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A Night With Elle - Part 3

"Reality hits home and payback is sweet."

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Author's Notes

"FINALLY, Part 3 is here. Sorry for the long delay. More chapters for all the stories coming quickly now. <p> [ADVERT] </p> Read, Share, and ENJOY. Maxx &amp; Rachel"


I took a few minutes to let this all sink in while my brain tried to digest what I had heard. I was in shock. No, that is not the word. ‘Total Disbelief’ is more accurate. I shook my head, unable to understand how an intelligent woman like Elle could let this happen.

There had to be something wrong in our relationship so that Elle was so easily drawn in when Robert started his seduction. Something was wrong with our marriage, but I had no idea what. That concerned me greatly.

What I was proud of, though, was Elle's strength in resisting Robert's full-on attack on her sexually. The fact that Elle, once trapped in the Atlanta assault, was able to find a way to gain control over Robert, and though she committed a horrendous act, she was able to save her pussy from Robert and possibly save our marriage.

Now it was my turn to speak my mind and let Elle know what I felt and how I see things going forward. I was not clear on all of this at this moment, but I had to start.


“Elle, you are a beautiful and smart woman. I love you more than anything in the world. But you have made some very irresponsible decisions here, dealing with Robert. I don’t understand why you would get involved with him in the first place, knowing my dislike for him and his being my major competitor.

“You may not have physically consummated cheating with Robert, but you certainly did cheat with him in your mind and to an equal degree every time there was physical contact. There were several times over the past several weeks when you admittedly kissed him passionately, dancing with him and grinding your pussy against him and letting him grind his cock against you. You let him feel you up on multiple occasions. You even went so far as to strip naked in front of him, masturbate until you came for him, and you even asked him to cum on you!” 

“God, Elle, what has happened to you? How stupid can you be? I cannot believe an intelligent woman like you could let a cad like Robert Raymond weasel his way into our happy life!”

I stopped for a minute, letting things soak in as I watched Elle as she sat up staring at me. Her eyes were full of tears. Elle finally realized that what she had allowed to happen was not as innocent as she had thought it was. Fucking, though the most ordinary form of cheating, is not the only form. Elle had not fucked Roger physically, but she had fucked him in her mind and admittedly used me as Roger’s surrogate on several occasions. Elle had readily allowed many of the other forms of cheating to occur more than once. Thank God she had been strong enough not to fuck Robert. That would have definitely been the end of us!

I shook my head, “Elle, I do not understand how you could ever let this happen with anyone, much less Robert Raymond! God, Elle that is like the ultimate betrayal to me. If you had fucked him, that would have been like high treason, punishable by death, well, death of our marriage anyway.

“Elle, you know how much I despise Robert Raymond, the arrogant slug. And here you are going on dates with him. Elle, you were cheating every fucking minute that you were with Robert and were not playing bridge. And now you are entertaining business partnerships with him. I can’t believe you.” I was rolling now, so I pushed on.

“You may not call them dates, but God Damnit that is exactly what they were. Drinks, kisses, making out in his car with him feeling you up, yes, Elle, they were dates in my book. Let me ask you, in the heat of passion were you gripping and stroking his cock as he was feeling you up?”

I stopped and waited for her answer.

There was a sudden look of horror on Elle’s face. She had played with his cock, though I doubted she could admit it.

“I thought so. You couldn’t resist his cock, could you?”

Elle began to sob, dropping her head in her hands.

“So, Elle, we can’t dismiss any of this as nothing! No, they were definitely dates! They were something and kept you coming back for more. That was Robert’s plan. To wear you down, weaken your willpower, then take you to Atlanta and fuck you all night long with you begging him to make you cum.”

“God, Elle, can’t you see it? Roger had you right where he wanted you and thank God you were strong enough not to give yourself to him. Praise God that didn’t happen, but we still have a major problem. Do you see it like I do, Elle?”

“How was Robert Raymond able to get to you at all? Why were you so weak, or are we so weak as a couple that you want to be with another man, Robert, or someone else? Did it matter who it was? Were you mentally looking for another man to fuck?”

As I talked, Elle sat stunned, hearing my words. Tears were rolling down her cheeks like a waterfall, dripping on the sheets, soaking them.

“I don’t get it. I thought that, as a couple, we were rock solid. We have it all. At least, I thought we did but obviously not. There is a problem in our relationship, but I do not know where it is. Elle, do you know, do you have any idea?”

Elle could not talk. She just sat there, sobbing, hearing my words. She was at a loss, and fear was all over her face causing her body to shake. Her breathing was rough, and she was almost hyperventilating.

“Elle, you do know that if you continue on with these business ventures with Robert, it will be only a matter of time before Robert has you laying on your back, with your legs spread wide, and he will be driving his slimy fucking cock, deep into your pussy. NO, INTO MY, FUCKING PUSSY!” I yelled for the first time.

