The next day I could not wait for Arthur to collect me; I was so excited. My imagination was buzzing with hopes for the day ahead. I found myself unable to watch Danielle serve; somehow I felt wrong after seeing the pictures. Finally, I waved my parents away and sat in the car park looking out for Arthur. Arthur arrived after about a half hour, and he got me to sit in the back seat while he went inside. Ten minutes later, he came out talking with Danielle, wearing a pair of very short cut-off jeans and a tee shirt.
They climbed into the front seats, and Arthur introduced us. “Danielle, this is Peter; he thinks you are beautiful. He is also very keen on photography. I hope today we shall have some fun.”
I could have died of embarrassment; he might as well have told her how much of a dirty little pervert I was. I could feel my face bright red. Danielle turned around in the front seat as the car swung out of the car park.
“How long are you here for? I’ve seen you watching me. I like photography too; well, I like having my picture taken anyway.” She smiled at me; she was kneeling on the seat, leaning right back over the seat facing me. I heard Arthur give her bum a playful slap, and she twisted around and sat down.
“I’m here for two weeks. I didn’t mean to stare; I’m sorry, I’m not very good at...” It seemed easier to talk with Danielle looking the other way. But I could feel my chatting to girls skills already exhausted.
“Don’t worry, I like being looked at usually. You should say hello to girls you like; you never know where it might lead.”
Danielle seemed so comfortable, so grown up and confident. I wish I could just talk like that. All I could manage was very lame, “I’ll try, thanks.”
Sitting in the back seat, my mind wandered to the pictures of Danielle I had seen. My cock reacted as I imagined her turning around naked to look at me. Before I could get myself under control, we slowed and drove down to park near a marina full of little boats and yachts.
“Wait here a second,” Arthur said as he got out of the car and walked towards a woman standing a little way off. She was with a boy and girl who looked to be about my age or slightly older.
“Has Arthur taken your picture?” Danielle’s question startled me out of my thoughts; she had turned around again in her seat.
“Er, no, no, he hasn’t.” I suddenly felt quite childish, quite out of my depth. I didn’t want to admit what I had been up to.
“Perhaps today he will take pictures of you on the yacht, maybe, or the beach.”
Arthur interrupted by opening the door and asking us to follow him and telling us to stay away from the edge of the dock. “I don’t want to have to start rescuing you before we even get going.”
He opened the boot of the car, and we helped him carry bags and a tripod. It seemed like he had the same amount of stuff I was used to carrying down to the beach, except it was all in padded shoulder bags. The woman and the other two joined us. She didn’t look old enough to be their Mum. Everyone else seemed to know each other. We followed Arthur along a walkway between lines of boats. I was behind everyone else, paying all my attention to Danielle’s legs and bum as I walked.
Soon we stopped and filed carefully onto quite a big boat. The name on the side said ‘Graceful Swallows.’ It had a tall mast and must have been thirty or forty feet long. There was already another older man on board with a much younger woman. He looked about Arthur’s age, but the woman didn’t look much older than Danielle. All the bags were handed down into a cabin where we all gathered apart from Arthur and the couple who were already on board.
Within a few minutes, the engine started, and the boat slowly made its way out of the marina and out to sea. Danielle introduced me and said I was new. Then the woman introduced herself as ‘Sharon’ and then introduced ‘Samantha’ and ‘Timothy.’ She told me the boat was owned by ‘James’ and his girlfriend is ‘Siobhan.’ Timothy told me he prefers to be called Tim, but a lot of people know him as Tiny Tim. Samantha said all her friends call her Sam.
I don’t think we had been going for more than five minutes, and I started to feel really queasy; I thought I might be sick.
Sharon pushed a life jacket into my hands, “Put it on,” and shouted up to see if we were clear of the harbour yet. “Go on up,” she said. “You’ll feel better in the air.”
I slowly made my way up the steep steps. I must have looked dreadful. Arthur had me sit against the railing and told me to look at the horizon or in the distance. The sick feeling went away as I watched the shoreline slip by for a while.
Siobhan came and sat next to me and told me a lot of people get a bit seasick when in the cabin. After a while, I risked looking at her and not the horizon; she had wavy orangey reddish hair, green eyes, and a wide smile. She wore a shirt tied in a knot just under her boobs and a pair of shorts just like Danielle’s and was barefoot. Her skin was quite pale with some freckles. I knew I was feeling better when I started thinking about how beautiful she was and how her soft voice and accent were so different from anyone I knew.
