dollars and have built the best new development in the area in twenty years. At the same time, Ridge Runner Realty Estate and FRR will own the real estate market in Macon, GA... And Robert Raymond would be finished.

A week later, at 1:30 p.m., Robert Raymond walked into the dining room at the Country Club. I saw him enter and got up to meet him across the room. My two other guests were waiting as we returned to the table.

Robert was shocked when he saw them and stammered, “Russel and Jonathon, what are you doing here?”

“Robert, I invited them. I thought it was appropriate that all the partners should be here for this discussion.” I smiled.

Robert was extremely nervous and looked as if he were about to panic.

At our meeting, the investors and I agreed to eat lunch first, making nice with Robert. Once lunch was finished, they would inquire about Robert's development project. Then the ‘shit would hit the fan,’ so to speak.  

We had a nice lunch and a couple of beers, and then the talk began with Russel asking, “Robert, how is the project going? Is Tommy's wife Elle coming on as an investor like you told us?”

Everyone looked at me, and I took out the letter from Elle and handed it to Robert. He opened it, and the look on his face instantly showed total distress.

Robert looked at me, “Elle is backing out completely?”

“Robert, after you met with Elle, we evaluated the whole situation and decided that this project was not something we were comfortable joining in on. So yes, Elle is declining your offer. As the letter says, Elle will still be happy to be your closing attorney for all your projects, as you agreed.” I stated.

The investors looked at each other, and Johnathon asked, “Robert, what does this mean for the project? Have you purchased the property?”  

Robert was suddenly in a panic. He could not lie. He was trapped and had to tell them the truth.

Robert explained, “We have a problem. An offshore investment company in Belize purchased the land from under me. So, we are looking for another property, but it will take a few months to get the new project underway.”

I was watching the investors as they played their parts. Almost simultaneously, they asked, “What about our investment?”

Robert swallowed hard, “You will have the same deal. It will start on a different land in a few months.”

“Robert, I don’t like this. I want my investment back for now. When you have the new deal ready, we can discuss it,” Jonathon stated.

Russell agreed, adding, “When can we expect our money back?”

I could see Robert was under extreme stress, so I said nothing.

Then, as I requested, they both told Robert how disappointed they were that the deal fell through and wanted their money back ASAP.

They both stood, shook my hand, and turned, walking out without another word or handshake hands with Robert. I heard them mumbling to each other as they walked away.

Robert slumped back in his chair, shocked, distressed, and almost panicked. He looked at me and asked, “You know I don't have the money, don’t you?”

“Yes, Elle told me what you have done, and that is partly why we cannot be part of the project,” I stated.

Robert sat looking bewildered. “What the hell am I going to do? Where can I get the money?”

“Robert, Elle knows nothing about this meeting or the offer I will make to you. My company will give you a $300,000 loan. Then, you will be able to pay the investors back their money. It will also give you $100,000 in working capital you may need now.”

“Thomas, why are you willing to do this?”

“Robert, Ell asked me if there was any way I could help you, so as a favor to her, I am willing to do this for you. No other reason. You owe this 100% to Elle!” I stated firmly.

Robert knew no love was lost between us, and I would let him wallow in his slop if it was just me.   

“Ok, Thomas, what are the terms?”

I pulled the loan document out of my jacket and handed it to Robert.  He read through it.

The terms were simple. My company would loan his company $300,000 for nine months at 8% interest per month, with a single payment due for the full amount owed on the two hundred seventy-first day. There were no interim payments, just one single payment.

Robert was required to put his company up as collateral. Robert's company would be seized if his company defaulted on the full loan payment on the due date. Depending on the valuation of his company at the time of default would determine what would happen. Ridge Runner LLC could take control of Robert Raymond Realty LLC and pay Robert any additional funds based on the value, or the company could be sold, and the proceeds go to pay the loan's outstanding balance. Any access from the sale would be paid to Robert, and any shortfall would be Robert’s obligation to fulfill the payment.