That is all Robert wants, you know, to be close to you until he can wear you down and fuck you, destroying our marriage, stealing you from me. Then he can gloat that he is, ‘the better man’ and you left me for him. Can’t you see that, Elle? God, Robert has even told you he was falling in love with you. Wasn’t that a HUGE FUCKING RED FLAG!!! I yelled again.”


I was crying hard now. I was in real pain. I could not look at Tommy or myself in the mirror. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I was so confused. My mind was spinning as the mental videotape was replaying everything that had happened with Robert, making me take a good look at myself.

I didn’t like what I saw. I heard all of Tommy’s words, knowing I had made huge mistakes in the last weeks since Robert had become my new bridge partner. It had started so innocently. Robert is a great bridge player, a Master. I needed a higher-rated player as a partner to play important tournaments, earn more points, and elevate myself to a higher status.

Once Roger and I partnered, we started to play bridge locally, which was normal. On those nights, we played bridge, and I came straight home. Then the Palm Beach tournament came along, and things began to change. Robert and I were together for every minute of those four days, and we became more friendly and flirty. That is when the kissing and heavier petting began.

I was having such fun and thought what we were doing was all innocent, never really considering that I was cheating on Tommy. As a married woman, I knew there was no way I was going to fuck Robert. I could never do that to Tommy. I knew we were possibly going too far and knew I should have stopped there, but I didn’t.

After Palm Beach, we started having drinks after the bridge games on those local nights. Innocent, yes, but not really. It fueled Robert’s desire and mine a little too. The attention Robert was giving me made me feel good. He was a gentleman and appreciated me. I never considered Tommy’s feelings or that I would hurt him. Tommy’s total dislike of Robert never entered the picture.

Then the night before the Atlanta trip. It got pretty hot and heavy, and Robert and I made out in his car. God, how did that happen? I almost let him finger fuck me but stopped it before that happened. I realized I was losing control and knew I had to stop.

Then Atlanta happened! My God, I knew I should not have ever gotten on that helicopter. At the time though, I was so excited, I became overwhelmed. I thought Robert respected me, Thomas, and our relationship. But once in the air, I found out I was wrong. Robert professed his love for me, and I knew this was a dangerous night and could go very wrong.

But then I felt like a ‘Queen,’ and something came over me. Until that moment, I had not experienced a strong attraction to Robert. I knew he had spent a lot of money on this night, and I knew I could kill our night with one word, but I didn’t want to do that.

I wanted to have this experience with Robert, but I knew I had to maintain my wits about me and stand my ground. No physical affection or sexual touching! But then I caved in, and I mentally and physically cheated. We felt each other up, kissed, and flirted at the highest level all night. Suddenly I was heading down a very crooked path into an abyss. I had to snap out of it and take control, or all would be lost. I would be on a bed, under Robert, with his cock fucking me. No, no, I could not let that happen.

We made it through the night, and I warded off all Roberts approaches. Then on the way back. My brilliant idea to reward Robert but not fuck him was revealed. I openly exposed my naked body to Robert, another man, not Tommy. Then I stupidly masturbated for him and encouraged Robert to masturbate for me and to cum on my body, marking me with his cum. As I thought back, it became clear just how totally fucked up that was. I wondered what kind of slut I had become and how?

Oh My God, I felt terrible. I rolled over off the bed, and ran to the bathroom, slamming and locking the door. I crumbled to the cold tile floor and sobbed. I hated myself for what I had done. I was so ashamed. I had cheated on my husband, even though I hadn’t fucked Robert. What we did was still a betrayal, and just as bad as if we had fucked. What kind of woman was I, I didn’t deserve Tommy. I felt so ashamed I couldn’t even be in the same room with him now. I tried to understand how I could have been so stupid to jeopardize my wonderful life with my loving husband to be with Robert Raymond. How did that happen? I began to sob harder as fear crept into my head for the first time. God, I had forsaken Thomas, betrayed him, hurt him badly. I have nearly destroyed our marriage. Oh God, had I lost Thomas already, please God, NO!

I just lay there on the cold floor with no direction, not knowing what to do next. How could I save our marriage? I can’t lose Tommy. I just can’t. I sobbed.


I lay in bed watching Elle escape to the bathroom and heard the door lock close. I thought about her story. I believed it all. I don’t think Elle was capable of lying to me now. Elle had told me the truth as she understood it. She had finally seen herself and hated the person that she saw. Elle had always been a faithful, loving wife, never veering off the ‘good’ path. She had never been wild or weak. Elle had been my wife and had always seemed happy to be just that, a happy couple building our life together, setting goals, and looking toward a beautiful future.

That is what was confusing to me. I just could not understand how she let this happen. I knew I still loved my wife as much as I did before all of this crap, which I learned about eight hours ago and that had started back three months ago. It was hard to believe the emotional roller-coaster I have been on today.

What happens now, to us, to our marriage?