About this time I remembered I had forgotten to bring my camera and cursed myself. The boat, the scenery, and definitely the girls were beautiful, and I so wished I could take pictures to remember this day with.
The boat turned towards the shore, and we headed in between two long rocky outcrops that reached into the sea like giant tree roots. Great cliffs rose up behind them, and at the foot of the cliffs was a small beach. The boat moved closer and dropped anchor; everyone came up out of the cabin. James and Arthur winched a small inflatable with an engine into the water. Someone said to all leave shoes and socks on the boat so as not to forget them. Soon Siobhan started ferrying people from the boat to the shore, each trip with a bag or two of camera gear.
James and Siobhan left the boat and joined us on shore. Looking around, I could see there was no other way to get to this beach. I guessed it was around sixty feet wide and about the same from the sea to the cliffs. There were a few heavy plastic chairs stacked against the cliff, and we all helped drag them together into the shade where Sharon sort of set up camp. She had a bag with drinks and a lot of clothes and things inside.
Nearby, in the shade, Arthur and James were getting out cameras and tripods.
“Sunscreen, come on, we don’t want anyone getting burnt today,” Sharon called out; she had a big bottle in her hand. Tim was nearest, and she grabbed him first. I wasn’t really paying attention, except I thought some sunscreen on my face and legs would be a good idea. I looked back to see Tim strip totally naked and stand with his back to Sharon. She proceeded to rub his whole body, top to toe, in sun cream. When he turned around, it made his body sort of shine like oil.
As Tim turned to face Sharon, she sun-oiled him all over. She did his face, hands, and even his cock, and between his legs; by the time she finished, he was half erect. His cock looked smaller than mine. She handed him a pair of soft shorts from the bag next to her and sent him on his way. He walked over to me as if what I had seen was the most normal thing in the world.
“You may as well get done; you’ll burn otherwise,” he said. Then Sharon called Sam over, and although I tried not to, I stood and stared. Sam did the same as Tim; she stood beside Sharon and stripped naked, piling her clothes on a chair next to her. She stood facing Sharon, her long blonde hair loose down her back; she had a really good all-over tan. She looked shorter than me but about the same body size. Sharon oiled her all over, everywhere. When she turned around, her tits were amazing—quite big, firm, and glistening. Sharon did her back and handed her a pair of shorts and a loose top. She wandered over to join Tim.

“Come on, Peter, don’t be shy.” Shy was exactly how I felt—shy and painfully aware my cock was rock hard in my shorts. I walked slowly over to Sharon as if in a dream and stood in front of her.
“Just my legs and face, thanks,” I managed. Sharon just laughed, put down the bottle, and lifted my tee shirt over my head. I just raised my arms and let her. I felt her undo my shorts and pull them down with my pants; for a second, my cock was caught up until it sprang free for all to see.
“Very nice,” Sharon said as she picked up her bottle of lotion. She oiled one hand and wrapped it around my cock and gave a few firm strokes, coating it fully. The hand slipped between my legs, covering my balls and the crack of my bum. My cock was even harder if that is possible. She covered me all over, front and back, then gave my hard cock a few more playful strokes before sending me on my way with a different pair of loose shorts, which I pulled on quickly.
“You enjoyed that then,” Tim said as I walked towards him. I felt so embarrassed, but standing next to him and Sam, I could not imagine my cock softening. I looked out to sea, hoping to get myself under control, until I heard Sharon call Danielle’s name. I could not help myself; I half-turned and openly stared as she followed our lead. She stripped fully and allowed Sharon to oil her whole body. She looked even more beautiful than in the pictures. Her tits were smaller than Sam and pointier. She had a real patch of dark pubes that glistened with oil in the sun before she too pulled on shorts and a loose top and walked over to join us.
Arthur and James called Tim and me over to where they had laid out a blanket next to a couple of large boulders and a piece of driftwood. They had cameras on stands and also loose on a chair. “Let’s just do some poses first,” Arthur said. Tim dropped his shorts and leant against a boulder. “Come on, Peter, don’t be shy.” Arthur looked at me with a camera in his hand.
“I don’t think my mum would let me be in pictures like these,” I said. “I’d rather just watch if that’s OK.”
Arthur laughed a little. “Your mum signed a model release form; you can be in all the pictures you like, or we like. Come on, you’ll enjoy it once you relax.”