I watched Robert as he read the loan agreement. I knew he would not like how it was written and the possibility that I would own his company if he could not repay the loan. I knew his brain was calculating how to repay the loan in nine months.

Robert laid the document on the table and looked at me. “Thomas, you have me at a disadvantage. I have made a huge blunder, and now I have no choice. Is there any other scenario that can be worked out?”       

“Robert, I don’t see any other way to do this.  This is a lot of money to lend, and since you have already committed fraud, I am not sure I trust you. There has to be a severe penalty levied on you for defaulting on the loan. Losing your business and reputation seems to be a fair incentive for you to make sure the loan is satisfied by the due date.”

Robert looked at me, “OK, you have a deal, but no one can know anything about this.”

“Robert, my lips are sealed. This is between you and me. Elle will not even know about it.” I confirmed. That was a lie, but so what!

“Robert, read the agreement and make sure you are OK with it, then meet me tomorrow at my attorney's at 11:00 a.m., and we will sign the papers. You will also need to bring a letter of declaration that gives my company, Ridge Runner LLC, the right to seize your company, Robert Raymond Realty LLC, should you default on the loan. I do not expect that to happen, but that is the arrangement. The letter will become part of the loan agreement.”  

The bill for dinner came, and I signed it, and we finished our drinks. We left the meeting, giving Robert a false ray of hope that he could escape this mess clean and still have his business in nine months.

As we walked out, Elle saw us and came over. “What a nice surprise. What are the two of you doing here?”

Robert looked at me, and I smiled. “We had a little business to discuss, so I had Robert over for dinner.”

“Well, I hope it all worked out. Did you have a good meal?” Elle asked, playing along.

Robert spoke, “Yes, I think we got everything worked out.”

“Well, that is good. I have to get back to the game. I will see you at home later, baby. And Robert, you have two closings tomorrow. Are you coming over for them?” Elle said as she went back to her bridge game.

Robert said nothing more as we left the club and went our separate ways.

The next morning, Robert met me at my attorney’s office, and we executed the loan agreement and transferred the money to Robert. Nine months from now, Robert Raymond would be ruined. Elle and I would have exacted our revenge on Robert, and we could move on.  

That night, Elle and I made love, slow, sweet, pure love. It was the first time we had been so loving since Elle's indiscretion was exposed. It was wonderful. We were truly in love and were on our way to a wonderful life together.



The next six months flew by. The development project was in full swing. Nearly thirty houses were completed or under construction, with new ones starting each week. Things were progressing right on schedule.  

As for Robert, things were not going so well for him. The existing home market in Macon has slowed down, and with no new houses to sell, many of Robert's agents left his company. The better ones came to my company or went out independently, and we were happy to work with them.

Consequently, Robert closed his second sales office and sold the building. Robert called me wanting to make a payment on the loan. I declined a partial payment and reminded him he had three months remaining on the loan agreement.

On a happy personal front, Elle and I were expecting our first little Ridge, a boy. He is due about the time Robert's loan is due; I guess that night of true lovemaking did make something.


Thomas Edward Ridge was born on a Tuesday at noon. He was a beautiful 7lb 9oz, blonde-haired boy with all his fingers and toes. My dad would say, ‘he had a nice round head.’

Two days later, and after I had taken Elle and Little Thomas home. I met Robert at my attorney's office to close the loan and receive full payment.

As expected, Robert did not have the full amount, only $126,000.  As we sat across the table from each other, Robert begged me to give him more time. I sat stoically and listened, not intending to do anything but take his business away from him. After listening to Roberts pleading for a few minutes, I looked at Justin Plant, my attorney, and said, Justin, is there a provision in the loan agreement to extend the terms?

“No, Thomas, there is not.” He answered.

“Then what are the next steps that need to be taken?” I asked.