I was shivering, and my mind was racing. I had to find a way to save my marriage and Thomas’s love for me. I truly loved him and had been as truthful as I could be, telling him everything Robert and I had done, realizing as I heard myself say the words just how foolish I had been. I had been so caught up in becoming a powerful, successful, and revered bridge player that I had taken Robert Raymond as my new partner.

I was so thrilled that Robert Raymond, a Bridge Master, would want to be my partner, I never even thought about anything else. It never crossed my mind that Robert may have had another reason for taking me on as a partner. I never considered how Thomas would feel about Robert Raymond being my new partner. I never thought about anything, really. I was just so happy that we were partners now and we would win tournaments, and I would be recognized as a great bridge player.

God, my ego was what had driven me to this point. Damn, my selfish, self-centered ego, damn me, damn bridge, and God Damn Robert Raymond.

Then there was the ‘other man’s attention’, question. Why was that important, or was it? I love my husband. We have an incredible life together and a wonderful future planned. Our sex life could not be better, so why did I need another man's attention? Or did I?

Jesus, there it was again, my ego. There was nothing missing in my marriage. It was my damn ego. The female in me loved the attention and affection that a stranger lauded onto me. I felt special in Robert Raymond’s eyes falling into his web of seduction.

I stood up and turned on the shower as I continued to think through my deceit and betrayal.

My God, I was so blinded by my ego and selfishness that my brain was clouded to what was a true seduction by Robert. I had fallen into his trap, giving him exactly what he wanted. ME!

Thomas was right. Robert didn’t need me as a bridge partner. He wanted to steal me from Thomas. He would own me after we had destroyed my marriage. I would be crushed and seek solace from Robert, and he would welcome me into his bed and crow that he had taken me away from my husband.

How was I so blind that I did not see Robert seducing me and wanting to take me away from Thomas? It was another ‘one up’s man’ attempt.

The hot water beat on my head and back as I leaned against the wall, realizing what a complete fool I had been and still was. That doesn’t just go away. I will also have to work to regain my self-esteem and Thomas’s trust. Now what do I do? How do I earn Tommy’s trust back?

I washed my hair, cleared my head, and cleaned my body. Thomas’s temple will be returned to him in perfect condition if only he can see me that way again. God, I pray he can.


I heard Elle in the shower. I went to the door, and it was locked. I reached into my sock drawer for the safety key and opened the door.

I stepped into the bathroom it was fogged with steam. I opened the shower door and stepped in. I saw Elle leaning against the wall, her head and shoulders being pounded by the water, hopefully beating some common sense into her brain.

I moved behind Elle sliding my hands over her ass cheeks, across her hips, and up her side, feeling her body shiver as I pressed my cock against her. My hands slipped up, cupping her breasts, taking her hard nipples between my thumb and forefingers. I pinched them hard, feeling Elle’s hips pressing back as my hardening cock lay nestled in the crack between her cheeks.

Elle gasped, “Oh God, Tommy, I am such a blind fool. I am so sorry for what I have done, I never saw it coming, and my ego was so large that it blinded me to Roger’s true objective. He wanted me to hurt you. I am so sorry!”

Elle turned, and I pulled her into my arms, looking into her eyes. The shower water was slicing down across her face. I leaned down and kissed her. It was a soft wet kiss but grew passionate as our bodies pressed tighter together. Elle’s arms circled me holding me tight against her, as she spread her legs, straddled my thigh, pressing her hot pussy against me, sliding her pussy up and down.

As Elle rode my thigh, her hungry eyes locked on mine. I could see the lust building as her body began to shake. Suddenly Elle kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth and moaning deeply. She pushed her pussy against me, grinding on my thigh, moaning loudly, and came.

I grabbed Elle’s ass cheeks, pulling her pussy tight against my thigh, grinding against her. Her orgasm was massive, and she started to cry as she came another time. I held her to me, confused why Elle was crying. I thought it must be pure love.

Elle moved her hand between us, gripping my cock, slowly stroking it as she continued to calm down. Suddenly she stepped back and dropped to her knees, taking my hard cock in her mouth, deep throating me in one move. My balls rested against her chin as my cock head pushed deep into her throat. Elle held my ass cheeks firm and swallowed. Her throat massaged my cockhead, making my balls twitch. Then suddenly, it hit me; a gusher of an orgasm gripped my balls, squeezing all the cum out and down Elle’s throat. I felt a sense of pride, knowing that the slimy asshole, Robert Raymond, would never experience this with Elle.

I fell back against the shower wall holding onto Elle’s head, as My cock continued to pulse in her mouth, leaving my last drops on her tongue. My cock stayed hard as my breathing slowed, and I turned off the water. I pulled Elle from the shower and quickly dried us both. I pulled her to the bed and pushed Elle onto her back.

I leaned forward and buried my face between her legs, pressing my tongue in her pussy, and ate her for thirty minutes, making her cum over and over until she pushed my head away. Elle moaned, “Oh God, Tommy, stop, please stop. I can’t take any more.”