Tim beckoned me to join him. I dropped my shorts and went to stand next to him. Arthur immediately took a couple of pictures. Arthur gave Tim instructions on how to get himself hard for a set of pictures. He then had us hold each other and run through poses. It was sort of like having sex, but none of it was real. My cock was rock hard the whole time, and Tim stroked his every few shots to stay hard. His cock was quite a lot smaller than mine; his whole body was smaller than mine. I could see why people called him Tiny Tim.
I pretended to wank Tim; he held my cock too; it felt really good when he did. Our pictures ended with me kneeling down and Tim behind me pretending to fuck me. Arthur seemed pleased, and we pulled our shorts back on as we walked away.
Arthur called Sam and Danielle over, and they spoke about what poses he wanted. They took turns posing, on their own, and then together. All pretending sex again; they kissed a lot, held each other, and just touched each other’s boobs and pussy. I watched from across the beach, spellbound, with my cock tenting in my shorts. When they finished, Danielle pulled her shorts and top back on and walked towards me, and we spoke for a while. To be honest, mostly she spoke and I mumbled.
Arthur fiddled about with the cameras, changing rolls of film and checking things. Then Arthur called Tim and me over to him. He had laid out another blanket on the ground and began undressing. He said something to Tim that I missed and then laid back on the blanket. Tim knelt beside him and began to suck his cock. I stared open-mouthed until Arthur asked me to get undressed.
“Fuck me, Tim. I don’t want to cum yet; fuck me now.”
Tim stopped sucking Arthur; he pulled off his shorts and moved behind Arthur. He got between his knees and moved forward. They adjusted their position; there were some grunts and hands moving around, and then Tim moved further forward, tight up behind Arthur. They began rocking together and I realised they were fucking. Tim, a boy my age, was fucking Arthur, a man at least as old as my dad. I watched in open-mouthed awe. Arthur beckoned me closer, and in a daze, I shuffled across next to him. I had no idea what he wanted or intended, but at that moment I did not care; I just did not want to be left out.
I felt Arthur's hand on my cock, and I just closed my eyes to give myself fully to the sensation. I felt him slowly wank me, not fast enough to make me cum, just to keep me on the edge.
“Have you ever done this before?”
“No, never; this is my first time for all this. Not even with a girl.”
I felt Arthur tighten his grip and speed his hand; my eyes closed again, and I lost myself in the feeling of someone else wanking me. For a moment I thought I should pinch myself to check this was not some beautiful dream, but I dared not wake myself just in case. In no time at all, my cock erupted, jets of white cum spraying over the ground in front of me. My heart was thumping fit to burst. I’d never cum so hard before. I opened my eyes and could see Tim making spasmodic thrusts, gripping Arthur; I guessed he was also cumming but into Arthur.
“Sit here,” Arthur beckoned, “Facing me.”
I kneeled down and straddled across his thighs, his cock and mine touching in front of me. Arthur took hold of both together and moved his hand up and down slowly. It felt so lovely. I closed my eyes again and concentrated on the feelings building inside me. I felt another hand or pair of hands take hold and assumed it was Tim. I then felt myself being lifted, my cock still being wanked slowly. I left my eyes closed, only caring that I was in ecstasy, until I felt something wet brush to and fro across my bum. I opened my eyes and looked down. Tim was wanking himself but also sucking on my cock, and Arthur was pulling my bum cheeks apart. Something was now touching my bum hole, pressing wet against it.
Part of me wanted to shout and run; part of me didn’t care and wanted it to press in. I closed my eyes again and felt the pressure on my bum increase. I then felt Arthur's cock slowly enter me. It seemed easy once the first part was in, and soon I felt myself resting on his legs again, but with his cock inside me. My head was spinning with the pleasure of it all. Tim was sucking and wanking me still. Arthur began to slowly raise and lower my body, and in doing so, he began fucking me.
Arthur went slowly, almost too slowly. Tim stopped sucking and wanking me, but within a minute I began to cum again. I had an intense orgasm like never before. Arthur slowly sped up, lifting me up and down, each time I felt his cock slide almost out and then back into me. I could feel his hands trembling, and he pulled me down hard and held me there. I felt his cock pulsing inside me, twitching, and knew he had cum.
I did not want to move from Arthur’s lap, but he lifted me slowly off of him. I sat on the blanket while Tim and Arthur moved away. Danielle came across and kissed me on the cheek and said something about me being a part of the gang now. She also said she hoped that I had saved some energy and cum for her. Standing that close to me and saying those things, I could feel my just-drained cock already responding.