“Tomorrow, we have a certified business appraisal company that will do a complete forensic valuation of Robert Raymond Realty LLC. Once the value has been determined, there are several options. One… If the value exceeds the outstanding loan balance, Thomas, you have the right to take over the business, pay Robert the balance of the valued price, and take full ownership of Robert Raymond Realty LLC. Two… If the valuation is less than the outstanding loan balance, Thomas, you automatically take over Robert Raymond Realty LLC, and an unpaid bill for the remaining balance will be issued to Robert. Three… Robert Raymond Realty LLC will be sold, and Robert will pay the outstanding loan balance to Ridge Runner Real Estate LLC while keeping any remaining proceeds for his use.

Robert cringed as he listened to what Justin was telling him. Reality was beginning to settle in. He was about to lose his lifelong business to me, his competition. I know that hurt him badly. I could see it in his face.

In a last-ditch effort, Robert begged, “Thomas, isn’t there something we can work out?”

I looked at Justin, “Do you see any other way?”

Justin shook his head, “No, the way the loan was written, those are the only ways we can resolve the issue unless you can make the full payment today!”

Robert's head dropped, and I felt sympathy for him. So, out of the goodness of my heart and with the urging of Elle, I threw Robert an olive branch!

“Robert, you are a good real estate man, and I always need good people. Here is my offer. We will go through the valuation process tomorrow, and once all the loan issues are resolved, I will hire you as a senior broker and junior partner of Ridge Runner Real Estate LLC. I will bring in all your agents, and they will work under your division. We will work out the details, but we can make this work for both of us. There is just one thing that will destroy this arrangement. Robert, if I ever see you flirt, touch, or make any advances toward Elle ever again, you will be out on your ass, and I cannot promise your safety. Do you understand me?”

Robert looked shocked and relieved at the same time. It was clear to him that I knew all about what had happened between him and Elle.

“Thomas, there was nothing in it. I was being a cad, and I am sorry for what happened. As you can see, I am paying dearly for what I did. Nothing will ever happen again. I am sorry for what happened.”

“Then Raymond, we have a deal. We will work out the details after the valuation and loan issue are settled.” We stood, leaned across the table, and shook hands on it!

“Well, with that, I have a baby boy and wife to get home to. Justin will work through all the details and let us know the results and next steps.” I turned, shook Justin's hand, then Robert's hand again, and quickly off for home.

Elle was happy with what had happened. Our hatred for Robert had mellowed over the months, so we were pleased with what would happen.

That night, I held my son and was up during the feeding and changed the little factory. He was so cute and a tiny little human. I love him so much.


It took ten days for the certified valuation to be completed. The total valuation was $483,000. The full loan balance was deducted, and the balance of $155,000 was paid to Robert Raymond for full ownership of his company.

The following week, Robert and I met with Justin and hammered out the arrangement I had agreed to. We pulled all the employees from both companies who wanted to stay and explained what we were doing. That went well, and we started with a bigger company.  

The development project was in full swing, and Robert was involved. He seemed happy. I know that Elle and I were.


Flash forward five years. There are two more rug rats in the Ridge house. Molly, three years old, and Pauline, just turned one, joined big brother Thomas, who was almost six.  The place was a wild house controlled by our nanny, Millie.

Our business was incredible. We were the largest, most successful real estate company. We have completed 90% of the housing development with over 1,100 homes on the ground. We made a lot of money. We closed the two real estate deals, Costa Rica and Belize. I finally told Elle about Costa Rica. We built a second home on the property and spent a few months a year there.

Robert Raymond was a great asset to the company, and last year, he wanted to move to Florida, so I bought him out so he could retire comfortably.

Our life is good. All the issues we had have vanished and were replaced with pure love.

Today, I completed the last task concerning the Robert Raymond issues. I closed FRR LLC. This company was developed to deal with Robert Raymond, so it was appropriately an acronym for Fuck Robert Raymond, and we did just that!

The End

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 


Written by MaxxNRachel
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