I moved onto the bed between her legs and slowly pushed my cock deep inside her waiting pussy, making her coo. I slid in balls deep, pressing our bones together. My cock swelled from the heat of her pussy, and I fucked Elle. I fucked her hard, relentlessly, making her cum over and over.

Whatever Elle’s issues were, I wanted to eliminate them and remove any doubt about my intention of moving forward. Elle had made huge mistakes in her judgment, and they would take time to work out, but I loved her and wanted her to have my babies.

Suddenly my hips were moving like a piledriver, on a mission to drill a deep hole in this woman that no one could ever fill but me. Stroke after stroke, I slammed into Elle. She started to whimper; then she suddenly screamed as her body tensed and her legs went straight out, shaking as a spectacular orgasm overtook her and her pussy sprayed cream out the sides, all over me.

I looked into Elle’s eyes, they were glazed with lust, and her mouth was open in an ‘O’ with no sound escaping. Then she collapsed, fainting from the orgasmic intensity. I rolled over beside her and caressed her face as she slowly returned to me.

We cuddled, and soon sleep overtook us.


Morning came, the dawn of a new chapter in our life. The chapter where we rediscover the love we had when we married. The life we sustained until Robert Raymond intervened destroyed my trust in everything that Elle did.

This is the chapter that I lay claim to my wife against any man or woman that may try to claim Elle as theirs.

This is the chapter where we begin our family.

The chapter where I will dominate and destroy Robert Raymond.

This is the chapter our new and better, more loving, and dedicated life begins.


I quietly slipped out of bed and went to the kitchen for coffee. I sat at the kitchen table and opened the papers that Robert had given Elle concerning the business ventures.

The real estate closing opportunity was Elle’s legal business, and she was the best closing attorney in town. So, the deal was an easy decision. It was a business that Robert’s company was already doing with Elle’s company and could easily be expanded with little or no personal contact between Robert and Elle. Robert would not like that but would have to deal with it. I pushed that agreement aside, approving it in my mind.

I got another cup of coffee and opened the second envelope. There was a long contract with many pages. My attorney would have to review every word to make sure Robert was not trying to screw Elle legally too.

I read through the summary. Honestly, it looked like a legit opportunity, but I was very leery about Robert’s intent. Why would he give Elle such a large stake in the deal without any control over what she did with it? That is unless he had plans to gain that control and her share. That was it. The slimy bastard wanted to take Elle from me and gain control of her part of the deal.

I thought about how I could use this deal to fuck over Robert like he tried fuck Elle and take her from me. I pulled out my calculator and worked through some number projections on the pages. If the numbers were correct, this would be a very lucrative deal, and we would make a lot of money over the next ten years.

As I read through the parts of the contract about buyouts and ownership, I found the place I was looking for. The section describes how a partner could be ousted from the deal through mutual buyout of the other partners or for cause if there was maleficence on the part of a partner's part that would damage the deal.

As I read the contract, I realized that this deal was incomplete, and it took Elle and the other two men to make it happen. The property had not been purchased yet. That would not happen without Elle and the two investors locked into the deal. As I looked at more details, I understood that Robert needed Elle signed and sealed to be able to secure the other men’s signatures. That was why Robert wanted to take Elle out to dinner with them and would doll Elle all up and sell her to the other two men. Then they would put up the capital to buy the property and provide the construction services at a reduced profit. The slime ball Robert didn’t have the finances to make the deal happen. He needed their money, so he didn’t have to put up any money and was taking the largest share of the company and its profits.

It was clear now that Robert had unknowingly handed Elle and me the perfect way to destroy Robert Raymond.

I went to my home office and called my partner Davis Crane. He was a Junior Partner and managed all of our new construction projects. We build about thirty houses a year and own several hundred rental units that also fall under his responsibility.

I talked with Davis for a few minutes and gave him a research project to do right away. When he was complete, we would meet later in the day at the office. I researched financial and property, then talked to my CFO and investment man. How much cash and credit can we pull together was the question.

Davis got back to me, and we called a meeting in the office at 4:30 pm.

Elle had showered and dressed. She looked beautiful. I made brunch, and we talked.

“Elle, I have reviewed the agreement between Roberts company and yours for the closing business. I think that contract you should do it immediately and get him locked in asap. You might sweeten the deal with a volume discount. So, when he passes a hundred house closings, you will rebate him five percent of all the closing fees for those and apply it to the closing fees going forward. He will jump on that, and you will lock in all his business.” 

Elle agreed and then asked me about the other opportunity.

“Elle, what is your intention concerning Robert?”

A confused look appeared on her face.

“What do you mean? Why are you asking me that? I told you that I am not doing anything with Robert unless you agree completely.” Elle said with sadness in her eyes. My question hit a raw nerve.

“Don’t be upset; I ask because I need to know that you are all right with me fucking Robert for doing what he did to you. I have a plan, and you are part of it, so are you up for fucking over Robert, or do I have to do it all myself?”

Elle looked at me. The expression on her face was strained and confused. I am sure she had not really thought I would be vengeful toward Robert and that I would only blame her. It hit her that Robert would have to pay, and I would make that happen.

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“Tommy, to answer your question, after our discussion and my awakening to what kind of a snake Robert Raymond is, I will do whatever you want me to do to help destroy Robert as he has tried to do to us. What do you have in mind?”

“Elle, we have a meeting at my office at 4:30 pm. We need your appraiser there, and I have a few staff members who will attend. I will wait until we meet to tell everyone my plan at the same time. You understand that this has to be kept completely quiet, or it will not work. Everyone in the room will sign an NDA under the termination penalty if even one word is leaked.”

“Wow, Tommy, can’t you tell me now?”

“Elle, no, I can’t. I have an issue of trust with you right now, and until I can lock you down with an NDA like everyone else, I can’t tell you.”

The look on Elle’s face was confused. I had just told her I didn’t trust her to keep this secret from Robert Raymond, which crushed her.

“Tommy, I swear I will not tell Robert anything. I promise you can trust me.” Elle begged.

“Elle, I love you; that has not changed. I wish I could trust you and feel that way, but I don’t. You have given me multiple reasons over the past three weeks that make me feel like this. So that is the way it is for now. You will have to earn my trust again, and this afternoon, I will give you a chance to start.”

“What do I have to do?” Elle asked.

“Be patient. You will be able to do this with ease. You will hear the whole plan later.”

I returned to my office and worked on the plan leaving Elle to wonder what I had put together. I also left her to worry about our future if I did not trust her. I knew what I had said hurt her, but it was true. I had to be sure that I could trust everyone if we would make my plan work.

Then I thought, what did Robert know about why Elle could not go out with him last night? I called Elle, “Elle, come in here, please.”

Elle came to the door. “When Robert came to the door to pick you up last night, what did you tell him was why you could not go out with him?”

Elle looked at me with a curious expression. “Why is that important?”

“I need to know if it was anything about there being a problem between you and me.”

“No, Tommy, I said nothing like that. I just told him that before we moved forward with the development deal, you, me, and our attorney needed to review it and decide. I did not think it was right to play like I was in the deal to get the other two men to commit if I was not committed. I thanked Robert for the dress and items he purchased and told him I would gladly pay him for them. Robert said, “Nonsense, you keep them and wear them when we meet the investors after you are on board.”

“Ok, perfect, that makes this plan work even better. Robert is sure that you will be in the deal and suspects nothing of our issues and my knowing anything about what you have done together. He probably still feels he has a chance to take you away from me and Elle until it is time to drop the hammer on him; you need to make Robert feel that way. That is all part of the plan.

Elle, I will tell you this much, you need to call Robert and ask to see him privately in a restaurant, or somewhere you are safe from his advances. At that meeting, you will flirt with Robert, not overtly but with little teases and maybe a light kiss at the end of your time together, but nothing more. Keeping him on the hook is a ruse until just the right time. Then the hammer will fall, and Robert will lose you and most of his reputation; thus, his business will begin to crumble.

I am granting you play time with Robert but nothing too graphic. You will have to control yourself and be an excellent actress. It will only take four to six weeks, then it will be over, and you will have earned my trust back. You understand?”

Elle’s eyes lit up, and she had a slight smile. She got it and knew this could be fun if it played the right way. “So, we will run what they call a ‘CON’ on Robert. What about the other men?”

Yes, she got it. “Yes. Elle, Robert is about to get burned, and we will be the winners in this deal, and Robert will be the big loser. We are going to fuck him just like he wanted to fuck you, and we will love it.”

Elle came over and sat on my lap. “Tommy, oh, how I love you. Let's go upstairs and make love to seal our own deal.” She stood and pulled me out of the chair, into the hall, and up the stairs.


Tommy just told me he would not tell me his plan, and he didn’t trust me; that hurt me so badly to hear, but I understood. I had done many things in the last weeks that made things change. I did not deserve to be trusted, but I deserved the treatment I received.  

I had to do whatever Tommy told me to regain his trust. I know I have his love and must ensure I always will. I can never fuck up like that again. What does it really matter if I am a great bridge player if I have to destroy my marriage so that can happen? How stupid I was.

As wrong as it was, I was still struggling with some feelings for Robert. It was very confusing, but when I thought about our times together, my pussy still got wet and tingled. We never fucked, and I wonder if that is what I am missing, the unknown of what Robert would have been like in bed. God, I had to shake these feelings.

Robert was the only man, other than Tommy, that I had kissed since the two boyfriends I had been with before Tommy. So, my curiosity about a different man, different cock, and different fucking style was playing into my confusion. Still, if I wanted to remain Tommy’s wife and mother of his children and live our charmed life together, I must bury these hidden desires forever.

Tommy told me a little about his plan to ruin Robert, and I was surprised. I thought he blamed me for everything, but Tommy is a very smart man, and it seemed as though Robert had handed Tommy the perfect opportunity for Tommy to take revenge on Robert for what he attempted to do and finally dominate him.

After we talked, I needed to show Tommy my love, so I pulled him up the stairs to our bedroom. I was so horny I needed a good fucking.  

As we entered the bedroom, I stopped and looked up at Tommy. I rose on my toes and kissed him. He grabbed me and kissed me back. I pulled away and stripped off my clothes. I crawled up on the bed with my ass high and my face low. I looked back and smiled.

“That’s what I need, baby. Abuse me, use me, do not make love to me fuck me. I need you to own me, ravage my pussy, and yes, take my ass too. I give it to you forever, starting today.”

I shook my ass and spread my cheeks showing Tommy my treasures. God, I was horny and needed him now.

Tommy walked to the bed and pulled me back to the edge. I knew he was going to eat me, but no. He swatted my ass cheeks hard with his hand, first the right, then the left. ‘Slap, Slap,’ the cracking sound of his hand spanking my bare ass cheeks rang out across the room, followed by my cry of pain and humiliation!

“Oh Tommy, No, No, not that, fuck me fuck me!” I screamed as a second round of spanks connected with each cheek, and the pain increased. He hit me harder this time.  

Then I felt a soothing rub across my ass as if to say he was sorry, but once again, an even harder spank came on each cheek. My ass was on fire now, stinging like needles pierced each cheek. I tried to escape, but Tommy reached under me, holding my thighs as a fourth round of spanks crashed down on my ass, creating excruciating pain.    

“Oh, No, Tommy. Please stop!” I cried out as tears began to roll down my cheeks.

Then Tommy’s arm moved away from my thighs, and there was silence. I rolled on my side, looking back, but Tommy was gone. I curled in a ball and sobbed, knowing I deserved what Tommy had given me. But sad it was not what I had wanted. I needed his love, not his anger. I got both, but in quite a different form than I wanted.


After I gave Elle the spanking she deserved, I walked out of the room, saying nothing. My hand was burning after the eight hard swats I had given Elle. She deserved each and every handprint I gave her. It was the only time I had spanked her in anger and hopefully the last. Elle certainly did not get what she expected when she pulled me into the bedroom and told me to take her. No, she did not deserve to be satisfied today, so I gave her a much different type of tough love.

I went to the kitchen and made a sandwich, then went to my office and continued to work on the plan. It was almost 2:30 pm, and I needed to make two stops on the way to the office.

I returned to the bedroom, seeing Elle lying on the bed in a ball. Her flaming red ass cheeks were exposed, and I could see the results of her spanking. There were large red blotches on each cheek, with fingerprints sticking out of the side of each blotch. I knew her ass was on fire, but I did nothing to soothe her pain. Elle needed to remember this day and this spanking forever, reminding her she can never allow anything like this to happen again or we are through!

I went to the shower and washed. As I was finishing, Elle stepped into the shower with me. She walked to me and pressed me against the wall with her body. Her nipples felt hard as bullets poked into me. Elle’s legs straddled my thigh, pressing her pussy against my skin, riding up and down. Her hand reached down and took my hardening cock in her hand,

Her eyes were locked on mine, and she was chewing her lip. The shower water was raining down on her making her hair soaked and stringy. She looked so sexy I was sure I could not resist her this time,

“Put your spanking hands on my hot ass,” she demanded.

I did.

“Now softly caress it. Let the water be the lube,” she demanded.

I did.

Elle was slowly stroking my now hard cock. “Now, Tommy, apologize for spanking me!” she demanded.

I didn’t and pushed her away. “Elle, I will not apologize to you. You deserved want I gave you and more, but I was tolerant and stopped at just eight spanks. I would give you twenty-three spanks, one for every day you were flirting and fucking up with Robert, but I knew that would be abuse, not punishment. So, NO, Elle, I will not apologize.” I stepped away from her and left her standing in the shower.

I quickly dressed. I stepped to the bathroom door. “Elle, I have things to do, be at the office at 4:30 sharp and have Ezell there too. Call Robert and apologize for not going out with him last night and set a time to meet him to sign the closing agreement. Do that before you come to the meeting. Do you understand? I’ll see you there.”

I walked to the door and stopped. “Elle, I love you!”

As I walked away, I faintly heard from Elle, “God, Tommy, I love you so much.”

I gathered all the papers I needed from my office and left.


My first stop was at the office of Stephen Williams, my attorney. I had spoken to him, and he had prepared the NDAs for everyone to sign. I also picked up the Postnuptial Agreement I would scare Elle with. I really wasn’t going to force her to sign it, but if she did voluntarily, that would be good. There was also a Postnup for me to sign that protected Elle’s business so she didn’t feel singled out.

While there, we also discussed divorce, and it was decided to avoid that, like the plague, if possible.

Then Stephen and I reviewed my plan, making sure it was completely legal under civil law and criminal as well. As for real estate law, I had the best person in Elle to answer all those questions.

William thought I was very shrewd with my plan and said he might be interested in being an investor through his wife, so not to invest directly, staying clear of any legal issues of conflict of interest.

I took all the documents and left for the office.


In my office, I met with Davis and went over the research he had done. We reviewed the property purchase option Davis had placed on the large land track that Robert Raymond wanted to purchase. The purchase was optioned by a shell company that Davis created through an offshore we had used to make several real estate purchases I made in Costa Rico and Belize. It could not be traced back to me without extensive investigation.

We now own the land for Robert’s land development project. We had Robert squarely in the crosshairs. Now it was time to plan when we would pull the trigger. Davis had contacted two home builders we knew in Chicago who built homes in the south. We set a Zoom meeting for 5:00 pm today to discuss the opportunity. The main question was they would work together and partner with Elle and me in building the thirteen hundred homes, community center shopping area, and a thousand mixed housing units. The project would take seven years to complete.

I sat in my office and kicked my feet up on my desk. I put my hands behind my head and laughed at how easily this had come together. I leaned back and looked at the ceiling. We will ruin Robert Raymond and become filthy rich at the same time. Perfect!


I stepped out of the shower, shocked, and saddened that Tommy had rejected my offer of sex and instead spanked me hard for what I had done. I knew there would be more punishment, but I hoped the spanking was over. My bottom was sore, and it was hard to sit!

I dressed, put on my makeup, fixed my hair, and dressed, looking professional.

I had over an hour before I had to be at Tommy’s office, so I decided to be very convincing and also to test my resolve that I would go to see Robert in person. That would be much more convincing and set the hook even deeper.

As I pulled into the parking space in front of Robert’s office, my body tingled, and I flooded my panties. A rush of fear ran through my body, and my palms became clammy.

“Oh God, what is happening to me?” I said out loud as I looked at myself in the visor vanity mirror.

I took a deep breath, pulled my skirt up and my panties to the side, wiping my wet pussy with tissue, drying me as best I could. My finger grazed over my clit, and I almost came. I clamped my legs together, took a deep breath, and looked at myself again.

“Get hold of yourself, Elle; your life depends on your acting ability; you better put on a good show!” I told myself aloud.

I slipped out of the SUV, adjusted my clothes, and walked into Robert’s office unannounced.

Miriam, Robert's Office Manager, was at the front. “Hi Miriam, how are you? Is Robert here?”

Miriam looked at me, “Hi Elle, yes, let me call him.” She grabbed the phone, buzzed him, and asked me, “How are you, Elle?”

“Robert, Elle Ridge is here to see you.”

As she hung up, “He will be right out.”

“I am doing fine, Miriam,” I answered her question. “How is your family?”

That question was never answered as Robert rounded the corner right then.

“Hi Elle, what a surprise. Come on back.”

Robert was very gentlemanly, taking my arm and guiding me back to his office. Inside he closed the door and tried to pull me to him, but I fended him off, “No, Robert, we can’t!”

I stepped away and sat in a chair at his desk. I had a valise with me and pulled out the Closing Agreement copies Robert had offered me.

“Robert, I am sorry I did not go out last night. I hope that did not damage the deal you are working on. As I explained, when Thomas and I discussed it while I was dressing, we decided it would be wiser to have our attorney’s agreement before making it look like I was agreeing to be a partner.”

Robert smiled. “It was Ok. We did the deal anyway. They each gave me a check for $150,000 so I can purchase the land now. I will get that done in the next few days.”

“That sounds good. Our attorney got the documents today, so Thomas and I will get back to you as soon as he has reviewed everything, and we have discussed it. In the meantime, I think you and I should finalize the closing agreement. What do you think?”

“Yes, Elle, I agree, so let’s do it today. We have two copies, and we need a witness. So let me get Miriam in here; she is a notary.”

Robert called Miriam in, and we signed, and Miriam witnessed our signing and sealed it.  It was done, and I didn’t give him anything, not a kiss, a hug, or a fucking extra dime!

I looked at my watch. It was 4:05 pm. “Oh, sorry, I have to go. I have an appointment at 4:30 pm and just enough time to get there. Robert, we will have lunch in a few days to celebrate. I look forward to handling all your closings. It will be my pleasure, thank you.”

Robert moved around his desk toward me as I walked to the door. He put his hand on my shoulder and spun me around. He was one foot from me with a smile on his face.

“Don’t I even get a kiss for making a deal with you?” he asked.

I put my hands on his chest and softly pushed away from him. We are in business together and potential business partners. I do not think we should take things any further than that. I moved back and held out my hand for a shake. The look on Robert's face was that of a wounded puppy, sad and rejected.

Robert didn’t take my hand. He simply turned and walked back to his desk, totally dejected.

I walked out the door without saying or hearing a word.  

As I drove to Tommy’s office in my SUV, I laughed, so proud at what I had done and how I rejected Robert. Never the quitter, I knew Robert would still come back for more.


It was 4:30 pm, and the six of us were in the conference room at my office. Elle, Ezell Strain, Davis, Susan Murphy, my top agent, Allina Ham, my trusted assistant, and I were there.

As we all sat around the conference table, I passed out the NDAs.

“Before we can start this meeting, I need each of you to sign this document. It is an NDA, Non-Disclosure Agreement. This is to protect the information you will hear and see today from being disclosed to anyone other than the people in this room and any others that may be included in the future. This is critical to the success of the venture we will discuss. Any leaking of the slightest amount of information could destroy the project and cost the company many, many millions of dollars. The consequences to the person that would breach this agreement are immediate dismissal and a punitive lawsuit against you for $2,000,000 in damages.  Am I clear with each of you? Sign the NDA, please.  Allina will notarize each document and return a copy to you. Thank You.”

They all looked at each other and signed the agreement. Allina notarized them all and returned a copy, keeping one for our attorney.

“Now, what are the six of us doing in the room this afternoon to discuss something so important it needs an NDA to secure the information sealing each of our lips?

We are here today to map out a plan to destroy Robert Raymond and his company.

We have become aware of a business opportunity Robert is about to launch and are stealing it from him. He has made an offer to Elle to be a partner in the business opportunity. He provided her with the complete project plan without having her sign an NDA. What a fool.

I reviewed the plan, and today Davis has done research on the project. The land in question had not been purchased, so today, we placed a purchase option on the land and two adjacent land tracts bringing the land acquisition to approximately fifteen hundred acres. The initial project will include 1,000 single-family homes in 4 subdivisions with a community center, pool, clubhouse, tennis, and pickleball courts. There will be bike trails, common parks, and picnic areas. It will be the classiest development ever constructed in Macon, Ga. In addition, there will be three hundred townhome apartments as shopping centers with groceries pharmacies, restaurants, and other stores. We are also looking at additional land tracks on the other side of the road for additional development.

As you can see, this is a monster project. Davis will be the project manager meaning we will be adding another partner. Susan, I invite you to take Davis’s position as a Junior Partner. You will transition into that role as this project ramps up. In the meantime, you will continue developing your business and mentoring Jane Evans to take your place as Lead Broker. However, Jane cannot know about her promotion just yet.  

With all the advancements happening, NONE of these will leave this room. If all this were to get out, Robert would figure something was up, but he needs to remain clueless for another week.

Am I understood?”

Everyone nodded, and Davis spent the next hour explaining everything. We ordered in Chinese and worked until 9:00 pm, when I sent everyone home.

As we broke the meeting, I reminded everyone. “The information you learned here does not exist; promotions do not exist. DO NOT TELL YOUR SPOUSES ANYTHING. Do you all understand? Remember, ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships!’”

We all went home.


I arrived home separately from Tommy, but we arrived at the same time. As we entered the house, I was almost giddy. I had been silent during the meeting, but now I felt like I was high.

“Elle, what is it?” Tommy asked, looking at me strangely.

“Tommy, I got Robert to sign the Closing Agreement.”

“What, When, How? Elle, what did you do?”

“I went to Robert's office and asked him to sign it, and he did. I didn’t have to give him anything. Robert was so excited to sign it. He tried to kiss me twice, and I rejected him both times. He looked like a sad puppy. I felt so good that I could stand up to him.”

“Baby, you did that, you went to see him, and he signed the agreement. Wow, I am so proud of you. You stood up to his advances too. That is great.”

“Tommy, there is more. I apologized for not going out with him, and he blew it off. Robert smiled and said the two builders came onboard anyway. They each gave him $150,000 checks. Robert was so excited and said he could buy the land now.”

I watched Tommy’s face as I told him what Robert told me. Tommy smiled and pulled me to him, kissing me hard. He looked me in the eyes and laughed; Robert had no idea what he was in store for. He goes to buy the land tomorrow and finds out it was bought out from under him. Then what is he going to do with the $300,000? The builders will want their money back.  

From what Davie has uncovered, Robert is in financial trouble and needs this project to feed his cash flow. The slow home sales a couple of years ago hurt him worse than us, and Robert has not recovered as we have. He is in hot water now, just what we want.”

I looked at Tommy, “Enough on that. You owe me after this morning, so take me to bed, baby and make passionate love to me.” I took Tommy’s hand and pulled him toward our bedroom.

I pushed him onto the bed and crawled on top of him. “Tommy, you are mine tonight, and I will fuck you to death, or at least till you beg me to stop.”

I leaned down and kissed Tommy as I started to strip him. He grabbed me and flipped me over on my back. He looked down at me and smiled. “No, Elle, you are mine tonight; I owe you for what you did today.”  

“Oh yes, Tommy, love me, baby. I love you so much.

Final Part - Coming Soon

Copyright © MaxxNRachelWrenn

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.

This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.

All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old. 

Written by MaxxNRachel
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